# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # Uncategorized helper functions from the spec {.push raises: [Defect].} # References to `vFuture` refer to the pre-release proposal of the libp2p based # light client sync protocol. Conflicting release versions are not in use. # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/2802 import # Standard lib std/[algorithm, math, sequtils, sets, tables], # Status libraries stew/[bitops2, byteutils, endians2, objects], chronicles, # Internal ./datatypes/[phase0, altair, bellatrix], "."/[eth2_merkleization, forks, ssz_codec] # TODO although eth2_merkleization already exports ssz_codec, *sometimes* code # fails to compile if the export is not done here also export forks, eth2_merkleization, ssz_codec # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#integer_squareroot func integer_squareroot*(n: SomeInteger): SomeInteger = ## Return the largest integer ``x`` such that ``x**2 <= n``. doAssert n >= 0'u64 var x = n y = (x + 1) div 2 while y < x: x = y y = (x + n div x) div 2 x # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#generalized_index_sibling template generalized_index_sibling*( index: GeneralizedIndex): GeneralizedIndex = index xor 1.GeneralizedIndex template generalized_index_sibling_left( index: GeneralizedIndex): GeneralizedIndex = index and not 1.GeneralizedIndex template generalized_index_sibling_right( index: GeneralizedIndex): GeneralizedIndex = index or 1.GeneralizedIndex # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#generalized_index_parent template generalized_index_parent*( index: GeneralizedIndex): GeneralizedIndex = index shr 1 # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#merkle-multiproofs iterator get_branch_indices*( tree_index: GeneralizedIndex): GeneralizedIndex = ## Get the generalized indices of the sister chunks along the path ## from the chunk with the given tree index to the root. var index = tree_index while index > 1.GeneralizedIndex: yield generalized_index_sibling(index) index = generalized_index_parent(index) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#merkle-multiproofs iterator get_path_indices*( tree_index: GeneralizedIndex): GeneralizedIndex = ## Get the generalized indices of the chunks along the path ## from the chunk with the given tree index to the root. var index = tree_index while index > 1.GeneralizedIndex: yield index index = generalized_index_parent(index) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#merkle-multiproofs func get_helper_indices*( indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex]): seq[GeneralizedIndex] = ## Get the generalized indices of all "extra" chunks in the tree needed ## to prove the chunks with the given generalized indices. Note that the ## decreasing order is chosen deliberately to ensure equivalence to the order ## of hashes in a regular single-item Merkle proof in the single-item case. var all_helper_indices = initHashSet[GeneralizedIndex]() for index in indices: for idx in get_branch_indices(index): all_helper_indices.incl idx for index in indices: for idx in get_path_indices(index): all_helper_indices.excl idx var res = newSeqOfCap[GeneralizedIndex](all_helper_indices.len) for idx in all_helper_indices: res.add idx res.sort(SortOrder.Descending) res # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#merkle-multiproofs func check_multiproof_acceptable*( indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex]): Result[void, string] = # Check that proof verification won't allocate excessive amounts of memory. const max_multiproof_complexity = nextPowerOfTwo(256) if indices.len > max_multiproof_complexity: trace "Max multiproof complexity exceeded", num_indices=indices.len, max_multiproof_complexity return err("Unsupported multiproof complexity (" & $indices.len & ")") if indices.len == 0: return err("No indices specified") if indices.anyIt(it == 0.GeneralizedIndex): return err("Invalid index specified") ok() func calculate_multi_merkle_root_impl( leaves: openArray[Eth2Digest], proof: openArray[Eth2Digest], indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex], helper_indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex]): Result[Eth2Digest, string] = # All callers have already verified the checks in check_multiproof_acceptable, # as well as whether lengths of leaves/indices and proof/helper_indices match. # Helper to retrieve a value from a table that is statically known to exist. template getExisting[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A): var B = try: t[key] except KeyError: raiseAssert "Unreachable" # Populate data structure with all leaves. # This data structure only scales with the number of `leaves`, # in contrast to the spec one that also scales with the number of `proof` # items and the number of all intermediate roots, potentially the entire tree. let capacity = nextPowerOfTwo(leaves.len) var objects = initTable[GeneralizedIndex, Eth2Digest](capacity) for i, index in indices: if objects.mgetOrPut(index, leaves[i]) != leaves[i]: return err("Conflicting roots for same index") # Create list with keys of all active nodes that need to be visited. # This list is sorted in descending order, same as `helper_indices`. # Pulling from `objects` instead of from `indices` deduplicates the list. var keys = newSeqOfCap[GeneralizedIndex](objects.len) for index in objects.keys: if index > 1.GeneralizedIndex: # For the root, no work needs to be done. keys.add index keys.sort(SortOrder.Descending) # The merkle tree is processed from bottom to top, pulling in helper # indices from `proof` as needed. During processing, the `keys` list # may temporarily end up being split into two parts, sorted individually. # An additional index tracks the current maximum element of the list. var completed = 0 # All key indices before this are fully processed. maxIndex = completed # Index of the list's largest key. helper = 0 # Helper index from `proof` to be pulled next. # Processing is done when there are no more keys to process. while completed < keys.len: let k = keys[maxIndex] sibling = generalized_index_sibling(k) left = generalized_index_sibling_left(k) right = generalized_index_sibling_right(k) parent = generalized_index_parent(k) parentRight = generalized_index_sibling_right(parent) # Keys need to be processed in descending order to ensure that intermediate # roots remain available until they are no longer needed. This ensures that # conflicting roots are detected in all cases. keys[maxIndex] = if not objects.hasKey(k): # A previous computation did already merge this key with its sibling. 0.GeneralizedIndex else: # Compute expected root for parent. This deletes child roots. # Because the list is sorted in descending order, they are not needed. let root = withEth2Hash: if helper < helper_indices.len and helper_indices[helper] == sibling: # The next proof item is required to form the parent hash. if sibling == left: h.update proof[helper].data h.update objects.getExisting(right).data; objects.del right else: h.update objects.getExisting(left).data; objects.del left h.update proof[helper].data inc helper else: # Both siblings are already known. h.update objects.getExisting(left).data; objects.del left h.update objects.getExisting(right).data; objects.del right # Store parent root, and replace the current list entry with its parent. if objects.hasKeyOrPut(parent, root): if objects.getExisting(parent) != root: return err("Conflicting roots for same index") 0.GeneralizedIndex elif parent > 1.GeneralizedIndex: # Note that the list may contain further nodes that are on a layer # beneath the parent, so this may break the strictly descending order # of the list. For example, given [12, 9], this will lead to [6, 9]. # This will resolve itself after the additional nodes are processed, # i.e., [6, 9] -> [6, 4] -> [3, 4] -> [3, 2] -> [1]. parent else: 0.GeneralizedIndex if keys[maxIndex] != 0.GeneralizedIndex: # The list may have been temporarily split up into two parts that are # individually sorted in descending order. Have to first process further # nodes until the list is sorted once more. inc maxIndex # Determine whether descending sort order has been restored. let isSorted = if maxIndex == completed: true else: while maxIndex < keys.len and keys[maxIndex] == 0.GeneralizedIndex: inc maxIndex maxIndex >= keys.len or keys[maxIndex] <= parentRight if isSorted: # List is sorted once more. Reset `maxIndex` to its start. while completed < keys.len and keys[completed] == 0.GeneralizedIndex: inc completed maxIndex = completed # Proof is guaranteed to provide all info needed to reach the root. doAssert helper == helper_indices.len doAssert objects.len == 1 ok(objects.getExisting(1.GeneralizedIndex)) func calculate_multi_merkle_root*( leaves: openArray[Eth2Digest], proof: openArray[Eth2Digest], indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex], helper_indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex]): Result[Eth2Digest, string] = doAssert proof.len == helper_indices.len if leaves.len != indices.len: return err("Length mismatch for leaves and indices") ? check_multiproof_acceptable(indices) calculate_multi_merkle_root_impl( leaves, proof, indices, helper_indices) func calculate_multi_merkle_root*( leaves: openArray[Eth2Digest], proof: openArray[Eth2Digest], indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex]): Result[Eth2Digest, string] = if leaves.len != indices.len: return err("Length mismatch for leaves and indices") ? check_multiproof_acceptable(indices) calculate_multi_merkle_root_impl( leaves, proof, indices, get_helper_indices(indices)) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/ssz/merkle-proofs.md#merkle-multiproofs func verify_merkle_multiproof*( leaves: openArray[Eth2Digest], proof: openArray[Eth2Digest], indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex], helper_indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex], root: Eth2Digest): bool = let calc = calculate_multi_merkle_root(leaves, proof, indices, helper_indices) if calc.isErr: return false calc.get == root func verify_merkle_multiproof*( leaves: openArray[Eth2Digest], proof: openArray[Eth2Digest], indices: openArray[GeneralizedIndex], root: Eth2Digest): bool = let calc = calculate_multi_merkle_root(leaves, proof, indices) if calc.isErr: return false calc.get == root # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#is_valid_merkle_branch func is_valid_merkle_branch*(leaf: Eth2Digest, branch: openArray[Eth2Digest], depth: int, index: uint64, root: Eth2Digest): bool = ## Check if ``leaf`` at ``index`` verifies against the Merkle ``root`` and ## ``branch``. var value = leaf buf: array[64, byte] for i in 0 ..< depth: if (index div (1'u64 shl i)) mod 2 != 0: buf[0..31] = branch[i].data buf[32..63] = value.data else: buf[0..31] = value.data buf[32..63] = branch[i].data value = eth2digest(buf) value == root # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/tests/core/pyspec/eth2spec/test/helpers/merkle.py#L4-L21 func build_proof_impl(anchor: object, leaf_index: uint64, proof: var openArray[Eth2Digest]) = let bottom_length = nextPow2(typeof(anchor).totalSerializedFields.uint64) tree_depth = log2trunc(bottom_length) parent_index = if leaf_index < bottom_length shl 1: 0'u64 else: var i = leaf_index while i >= bottom_length shl 1: i = i shr 1 i var prefix_len = 0 proof_len = log2trunc(leaf_index) cache = newSeq[Eth2Digest](bottom_length shl 1) block: var i = bottom_length anchor.enumInstanceSerializedFields(fieldNameVar, fieldVar): if i == parent_index: when fieldVar is object: prefix_len = log2trunc(leaf_index) - tree_depth proof_len -= prefix_len let bottom_bits = leaf_index and not (uint64.high shl prefix_len) prefix_leaf_index = (1'u64 shl prefix_len) + bottom_bits build_proof_impl(fieldVar, prefix_leaf_index, proof) else: raiseAssert "Invalid leaf_index" cache[i] = hash_tree_root(fieldVar) i += 1 for i in countdown(bottom_length - 1, 1): cache[i] = withEth2Hash: h.update cache[i shl 1].data h.update cache[i shl 1 + 1].data var i = if parent_index != 0: parent_index else: leaf_index doAssert i > 0 and i < bottom_length shl 1 for proof_index in prefix_len ..< prefix_len + proof_len: let b = (i and 1) != 0 i = i shr 1 proof[proof_index] = if b: cache[i shl 1] else: cache[i shl 1 + 1] func build_proof*(anchor: object, leaf_index: uint64, proof: var openArray[Eth2Digest]) = doAssert leaf_index > 0 doAssert proof.len == log2trunc(leaf_index) build_proof_impl(anchor, leaf_index, proof) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#is_active_validator func is_active_validator*(validator: Validator, epoch: Epoch): bool = ## Check if ``validator`` is active validator.activation_epoch <= epoch and epoch < validator.exit_epoch func is_exited_validator*(validator: Validator, epoch: Epoch): bool = ## Check if ``validator`` is exited validator.exit_epoch <= epoch func is_withdrawable_validator*(validator: Validator, epoch: Epoch): bool = epoch >= validator.withdrawable_epoch # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_active_validator_indices iterator get_active_validator_indices*(state: ForkyBeaconState, epoch: Epoch): ValidatorIndex = for vidx in state.validators.vindices: if is_active_validator(state.validators[vidx], epoch): yield vidx func get_active_validator_indices*(state: ForkyBeaconState, epoch: Epoch): seq[ValidatorIndex] = ## Return the sequence of active validator indices at ``epoch``. var res = newSeqOfCap[ValidatorIndex](state.validators.len) for vidx in get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch): res.add vidx res func get_active_validator_indices_len*(state: ForkyBeaconState, epoch: Epoch): uint64 = for vidx in state.validators.vindices: if is_active_validator(state.validators[vidx], epoch): inc result func get_active_validator_indices_len*( state: ForkedHashedBeaconState; epoch: Epoch): uint64 = withState(state): get_active_validator_indices_len(state.data, epoch) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_current_epoch func get_current_epoch*(state: ForkyBeaconState): Epoch = ## Return the current epoch. state.slot.epoch # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_current_epoch func get_current_epoch*(state: ForkedHashedBeaconState): Epoch = ## Return the current epoch. withState(state): get_current_epoch(state.data) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_randao_mix func get_randao_mix*(state: ForkyBeaconState, epoch: Epoch): Eth2Digest = ## Returns the randao mix at a recent ``epoch``. state.randao_mixes[epoch mod EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR] func bytes_to_uint64*(data: openArray[byte]): uint64 = doAssert data.len == 8 # Little-endian data representation uint64.fromBytesLE(data) func uint_to_bytes*(x: uint64): array[8, byte] = toBytesLE(x) func uint_to_bytes*(x: uint32): array[4, byte] = toBytesLE(x) func uint_to_bytes*(x: uint16): array[2, byte] = toBytesLE(x) func uint_to_bytes*(x: uint8): array[1, byte] = toBytesLE(x) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#compute_domain func compute_domain*( domain_type: DomainType, fork_version: Version, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest = ZERO_HASH): Eth2Domain = ## Return the domain for the ``domain_type`` and ``fork_version``. let fork_data_root = compute_fork_data_root(fork_version, genesis_validators_root) result[0..3] = domain_type.data result[4..31] = fork_data_root.data.toOpenArray(0, 27) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_domain func get_domain*( fork: Fork, domain_type: DomainType, epoch: Epoch, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest): Eth2Domain = ## Return the signature domain (fork version concatenated with domain type) ## of a message. let fork_version = if epoch < fork.epoch: fork.previous_version else: fork.current_version compute_domain(domain_type, fork_version, genesis_validators_root) func get_domain*( state: ForkyBeaconState, domain_type: DomainType, epoch: Epoch): Eth2Domain = ## Return the signature domain (fork version concatenated with domain type) ## of a message. get_domain(state.fork, domain_type, epoch, state.genesis_validators_root) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#compute_signing_root func compute_signing_root*(ssz_object: auto, domain: Eth2Domain): Eth2Digest = ## Return the signing root of an object by calculating the root of the ## object-domain tree. let domain_wrapped_object = SigningData( object_root: hash_tree_root(ssz_object), domain: domain ) hash_tree_root(domain_wrapped_object) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_seed func get_seed*(state: ForkyBeaconState, epoch: Epoch, domain_type: DomainType): Eth2Digest = ## Return the seed at ``epoch``. var seed_input : array[4+8+32, byte] # Detect potential underflow static: doAssert EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR > MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD seed_input[0..3] = domain_type.data seed_input[4..11] = uint_to_bytes(epoch.uint64) seed_input[12..43] = get_randao_mix(state, # Avoid underflow epoch + EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR - MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD - 1).data eth2digest(seed_input) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/altair/beacon-chain.md#add_flag func add_flag*(flags: ParticipationFlags, flag_index: int): ParticipationFlags = let flag = ParticipationFlags(1'u8 shl flag_index) flags or flag # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/altair/beacon-chain.md#has_flag func has_flag*(flags: ParticipationFlags, flag_index: int): bool = let flag = ParticipationFlags(1'u8 shl flag_index) (flags and flag) == flag # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/vFuture/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md#is_sync_committee_update template is_sync_committee_update*(update: SomeLightClientUpdate): bool = when update is SomeLightClientUpdateWithSyncCommittee: not isZeroMemory(update.next_sync_committee_branch) else: false # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md#get_active_header template is_finality_update*(update: SomeLightClientUpdate): bool = when update is SomeLightClientUpdateWithFinality: not isZeroMemory(update.finality_branch) else: false # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md#get_subtree_index func get_subtree_index*(idx: GeneralizedIndex): uint64 = doAssert idx > 0 uint64(idx mod (type(idx)(1) shl log2trunc(idx))) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/vFuture/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md#is_next_sync_committee_known template is_next_sync_committee_known*(store: LightClientStore): bool = not isZeroMemory(store.next_sync_committee) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md#get_safety_threshold func get_safety_threshold*(store: LightClientStore): uint64 = max( store.previous_max_active_participants, store.current_max_active_participants ) div 2 # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/vFuture/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md#is_better_update type LightClientUpdateMetadata* = object attested_slot*, finalized_slot*, signature_slot*: Slot has_sync_committee*, has_finality*: bool num_active_participants*: uint64 func toMeta*(update: SomeLightClientUpdate): LightClientUpdateMetadata = var meta {.noinit.}: LightClientUpdateMetadata meta.attested_slot = update.attested_header.slot meta.finalized_slot = when update is SomeLightClientUpdateWithFinality: update.finalized_header.slot else: GENESIS_SLOT meta.signature_slot = update.signature_slot meta.has_sync_committee = when update is SomeLightClientUpdateWithSyncCommittee: not update.next_sync_committee_branch.isZeroMemory else: false meta.has_finality = when update is SomeLightClientUpdateWithFinality: not update.finality_branch.isZeroMemory else: false meta.num_active_participants = countOnes(update.sync_aggregate.sync_committee_bits).uint64 meta func is_better_data*(new_meta, old_meta: LightClientUpdateMetadata): bool = # Compare supermajority (> 2/3) sync committee participation const max_active_participants = SYNC_COMMITTEE_SIZE.uint64 let new_has_supermajority = new_meta.num_active_participants * 3 >= max_active_participants * 2 old_has_supermajority = old_meta.num_active_participants * 3 >= max_active_participants * 2 if new_has_supermajority != old_has_supermajority: return new_has_supermajority > old_has_supermajority if not new_has_supermajority: if new_meta.num_active_participants != old_meta.num_active_participants: return new_meta.num_active_participants > old_meta.num_active_participants # Compare presence of relevant sync committee let new_has_relevant_sync_committee = new_meta.has_sync_committee and new_meta.attested_slot.sync_committee_period == new_meta.signature_slot.sync_committee_period old_has_relevant_sync_committee = old_meta.has_sync_committee and old_meta.attested_slot.sync_committee_period == old_meta.signature_slot.sync_committee_period if new_has_relevant_sync_committee != old_has_relevant_sync_committee: return new_has_relevant_sync_committee > old_has_relevant_sync_committee # Compare indication of any finality if new_meta.has_finality != old_meta.has_finality: return new_meta.has_finality > old_meta.has_finality # Compare sync committee finality if new_meta.has_finality: let new_has_sync_committee_finality = new_meta.finalized_slot.sync_committee_period == new_meta.attested_slot.sync_committee_period old_has_sync_committee_finality = old_meta.finalized_slot.sync_committee_period == old_meta.attested_slot.sync_committee_period if new_has_sync_committee_finality != old_has_sync_committee_finality: return new_has_sync_committee_finality > old_has_sync_committee_finality # Tiebreaker 1: Sync committee participation beyond supermajority if new_meta.num_active_participants != old_meta.num_active_participants: return new_meta.num_active_participants > old_meta.num_active_participants # Tiebreaker 2: Prefer older data (fewer changes to best data) new_meta.attested_slot < old_meta.attested_slot template is_better_update*[A, B: SomeLightClientUpdate]( new_update: A, old_update: B): bool = is_better_data(toMeta(new_update), toMeta(old_update)) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/bellatrix/beacon-chain.md#is_merge_transition_complete func is_merge_transition_complete*(state: bellatrix.BeaconState): bool = const defaultExecutionPayloadHeader = default(ExecutionPayloadHeader) state.latest_execution_payload_header != defaultExecutionPayloadHeader # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/bellatrix/beacon-chain.md#is_merge_transition_block func is_merge_transition_block( state: bellatrix.BeaconState, body: bellatrix.BeaconBlockBody | bellatrix.TrustedBeaconBlockBody | bellatrix.SigVerifiedBeaconBlockBody): bool = const defaultBellatrixExecutionPayload = default(bellatrix.ExecutionPayload) not is_merge_transition_complete(state) and body.execution_payload != defaultBellatrixExecutionPayload # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/bellatrix/beacon-chain.md#is_execution_enabled func is_execution_enabled*( state: bellatrix.BeaconState, body: bellatrix.BeaconBlockBody | bellatrix.TrustedBeaconBlockBody | bellatrix.SigVerifiedBeaconBlockBody): bool = is_merge_transition_block(state, body) or is_merge_transition_complete(state) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.2.0-rc.1/specs/bellatrix/beacon-chain.md#compute_timestamp_at_slot func compute_timestamp_at_slot*(state: ForkyBeaconState, slot: Slot): uint64 = # Note: This function is unsafe with respect to overflows and underflows. let slots_since_genesis = slot - GENESIS_SLOT state.genesis_time + slots_since_genesis * SECONDS_PER_SLOT # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.1.10/tests/core/pyspec/eth2spec/test/helpers/execution_payload.py#L1-L31 func build_empty_execution_payload*(state: bellatrix.BeaconState): ExecutionPayload = ## Assuming a pre-state of the same slot, build a valid ExecutionPayload ## without any transactions. let latest = state.latest_execution_payload_header timestamp = compute_timestamp_at_slot(state, state.slot) randao_mix = get_randao_mix(state, get_current_epoch(state)) var payload = ExecutionPayload( parent_hash: latest.block_hash, state_root: latest.state_root, # no changes to the state receipts_root: static(Eth2Digest.fromHex( "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421")), block_number: latest.block_number + 1, prev_randao: randao_mix, gas_limit: latest.gas_limit, # retain same limit gas_used: 0, # empty block, 0 gas timestamp: timestamp, base_fee_per_gas: latest.base_fee_per_gas) # retain same base_fee payload.block_hash = withEth2Hash: h.update payload.hash_tree_root().data h.update cast[array[13, uint8]]("FAKE RLP HASH") payload