def runStages() { stage("Clone") { /* The Git repo seems to be cached in some Jenkins plugin, so this is not always a clean clone. */ checkout scm sh "make build-system-checks || true" } stage("Build") { sh "make -j${env.NPROC} update" /* to allow a newer Nim version to be detected */ sh "make -j${env.NPROC} V=1 deps" /* to allow the following parallel stages */ } stage("Test") { parallel( "tools": { stage("Tools") { sh "make -j${env.NPROC}" } }, "test suite": { stage("Test suite") { sh "make -j${env.NPROC} test" } } ) } } parallel( "Linux": { node("linux") { withEnv(["NPROC=${sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'nproc').trim()}"]) { runStages() } } }, "macOS": { node("macos") { withEnv(["NPROC=${sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu').trim()}"]) { runStages() } } } )