# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import # Standard library os, strutils, strformat, tables, unittest, sequtils, typetraits, # Status libs stew/[byteutils, bitseqs], nimcrypto/hash, serialization/testing/tracing, json_serialization, json_serialization/lexer, # Beacon chain internals ../../beacon_chain/ssz, ../../beacon_chain/spec/[datatypes, validator, digest, crypto], # Test utilities ../testutil, ./fixtures_utils_v0_8_1 const failFast = defined(debug) and false traceOnFailure = defined(debug) type SpecObject[T] = ref object of RootObj obj: ref T SszStaticTest* = object obj: RootRef objType, objJsonRepr: string expectedBytes: seq[byte] expectedRootHash, expectedSigHash: Eth2Digest hasSigHash: bool line: int ReaderProc = proc(r: var JsonReader): RootRef {.cdecl, gcsafe.} TestingProc = proc(file: string, test: SszStaticTest) {.cdecl, gcsafe.} SpecTypeVtable = object reader: ReaderProc tester: TestingProc let testsDir = JsonTestsDir / "ssz_static" / "core" let minDevTestFile = getTempDir() / "minimal_ssz_test.json" var specTypesRTTI = initTable[string, SpecTypeVtable]() proc readerImpl[T](r: var JsonReader): RootRef {.cdecl, gcsafe.} = var res = SpecObject[T](obj: new T) res.obj[] = r.readValue(T) RootRef(res) # TODO: # Fun fact: With mainnet settings, the BeaconState object # is too large to safely exist as a stack variable. The # `testerImpl` procedure below will trigger a segmentation # fault on its very first line because of it. # # To work-around this issue, this file uses ref objects # to store the loaded test cases, but we must compare them # by value: template valuesAreEqual[T](a, b: ref T): bool = a[] == b[] template valuesAreEqual[T](a, b: T): bool = a == b template `$`(x: ref auto): string = $(x[]) proc readSszValueRef*(input: openarray[byte], T: type): ref T = new result result[] = readSszValue(input, T) proc testerImpl[T](path: string, sszTest: SszStaticTest) {.cdecl, gcsafe.} = doAssert sszTest.obj != nil var obj = SpecObject[T](sszTest.obj) test &"test case on line {sszTest.line}": template execTest(testOpName, testOp, expectedRes) = let ourRes = testOp let success = valuesAreEqual(ourRes, expectedRes) if not success and traceOnFailure: {.gcsafe.}: echo "====== ", testOpName, " failed ", path, ":", sszTest.line echo " our result:" echo " ", ourRes echo " expected result:" echo " ", expectedRes when defined(serialization_tracing): tracingEnabled = true discard testOp tracingEnabled = false echo "======================================================" if failFast: quit 1 # TODO BEWARE: Passing the boolean expression to `check` directly # will trigger a Nim compilation bomb. This is most likely caused # by a mis-behaving generics instantiations cache when a function # is explicitly instantiated to get its address. # There is a recursive instantiation loop of system's `$` operator. check success execTest "serialization", (let ourBytes = SSZ.encode(obj.obj[]); ourBytes), sszTest.expectedBytes execTest "root hash check", hash_tree_root(obj.obj[]), sszTest.expectedRootHash when hasSigningRoot(T): doAssert sszTest.hasSigHash execTest "sig hash check", signingRoot(obj.obj[]), sszTest.expectedSigHash execTest "roundtrip", readSszValueRef(sszTest.expectedBytes, T), obj.obj template addSpecTypeRTTI(T: type) = var reader = readerImpl[T] var tester = testerImpl[T] specTypesRTTI.add(T.name, SpecTypeVtable(reader: reader, tester: tester)) foreachSpecType(addSpecTypeRTTI) proc runTest(path: string, test: SszStaticTest) = if test.objType != "Unsupported": specTypesRTTI[test.objType].tester(path, test) proc advanceToClosingBrace(lexer: var JsonLexer, openedBraces = 1) = var closedBraces = 0 while closedBraces < openedBraces: while lexer.tok notin {tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi}: lexer.next if lexer.tok == tkCurlyLe: dec closedBraces else: inc closedBraces lexer.next proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, result: var SszStaticTest) {.gcsafe.} = r.skipToken tkCurlyLe if r.lexer.tok != tkString: r.raiseUnexpectedToken(etString) var reader: ReaderProc let key = r.lexer.strVal {.gcsafe.}: if not specTypesRTTI.hasKey(key): result.objType = "Unsupported" r.lexer.advanceToClosingBrace return result.objType = key result.line = r.lexer.line reader = specTypesRTTI[key].reader r.lexer.next r.skipToken tkColon r.skipToken tkCurlyLe while r.lexer.tok == tkString: # TODO: I was hit by a very nasty Nim bug here. # If you use `let` on the next line, the variable will be # aliased to `r.lexer.strVar` instead of being copied. # This will create problems, because the value is modified # on the next line. var field = r.lexer.strVal r.lexer.next r.skipToken tkColon case field of "value": result.obj = reader(r) of "serialized": result.expectedBytes = hexToSeqByte r.readValue(string) of "root": result.expectedRootHash = Eth2Digest.fromHex r.readValue(string) of "signing_root": result.expectedSigHash = Eth2Digest.fromHex r.readValue(string) result.hasSigHash = true else: r.raiseUnexpectedField(field, type(result).name) if r.lexer.tok == tkComma: r.lexer.next() else: break r.skipToken tkCurlyRi r.skipToken tkCurlyRi when failFast: # This will produce faster failures in debug builds {.gcsafe.}: runTest result proc executeSuite(path: string) = let sszSuite = path.parseTests SszStaticTest suite &"{path}: {sszSuite.title}": for sszTest in sszSuite.test_cases: runTest path, sszTest if fileExists(minDevTestFile): executeSuite minDevTestFile for kind, path in walkDir(testsDir): if kind notin {pcFile, pcLinkToFile}: continue if const_preset in path: executeSuite path