# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.used.} import # Status libraries eth/keys, taskpools, # Beacon chain internals ../beacon_chain/consensus_object_pools/ [block_clearance, block_quarantine, blockchain_dag], ../beacon_chain/spec/[forks, helpers, light_client_sync, state_transition], # Test utilities ./testutil, ./testdbutil suite "Light client" & preset(): const # Test config, should be long enough to cover interesting transitions headPeriod = 3.SyncCommitteePeriod let cfg = block: # Fork schedule so that each `LightClientDataFork` is covered static: doAssert BeaconStateFork.high == BeaconStateFork.EIP4844 var res = defaultRuntimeConfig res.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH = 1.Epoch res.BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH = 2.Epoch # $capellaImplementationMissing res.CAPELLA_FORK_EPOCH = (EPOCHS_PER_SYNC_COMMITTEE_PERIOD * 1).Epoch # $eip4844ImplementationMissing res.EIP4844_FORK_EPOCH = (EPOCHS_PER_SYNC_COMMITTEE_PERIOD * 2).Epoch res altairStartSlot = cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH.start_slot proc advanceToSlot( dag: ChainDAGRef, targetSlot: Slot, verifier: var BatchVerifier, quarantine: var Quarantine, attested = true, syncCommitteeRatio = 0.82) = var cache: StateCache const maxAttestedSlotsPerPeriod = 3 * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH while true: var slot = getStateField(dag.headState, slot) doAssert targetSlot >= slot if targetSlot == slot: break # When there is a large jump, skip to the end of the current period, # create blocks for a few epochs to finalize it, then proceed let nextPeriod = slot.sync_committee_period + 1 periodEpoch = nextPeriod.start_epoch periodSlot = periodEpoch.start_slot checkpointSlot = periodSlot - maxAttestedSlotsPerPeriod if targetSlot > checkpointSlot and checkpointSlot > dag.head.slot: var info: ForkedEpochInfo doAssert process_slots(cfg, dag.headState, checkpointSlot, cache, info, flags = {}).isOk() slot = checkpointSlot # Create blocks for final few epochs let blocks = min(targetSlot - slot, maxAttestedSlotsPerPeriod) for blck in makeTestBlocks(dag.headState, cache, blocks.int, attested, syncCommitteeRatio, cfg): let added = case blck.kind of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0: const nilCallback = OnPhase0BlockAdded(nil) dag.addHeadBlock(verifier, blck.phase0Data, nilCallback) of BeaconBlockFork.Altair: const nilCallback = OnAltairBlockAdded(nil) dag.addHeadBlock(verifier, blck.altairData, nilCallback) of BeaconBlockFork.Bellatrix: const nilCallback = OnBellatrixBlockAdded(nil) dag.addHeadBlock(verifier, blck.bellatrixData, nilCallback) of BeaconBlockFork.Capella: const nilCallback = OnCapellaBlockAdded(nil) dag.addHeadBlock(verifier, blck.capellaData, nilCallback) of BeaconBlockFork.EIP4844: const nilCallback = OnEIP4844BlockAdded(nil) dag.addHeadBlock(verifier, blck.eip4844Data, nilCallback) check: added.isOk() dag.updateHead(added[], quarantine) setup: const num_validators = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH let validatorMonitor = newClone(ValidatorMonitor.init()) dag = ChainDAGRef.init( cfg, makeTestDB(num_validators), validatorMonitor, {}, lcDataConfig = LightClientDataConfig( serve: true, importMode: LightClientDataImportMode.OnlyNew)) quarantine = newClone(Quarantine.init()) taskpool = Taskpool.new() var verifier = BatchVerifier(rng: keys.newRng(), taskpool: taskpool) test "Pre-Altair": # Genesis block: let update = dag.getLightClientUpdateForPeriod(0.SyncCommitteePeriod) finalityUpdate = dag.getLightClientFinalityUpdate optimisticUpdate = dag.getLightClientOptimisticUpdate check: dag.headState.kind == BeaconStateFork.Phase0 update.kind == LightClientDataFork.None finalityUpdate.kind == LightClientDataFork.None optimisticUpdate.kind == LightClientDataFork.None # Advance to last slot before Altair dag.advanceToSlot(altairStartSlot - 1, verifier, quarantine[]) block: let update = dag.getLightClientUpdateForPeriod(0.SyncCommitteePeriod) finalityUpdate = dag.getLightClientFinalityUpdate optimisticUpdate = dag.getLightClientOptimisticUpdate check: dag.headState.kind == BeaconStateFork.Phase0 update.kind == LightClientDataFork.None finalityUpdate.kind == LightClientDataFork.None optimisticUpdate.kind == LightClientDataFork.None # Advance to Altair dag.advanceToSlot(altairStartSlot, verifier, quarantine[]) block: let update = dag.getLightClientUpdateForPeriod(0.SyncCommitteePeriod) finalityUpdate = dag.getLightClientFinalityUpdate optimisticUpdate = dag.getLightClientOptimisticUpdate check: dag.headState.kind == BeaconStateFork.Altair update.kind == LightClientDataFork.None finalityUpdate.kind == LightClientDataFork.None optimisticUpdate.kind == LightClientDataFork.None test "Light client sync": # Advance to Altair dag.advanceToSlot(altairStartSlot, verifier, quarantine[]) # Track trusted checkpoint for light client let genesis_validators_root = dag.genesis_validators_root trusted_block_root = dag.head.root # Advance to target slot const periodEpoch = headPeriod.start_epoch headSlot = (periodEpoch + 2).start_slot + 5 dag.advanceToSlot(headSlot, verifier, quarantine[]) let currentSlot = getStateField(dag.headState, slot) # Initialize light client store var bootstrap = dag.getLightClientBootstrap(trusted_block_root) check bootstrap.kind > LightClientDataFork.None var store {.noinit.}: ForkedLightClientStore withForkyBootstrap(bootstrap): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: var storeRes = initialize_light_client_store( trusted_block_root, forkyBootstrap, cfg) check storeRes.isOk store = ForkedLightClientStore(kind: lcDataFork) store.forky(lcDataFork) = storeRes.get # Sync to latest sync committee period var numIterations = 0 while true: let storePeriod = withForkyStore(store): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: forkyStore.finalized_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period else: GENESIS_SLOT.SyncCommitteePeriod if storePeriod + 1 >= headPeriod: break let period = withForkyStore(store): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: if forkyStore.is_next_sync_committee_known: storePeriod + 1 else: storePeriod else: storePeriod update = dag.getLightClientUpdateForPeriod(period) check update.kind > LightClientDataFork.None if update.kind > store.kind: withForkyUpdate(update): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: store.migrateToDataFork(lcDataFork) withForkyStore(store): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: bootstrap.migrateToDataFork(lcDataFork) template forkyBootstrap: untyped = bootstrap.forky(lcDataFork) let upgradedUpdate = update.migratingToDataFork(lcDataFork) template forkyUpdate: untyped = upgradedUpdate.forky(lcDataFork) let res = process_light_client_update( forkyStore, forkyUpdate, currentSlot, cfg, genesis_validators_root) check: forkyUpdate.finalized_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period == period res.isOk if forkyUpdate.finalized_header.beacon.slot > forkyBootstrap.header.beacon.slot: forkyStore.finalized_header == forkyUpdate.finalized_header else: forkyStore.finalized_header == forkyBootstrap.header inc numIterations if numIterations > 20: doAssert false # Avoid endless loop on test failure # Sync to latest update let finalityUpdate = dag.getLightClientFinalityUpdate check finalityUpdate.kind > LightClientDataFork.None if finalityUpdate.kind > store.kind: withForkyFinalityUpdate(finalityUpdate): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: store.migrateToDataFork(lcDataFork) withForkyStore(store): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: let upgradedUpdate = finalityUpdate.migratingToDataFork(lcDataFork) template forkyUpdate: untyped = upgradedUpdate.forky(lcDataFork) let res = process_light_client_update( forkyStore, forkyUpdate, currentSlot, cfg, genesis_validators_root) check: forkyUpdate.attested_header.beacon.slot == dag.head.parent.slot res.isOk forkyStore.finalized_header == forkyUpdate.finalized_header forkyStore.optimistic_header == forkyUpdate.attested_header test "Init from checkpoint": # Fetch genesis state let genesisState = assignClone dag.headState # Advance to target slot for checkpoint let finalizedSlot = ((altairStartSlot.sync_committee_period + 1).start_epoch + 2).start_slot dag.advanceToSlot(finalizedSlot, verifier, quarantine[]) # Initialize new DAG from checkpoint let cpDb = BeaconChainDB.new("", inMemory = true) ChainDAGRef.preInit(cpDb, genesisState[]) ChainDAGRef.preInit(cpDb, dag.headState) # dag.getForkedBlock(dag.head.bid).get) let cpDag = ChainDAGRef.init( cfg, cpDb, validatorMonitor, {}, lcDataConfig = LightClientDataConfig( serve: true, importMode: LightClientDataImportMode.Full)) # Advance by a couple epochs for i in 1'u64 .. 10: let headSlot = (finalizedSlot.epoch + i).start_slot cpDag.advanceToSlot(headSlot, verifier, quarantine[]) check true