import confutils, strutils, strformat, ospaths const rootDir = thisDir() / ".." bootstrapFile = "bootstrap_nodes.txt" depositContractFile = "deposit_contract.txt" genesisFile = "genesis.ssz" configFile = "config.yaml" clientsOrg = "zah" # "eth2-clients" testnetsRepo = "eth2-testnets" testnetsRepoGitUrl = "git://" & clientsOrg & "/" & testnetsRepo proc validateTestnetName(parts: openarray[string]): auto = if parts.len != 2: echo "The testnet name should have the format `client/network-name`" quit 1 (parts[0], parts[1]) cli do (testnetName {.argument.}: string): let nameParts = testnetName.split "/" (team, testnet) = if nameParts.len > 1: validateTestnetName nameParts else: ("nimbus", testnetName) let buildDir = rootDir / "build" allTestnetsDir = buildDir / testnetsRepo if not dirExists(allTestnetsDir): cd buildDir exec &"git clone {testnetsRepoGitUrl}" cd allTestnetsDir exec &"git remote set-url origin {testnetsRepoGitUrl}" exec "git reset --hard master" exec "git pull" let testnetDir = allTestnetsDir / team / testnet if not dirExists(testnetDir): echo &"No metadata files exists for the '{testnetName}' testnet" quit 1 proc checkRequiredFile(fileName: string) = let filePath = testnetDir / fileName if not fileExists(filePath): echo &"The required file {fileName} is not present in '{testnetDir}'." quit 1 checkRequiredFile bootstrapFile checkRequiredFile genesisFile var preset = testnetDir / configFile if not fileExists(preset): preset = "minimal" let dataDirName = testnetName.replace("/", "_") dataDir = buildDir / "data" / dataDirName beaconNodeBinary = buildDir / "beacon_node_" & dataDirName nimFlags = "-d:release --lineTrace:on -d:chronicles_log_level=DEBUG" var depositContractOpt = "" let depositContractFile = testnetDir / depositContractFile if fileExists(depositContractFile): depositContractOpt = "--deposit-contract=" & readFile(depositContractFile).strip cd rootDir exec &"""nim c {nimFlags} -d:"const_preset={preset}" -o:"{beaconNodeBinary}" beacon_chain/beacon_node.nim""" exec replace(&"""{beaconNodeBinary} --data-dir="{dataDir}" --bootstrap-file="{testnetDir/bootstrapFile}" --state-snapshot="{testnetDir/genesisFile}" """ & depositContractOpt, "\n", " ")