import deques, options, sequtils, tables, chronicles, ./spec/[beaconstate, datatypes, crypto, digest, helpers, validator], extras, ./attestation_pool, ./beacon_node_types, ./beacon_chain_db, ./ssz proc get_ancestor(blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot): BlockRef = if blck.slot == slot: blck elif blck.slot < slot: nil else: get_ancestor(blck.parent, slot) # proc lmdGhost*( pool: AttestationPool, start_state: BeaconState, start_block: BlockRef): BlockRef = # TODO: a Fenwick Tree datastructure to keep track of cumulated votes # in O(log N) complexity # # Nim implementation for cumulative frequencies at # let active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices( start_state.validator_registry, slot_to_epoch(start_state.slot)) var attestation_targets: seq[tuple[validator: ValidatorIndex, blck: BlockRef]] for i in active_validator_indices: let pubKey = start_state.validator_registry[i].pubkey if (let vote = pool.latestAttestation(pubKey); not vote.isNil): attestation_targets.add((i, vote)) template get_vote_count(blck: BlockRef): uint64 = var res: uint64 for validator_index, target in attestation_targets.items(): if get_ancestor(target, blck.slot) == blck: res += get_effective_balance(start_state, validator_index) div FORK_CHOICE_BALANCE_INCREMENT res var head = start_block while true: if head.children.len() == 0: return head head = head.children[0] var headCount = get_vote_count(head) for i in 1.. headCount): head = head.children[i] headCount = hc