# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import # Standard library os, # Status libraries confutils/defs, serialization, # Beacon-chain ../beacon_chain/spec/[datatypes, crypto, beaconstate, validator, state_transition_block, state_transition_epoch], ../beacon_chain/[ssz, state_transition, extras] # Nimbus Bench - Scenario configuration # -------------------------------------------------- type StartupCommand* = enum noCommand cmdFullStateTransition cmdSlotProcessing cmdBlockProcessing cmdEpochProcessing BlockProcessingCat* = enum catBlockHeader catRANDAO catEth1Data catProposerSlashings catAttesterSlashings catAttestations catDeposits catVoluntaryExits EpochProcessingCat* = enum catFinalUpdates catJustificationFinalization catRegistryUpdates catSlashings # catRewardsPenalties # no upstream tests ScenarioConf* = object scenarioDir* {. desc: "The directory of your benchmark scenario" name: "scenario-dir" abbr: "d" required .}: InputDir preState* {. desc: "The name of your pre-state (without .ssz)" name: "pre" abbr: "p" defaultValue: "pre".}: string blocksPrefix* {. desc: "The prefix of your blocks file, for exemple \"blocks_\" for blocks in the form \"blocks_XX.ssz\"" name: "blocks-prefix" abbr: "b" defaultValue: "blocks_".}: string blocksQty* {. desc: "The number of blocks to process for this transition. Blocks should start at 0." name: "block-quantity" abbr: "q" defaultValue: 1.}: int skipBLS*{. desc: "Skip BLS public keys and signature verification" name: "skip-bls" defaultValue: true.}: bool case cmd*{. command defaultValue: noCommand }: StartupCommand of noCommand: discard of cmdFullStateTransition: discard of cmdSlotProcessing: numSlots* {. desc: "The number of slots the pre-state will be advanced by" name: "num-slots" abbr: "s" defaultValue: 1.}: uint64 of cmdBlockProcessing: case blockProcessingCat* {. desc: "block transitions" # name: "process-blocks" # Pending https://github.com/status-im/nim-confutils/issues/10 implicitlySelectable required .}: BlockProcessingCat of catBlockHeader: blockHeader*{. desc: "Block header filename (without .ssz)" name: "block-header" defaultValue: "block".}: string of catRANDAO: discard of catEth1Data: discard of catProposerSlashings: proposerSlashing*{. desc: "Proposer slashing filename (without .ssz)" name: "proposer-slashing" defaultValue: "proposer_slashing".}: string of catAttesterSlashings: attesterSlashing*{. desc: "Attester slashing filename (without .ssz)" name: "attester-slashing" defaultValue: "attester_slashing".}: string of catAttestations: attestation*{. desc: "Attestation filename (without .ssz)" name: "attestation" defaultValue: "attestation".}: string of catDeposits: deposit*{. desc: "Deposit filename (without .ssz)" name: "deposit" defaultValue: "deposit".}: string of catVoluntaryExits: voluntaryExit*{. desc: "Voluntary Exit filename (without .ssz)" name: "voluntary_exit" defaultValue: "voluntary_exit".}: string of cmdEpochProcessing: epochProcessingCat*: EpochProcessingCat proc parseSSZ(path: string, T: typedesc): T = try: when T is ref: result = newClone(SSZ.loadFile(path, typeof(default(T)[]))) else: result = SSZ.loadFile(path, T) except SerializationError as err: writeStackTrace() stderr.write "SSZ load issue for file \"", path, "\"\n" stderr.write err.formatMsg(path), "\n" quit 1 except CatchableError: writeStackTrace() stderr.write "SSZ load issue for file \"", path, "\"\n" quit 1 proc runFullTransition*(dir, preState, blocksPrefix: string, blocksQty: int, skipBLS: bool) = let prePath = dir / preState & ".ssz" echo "Running: ", prePath let state = (ref HashedBeaconState)( data: parseSSZ(prePath, BeaconState) ) state.root = hash_tree_root(state.data) for i in 0 ..< blocksQty: let blockPath = dir / blocksPrefix & $i & ".ssz" echo "Processing: ", blockPath let signedBlock = parseSSZ(blockPath, SignedBeaconBlock) let flags = if skipBLS: {skipBlsValidation} else: {} let success = state_transition( state[], signedBlock, flags, noRollback) echo "State transition status: ", if success: "SUCCESS ✓" else: "FAILURE ⚠️" proc runProcessSlots*(dir, preState: string, numSlots: uint64) = let prePath = dir / preState & ".ssz" echo "Running: ", prePath let state = (ref HashedBeaconState)( data: parseSSZ(prePath, BeaconState) ) state.root = hash_tree_root(state.data) # Shouldn't necessarily assert, because nbench can run test suite discard process_slots(state[], state.data.slot + numSlots) template processEpochScenarioImpl( dir, preState: string, transitionFn: untyped, needCache: static bool): untyped = let prePath = dir/preState & ".ssz" echo "Running: ", prePath let state = (ref HashedBeaconState)( data: parseSSZ(prePath, BeaconState) ) state.root = hash_tree_root(state.data) when needCache: var cache = get_empty_per_epoch_cache() # Epoch transitions can't fail (TODO is this true?) when needCache: transitionFn(state.data, cache) else: transitionFn(state.data) echo astToStr(transitionFn) & " status: ", "Done" # if success: "SUCCESS ✓" else: "FAILURE ⚠️" template genProcessEpochScenario(name, transitionFn: untyped, needCache: static bool): untyped = proc `name`*(dir, preState: string) = processEpochScenarioImpl(dir, preState, transitionFn, needCache) template processBlockScenarioImpl( dir, preState: string, skipBLS: bool, transitionFn, paramName: untyped, ConsensusObjectRefType: typedesc, needFlags, needCache: static bool): untyped = let prePath = dir/preState & ".ssz" echo "Running: ", prePath let state = (ref HashedBeaconState)( data: parseSSZ(prePath, BeaconState) ) state.root = hash_tree_root(state.data) when needCache: var cache = get_empty_per_epoch_cache() when needFlags: let flags = if skipBLS: {skipBlsValidation} else: {} let consObjPath = dir/paramName & ".ssz" echo "Processing: ", consObjPath var consObj = parseSSZ(consObjPath, ConsensusObjectRefType) when needFlags and needCache: let success = transitionFn(state.data, consObj[], flags, cache) elif needFlags: let success = transitionFn(state.data, consObj[], flags) elif needCache: let success = transitionFn(state, consObj[], flags, cache) else: let success = transitionFn(state, consObj[]) echo astToStr(transitionFn) & " status: ", if success: "SUCCESS ✓" else: "FAILURE ⚠️" template genProcessBlockScenario(name, transitionFn, paramName: untyped, ConsensusObjectType: typedesc, needFlags, needCache: static bool): untyped = when needFlags: proc `name`*(dir, preState, `paramName`: string, skipBLS: bool) = processBlockScenarioImpl(dir, preState, skipBLS, transitionFn, paramName, ref ConsensusObjectType, needFlags, needCache) else: proc `name`*(dir, preState, `paramName`: string) = # skipBLS is a dummy to avoid undeclared identifier processBlockScenarioImpl(dir, preState, skipBLS = false, transitionFn, paramName, ref ConsensusObjectType, needFlags, needCache) genProcessEpochScenario(runProcessJustificationFinalization, process_justification_and_finalization, needCache = true) genProcessEpochScenario(runProcessRegistryUpdates, process_registry_updates, needCache = false) genProcessEpochScenario(runProcessSlashings, process_slashings, needCache = false) genProcessEpochScenario(runProcessFinalUpdates, process_final_updates, needCache = false) genProcessBlockScenario(runProcessBlockHeader, process_block_header, block_header, BeaconBlock, needFlags = true, needCache = true) genProcessBlockScenario(runProcessProposerSlashing, process_proposer_slashing, proposer_slashing, ProposerSlashing, needFlags = true, needCache = true) genProcessBlockScenario(runProcessAttestation, process_attestation, attestation, Attestation, needFlags = true, needCache = true) genProcessBlockScenario(runProcessAttesterSlashing, process_attester_slashing, att_slash, AttesterSlashing, needFlags = true, needCache = true) genProcessBlockScenario(runProcessDeposit, process_deposit, deposit, Deposit, needFlags = true, needCache = false) genProcessBlockScenario(runProcessVoluntaryExits, process_voluntary_exit, deposit, SignedVoluntaryExit, needFlags = true, needCache = false)