# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import macros, ../../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/base, ../../beacon_chain/ssz/types # digest is necessary for them to be printed as hex export base.`==` # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This tool inspects and compare 2 instances of a type recursively # highlighting the differences const builtinTypes = [ "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "byte", "float32", "float64", # "array", "seq", # wrapped in nnkBracketExpr "char", "string" ] proc compareStmt(xSubField, ySubField: NimNode, stmts: var NimNode) = let xStr = $xSubField.toStrLit let yStr = $ySubField.toStrLit let isEqual = bindSym("==") # Bind all expose equality, in particular for BlsValue stmts.add quote do: doAssert( `isEqual`(`xSubField`, `ySubField`), "\nDiff: " & `xStr` & " = " & $`xSubField` & "\n" & "and " & `yStr` & " = " & $`ySubField` & "\n" ) proc compareContainerStmt(xSubField, ySubField: NimNode, stmts: var NimNode) = let xStr = $xSubField.toStrLit let yStr = $ySubField.toStrLit let isEqual = bindSym("==") # Bind all expose equality, in particular for BlsValue stmts.add quote do: doAssert( `isEqual`(`xSubField`.len, `ySubField`.len), "\nDiff: " & `xStr` & ".len = " & $`xSubField`.len & "\n" & "and " & `yStr` & ".len = " & $`ySubField`.len & "\n" ) for idx in `xSubField`.low .. `xSubField`.high: doAssert( `isEqual`(`xSubField`[idx], `ySubField`[idx]), "\nDiff: " & `xStr` & "[" & $idx & "] = " & $`xSubField`[idx] & "\n" & "and " & `yStr` & "[" & $idx & "] = " & $`ySubField`[idx] & "\n" ) func inspectType(tImpl, xSubField, ySubField: NimNode, stmts: var NimNode) = # echo "kind: " & $tImpl.kind # echo " -- field: " & $xSubField.toStrLit case tImpl.kind of nnkObjectTy: # pass the records let records = tImpl[2] records.expectKind(nnkRecList) for decl in records: inspectType( decl[1], # field type nnkDotExpr.newTree(xSubField, decl[0]), # Accessor nnkDotExpr.newTree(ySubField, decl[0]), stmts ) of {nnkRefTy, nnkDistinctTy}: inspectType(tImpl[0], xSubField, ySubField, stmts) of {nnkSym, nnkBracketExpr}: if tImpl.kind == nnkBracketExpr: # doAssert tImpl[0].eqIdent"List" or tImpl[0].eqIdent"seq" or tImpl[0].eqIdent"array", "Error: unsupported generic type: " & $tImpl[0] compareContainerStmt(xSubField, ySubField, stmts) elif $tImpl in builtinTypes: compareStmt(xSubField, ySubField, stmts) elif $tImpl in ["ValidatorSig", "ValidatorPubKey"]: # Workaround BlsValue being a case object compareStmt(xSubField, ySubField, stmts) else: inspectType(tImpl.getTypeImpl(), xSubField, ySubField, stmts) else: error "Unsupported kind: " & $tImpl.kind & " for field \"" & $xSubField.toStrLit & "\" of type \"" & tImpl.repr macro reportDiff*(x, y: typed): untyped = doAssert sameType(x, y) result = newStmtList() let typeImpl = x.getTypeImpl inspectType(typeImpl, x, y, result) # echo result.toStrLit # -----------------------------------------