import std/[options, strutils, uri], stew/results, chronicles, confutils, confutils/toml/defs as confTomlDefs, confutils/toml/std/net as confTomlNet, confutils/toml/std/uri as confTomlUri, json_serialization, # for logging toml_serialization, toml_serialization/lexer, ../spec/engine_authentication export toml_serialization, confTomlDefs, confTomlNet, confTomlUri type EngineApiRole* = enum DepositSyncing = "sync-deposits" BlockValidation = "validate-blocks" BlockProduction = "produce-blocks" EngineApiRoles* = set[EngineApiRole] EngineApiUrl* = object url: string jwtSecret: Option[seq[byte]] roles: EngineApiRoles EngineApiUrlConfigValue* = object url*: string # TODO: Use the URI type here jwtSecret* {.serializedFieldName: "jwt-secret".}: Option[string] jwtSecretFile* {.serializedFieldName: "jwt-secret-file".}: Option[InputFile] roles*: Option[EngineApiRoles] const defaultEngineApiRoles* = { DepositSyncing, BlockValidation, BlockProduction } # defaultJwtSecret* = "d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3" defaultEngineApiUrl* = EngineApiUrlConfigValue( url: "", jwtSecret: some defaultJwtSecret) chronicles.formatIt EngineApiUrl: it.url proc init*(T: type EngineApiUrl, url: string, jwtSecret = none seq[byte], roles = defaultEngineApiRoles): T = T(url: url, jwtSecret: jwtSecret, roles: roles) func url*(engineUrl: EngineApiUrl): string = engineUrl.url func jwtSecret*(engineUrl: EngineApiUrl): Option[seq[byte]] = engineUrl.jwtSecret func roles*(engineUrl: EngineApiUrl): EngineApiRoles = engineUrl.roles func unknownRoleMsg(role: string): string = "'" & role & "' is not a valid EL function" template raiseError(reader: var TomlReader, msg: string) = raiseTomlErr(reader.lex, msg) template raiseError(reader: var JsonReader, msg: string) = raiseTomlErr(reader.lex, msg) proc readValue*(reader: var TomlReader, value: var EngineApiRoles) {.raises: [Defect, SerializationError, IOError].} = let roles = reader.readValue seq[string] if roles.len == 0: reader.raiseError "At least one role should be provided" for role in roles: case role.toLowerAscii of $DepositSyncing: value.incl DepositSyncing of $BlockValidation: value.incl BlockValidation of $BlockProduction: value.incl BlockProduction else: reader.raiseError(unknownRoleMsg role) proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, roles: EngineApiRoles) {.raises: [Defect, SerializationError, IOError].} = var strRoles: seq[string] for role in EngineApiRole: if role in roles: strRoles.add $role writer.writeValue strRoles proc parseCmdArg*(T: type EngineApiUrlConfigValue, input: string): T {.raises: [ValueError, Defect].} = var uri = parseUri(input) jwtSecret: Option[string] jwtSecretFile: Option[InputFile] roles: Option[EngineApiRoles] if uri.anchor != "": for key, value in decodeQuery(uri.anchor): case key of "jwtSecret", "jwt-secret": jwtSecret = some value of "jwtSecretFile", "jwt-secret-file": jwtSecretFile = some InputFile.parseCmdArg(value) of "roles": var uriRoles: EngineApiRoles = {} for role in split(value, ","): case role.toLowerAscii of $DepositSyncing: uriRoles.incl DepositSyncing of $BlockValidation: uriRoles.incl BlockValidation of $BlockProduction: uriRoles.incl BlockProduction else: raise newException(ValueError, unknownRoleMsg role) if uriRoles == {}: raise newException(ValueError, "The list of roles should not be empty") roles = some uriRoles else: raise newException(ValueError, "'" & key & "' is not a recognized Engine URL property") uri.anchor = "" EngineApiUrlConfigValue( url: $uri, jwtSecret: jwtSecret, jwtSecretFile: jwtSecretFile, roles: roles) proc readValue*(reader: var TomlReader, value: var EngineApiUrlConfigValue) {.raises: [Defect, SerializationError, IOError].} = if reader.lex.readable and reader.lex.peekChar in ['\'', '"']: # If the input is a string, we'll reuse the command-line parsing logic value = try: parseCmdArg(EngineApiUrlConfigValue, reader.readValue(string)) except ValueError as err: reader.lex.raiseUnexpectedValue("Valid Engine API URL expected: " & err.msg) else: # Else, we'll use the standard object-serializer in TOML toml_serialization.readValue(reader, value) proc fixupWeb3Urls*(web3Url: var string) = var normalizedUrl = toLowerAscii(web3Url) if not (normalizedUrl.startsWith("https://") or normalizedUrl.startsWith("http://") or normalizedUrl.startsWith("wss://") or normalizedUrl.startsWith("ws://")): warn "The Web3 URL does not specify a protocol. Assuming a WebSocket server", web3Url web3Url = "ws://" & web3Url proc toFinalUrl*(confValue: EngineApiUrlConfigValue, confJwtSecret: Option[seq[byte]]): Result[EngineApiUrl, cstring] = if confValue.jwtSecret.isSome and confValue.jwtSecretFile.isSome: return err "The options `jwtSecret` and `jwtSecretFile` should not be specified together" let jwtSecret = if confValue.jwtSecret.isSome: some(? parseJwtTokenValue(confValue.jwtSecret.get)) elif confValue.jwtSecretFile.isSome: some(? loadJwtSecretFile(confValue.jwtSecretFile.get)) else: confJwtSecret var url = confValue.url fixupWeb3Urls(url) ok EngineApiUrl.init( url = url, jwtSecret = jwtSecret, roles = confValue.roles.get(defaultEngineApiRoles)) proc loadJwtSecret*(jwtSecret: Option[InputFile]): Option[seq[byte]] = if jwtSecret.isSome: let res = loadJwtSecretFile(jwtSecret.get) if res.isOk: some res.value else: fatal "Failed to load JWT secret file", err = res.error quit 1 else: none seq[byte] proc toFinalEngineApiUrls*(elUrls: seq[EngineApiUrlConfigValue], confJwtSecret: Option[InputFile]): seq[EngineApiUrl] = let jwtSecret = loadJwtSecret confJwtSecret for elUrl in elUrls: let engineApiUrl = elUrl.toFinalUrl(jwtSecret).valueOr: fatal "Invalid EL configuration", err = error quit 1 result.add engineApiUrl