# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[sequtils, strutils, os], stew/[byteutils, objects], stew/shims/macros, nimcrypto/hash, web3/[conversions], web3/primitives as web3types, chronicles, eth/common/eth_types_json_serialization, ../spec/[eth2_ssz_serialization, forks] # TODO(zah): # We can compress the embedded states with snappy before embedding them here. # ATTENTION! This file is intentionally avoiding the Nim `/` operator for # constructing paths. The standard operator is relying the `DirSep` constant # which depends on the selected target OS (when doing cross-compilation), so # the compile-time manipulation of paths performed here will break (e.g. when # cross-compiling for Windows from Linux) # # Nim seems to need a more general solution for detecting the host OS during # compilation, so a host OS specific separator can be used when deriving paths # from `currentSourcePath`. export web3types, conversions, RuntimeConfig const vendorDir = currentSourcePath.parentDir.replace('\\', '/') & "/../../vendor" incbinEnabled* = sizeof(pointer) == 8 type Eth1BlockHash* = web3types.BlockHash Eth1Network* = enum mainnet goerli sepolia holesky GenesisMetadataKind* = enum NoGenesis UserSuppliedFile BakedIn BakedInUrl DownloadInfo* = object url: string digest: Eth2Digest GenesisMetadata* = object case kind*: GenesisMetadataKind of NoGenesis: discard of UserSuppliedFile: path*: string of BakedIn: networkName*: string of BakedInUrl: url*: string digest*: Eth2Digest Eth2NetworkMetadata* = object # If the eth1Network is specified, the ELManager will perform some # additional checks to ensure we are connecting to a web3 provider # serving data for the same network. The value can be set to `None` # for custom networks and testing purposes. eth1Network*: Option[Eth1Network] cfg*: RuntimeConfig # Parsing `enr.Records` is still not possible at compile-time bootstrapNodes*: seq[string] depositContractBlock*: uint64 depositContractBlockHash*: Eth2Digest genesis*: GenesisMetadata genesisDepositsSnapshot*: string func hasGenesis*(metadata: Eth2NetworkMetadata): bool = metadata.genesis.kind != NoGenesis proc readBootstrapNodes*(path: string): seq[string] {.raises: [IOError].} = # Read a list of ENR values from a YAML file containing a flat list of entries if fileExists(path): splitLines(readFile(path)). filterIt(it.startsWith("enr:")). mapIt(it.strip()) else: @[] proc readBootEnr*(path: string): seq[string] {.raises: [IOError].} = # Read a list of ENR values from a YAML file containing a flat list of entries if fileExists(path): splitLines(readFile(path)). filterIt(it.startsWith("- enr:")). mapIt(it[2..^1].strip()) else: @[] proc loadEth2NetworkMetadata*( path: string, eth1Network = none(Eth1Network), isCompileTime = false, downloadGenesisFrom = none(DownloadInfo), useBakedInGenesis = none(string) ): Result[Eth2NetworkMetadata, string] {.raises: [IOError, PresetFileError].} = # Load data in eth2-networks format # https://github.com/eth-clients/eth2-networks try: let genesisPath = path & "/genesis.ssz" genesisDepositsSnapshotPath = path & "/genesis_deposit_contract_snapshot.ssz" configPath = path & "/config.yaml" deployBlockPath = path & "/deploy_block.txt" depositContractBlockPath = path & "/deposit_contract_block.txt" depositContractBlockHashPath = path & "/deposit_contract_block_hash.txt" bootstrapNodesPath = path & "/bootstrap_nodes.txt" bootEnrPath = path & "/boot_enr.yaml" runtimeConfig = if fileExists(configPath): let (cfg, unknowns) = readRuntimeConfig(configPath) if unknowns.len > 0: when nimvm: # TODO better printing echo "Unknown constants in file: " & unknowns else: warn "Unknown constants in config file", unknowns cfg else: defaultRuntimeConfig depositContractBlockStr = if fileExists(depositContractBlockPath): readFile(depositContractBlockPath).strip else: "" depositContractBlockHashStr = if fileExists(depositContractBlockHashPath): readFile(depositContractBlockHashPath).strip else: "" deployBlockStr = if fileExists(deployBlockPath): readFile(deployBlockPath).strip else: "" depositContractBlock = if depositContractBlockStr.len > 0: parseBiggestUInt depositContractBlockStr elif deployBlockStr.len > 0: parseBiggestUInt deployBlockStr elif not runtimeConfig.DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.isDefaultValue: raise newException(ValueError, "A network with deposit contract should specify the " & "deposit contract deployment block in a file named " & "deposit_contract_block.txt or deploy_block.txt") else: 1'u64 depositContractBlockHash = if depositContractBlockHashStr.len > 0: Eth2Digest.strictParse(depositContractBlockHashStr) elif not runtimeConfig.DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.isDefaultValue: raise newException(ValueError, "A network with deposit contract should specify the " & "deposit contract deployment block hash in a file " & "name deposit_contract_block_hash.txt") else: default(Eth2Digest) bootstrapNodes = deduplicate( readBootstrapNodes(bootstrapNodesPath) & readBootEnr(bootEnrPath)) genesisDepositsSnapshot = if fileExists(genesisDepositsSnapshotPath): readFile(genesisDepositsSnapshotPath) else: "" ok Eth2NetworkMetadata( eth1Network: eth1Network, cfg: runtimeConfig, bootstrapNodes: bootstrapNodes, depositContractBlock: depositContractBlock, depositContractBlockHash: depositContractBlockHash, genesis: if downloadGenesisFrom.isSome: GenesisMetadata(kind: BakedInUrl, url: downloadGenesisFrom.get.url, digest: downloadGenesisFrom.get.digest) elif useBakedInGenesis.isSome: GenesisMetadata(kind: BakedIn, networkName: useBakedInGenesis.get) elif fileExists(genesisPath) and not isCompileTime: GenesisMetadata(kind: UserSuppliedFile, path: genesisPath) else: GenesisMetadata(kind: NoGenesis), genesisDepositsSnapshot: genesisDepositsSnapshot) except PresetIncompatibleError as err: err err.msg except ValueError as err: raise (ref PresetFileError)(msg: err.msg) proc loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( path: string, eth1Network = none(Eth1Network), useBakedInGenesis = none(string), downloadGenesisFrom = none(DownloadInfo)): Eth2NetworkMetadata = if fileExists(path & "/config.yaml"): try: let res = loadEth2NetworkMetadata( path, eth1Network, isCompileTime = true, downloadGenesisFrom = downloadGenesisFrom, useBakedInGenesis = useBakedInGenesis) if res.isErr: macros.error "The current build is misconfigured. " & "Attempt to load an incompatible network metadata: " & res.error return res.get except IOError as err: macros.error "Failed to load network metadata at '" & path & "': " & "IOError - " & err.msg except PresetFileError as err: macros.error "Failed to load network metadata at '" & path & "': " & "PresetFileError - " & err.msg else: macros.error "config.yaml not found for network '" & path when const_preset == "gnosis": when incbinEnabled: let gnosisGenesis* {.importc: "gnosis_mainnet_genesis".}: ptr UncheckedArray[byte] gnosisGenesisSize* {.importc: "gnosis_mainnet_genesis_size".}: int chiadoGenesis* {.importc: "gnosis_chiado_genesis".}: ptr UncheckedArray[byte] chiadoGenesisSize* {.importc: "gnosis_chiado_genesis_size".}: int # let `.incbin` in assembly file find the binary file through search path {.passc: "-I" & vendorDir.} {.compile: "network_metadata_gnosis.S".} else: const gnosisGenesis* = slurp( vendorDir & "/gnosis-chain-configs/mainnet/genesis.ssz") chiadoGenesis* = slurp( vendorDir & "/gnosis-chain-configs/chiado/genesis.ssz") const gnosisMetadata = loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( vendorDir & "/gnosis-chain-configs/mainnet", none(Eth1Network), useBakedInGenesis = some "gnosis") chiadoMetadata = loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( vendorDir & "/gnosis-chain-configs/chiado", none(Eth1Network), useBakedInGenesis = some "chiado") static: for network in [gnosisMetadata, chiadoMetadata]: checkForkConsistency(network.cfg) for network in [gnosisMetadata, chiadoMetadata]: doAssert network.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH doAssert network.cfg.BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH doAssert network.cfg.CAPELLA_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH for network in [chiadoMetadata]: doAssert network.cfg.DENEB_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH for network in [gnosisMetadata]: doAssert network.cfg.DENEB_FORK_EPOCH == FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH elif const_preset == "mainnet": when incbinEnabled: # Nim is very inefficent at loading large constants from binary files so we # use this trick instead which saves significant amounts of compile time {.push hint[GlobalVar]:off.} let mainnetGenesis* {.importc: "eth2_mainnet_genesis".}: ptr UncheckedArray[byte] mainnetGenesisSize* {.importc: "eth2_mainnet_genesis_size".}: int praterGenesis* {.importc: "eth2_goerli_genesis".}: ptr UncheckedArray[byte] praterGenesisSize* {.importc: "eth2_goerli_genesis_size".}: int sepoliaGenesis* {.importc: "eth2_sepolia_genesis".}: ptr UncheckedArray[byte] sepoliaGenesisSize* {.importc: "eth2_sepolia_genesis_size".}: int {.pop.} # let `.incbin` in assembly file find the binary file through search path {.passc: "-I" & vendorDir.} {.compile: "network_metadata_mainnet.S".} else: const mainnetGenesis* = slurp( vendorDir & "/eth2-networks/shared/mainnet/genesis.ssz") praterGenesis* = slurp( vendorDir & "/goerli/prater/genesis.ssz") sepoliaGenesis* = slurp( vendorDir & "/sepolia/bepolia/genesis.ssz") const mainnetMetadata = loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( vendorDir & "/eth2-networks/shared/mainnet", some mainnet, useBakedInGenesis = some "mainnet") praterMetadata = loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( vendorDir & "/goerli/prater", some goerli, useBakedInGenesis = some "prater") holeskyMetadata = loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( vendorDir & "/holesky/custom_config_data", some holesky, downloadGenesisFrom = some DownloadInfo( url: "https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/releases/download/v23.9.1/holesky-genesis.ssz.sz", digest: Eth2Digest.fromHex "0x0ea3f6f9515823b59c863454675fefcd1d8b4f2dbe454db166206a41fda060a0")) sepoliaMetadata = loadCompileTimeNetworkMetadata( vendorDir & "/sepolia/bepolia", some sepolia, useBakedInGenesis = some "sepolia") static: for network in [mainnetMetadata, praterMetadata, sepoliaMetadata, holeskyMetadata]: checkForkConsistency(network.cfg) for network in [mainnetMetadata, praterMetadata, sepoliaMetadata, holeskyMetadata]: doAssert network.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH doAssert network.cfg.BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH doAssert network.cfg.CAPELLA_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH doAssert network.cfg.DENEB_FORK_EPOCH < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH proc getMetadataForNetwork*(networkName: string): Eth2NetworkMetadata = template loadRuntimeMetadata(): auto = if fileExists(networkName / "config.yaml"): try: let res = loadEth2NetworkMetadata(networkName) res.valueOr: fatal "The selected network is not compatible with the current build", reason = res.error quit 1 except IOError as exc: fatal "Cannot load network: IOError", msg = exc.msg, networkName quit 1 except PresetFileError as exc: fatal "Cannot load network: PresetFileError", msg = exc.msg, networkName quit 1 else: fatal "config.yaml not found for network", networkName quit 1 if networkName == "ropsten": warn "Ropsten is unsupported; https://blog.ethereum.org/2022/11/30/ropsten-shutdown-announcement suggests migrating to Goerli or Sepolia" let metadata = when const_preset == "gnosis": case toLowerAscii(networkName) of "gnosis": gnosisMetadata of "gnosis-chain": warn "`--network:gnosis-chain` is deprecated, " & "use `--network:gnosis` instead" gnosisMetadata of "chiado": chiadoMetadata else: loadRuntimeMetadata() elif const_preset == "mainnet": case toLowerAscii(networkName) of "mainnet": mainnetMetadata of "prater", "goerli": praterMetadata of "holesky": holeskyMetadata of "sepolia": sepoliaMetadata else: loadRuntimeMetadata() else: loadRuntimeMetadata() metadata proc getRuntimeConfig*(eth2Network: Option[string]): RuntimeConfig = ## Returns the run-time config for a network specified on the command line ## If the network is not explicitly specified, the function will act as the ## regular Nimbus binary, returning the mainnet config. ## ## TODO the assumption that the input variable is a CLI config option is not ## quite appropriate in such as low-level function. The "assume mainnet by ## default" behavior is something that should be handled closer to the `conf` ## layer. let metadata = if eth2Network.isSome: getMetadataForNetwork(eth2Network.get) else: when const_preset == "mainnet": mainnetMetadata elif const_preset == "gnosis": gnosisMetadata else: # This is a non-standard build (i.e. minimal), and the function was # most likely executed in a test. The best we can do is return a fully # default config: return defaultRuntimeConfig metadata.cfg when const_preset in ["mainnet", "gnosis"]: template bakedInGenesisStateAsBytes(networkName: untyped): untyped = when incbinEnabled: `networkName Genesis`.toOpenArray(0, `networkName GenesisSize` - 1) else: `networkName Genesis`.toOpenArrayByte(0, `networkName Genesis`.high) const availableOnlyInMainnetBuild = "Baked-in genesis states for the official Ethereum " & "networks are available only in the mainnet build of Nimbus" availableOnlyInGnosisBuild = "Baked-in genesis states for the Gnosis network " & "are available only in the gnosis build of Nimbus" template bakedBytes*(metadata: GenesisMetadata): auto = case metadata.networkName of "mainnet": when const_preset == "mainnet": bakedInGenesisStateAsBytes mainnet else: raiseAssert availableOnlyInMainnetBuild of "prater": when const_preset == "mainnet": bakedInGenesisStateAsBytes prater else: raiseAssert availableOnlyInMainnetBuild of "sepolia": when const_preset == "mainnet": bakedInGenesisStateAsBytes sepolia else: raiseAssert availableOnlyInMainnetBuild of "gnosis": when const_preset == "gnosis": bakedInGenesisStateAsBytes gnosis else: raiseAssert availableOnlyInGnosisBuild of "chiado": when const_preset == "gnosis": bakedInGenesisStateAsBytes chiado else: raiseAssert availableOnlyInGnosisBuild else: raiseAssert "The baked network metadata should use one of the name above" func bakedGenesisValidatorsRoot*(metadata: Eth2NetworkMetadata): Opt[Eth2Digest] = case metadata.genesis.kind of BakedIn: try: let header = SSZ.decode( toOpenArray(metadata.genesis.bakedBytes, 0, sizeof(BeaconStateHeader) - 1), BeaconStateHeader) Opt.some header.genesis_validators_root except SerializationError: raiseAssert "Invalid baken-in genesis state" else: Opt.none Eth2Digest else: func bakedBytes*(metadata: GenesisMetadata): seq[byte] = raiseAssert "Baked genesis states are not available in the current build mode" func bakedGenesisValidatorsRoot*(metadata: Eth2NetworkMetadata): Opt[Eth2Digest] = Opt.none Eth2Digest