# Using a wrapper script as the entry point. # # Example usage: # # mkdir data # docker-compose -f docker-compose-example2.yml up --quiet-pull --no-color --detach version: "2.4" services: nimbus_beacon_node: image: statusim/nimbus-eth2:amd64-latest container_name: nimbus-eth2-amd64-latest restart: unless-stopped stop_grace_period: 1m ports: - 9000:9000/tcp - 9000:9000/udp - - volumes: - ./data:/home/user/nimbus-eth2/build/data entrypoint: /home/user/nimbus-eth2/run-prater-beacon-node.sh environment: WEB3_URL: wss://goerli.infura.io/ws/v3/YOUR_TOKEN # you need to make sure that port 9000 is accesible from outside; no automagic port forwarding here command: >- --nat=extip:YOUR_EXTERNAL_IP --rest --rest-address= --metrics --metrics-address=