# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.used.} import json, unittest, stew/byteutils, blscurve, eth/keys, json_serialization, ../beacon_chain/spec/[crypto, keystore], ./testutil from strutils import replace func isEqual*(a, b: ValidatorPrivKey): bool = # `==` on secret keys is not allowed let pa = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](a.unsafeAddr) let pb = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](b.unsafeAddr) result = true for i in 0 ..< sizeof(a): result = result and pa[i] == pb[i] const scryptVector = """{ "crypto": { "kdf": { "function": "scrypt", "params": { "dklen": 32, "n": 262144, "p": 1, "r": 8, "salt": "d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3" }, "message": "" }, "checksum": { "function": "sha256", "params": {}, "message": "d2217fe5f3e9a1e34581ef8a78f7c9928e436d36dacc5e846690a5581e8ea484" }, "cipher": { "function": "aes-128-ctr", "params": { "iv": "264daa3f303d7259501c93d997d84fe6" }, "message": "06ae90d55fe0a6e9c5c3bc5b170827b2e5cce3929ed3f116c2811e6366dfe20f" } }, "description": "This is a test keystore that uses scrypt to secure the secret.", "pubkey": "9612d7a727c9d0a22e185a1c768478dfe919cada9266988cb32359c11f2b7b27f4ae4040902382ae2910c15e2b420d07", "path": "m/12381/60/3141592653/589793238", "uuid": "1d85ae20-35c5-4611-98e8-aa14a633906f", "version": 4 }""" pbkdf2Vector = """{ "crypto": { "kdf": { "function": "pbkdf2", "params": { "dklen": 32, "c": 262144, "prf": "hmac-sha256", "salt": "d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3" }, "message": "" }, "checksum": { "function": "sha256", "params": {}, "message": "8a9f5d9912ed7e75ea794bc5a89bca5f193721d30868ade6f73043c6ea6febf1" }, "cipher": { "function": "aes-128-ctr", "params": { "iv": "264daa3f303d7259501c93d997d84fe6" }, "message": "cee03fde2af33149775b7223e7845e4fb2c8ae1792e5f99fe9ecf474cc8c16ad" } }, "description": "This is a test keystore that uses PBKDF2 to secure the secret.", "pubkey": "9612d7a727c9d0a22e185a1c768478dfe919cada9266988cb32359c11f2b7b27f4ae4040902382ae2910c15e2b420d07", "path": "m/12381/60/0/0", "uuid": "64625def-3331-4eea-ab6f-782f3ed16a83", "version": 4 }""" password = string.fromBytes hexToSeqByte("7465737470617373776f7264f09f9491") secretBytes = hexToSeqByte "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f" salt = hexToSeqByte "d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3" iv = hexToSeqByte "264daa3f303d7259501c93d997d84fe6" let rng = newRng() suiteReport "Keystore": setup: let secret = ValidatorPrivKey.fromRaw(secretBytes).get timedTest "Pbkdf2 decryption": let keystore = Json.decode(pbkdf2Vector, Keystore) decrypt = decryptKeystore(keystore, KeystorePass password) check decrypt.isOk check secret.isEqual(decrypt.get()) timedTest "Scrypt decryption": let keystore = Json.decode(scryptVector, Keystore) decrypt = decryptKeystore(keystore, KeystorePass password) check decrypt.isOk check secret.isEqual(decrypt.get()) timedTest "Pbkdf2 encryption": let keystore = createKeystore(kdfPbkdf2, rng[], secret, KeystorePass password, salt=salt, iv=iv, description = "This is a test keystore that uses PBKDF2 to secure the secret.", path = validateKeyPath "m/12381/60/0/0") var encryptJson = parseJson Json.encode(keystore) pbkdf2Json = parseJson(pbkdf2Vector) encryptJson{"uuid"} = %"" pbkdf2Json{"uuid"} = %"" check encryptJson == pbkdf2Json timedTest "Scrypt encryption": let keystore = createKeystore(kdfScrypt, rng[], secret, KeystorePass password, salt=salt, iv=iv, description = "This is a test keystore that uses scrypt to secure the secret.", path = validateKeyPath "m/12381/60/3141592653/589793238") var encryptJson = parseJson Json.encode(keystore) scryptJson = parseJson(scryptVector) encryptJson{"uuid"} = %"" scryptJson{"uuid"} = %"" check encryptJson == scryptJson timedTest "Pbkdf2 errors": expect Defect: echo createKeystore(kdfPbkdf2, rng[], secret, salt = [byte 1]) expect Defect: echo createKeystore(kdfPbkdf2, rng[], secret, iv = [byte 1]) check decryptKeystore(JsonString pbkdf2Vector, KeystorePass "wrong pass").isErr check decryptKeystore(JsonString pbkdf2Vector, KeystorePass "").isErr check decryptKeystore(JsonString "{\"a\": 0}", KeystorePass "").isErr check decryptKeystore(JsonString "", KeystorePass "").isErr template checkVariant(remove): untyped = check decryptKeystore(JsonString pbkdf2Vector.replace(remove, "1234"), KeystorePass password).isErr checkVariant "f876" # salt checkVariant "75ea" # checksum checkVariant "b722" # cipher var badKdf = parseJson(pbkdf2Vector) badKdf{"crypto", "kdf", "function"} = %"invalid" check decryptKeystore(JsonString $badKdf, KeystorePass password).iserr