#!/bin/bash # Helper script for running a lighthouse node and connecting to the beacon node # that's set up by start.sh # https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/blob/master/docs/interop.md cargo_path=$(which cargo) [[ -x "$cargo_path" ]] || { echo "install rust first (https://rust-lang.org)"; exit 1; } [[ -d "lighthouse" ]] || { git clone https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse.git cd lighthouse git checkout interop # temporary interop branch - will get merged soon I expect! cargo update cd .. } # Fetch genesis time, as set up by start.sh genesis_time=$(grep -oP '(?<=genesis_time": )\w+(?=,)' data/state_snapshot.json) cd lighthouse cargo build cd target/debug #$export RUST_LOG=libp2p=trace,multistream=trace,gossipsub=trace # fresh start! rm -rf ~/.lighthouse ./beacon_node --libp2p-addresses="/ip4/" testnet --spec minimal quick 16 $genesis_time