SHELL := bash # the shell used internally by "make" # These default settings can be overriden by exporting env variables IMAGE_TAG ?= testnet2 IMAGE_NAME ?= statusteam/nimbus_beacon_node:$(IMAGE_TAG) CURRENT_BRANCH = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) COMPUTER_SAYS_NO = { echo "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."; exit 1; } .PHONY: build push push-last build: @ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 \ docker build \ -t $(IMAGE_NAME) \ --progress=plain \ . push: build +@ $(MAKE) push-last push-last: @ [[ "$(CURRENT_BRANCH)" != "devel" ]] && $(COMPUTER_SAYS_NO) || true docker push $(IMAGE_NAME)