# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # `block_sim` is a block and attestation simulator similar to `state_sim` whose # task is to run the beacon chain without considering the network or the # wall clock. Functionally, it achieves the same as the distributed beacon chain # by producing blocks and attestations as if they were created by separate # nodes, just like a set of `beacon_node` instances would. # # Similar to `state_sim`, but uses the block and attestation pools along with # a database, as if a real node was running. import math, stats, times, strformat, tables, options, random, tables, os, confutils, chronicles, eth/db/kvstore_sqlite3, chronos/timer, eth/keys, taskpools, ../tests/testblockutil, ../beacon_chain/spec/[ beaconstate, forks, helpers, signatures, state_transition], ../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/[phase0, altair], ../beacon_chain/[beacon_node_types, beacon_chain_db, beacon_clock], ../beacon_chain/eth1/eth1_monitor, ../beacon_chain/validators/validator_pool, ../beacon_chain/gossip_processing/gossip_validation, ../beacon_chain/consensus_object_pools/[blockchain_dag, block_quarantine, block_clearance, attestation_pool, sync_committee_msg_pool], ./simutils type Timers = enum tBlock = "Process non-epoch slot with block" tEpoch = "Process epoch slot with block" tHashBlock = "Tree-hash block" tSignBlock = "Sign block" tAttest = "Have committee attest to block" tSyncCommittees = "Produce sync committee actions" tReplay = "Replay all produced blocks" template seconds(x: uint64): timer.Duration = timer.seconds(int(x)) func gauss(r: var Rand; mu = 0.0; sigma = 1.0): float = # TODO This is present in Nim 1.4 const K = sqrt(2 / E) var a = 0.0 b = 0.0 while true: a = rand(r, 1.0) b = (2.0 * rand(r, 1.0) - 1.0) * K if b * b <= -4.0 * a * a * ln(a): break mu + sigma * (b / a) # TODO confutils is an impenetrable black box. how can a help text be added here? cli do(slots = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 6, validators = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 400, # One per shard is minimum attesterRatio {.desc: "ratio of validators that attest in each round"} = 0.82, syncCommitteeRatio {.desc: "ratio of validators that perform sync committee actions in each round"} = 0.75, blockRatio {.desc: "ratio of slots with blocks"} = 1.0, replay = true): let (state, depositContractSnapshot) = loadGenesis(validators, false) genesisBlock = get_initial_beacon_block(state[].data) genesisTime = float state[].data.genesis_time var validatorKeyToIndex = initTable[ValidatorPubKey, int]() cfg = defaultRuntimeConfig cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH = 96.Slot.epoch echo "Starting simulation..." let db = BeaconChainDB.new("block_sim_db") defer: db.close() ChainDAGRef.preInit(db, state[].data, state[].data, genesisBlock) putInitialDepositContractSnapshot(db, depositContractSnapshot) for i in 0 ..< state.data.validators.len: validatorKeyToIndex[state.data.validators[i].pubkey] = i var dag = ChainDAGRef.init(cfg, db, {}) eth1Chain = Eth1Chain.init(cfg, db) merkleizer = depositContractSnapshot.createMerkleizer taskpool = Taskpool.new() quarantine = QuarantineRef.init(keys.newRng(), taskpool) attPool = AttestationPool.init(dag, quarantine) syncCommitteePool = newClone SyncCommitteeMsgPool.init() timers: array[Timers, RunningStat] attesters: RunningStat r = initRand(1) tmpState = assignClone(dag.headState) eth1Chain.addBlock Eth1Block( number: Eth1BlockNumber 1, timestamp: Eth1BlockTimestamp genesisTime, voteData: Eth1Data( deposit_root: merkleizer.getDepositsRoot, deposit_count: merkleizer.getChunkCount)) let replayState = assignClone(dag.headState) proc handleAttestations(slot: Slot) = let attestationHead = dag.head.atSlot(slot) dag.withState(tmpState[], attestationHead): let committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot(stateData.data, slot.epoch, cache) for committee_index in 0'u64.. syncCommitteeRatio: continue let validatorIdx = validatorKeyToIndex[valKey] validarorPrivKey = makeFakeValidatorPrivKey(validatorIdx) signature = blsSign(validarorPrivKey, signingRoot.data) msg = SyncCommitteeMessage( slot: slot, beacon_block_root: dag.head.root, validator_index: uint64 validatorIdx, signature: signature.toValidatorSig) let res = dag.validateSyncCommitteeMessage( syncCommitteePool, msg, committeeIdx, messagesTime, false) doAssert res.isOk let selectionProofSigningRoot = sync_committee_selection_proof_signing_root( fork, genesisValidatorsRoot, slot, uint64 committeeIdx) selectionProofSig = blsSign( validarorPrivKey, selectionProofSigningRoot.data).toValidatorSig if is_sync_committee_aggregator(selectionProofSig): aggregators.add Aggregator( committeeIdx: committeeIdx, validatorIdx: validatorIdx, selectionProof: selectionProofSig) for aggregator in aggregators: var contribution: SyncCommitteeContribution let contributionWasProduced = syncCommitteePool[].produceContribution( slot, dag.head.root, aggregator.committeeIdx, contribution) if contributionWasProduced: let contributionAndProof = ContributionAndProof( aggregator_index: uint64 aggregator.validatorIdx, contribution: contribution, selection_proof: aggregator.selectionProof) signingRoot = contribution_and_proof_signing_root( fork, genesisValidatorsRoot, contributionAndProof) validarorPrivKey = makeFakeValidatorPrivKey(aggregator.validatorIdx) signedContributionAndProof = SignedContributionAndProof( message: contributionAndProof, signature: blsSign(validarorPrivKey, signingRoot.data).toValidatorSig) res = dag.validateSignedContributionAndProof( syncCommitteePool, signedContributionAndProof, contributionsTime, false) doAssert res.isOk proc getNewBlock[T]( stateData: var StateData, slot: Slot, cache: var StateCache): T = let finalizedEpochRef = dag.getFinalizedEpochRef() proposerIdx = get_beacon_proposer_index( stateData.data, cache, getStateField(stateData.data, slot)).get() privKey = hackPrivKey( getStateField(stateData.data, validators)[proposerIdx]) eth1ProposalData = eth1Chain.getBlockProposalData( stateData.data, finalizedEpochRef.eth1_data, finalizedEpochRef.eth1_deposit_index) hashedState = when T is phase0.SignedBeaconBlock: addr stateData.data.hbsPhase0 elif T is altair.SignedBeaconBlock: addr stateData.data.hbsAltair else: static: doAssert false # TODO this is ugly, to need to almost-but-not-quite-identical calls to # makeBeaconBlock. Add a quasi-dummy SyncAggregate param to the phase 0 # makeBeaconBlock, to avoid code duplication. # # One could combine these "when"s, but this "when" should disappear. message = when T is phase0.SignedBeaconBlock: makeBeaconBlock( cfg, hashedState[], proposerIdx, dag.head.root, privKey.genRandaoReveal( getStateField(stateData.data, fork), getStateField(stateData.data, genesis_validators_root), slot).toValidatorSig(), eth1ProposalData.vote, default(GraffitiBytes), attPool.getAttestationsForTestBlock(stateData, cache), eth1ProposalData.deposits, @[], @[], @[], ExecutionPayload(), noRollback, cache) elif T is altair.SignedBeaconBlock: makeBeaconBlock( cfg, hashedState[], proposerIdx, dag.head.root, privKey.genRandaoReveal( getStateField(stateData.data, fork), getStateField(stateData.data, genesis_validators_root), slot).toValidatorSig(), eth1ProposalData.vote, default(GraffitiBytes), attPool.getAttestationsForTestBlock(stateData, cache), eth1ProposalData.deposits, @[], @[], @[], syncCommitteePool[].produceSyncAggregate(dag.head.root), ExecutionPayload(), noRollback, cache) else: static: doAssert false var newBlock = T( message: message.get() ) let blockRoot = withTimerRet(timers[tHashBlock]): hash_tree_root(newBlock.message) newBlock.root = blockRoot # Careful, state no longer valid after here because of the await.. newBlock.signature = withTimerRet(timers[tSignBlock]): get_block_signature( getStateField(stateData.data, fork), getStateField(stateData.data, genesis_validators_root), newBlock.message.slot, blockRoot, privKey).toValidatorSig() newBlock proc proposePhase0Block(slot: Slot) = if rand(r, 1.0) > blockRatio: return dag.withState(tmpState[], dag.head.atSlot(slot)): let newBlock = getNewBlock[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock](stateData, slot, cache) added = dag.addRawBlock(quarantine, newBlock) do ( blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock, epochRef: EpochRef): # Callback add to fork choice if valid attPool.addForkChoice( epochRef, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot) blck() = added[] dag.updateHead(added[], quarantine) if dag.needStateCachesAndForkChoicePruning(): dag.pruneStateCachesDAG() attPool.prune() proc proposeAltairBlock(slot: Slot) = if rand(r, 1.0) > blockRatio: return dag.withState(tmpState[], dag.head.atSlot(slot)): let newBlock = getNewBlock[altair.SignedBeaconBlock](stateData, slot, cache) added = dag.addRawBlock(quarantine, newBlock) do ( blckRef: BlockRef, signedBlock: altair.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock, epochRef: EpochRef): # Callback add to fork choice if valid attPool.addForkChoice( epochRef, blckRef, signedBlock.message, blckRef.slot) blck() = added[] dag.updateHead(added[], quarantine) if dag.needStateCachesAndForkChoicePruning(): dag.pruneStateCachesDAG() attPool.prune() var lastEth1BlockAt = genesisTime eth1BlockNum = 1000 for i in 0.. now: break inc eth1BlockNum var eth1Block = Eth1Block( number: Eth1BlockNumber eth1BlockNum, timestamp: Eth1BlockTimestamp nextBlockTime, voteData: Eth1Data( block_hash: makeFakeHash(eth1BlockNum))) let newDeposits = int clamp(gauss(r, 5.0, 8.0), 0.0, 1000.0) for i in 0 ..< newDeposits: let validatorIdx = merkleizer.getChunkCount.int let d = makeDeposit(validatorIdx, {skipBLSValidation}) validatorKeyToIndex[d.pubkey] = validatorIdx eth1Block.deposits.add d merkleizer.addChunk hash_tree_root(d).data eth1Block.voteData.deposit_root = merkleizer.getDepositsRoot eth1Block.voteData.deposit_count = merkleizer.getChunkCount eth1Chain.addBlock eth1Block lastEth1BlockAt = nextBlockTime if blockRatio > 0.0: withTimer(timers[t]): if slot.epoch < dag.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH: proposePhase0Block(slot) else: proposeAltairBlock(slot) if attesterRatio > 0.0: withTimer(timers[tAttest]): handleAttestations(slot) if syncCommitteeRatio > 0.0: withTimer(timers[tSyncCommittees]): handleSyncCommitteeActions(slot) syncCommitteePool[].pruneData(slot) # TODO if attestation pool was smarter, it would include older attestations # too! verifyConsensus(dag.headState.data, attesterRatio * blockRatio) if t == tEpoch: echo &". slot: {shortLog(slot)} ", &"epoch: {shortLog(slot.compute_epoch_at_slot)}" else: write(stdout, ".") flushFile(stdout) if replay: withTimer(timers[tReplay]): var cache = StateCache() dag.updateStateData( replayState[], dag.head.atSlot(Slot(slots)), false, cache) echo "Done!" printTimers(dag.headState.data, attesters, true, timers)