# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import stew/results, chronicles, chronos, metrics, ../spec/signatures_batch, ../sszdump from ../consensus_object_pools/consensus_manager import ConsensusManager, runForkchoiceUpdated, runProposalForkchoiceUpdated, updateHead, updateHeadWithExecution from ../beacon_clock import GetBeaconTimeFn, toFloatSeconds from ../consensus_object_pools/block_dag import BlockRef, root, slot from ../consensus_object_pools/block_pools_types import BlockError, EpochRef from ../consensus_object_pools/block_quarantine import addOrphan, addUnviable, pop, removeOrphan from ../validators/validator_monitor import MsgSource, ValidatorMonitor, registerAttestationInBlock, registerBeaconBlock, registerSyncAggregateInBlock export sszdump, signatures_batch # Block Processor # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The block processor moves blocks from "Incoming" to "Consensus verified" declareHistogram beacon_store_block_duration_seconds, "storeBlock() duration", buckets = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, Inf] type BlockEntry* = object blck*: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock resfut*: Future[Result[void, BlockError]] queueTick*: Moment # Moment when block was enqueued validationDur*: Duration # Time it took to perform gossip validation src*: MsgSource BlockProcessor* = object ## This manages the processing of blocks from different sources ## Blocks and attestations are enqueued in a gossip-validated state ## ## from: ## - Gossip (when synced) ## - SyncManager (during sync) ## - RequestManager (missing ancestor blocks) ## ## are then consensus-verified and added to: ## - the blockchain DAG ## - database ## - attestation pool ## - fork choice ## ## The processor will also reinsert blocks from the quarantine, should a ## parent be found. # Config # ---------------------------------------------------------------- dumpEnabled: bool dumpDirInvalid: string dumpDirIncoming: string safeSlotsToImportOptimistically: uint16 # Producers # ---------------------------------------------------------------- blockQueue: AsyncQueue[BlockEntry] # Consumer # ---------------------------------------------------------------- consensusManager: ref ConsensusManager ## Blockchain DAG, AttestationPool and Quarantine ## Blockchain DAG, AttestationPool, Quarantine, and Eth1Manager validatorMonitor: ref ValidatorMonitor getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn verifier: BatchVerifier proc addBlock*( self: var BlockProcessor, src: MsgSource, blck: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock, resfut: Future[Result[void, BlockError]] = nil, validationDur = Duration()) # Initialization # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc new*(T: type BlockProcessor, dumpEnabled: bool, dumpDirInvalid, dumpDirIncoming: string, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext, taskpool: TaskPoolPtr, consensusManager: ref ConsensusManager, validatorMonitor: ref ValidatorMonitor, getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn, safeSlotsToImportOptimistically: uint16): ref BlockProcessor = (ref BlockProcessor)( dumpEnabled: dumpEnabled, dumpDirInvalid: dumpDirInvalid, dumpDirIncoming: dumpDirIncoming, blockQueue: newAsyncQueue[BlockEntry](), consensusManager: consensusManager, validatorMonitor: validatorMonitor, getBeaconTime: getBeaconTime, safeSlotsToImportOptimistically: safeSlotsToImportOptimistically, verifier: BatchVerifier(rng: rng, taskpool: taskpool) ) # Sync callbacks # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func hasBlocks*(self: BlockProcessor): bool = self.blockQueue.len() > 0 # Storage # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc dumpInvalidBlock*( self: BlockProcessor, signedBlock: ForkySignedBeaconBlock) = if self.dumpEnabled: dump(self.dumpDirInvalid, signedBlock) proc dumpBlock[T]( self: BlockProcessor, signedBlock: ForkySignedBeaconBlock, res: Result[T, BlockError]) = if self.dumpEnabled and res.isErr: case res.error of BlockError.Invalid: self.dumpInvalidBlock(signedBlock) of BlockError.MissingParent: dump(self.dumpDirIncoming, signedBlock) else: discard from ../consensus_object_pools/block_clearance import addBackfillBlock, addHeadBlock proc storeBackfillBlock( self: var BlockProcessor, signedBlock: ForkySignedBeaconBlock): Result[void, BlockError] = # The block is certainly not missing any more self.consensusManager.quarantine[].missing.del(signedBlock.root) let res = self.consensusManager.dag.addBackfillBlock(signedBlock) if res.isErr(): case res.error of BlockError.MissingParent: if signedBlock.message.parent_root in self.consensusManager.quarantine[].unviable: # DAG doesn't know about unviable ancestor blocks - we do! Translate # this to the appropriate error so that sync etc doesn't retry the block self.consensusManager.quarantine[].addUnviable(signedBlock.root) return err(BlockError.UnviableFork) of BlockError.UnviableFork: # Track unviables so that descendants can be discarded properly self.consensusManager.quarantine[].addUnviable(signedBlock.root) else: discard res from web3/engine_api_types import PayloadExecutionStatus, PayloadStatusV1 from ../eth1/eth1_monitor import Eth1Monitor, asEngineExecutionPayload, ensureDataProvider, newPayload proc expectValidForkchoiceUpdated( eth1Monitor: Eth1Monitor, headBlockRoot, safeBlockRoot, finalizedBlockRoot: Eth2Digest ): Future[void] {.async.} = let payloadExecutionStatus = await eth1Monitor.runForkchoiceUpdated( headBlockRoot, safeBlockRoot, finalizedBlockRoot) if payloadExecutionStatus != PayloadExecutionStatus.valid: # Only called when expecting this to be valid because `newPayload` or some # previous `forkchoiceUpdated` had already marked it as valid. warn "expectValidForkchoiceUpdate: forkChoiceUpdated not `VALID`", payloadExecutionStatus, headBlockRoot, safeBlockRoot, finalizedBlockRoot from ../consensus_object_pools/attestation_pool import addForkChoice, selectOptimisticHead, BeaconHead from ../consensus_object_pools/blockchain_dag import is_optimistic, loadExecutionBlockRoot, markBlockVerified from ../consensus_object_pools/block_dag import shortLog from ../consensus_object_pools/spec_cache import get_attesting_indices from ../spec/datatypes/phase0 import TrustedSignedBeaconBlock proc storeBlock*( self: var BlockProcessor, src: MsgSource, wallTime: BeaconTime, signedBlock: ForkySignedBeaconBlock, payloadValid: bool, queueTick: Moment = Moment.now(), validationDur = Duration()): Result[BlockRef, BlockError] = ## storeBlock is the main entry point for unvalidated blocks - all untrusted ## blocks, regardless of origin, pass through here. When storing a block, ## we will add it to the dag and pass it to all block consumers that need ## to know about it, such as the fork choice and the monitoring let attestationPool = self.consensusManager.attestationPool startTick = Moment.now() vm = self.validatorMonitor dag = self.consensusManager.dag # The block is certainly not missing any more self.consensusManager.quarantine[].missing.del(signedBlock.root) # We'll also remove the block as an orphan: it's unlikely the parent is # missing if we get this far - should that be the case, the block will # be re-added later self.consensusManager.quarantine[].removeOrphan(signedBlock) type Trusted = typeof signedBlock.asTrusted() let blck = dag.addHeadBlock(self.verifier, signedBlock, payloadValid) do ( blckRef: BlockRef, trustedBlock: Trusted, epochRef: EpochRef, unrealized: FinalityCheckpoints): # Callback add to fork choice if valid attestationPool[].addForkChoice( epochRef, blckRef, unrealized, trustedBlock.message, wallTime) vm[].registerBeaconBlock( src, wallTime, trustedBlock.message) for attestation in trustedBlock.message.body.attestations: for validator_index in dag.get_attesting_indices(attestation): vm[].registerAttestationInBlock(attestation.data, validator_index, trustedBlock.message.slot) withState(dag[].clearanceState): when stateFork >= BeaconStateFork.Altair and Trusted isnot phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock: # altair+ for i in trustedBlock.message.body.sync_aggregate.sync_committee_bits.oneIndices(): vm[].registerSyncAggregateInBlock( trustedBlock.message.slot, trustedBlock.root, state.data.current_sync_committee.pubkeys.data[i]) self.dumpBlock(signedBlock, blck) # There can be a scenario where we receive a block we already received. # However this block was before the last finalized epoch and so its parent # was pruned from the ForkChoice. if blck.isErr(): case blck.error() of BlockError.MissingParent: if signedBlock.message.parent_root in self.consensusManager.quarantine[].unviable: # DAG doesn't know about unviable ancestor blocks - we do! Translate # this to the appropriate error so that sync etc doesn't retry the block self.consensusManager.quarantine[].addUnviable(signedBlock.root) return err(BlockError.UnviableFork) if not self.consensusManager.quarantine[].addOrphan( dag.finalizedHead.slot, ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(signedBlock)): debug "Block quarantine full", blockRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.root), blck = shortLog(signedBlock.message), signature = shortLog(signedBlock.signature) of BlockError.UnviableFork: # Track unviables so that descendants can be discarded properly self.consensusManager.quarantine[].addUnviable(signedBlock.root) else: discard return blck let storeBlockTick = Moment.now() # Eagerly update head: the incoming block "should" get selected. # # storeBlock gets called from validator_duties, which depends on its not # blocking progress any longer than necessary, and processBlock here, in # which case it's fine to await for a while on engine API results. # # Three general scenarios: (1) pre-merge; (2) merge, already `VALID` by way # of `newPayload`; (3) optimistically imported, need to call fcU before DAG # updateHead. Handle each with as little async latency as feasible. if payloadValid: self.consensusManager.dag.markBlockVerified( self.consensusManager.quarantine[], signedBlock.root) # Grab the new head according to our latest attestation data; determines how # async this needs to be. let wallSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero newHead = attestationPool[].selectOptimisticHead( wallSlot.start_beacon_time) if newHead.isOk: let headExecutionPayloadHash = self.consensusManager.dag.loadExecutionBlockRoot(newHead.get.blck) if headExecutionPayloadHash.isZero: # Blocks without execution payloads can't be optimistic. self.consensusManager[].updateHead(newHead.get.blck) elif not self.consensusManager.dag.is_optimistic newHead.get.blck.root: # Not `NOT_VALID`; either `VALID` or `INVALIDATED`, but latter wouldn't # be selected as head, so `VALID`. `forkchoiceUpdated` necessary for EL # client only. self.consensusManager[].updateHead(newHead.get.blck) asyncSpawn self.consensusManager.eth1Monitor.expectValidForkchoiceUpdated( headExecutionPayloadHash, newHead.get.safeExecutionPayloadHash, newHead.get.finalizedExecutionPayloadHash) # TODO remove redundant fcU in case of proposal asyncSpawn self.consensusManager.runProposalForkchoiceUpdated() else: asyncSpawn self.consensusManager.updateHeadWithExecution(newHead.get) else: warn "Head selection failed, using previous head", head = shortLog(self.consensusManager.dag.head), wallSlot let updateHeadTick = Moment.now() queueDur = startTick - queueTick storeBlockDur = storeBlockTick - startTick updateHeadDur = updateHeadTick - storeBlockTick beacon_store_block_duration_seconds.observe(storeBlockDur.toFloatSeconds()) debug "Block processed", localHeadSlot = self.consensusManager.dag.head.slot, blockSlot = blck.get().slot, validationDur, queueDur, storeBlockDur, updateHeadDur for quarantined in self.consensusManager.quarantine[].pop(blck.get().root): # Process the blocks that had the newly accepted block as parent self.addBlock(MsgSource.gossip, quarantined) return blck # Enqueue # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc addBlock*( self: var BlockProcessor, src: MsgSource, blck: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock, resfut: Future[Result[void, BlockError]] = nil, validationDur = Duration()) = ## Enqueue a Gossip-validated block for consensus verification # Backpressure: # There is no backpressure here - producers must wait for `resfut` to # constrain their own processing # Producers: # - Gossip (when synced) # - SyncManager (during sync) # - RequestManager (missing ancestor blocks) withBlck(blck): if blck.message.slot <= self.consensusManager.dag.finalizedHead.slot: # let backfill blocks skip the queue - these are always "fast" to process # because there are no state rewinds to deal with let res = self.storeBackfillBlock(blck) if resfut != nil: resfut.complete(res) return try: self.blockQueue.addLastNoWait(BlockEntry( blck: blck, resfut: resfut, queueTick: Moment.now(), validationDur: validationDur, src: src)) except AsyncQueueFullError: raiseAssert "unbounded queue" # Event Loop # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc processBlock( self: var BlockProcessor, entry: BlockEntry, payloadValid: bool) = logScope: blockRoot = shortLog(entry.blck.root) let wallTime = self.getBeaconTime() (afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot() if not afterGenesis: error "Processing block before genesis, clock turned back?" quit 1 let res = withBlck(entry.blck): self.storeBlock( entry.src, wallTime, blck, payloadValid, entry.queueTick, entry.validationDur) if entry.resfut != nil: entry.resfut.complete( if res.isOk(): Result[void, BlockError].ok() else: Result[void, BlockError].err(res.error())) from eth/async_utils import awaitWithTimeout from ../spec/datatypes/bellatrix import ExecutionPayload, SignedBeaconBlock proc newExecutionPayload*( eth1Monitor: Eth1Monitor, executionPayload: bellatrix.ExecutionPayload): Future[Opt[PayloadExecutionStatus]] {.async.} = if eth1Monitor.isNil: warn "newPayload: attempting to process execution payload without Eth1Monitor. Ensure --web3-url setting is correct and JWT is configured." return Opt.none PayloadExecutionStatus debug "newPayload: inserting block into execution engine", parentHash = executionPayload.parent_hash, blockHash = executionPayload.block_hash, stateRoot = shortLog(executionPayload.state_root), receiptsRoot = shortLog(executionPayload.receipts_root), prevRandao = shortLog(executionPayload.prev_randao), blockNumber = executionPayload.block_number, gasLimit = executionPayload.gas_limit, gasUsed = executionPayload.gas_used, timestamp = executionPayload.timestamp, extraDataLen = executionPayload.extra_data.len, baseFeePerGas = $executionPayload.base_fee_per_gas, numTransactions = executionPayload.transactions.len try: let payloadResponse = awaitWithTimeout( eth1Monitor.newPayload( executionPayload.asEngineExecutionPayload), NEWPAYLOAD_TIMEOUT): info "newPayload: newPayload timed out" return Opt.none PayloadExecutionStatus # Placeholder for type system PayloadStatusV1(status: PayloadExecutionStatus.syncing) payloadStatus = payloadResponse.status debug "newPayload: succeeded", parentHash = executionPayload.parent_hash, blockHash = executionPayload.block_hash, blockNumber = executionPayload.block_number, payloadStatus return Opt.some payloadStatus except CatchableError as err: error "newPayload failed", msg = err.msg return Opt.none PayloadExecutionStatus from ../consensus_object_pools/blockchain_dag import getBlockRef, loadExecutionBlockRoot, markBlockInvalid # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/sync/optimistic.md#helpers proc is_optimistic_candidate_block( self: BlockProcessor, blck: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock): bool = # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/sync/optimistic.md#when-to-optimistically-import-blocks # The current slot (as per the system clock) is at least # `SAFE_SLOTS_TO_IMPORT_OPTIMISTICALLY` ahead of the slot of the block being # imported. if blck.slot + self.safeSlotsToImportOptimistically <= self.getBeaconTime().slotOrZero: return true # Once merge is finalized, always true; in principle, should be caught by # other checks, but sometimes blocks arrive out of order, triggering some # spurious false negatives because the parent-block-check does not find a # parent block. This can also occur under conditions where EL client RPCs # cause processing delays. Either way, bound this risk to post-merge head # and pre-merge finalization. if not self.consensusManager.dag.loadExecutionBlockRoot( self.consensusManager.dag.finalizedHead.blck).isZero: return true let parentRoot = withBlck(blck): blck.message.parent_root parentBlck = self.consensusManager.dag.getBlockRef(parentRoot).valueOr: return false # The parent of the block has execution enabled. not self.consensusManager.dag.loadExecutionBlockRoot(parentBlck).isZero proc runQueueProcessingLoop*(self: ref BlockProcessor) {.async.} = while true: # Cooperative concurrency: one block per loop iteration - because # we run both networking and CPU-heavy things like block processing # on the same thread, we need to make sure that there is steady progress # on the networking side or we get long lockups that lead to timeouts. const # We cap waiting for an idle slot in case there's a lot of network traffic # taking up all CPU - we don't want to _completely_ stop processing blocks # in this case - doing so also allows us to benefit from more batching / # larger network reads when under load. idleTimeout = 10.milliseconds discard await idleAsync().withTimeout(idleTimeout) let blck = await self[].blockQueue.popFirst() hasExecutionPayload = withBlck(blck.blck): blck.message.is_execution_block executionPayloadStatus = if hasExecutionPayload: # Eth1 syncing is asynchronous from this # TODO self.consensusManager.eth1Monitor.terminalBlockHash.isSome # should gate this when it works more reliably # TODO detect have-TTD-but-not-is_execution_block case, and where # execution payload was non-zero when TTD detection more reliable when true: # When an execution engine returns an error or fails to respond to a # payload validity request for some block, a consensus engine: # - MUST NOT optimistically import the block. # - MUST NOT apply the block to the fork choice store. # - MAY queue the block for later processing. # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.3/sync/optimistic.md#execution-engine-errors template reEnqueueBlock: untyped = await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(1)) self[].addBlock( blck.src, blck.blck, blck.resfut, blck.validationDur) try: # Minimize window for Eth1 monitor to shut down connection await self.consensusManager.eth1Monitor.ensureDataProvider() let executionPayload = withBlck(blck.blck): when stateFork >= BeaconStateFork.Bellatrix: blck.message.body.execution_payload else: doAssert false default(bellatrix.ExecutionPayload) # satisfy Nim let executionPayloadStatus = await newExecutionPayload( self.consensusManager.eth1Monitor, executionPayload) if executionPayloadStatus.isNone: reEnqueueBlock() continue executionPayloadStatus.get except CatchableError as err: error "runQueueProcessingLoop: newPayload failed", err = err.msg reEnqueueBlock() continue else: debug "runQueueProcessingLoop: got execution payload before TTD" PayloadExecutionStatus.syncing else: # Vacuously PayloadExecutionStatus.valid if executionPayloadStatus in static([ PayloadExecutionStatus.invalid, PayloadExecutionStatus.invalid_block_hash]): debug "runQueueProcessingLoop: execution payload invalid", executionPayloadStatus, blck = shortLog(blck.blck) self.consensusManager.dag.markBlockInvalid(blck.blck.root) self.consensusManager.quarantine[].addUnviable(blck.blck.root) # Every loop iteration ends with some version of blck.resfut.complete(), # including processBlock(), otherwise the sync manager stalls. if not blck.resfut.isNil: blck.resfut.complete(Result[void, BlockError].err(BlockError.Invalid)) else: if executionPayloadStatus == PayloadExecutionStatus.valid or self[].is_optimistic_candidate_block(blck.blck): self[].processBlock( blck, payloadValid = executionPayloadStatus == PayloadExecutionStatus.valid) else: debug "runQueueProcessingLoop: block cannot be optimistically imported", blck = shortLog(blck.blck) if not blck.resfut.isNil: blck.resfut.complete( Result[void, BlockError].err(BlockError.MissingParent))