import deques, spec/[datatypes, crypto] type AttestationCandidate* = object validator*: int data*: AttestationData signature*: ValidatorSig AttestationPool* = object attestations: Deque[seq[AttestationCandidate]] startingSlot: int proc init*(T: type AttestationPool, startingSlot: int): T = result.attestationsPerSlot = initDeque[seq[AttestationCandidate]]() result.startingSlot = startingSlot proc setLen*[T](d: var Deque[T], len: int) = # TODO: The upstream `Deque` type should gain a proper resize API let delta = len - d.len if delta > 0: for i in 0 ..< delta: var defaultVal: T d.addLast(defaultVal) else: d.shrink(fromLast = delta) proc add*(pool: var AttestationPool, attestation: AttestationCandidate, beaconState: BeaconState) = # The caller of this function is responsible for ensuring that # the attestations will be given in a strictly slot increasing order: doAssert >= pool.startingSlot let slotIdxInPool = - pool.startingSlot if slotIdxInPool >= pool.attestations.len: pool.attestations.setLen(slotIdxInPool + 1) pool.attestations[slotIdxInPool].add attestation iterator each*(pool: AttestationPool, firstSlot, lastSlot: int): AttestationCandidate = ## Both indices are treated inclusively ## TODO: this should return a lent value doAssert firstSlot <= lastSlot for idx in countup(max(0, firstSlot - pool.startingSlot), min(pool.attestations.len - 1, lastSlot - pool.startingSlot)): for attestation in pool.attestations[idx]: yield attestation proc discardHistoryToSlot*(pool: var AttestationPool, slot: int) = ## The index is treated inclusively if slot < pool.startingSlot: return let slotIdx = int(slot - pool.startingSlot) pool.attestations.shrink(fromFirst = slotIdx + 1) func getAttestationCandidate*(attestation: Attestation): AttestationCandidate = # TODO: not complete AttestationCandidate object = result.signature = attestation.aggregate_signature func getLatestAttestation*(pool: AttestationPool, validator: ValidatorRecord) = discard func getLatestAttestationTarget*() = discard func forkChoice*(pool: AttestationPool, oldHead, newBlock: BeaconBlock): bool = # This will return true if the new block is accepted over the old head block discard