# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [Defect].} import stew/[bitops2, endians2, ptrops] type Bytes = seq[byte] BitSeq* = distinct Bytes ## The current design of BitSeq tries to follow precisely ## the bitwise representation of the SSZ bitlists. ## This is a relatively compact representation, but as ## evident from the code below, many of the operations ## are not trivial. BitArray*[bits: static int] = object bytes*: array[(bits + 7) div 8, byte] func bitsLen*(bytes: openArray[byte]): int = let bytesCount = bytes.len lastByte = bytes[bytesCount - 1] markerPos = log2trunc(lastByte) bytesCount * 8 - (8 - markerPos) template len*(s: BitSeq): int = bitsLen(Bytes s) template len*(a: BitArray): int = a.bits func add*(s: var BitSeq, value: bool) = let lastBytePos = s.Bytes.len - 1 lastByte = s.Bytes[lastBytePos] if (lastByte and byte(128)) == 0: # There is at least one leading zero, so we have enough # room to store the new bit let markerPos = log2trunc(lastByte) s.Bytes[lastBytePos].changeBit markerPos, value s.Bytes[lastBytePos].setBit markerPos + 1 else: s.Bytes[lastBytePos].changeBit 7, value s.Bytes.add byte(1) func toBytesLE(x: uint): array[sizeof(x), byte] = # stew/endians2 supports explicitly sized uints only when sizeof(uint) == 4: static: doAssert sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint32) toBytesLE(x.uint32) elif sizeof(uint) == 8: static: doAssert sizeof(uint) == sizeof(uint64) toBytesLE(x.uint64) else: static: doAssert false, "requires a 32-bit or 64-bit platform" func loadLEBytes(WordType: type, bytes: openArray[byte]): WordType = # TODO: this is a temporary proc until the endians API is improved var shift = 0 for b in bytes: result = result or (WordType(b) shl shift) shift += 8 func storeLEBytes(value: SomeUnsignedInt, dst: var openArray[byte]) = doAssert dst.len <= sizeof(value) let bytesLE = toBytesLE(value) copyMem(addr dst[0], unsafeAddr bytesLE[0], dst.len) template loopOverWords(lhs, rhs: BitSeq, lhsIsVar, rhsIsVar: static bool, WordType: type, lhsBits, rhsBits, body: untyped) = const hasRhs = astToStr(lhs) != astToStr(rhs) let bytesCount = len Bytes(lhs) when hasRhs: doAssert len(Bytes(rhs)) == bytesCount var fullWordsCount = bytesCount div sizeof(WordType) let lastWordSize = bytesCount mod sizeof(WordType) block: var lhsWord: WordType when hasRhs: var rhsWord: WordType var firstByteOfLastWord, lastByteOfLastWord: int # TODO: Returning a `var` value from an iterator is always safe due to # the way inlining works, but currently the compiler reports an error # when a local variable escapes. We have to cheat it with this location # obfuscation through pointers: template lhsBits: auto = (addr(lhsWord))[] when hasRhs: template rhsBits: auto = (addr(rhsWord))[] template lastWordBytes(bitseq): auto = Bytes(bitseq).toOpenArray(firstByteOfLastWord, lastByteOfLastWord) template initLastWords = lhsWord = loadLEBytes(WordType, lastWordBytes(lhs)) when hasRhs: rhsWord = loadLEBytes(WordType, lastWordBytes(rhs)) if lastWordSize == 0: firstByteOfLastWord = bytesCount - sizeof(WordType) lastByteOfLastWord = bytesCount - 1 dec fullWordsCount else: firstByteOfLastWord = bytesCount - lastWordSize lastByteOfLastWord = bytesCount - 1 initLastWords() let markerPos = log2trunc(lhsWord) when hasRhs: doAssert log2trunc(rhsWord) == markerPos lhsWord.clearBit markerPos when hasRhs: rhsWord.clearBit markerPos body when lhsIsVar or rhsIsVar: let markerBit = uint(1 shl markerPos) mask = markerBit - 1'u when lhsIsVar: let lhsEndResult = (lhsWord and mask) or markerBit storeLEBytes(lhsEndResult, lastWordBytes(lhs)) when rhsIsVar: let rhsEndResult = (rhsWord and mask) or markerBit storeLEBytes(rhsEndResult, lastWordBytes(rhs)) var lhsCurrAddr = cast[ptr WordType](unsafeAddr Bytes(lhs)[0]) let lhsEndAddr = offset(lhsCurrAddr, fullWordsCount) when hasRhs: var rhsCurrAddr = cast[ptr WordType](unsafeAddr Bytes(rhs)[0]) while lhsCurrAddr < lhsEndAddr: template lhsBits: auto = lhsCurrAddr[] when hasRhs: template rhsBits: auto = rhsCurrAddr[] body lhsCurrAddr = offset(lhsCurrAddr, 1) when hasRhs: rhsCurrAddr = offset(rhsCurrAddr, 1) iterator words*(x: var BitSeq): var uint = loopOverWords(x, x, true, false, uint, word, wordB): yield word iterator words*(x: BitSeq): uint = loopOverWords(x, x, false, false, uint, word, word): yield word iterator words*(a, b: BitSeq): (uint, uint) = loopOverWords(a, b, false, false, uint, wordA, wordB): yield (wordA, wordB) iterator words*(a: var BitSeq, b: BitSeq): (var uint, uint) = loopOverWords(a, b, true, false, uint, wordA, wordB): yield (wordA, wordB) iterator words*(a, b: var BitSeq): (var uint, var uint) = loopOverWords(a, b, true, true, uint, wordA, wordB): yield (wordA, wordB) func `[]`*(s: BitSeq, pos: Natural): bool {.inline.} = doAssert pos < s.len s.Bytes.getBit pos func `[]=`*(s: var BitSeq, pos: Natural, value: bool) {.inline.} = doAssert pos < s.len s.Bytes.changeBit pos, value func setBit*(s: var BitSeq, pos: Natural) {.inline.} = doAssert pos < s.len setBit s.Bytes, pos func clearBit*(s: var BitSeq, pos: Natural) {.inline.} = doAssert pos < s.len clearBit s.Bytes, pos func init*(T: type BitSeq, len: int): T = result = BitSeq newSeq[byte](1 + len div 8) Bytes(result).setBit len func init*(T: type BitArray): T = # The default zero-initializatio is fine discard template `[]`*(a: BitArray, pos: Natural): bool = getBit a.bytes, pos template `[]=`*(a: var BitArray, pos: Natural, value: bool) = changeBit a.bytes, pos, value template setBit*(a: var BitArray, pos: Natural) = setBit a.bytes, pos template clearBit*(a: var BitArray, pos: Natural) = clearBit a.bytes, pos # TODO: Submit this to the standard library as `cmp` # At the moment, it doesn't work quite well because Nim selects # the generic cmp[T] from the system module instead of choosing # the openArray overload func compareArrays[T](a, b: openArray[T]): int = result = cmp(a.len, b.len) if result != 0: return for i in 0 ..< a.len: result = cmp(a[i], b[i]) if result != 0: return template cmp*(a, b: BitSeq): int = compareArrays(Bytes a, Bytes b) template `==`*(a, b: BitSeq): bool = cmp(a, b) == 0 func `$`*(a: BitSeq | BitArray): string = let length = a.len result = newStringOfCap(2 + length) result.add "0b" for i in countdown(length - 1, 0): result.add if a[i]: '1' else: '0' func incl*(tgt: var BitSeq, src: BitSeq) = # Update `tgt` to include the bits of `src`, as if applying `or` to each bit doAssert tgt.len == src.len for tgtWord, srcWord in words(tgt, src): tgtWord = tgtWord or srcWord func overlaps*(a, b: BitSeq): bool = for wa, wb in words(a, b): if (wa and wb) != 0: return true func countOverlap*(a, b: BitSeq): int = var res = 0 for wa, wb in words(a, b): res += countOnes(wa and wb) res func isSubsetOf*(a, b: BitSeq): bool = let alen = a.len doAssert b.len == alen for i in 0 ..< alen: if a[i] and not b[i]: return false true func isZeros*(x: BitSeq): bool = for w in words(x): if w != 0: return false return true func countOnes*(x: BitSeq): int = # Count the number of set bits var res = 0 for w in words(x): res += w.countOnes() res func clear*(x: var BitSeq) = for w in words(x): w = 0 func countZeros*(x: BitSeq): int = x.len() - x.countOnes() template bytes*(x: BitSeq): untyped = seq[byte](x) iterator items*(x: BitArray): bool = for i in 0..