def runStages() { try { stage("Clone") { checkout scm /* we need to update the submodules before caching kicks in */ sh "git submodule update --init --recursive" } cache(maxCacheSize: 250, caches: [ [$class: "ArbitraryFileCache", excludes: "", includes: "**/*", path: "${WORKSPACE}/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/bin"], [$class: "ArbitraryFileCache", excludes: "", includes: "**/*", path: "${WORKSPACE}/jsonTestsCache"] ]) { stage("Build") { sh """#!/bin/bash set -e make -j${env.NPROC} update # to allow a newer Nim version to be detected make -j${env.NPROC} deps # to allow the following parallel stages V=1 ./scripts/ jsonTestsCache """ } } stage("Test") { parallel( "tools": { stage("Tools") { sh """#!/bin/bash set -e make -j${env.NPROC} make -j${env.NPROC} LOG_LEVEL=TRACE NIMFLAGS='-d:testnet_servers_image' """ } }, "test suite": { stage("Test suite") { sh "make -j${env.NPROC} DISABLE_TEST_FIXTURES_SCRIPT=1 test" } if ("${NODE_NAME}" ==~ /linux.*/) { stage("testnet finalization") { // EXECUTOR_NUMBER will be 0 or 1, since we have 2 executors per Jenkins node sh """#!/bin/bash set -e timeout -k 20s 10m ./scripts/ --testnet 0 --nodes 4 --log-level INFO --disable-htop --base-port \$(( 9000 + EXECUTOR_NUMBER * 100 )) --base-metrics-port \$(( 8008 + EXECUTOR_NUMBER * 100 )) -- --verify-finalization --stop-at-epoch=5 timeout -k 20s 40m ./scripts/ --testnet 1 --nodes 4 --log-level INFO --disable-htop --base-port \$(( 9000 + EXECUTOR_NUMBER * 100 )) --base-metrics-port \$(( 8008 + EXECUTOR_NUMBER * 100 )) -- --verify-finalization --stop-at-epoch=5 """ } } } ) } } catch(e) { echo "'${env.STAGE_NAME}' stage failed" // we need to rethrow the exception here throw e } finally { cleanWs(disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true) } } parallel( "Linux": { node("linux") { withEnv(["NPROC=${sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'nproc').trim()}"]) { runStages() } } }, "macOS": { node("macos") { withEnv(["NPROC=${sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu').trim()}"]) { runStages() } } } )