# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} # Common routines for a BeaconNode and a ValidatorClient import # Standard library std/[tables, strutils, terminal, typetraits], # Nimble packages chronos, confutils, presto, toml_serialization, metrics, chronicles, chronicles/helpers as chroniclesHelpers, chronicles/topics_registry, stew/io2, # Local modules ./spec/[helpers, keystore], ./spec/datatypes/base, "."/[beacon_clock, beacon_node_status, conf, version] when defined(posix): import termios declareGauge versionGauge, "Nimbus version info (as metric labels)", ["version", "commit"], name = "version" versionGauge.set(1, labelValues=[fullVersionStr, gitRevision]) declareGauge nimVersionGauge, "Nim version info", ["version", "nim_commit"], name = "nim_version" nimVersionGauge.set(1, labelValues=[NimVersion, getNimGitHash()]) export confutils, toml_serialization, beacon_clock, beacon_node_status, conf type SlotStartProc*[T] = proc(node: T, wallTime: BeaconTime, lastSlot: Slot): Future[bool] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} # silly chronicles, colors is a compile-time property when defaultChroniclesStream.outputs.type.arity == 2: func stripAnsi(v: string): string = var res = newStringOfCap(v.len) i: int while i < v.len: let c = v[i] if c == '\x1b': var x = i + 1 found = false while x < v.len: # look for [..m let c2 = v[x] if x == i + 1: if c2 != '[': break else: if c2 in {'0'..'9'} + {';'}: discard # keep looking elif c2 == 'm': i = x + 1 found = true break else: break inc x if found: # skip adding c continue res.add c inc i res proc updateLogLevel*(logLevel: string) {.raises: [ValueError].} = # Updates log levels (without clearing old ones) let directives = logLevel.split(";") try: setLogLevel(parseEnum[LogLevel](directives[0].capitalizeAscii())) except ValueError: raise (ref ValueError)(msg: "Please specify one of TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR or FATAL") if directives.len > 1: for topicName, settings in parseTopicDirectives(directives[1..^1]): if not setTopicState(topicName, settings.state, settings.logLevel): warn "Unrecognized logging topic", topic = topicName proc detectTTY*(stdoutKind: StdoutLogKind): StdoutLogKind = if stdoutKind == StdoutLogKind.Auto: if isatty(stdout): # On a TTY, let's be fancy StdoutLogKind.Colors else: # When there's no TTY, we output no colors because this matches what # released binaries were doing before auto-detection was around and # looks decent in systemd-captured journals. StdoutLogKind.NoColors else: stdoutKind when defaultChroniclesStream.outputs.type.arity == 2: from std/os import splitFile from "."/filepath import secureCreatePath proc setupFileLimits*() = when not defined(windows): # In addition to databases and sockets, we need a file descriptor for every # validator - setting it to 16k should provide sufficient margin let limit = getMaxOpenFiles2().valueOr(16384) if limit < 16384: setMaxOpenFiles2(16384).isOkOr: warn "Cannot increase open file limit", err = osErrorMsg(error) proc setupLogging*( logLevel: string, stdoutKind: StdoutLogKind, logFile: Option[OutFile]) = # In the cfg file for nimbus, we create two formats: textlines and json. # Here, we either write those logs to an output, or not, depending on the # given configuration. # Arguably, if we don't use a format, chronicles should not create it. when defaultChroniclesStream.outputs.type.arity != 2: warn "Logging configuration options not enabled in the current build" else: # Naive approach where chronicles will form a string and we will discard # it, even if it could have skipped the formatting phase proc noOutput(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = discard proc writeAndFlush(f: File, msg: LogOutputStr) = try: f.write(msg) f.flushFile() except IOError as err: logLoggingFailure(cstring(msg), err) proc stdoutFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(stdout, msg) proc noColorsFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(stdout, stripAnsi(msg)) let fileWriter = if logFile.isSome(): let logFile = logFile.get.string logFileDir = splitFile(logFile).dir lres = secureCreatePath(logFileDir) if lres.isOk(): try: let f = open(logFile, fmAppend) x = proc(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(f, msg) # will close when program terminates x except CatchableError as exc: error "Failed to create log file", logFile, msg = exc.msg noOutput else: error "Failed to create directory for log file", path = logFileDir, err = ioErrorMsg(lres.error) noOutput else: noOutput defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = fileWriter let tmp = detectTTY(stdoutKind) case tmp of StdoutLogKind.Auto: raiseAssert "checked above" of StdoutLogKind.Colors: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = stdoutFlush of StdoutLogKind.NoColors: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = noColorsFlush of StdoutLogKind.Json: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = noOutput let prevWriter = defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = proc(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = stdoutFlush(logLevel, msg) prevWriter(logLevel, msg) of StdoutLogKind.None: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = noOutput if logFile.isSome(): warn "The --log-file option is deprecated. Consider redirecting the standard output to a file instead" try: updateLogLevel(logLevel) except ValueError as err: try: stderr.write "Invalid value for --log-level. " & err.msg except IOError: echo "Invalid value for --log-level. " & err.msg quit 1 template makeBannerAndConfig*(clientId: string, ConfType: type): untyped = let version = clientId & "\p" & copyrights & "\p\p" & "eth2 specification v" & SPEC_VERSION & "\p\p" & nimBanner # TODO for some reason, copyrights are printed when doing `--help` {.push warning[ProveInit]: off.} let config = try: ConfType.load( version = version, # but a short version string makes more sense... copyrightBanner = clientId, secondarySources = proc ( config: ConfType, sources: ref SecondarySources ) {.raises: [ConfigurationError].} = if config.configFile.isSome: sources.addConfigFile(Toml, config.configFile.get) ) except CatchableError as err: # We need to log to stderr here, because logging hasn't been configured yet try: stderr.write "Failure while loading the configuration:\n" stderr.write err.msg stderr.write "\n" if err[] of ConfigurationError and err.parent != nil and err.parent[] of TomlFieldReadingError: let fieldName = ((ref TomlFieldReadingError)(err.parent)).field if fieldName in ["web3-url", "bootstrap-node", "direct-peer", "validator-monitor-pubkey"]: stderr.write "Since the '" & fieldName & "' option is allowed to " & "have more than one value, please make sure to supply " & "a properly formatted TOML array\n" except IOError: discard quit 1 {.pop.} config proc checkIfShouldStopAtEpoch*(scheduledSlot: Slot, stopAtEpoch: uint64): bool = # Offset backwards slightly to allow this epoch's finalization check to occur if scheduledSlot > 3 and stopAtEpoch > 0'u64 and (scheduledSlot - 3).epoch() >= stopAtEpoch: info "Stopping at pre-chosen epoch", chosenEpoch = stopAtEpoch, epoch = scheduledSlot.epoch(), slot = scheduledSlot true else: false proc resetStdin*() = when defined(posix): # restore echoing, in case it was disabled by a password prompt let fd = stdin.getFileHandle() var attrs: Termios discard fd.tcGetAttr(attrs.addr) attrs.c_lflag = attrs.c_lflag or Cflag(ECHO) discard fd.tcSetAttr(TCSANOW, attrs.addr) proc runKeystoreCachePruningLoop*(cache: KeystoreCacheRef) {.async.} = while true: let exitLoop = try: await sleepAsync(60.seconds) false except CatchableError: cache.clear() true if exitLoop: break cache.pruneExpiredKeys() proc sleepAsync*(t: TimeDiff): Future[void] = sleepAsync(nanoseconds( if t.nanoseconds < 0: 0'i64 else: t.nanoseconds)) proc runSlotLoop*[T](node: T, startTime: BeaconTime, slotProc: SlotStartProc[T]) {.async.} = var curSlot = startTime.slotOrZero() nextSlot = curSlot + 1 # No earlier than GENESIS_SLOT + 1 timeToNextSlot = nextSlot.start_beacon_time() - startTime info "Scheduling first slot action", startTime = shortLog(startTime), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), timeToNextSlot = shortLog(timeToNextSlot) while true: # Start by waiting for the time when the slot starts. Sleeping relinquishes # control to other tasks which may or may not finish within the alotted # time, so below, we need to be wary that the ship might have sailed # already. await sleepAsync(timeToNextSlot) let wallTime = node.beaconClock.now() wallSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero() # Always > GENESIS! if wallSlot < nextSlot: # While we were sleeping, the system clock changed and time moved # backwards! if wallSlot + 1 < nextSlot: # This is a critical condition where it's hard to reason about what # to do next - we'll call the attention of the user here by shutting # down. fatal "System time adjusted backwards significantly - clock may be inaccurate - shutting down", nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), wallSlot = shortLog(wallSlot) bnStatus = BeaconNodeStatus.Stopping return # Time moved back by a single slot - this could be a minor adjustment, # for example when NTP does its thing after not working for a while warn "System time adjusted backwards, rescheduling slot actions", wallTime = shortLog(wallTime), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), wallSlot = shortLog(wallSlot) # cur & next slot remain the same timeToNextSlot = nextSlot.start_beacon_time() - wallTime continue if wallSlot > nextSlot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH: # Time moved forwards by more than an epoch - either the clock was reset # or we've been stuck in processing for a long time - either way, we will # skip ahead so that we only process the events of the last # SLOTS_PER_EPOCH slots warn "Time moved forwards by more than an epoch, skipping ahead", curSlot = shortLog(curSlot), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), wallSlot = shortLog(wallSlot) curSlot = wallSlot - SLOTS_PER_EPOCH elif wallSlot > nextSlot: notice "Missed expected slot start, catching up", delay = shortLog(wallTime - nextSlot.start_beacon_time()), curSlot = shortLog(curSlot), nextSlot = shortLog(curSlot) let breakLoop = await slotProc(node, wallTime, curSlot) if breakLoop: break curSlot = wallSlot nextSlot = wallSlot + 1 timeToNextSlot = nextSlot.start_beacon_time() - node.beaconClock.now() proc init*(T: type RestServerRef, ip: IpAddress, port: Port, allowedOrigin: Option[string], validateFn: PatternCallback, config: AnyConf): T = let address = initTAddress(ip, port) serverFlags = {HttpServerFlags.QueryCommaSeparatedArray, HttpServerFlags.NotifyDisconnect} # We increase default timeout to help validator clients who poll our server # at least once per slot (12.seconds). let headersTimeout = if config.restRequestTimeout == 0: chronos.InfiniteDuration else: seconds(int64(config.restRequestTimeout)) maxHeadersSize = config.restMaxRequestHeadersSize * 1024 maxRequestBodySize = config.restMaxRequestBodySize * 1024 let res = RestServerRef.new(RestRouter.init(validateFn, allowedOrigin), address, serverFlags = serverFlags, httpHeadersTimeout = headersTimeout, maxHeadersSize = maxHeadersSize, maxRequestBodySize = maxRequestBodySize, errorType = string) if res.isErr(): notice "REST HTTP server could not be started", address = $address, reason = res.error() nil else: let server = res.get() notice "Starting REST HTTP server", url = "http://" & $server.localAddress() server type KeymanagerInitResult* = object server*: RestServerRef token*: string proc initKeymanagerServer*( config: AnyConf, existingRestServer: RestServerRef = nil): KeymanagerInitResult {.raises: [].} = var token: string let keymanagerServer = if config.keymanagerEnabled: if config.keymanagerTokenFile.isNone: echo "To enable the Keymanager API, you must also specify " & "the --keymanager-token-file option." quit 1 let tokenFilePath = config.keymanagerTokenFile.get.string tokenFileReadRes = readAllChars(tokenFilePath) if tokenFileReadRes.isErr: fatal "Failed to read the keymanager token file", error = $tokenFileReadRes.error quit 1 token = tokenFileReadRes.value.strip if token.len == 0: fatal "The keymanager token should not be empty", tokenFilePath quit 1 when config is BeaconNodeConf: if existingRestServer != nil and config.restAddress == config.keymanagerAddress and config.restPort == config.keymanagerPort: existingRestServer else: RestServerRef.init(config.keymanagerAddress, config.keymanagerPort, config.keymanagerAllowedOrigin, validateKeymanagerApiQueries, config) else: RestServerRef.init(config.keymanagerAddress, config.keymanagerPort, config.keymanagerAllowedOrigin, validateKeymanagerApiQueries, config) else: nil KeymanagerInitResult(server: keymanagerServer, token: token) proc quitDoppelganger*() = # Avoid colliding with # https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#Process%20Exit%20Codes # This error code is used to permanently shut down validators fatal "Doppelganger detection triggered! It appears a validator loaded into " & "this process is already live on the network - the validator is at high " & "risk of being slashed due to the same keys being used in two setups. " & "See https://nimbus.guide/doppelganger-detection.html for more information!" const QuitDoppelganger = 129 quit QuitDoppelganger