# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018, 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.used.} import # Standard library sequtils, # Status libraries stew/bitops2, # Beacon chain internals ../beacon_chain/spec/[forks, helpers, state_transition], # Test utilities ./unittest2, mocking/mock_genesis suite "Spec helpers": test "integer_squareroot": check: integer_squareroot(0'u64) == 0'u64 integer_squareroot(1'u64) == 1'u64 integer_squareroot(2'u64) == 1'u64 integer_squareroot(3'u64) == 1'u64 integer_squareroot(4'u64) == 2'u64 integer_squareroot(5'u64) == 2'u64 test "build_proof - BeaconState": var forked = newClone(initGenesisState()) cache = StateCache() info = ForkedEpochInfo() doAssert process_slots(defaultRuntimeConfig, forked[], Slot(100), cache, info, flags = {}) let state = forked[].phase0Data.data root = state.hash_tree_root() func numLeaves(obj: object): GeneralizedIndex = nextPow2(typeof(obj).totalSerializedFields.uint64).GeneralizedIndex proc process(anchor: object, index: GeneralizedIndex) = var i = index anchor.enumInstanceSerializedFields(fieldNameVar, fieldVar): let depth = log2trunc(i) var proof = newSeq[Eth2Digest](depth) build_proof(state, i, proof) check: is_valid_merkle_branch(hash_tree_root(fieldVar), proof, depth, get_subtree_index(i), root) when fieldVar is object and not (fieldVar is Eth2Digest): let numChildLeaves = fieldVar.numLeaves childDepth = log2trunc(numChildLeaves) process(fieldVar, i shl childDepth) i += 1 process(state, state.numLeaves) test "get_branch_indices": check: toSeq(get_branch_indices(1.GeneralizedIndex)) == [] toSeq(get_branch_indices(0b101010.GeneralizedIndex)) == [ 0b101011.GeneralizedIndex, 0b10100.GeneralizedIndex, 0b1011.GeneralizedIndex, 0b100.GeneralizedIndex, 0b11.GeneralizedIndex ] test "get_path_indices": check: toSeq(get_path_indices(1.GeneralizedIndex)) == [] toSeq(get_path_indices(0b101010.GeneralizedIndex)) == [ 0b101010.GeneralizedIndex, 0b10101.GeneralizedIndex, 0b1010.GeneralizedIndex, 0b101.GeneralizedIndex, 0b10.GeneralizedIndex ] test "get_helper_indices": check: get_helper_indices( [ 8.GeneralizedIndex, 9.GeneralizedIndex, 14.GeneralizedIndex]) == [ 15.GeneralizedIndex, 6.GeneralizedIndex, 5.GeneralizedIndex ] test "verify_merkle_multiproof": var nodes: array[16, Eth2Digest] for i in countdown(15, 8): nodes[i] = eth2digest([i.byte]) for i in countdown(7, 1): nodes[i] = withEth2Hash: h.update nodes[2 * i + 0].data h.update nodes[2 * i + 1].data proc verify(indices_int: openArray[int]) = let indices = indices_int.mapIt(it.GeneralizedIndex) helper_indices = get_helper_indices(indices) leaves = indices.mapIt(nodes[it]) proof = helper_indices.mapIt(nodes[it]) root = nodes[1] checkpoint "Verifying " & $indices & "---" & $helper_indices check: verify_merkle_multiproof(leaves, proof, indices, root) verify([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]) for a in 1 .. 15: verify([a]) for b in 1 .. 15: verify([a, b]) for c in 1 .. 15: verify([a, b, c]) for d in 8 .. 15: verify([a, b, c, d]) for e in 1 .. 7: verify([a, b, c, d, e])