AllTests-mainnet === ## Attestation pool processing [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Attestation from different branch [Preset: mainnet] OK + Attestations may arrive in any order [Preset: mainnet] OK + Attestations may overlap, bigger first [Preset: mainnet] OK + Attestations may overlap, smaller first [Preset: mainnet] OK + Attestations should be combined [Preset: mainnet] OK + Can add and retrieve simple attestations [Preset: mainnet] OK + Everyone voting for something different [Preset: mainnet] OK + Fork choice returns block with attestation OK + Fork choice returns latest block with no attestations OK + Trying to add a block twice tags the second as an error OK + Trying to add a duplicate block from an old pruned epoch is tagged as an error OK + Working with aggregates [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 12/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 0/12 ## Backfill ```diff + Init without genesis / block OK + backfill to genesis OK + reload backfill position OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## Beacon chain DB [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + empty database [Preset: mainnet] OK + find ancestors [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Altair and cross-fork getState rollback [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Altair blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Altair states [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Altair states, reusing buffers [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Bellatrix and cross-fork getState rollback [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Bellatrix blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Bellatrix states [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Bellatrix states, reusing buffers [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Capella and cross-fork getState rollback [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Capella blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Capella states [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check Capella states, reusing buffers [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check EIP4844 and cross-fork getState rollback [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check EIP4844 blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check EIP4844 states [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check EIP4844 states, reusing buffers [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check genesis roundtrip [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check phase 0 blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check phase 0 getState rollback [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check phase 0 states [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check phase 0 states, reusing buffers [Preset: mainnet] OK + sanity check state diff roundtrip [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24 ## Beacon state [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Smoke test initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1 [Preset: mainnet] OK + can_advance_slots OK + dependent_root OK + get_beacon_proposer_index OK + latest_block_root OK + merklizer state roundtrip OK + process_slots OK ``` OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7 ## Beacon time ```diff + basics OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Block pool altair processing [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Invalid signatures [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Block pool processing [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Adding the same block twice returns a Duplicate error [Preset: mainnet] OK + Simple block add&get [Preset: mainnet] OK + basic ops OK + updateHead updates head and headState [Preset: mainnet] OK + updateState sanity [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5 ## Block processor [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Reverse order block add & get [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Block quarantine ```diff + Unviable smoke test OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## BlockId and helpers ```diff + atSlot sanity OK + parent sanity OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## BlockRef and helpers ```diff + get_ancestor sanity OK + isAncestorOf sanity OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## BlockSlot and helpers ```diff + atSlot sanity OK + parent sanity OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## DeleteKeys requests [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Deleting not existing key [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## DeleteRemoteKeys requests [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Deleting existing local key and remote key [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Deleting not existing key [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5 ## DepositTreeSnapshot ```diff + Migration OK + SSZ OK + depositCount OK + isValid OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## Discovery fork ID ```diff + Expected fork IDs OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Diverging hardforks ```diff + Non-tail block in common OK + Tail block only in common OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## EF - SSZ generic types ```diff Testing basic_vector inputs - invalid Skip + Testing basic_vector inputs - valid OK + Testing bitlist inputs - invalid OK + Testing bitlist inputs - valid OK Testing bitvector inputs - invalid Skip + Testing bitvector inputs - valid OK + Testing boolean inputs - invalid OK + Testing boolean inputs - valid OK + Testing containers inputs - invalid - skipping BitsStruct OK + Testing containers inputs - valid - skipping BitsStruct OK + Testing uints inputs - invalid OK + Testing uints inputs - valid OK ``` OK: 10/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 2/12 ## Eth1 monitor ```diff + Deposits chain OK + Rewrite HTTPS Infura URLs OK + Roundtrip engine RPC V1 and bellatrix ExecutionPayload representations OK + Roundtrip engine RPC V2 and capella ExecutionPayload representations OK + Roundtrip engine RPC V3 and eip4844 ExecutionPayload representations OK ``` OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5 ## Eth2 specific discovery tests ```diff + Invalid attnets field OK + Subnet query OK + Subnet query after ENR update OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## Fee recipient management [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Configuring the fee recpient [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Obtaining the fee recpient of a missing validator returns 404 [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainn OK + Obtaining the fee recpient of an unconfigured validator returns the suggested default [Bea OK + Setting the fee recipient on a missing validator creates a record for it [Beacon Node] [Pr OK ``` OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7 ## FinalizedBlocks [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Basic ops [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Fork Choice + Finality [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + fork_choice - testing finality #01 OK + fork_choice - testing finality #02 OK + fork_choice - testing no votes OK + fork_choice - testing with votes OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## Fork id compatibility test ```diff + Digest check OK + Fork check OK + Next fork epoch check OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## Forked SSZ readers ```diff + load altair block OK + load altair state OK + load bellatrix block OK + load bellatrix state OK + load phase0 block OK + load phase0 state OK + should raise on unknown data OK ``` OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7 ## Gas limit management [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Configuring the gas limit [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Obtaining the gas limit of a missing validator returns 404 [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Obtaining the gas limit of an unconfigured validator returns the suggested default [Beacon OK + Setting the gas limit on a missing validator creates a record for it [Beacon Node] [Preset OK ``` OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7 ## Gossip fork transition ```diff + Gossip fork transition OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Gossip validation [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Empty committee when no committee for slot OK + validateAttestation OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## Gossip validation - Extra ```diff + validateSyncCommitteeMessage OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Honest validator ```diff + General pubsub topics OK + Mainnet attestation topics OK + isNearSyncCommitteePeriod OK + is_aggregator OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## ImportKeystores requests [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + ImportKeystores/ListKeystores/DeleteKeystores [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## ImportRemoteKeys/ListRemoteKeys/DeleteRemoteKeys [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Importing list of remote keys [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## Key spliting ```diff + k < n OK + k == n OK + k == n == 100 OK + single share OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## KeyStorage testing suite ```diff + Load Prysm keystore OK + Pbkdf2 errors OK + [PBKDF2] Keystore decryption OK + [PBKDF2] Keystore decryption (requireAllFields, allowUnknownFields) OK + [PBKDF2] Keystore encryption OK + [PBKDF2] Network Keystore decryption OK + [PBKDF2] Network Keystore encryption OK + [SCRYPT] Keystore decryption OK + [SCRYPT] Keystore decryption (requireAllFields, allowUnknownFields) OK + [SCRYPT] Keystore encryption OK + [SCRYPT] Network Keystore decryption OK + [SCRYPT] Network Keystore encryption OK ``` OK: 12/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 0/12 ## Latest valid hash [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + LVH searching OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Light client [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Init from checkpoint OK + Light client sync OK + Pre-Altair OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## Light client processor [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Duplicate bootstrap (Optimistic) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Duplicate bootstrap (Strict) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid bootstrap (Optimistic) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid bootstrap (Strict) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing bootstrap (finality update) (Optimistic) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing bootstrap (finality update) (Strict) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing bootstrap (optimistic update) (Optimistic) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing bootstrap (optimistic update) (Strict) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing bootstrap (update) (Optimistic) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing bootstrap (update) (Strict) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Sync (Optimistic) [Preset: mainnet] OK + Sync (Strict) [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 12/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 0/12 ## ListKeys requests [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Correct token provided [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## ListRemoteKeys requests [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Correct token provided [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Invalid Authorization Token [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK + Missing Authorization header [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## Message signatures ```diff + Aggregate and proof signatures OK + Attestation signatures OK + Deposit signatures OK + Slot signatures OK + Sync committee message signatures OK + Sync committee selection proof signatures OK + Sync committee signed contribution and proof signatures OK + Voluntary exit signatures OK ``` OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8 ## Old database versions [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + pre-1.1.0 OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## PeerPool testing suite ```diff + Access peers by key test OK + Acquire from empty pool OK + Acquire/Sorting and consistency test OK + Delete peer on release text OK + Iterators test OK + Peer lifetime test OK + Safe/Clear test OK + Score check test OK + Space tests OK + addPeer() test OK + addPeerNoWait() test OK + deletePeer() test OK ``` OK: 12/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 0/12 ## Pruning ```diff + prune states OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Remove keystore testing suite ```diff + vesion 1 OK + vesion 2 many remotes OK + vesion 2 single remote OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## Serialization/deserialization [Beacon Node] [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Deserialization test vectors OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Serialization/deserialization test suite ```diff + RestErrorMessage parser tests OK + RestErrorMessage writer tests OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## Slashing Interchange tests [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Slashing test: duplicate_pubkey_not_slashable.json OK + Slashing test: duplicate_pubkey_slashable_attestation.json OK + Slashing test: duplicate_pubkey_slashable_block.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_multiple_validators_repeat_idem.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_overlapping_validators_merge_stale.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_overlapping_validators_repeat_idem.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_fail_iff_imported.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_first_surrounds_second.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_multiple_blocks_out_of_order.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_second_surrounds_first.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_single_att_out_of_order.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_single_block_out_of_order.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_interchanges_single_validator_single_message_gap.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_validators_multiple_blocks_and_attestations.json OK + Slashing test: multiple_validators_same_slot_blocks.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_genesis_attestation.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_import_only.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_multiple_block_attempts.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_multiple_blocks_and_attestations.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_out_of_order_attestations.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_out_of_order_blocks.json OK Slashing test: single_validator_resign_attestation.json Skip + Slashing test: single_validator_resign_block.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_single_attestation.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_single_block.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_single_block_and_attestation.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_single_block_and_attestation_signing_root.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_slashable_attestations_double_vote.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_slashable_attestations_surrounded_by_existing.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_slashable_attestations_surrounds_existing.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_slashable_blocks.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_slashable_blocks_no_root.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_source_greater_than_target.json OK + Slashing test: single_validator_source_greater_than_target_sensible_iff_minified.json OK Slashing test: single_validator_source_greater_than_target_surrounded.json Skip Slashing test: single_validator_source_greater_than_target_surrounding.json Skip + Slashing test: single_validator_two_blocks_no_signing_root.json OK + Slashing test: wrong_genesis_validators_root.json OK ``` OK: 35/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 3/38 ## Slashing Protection DB [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + Attestation ordering #1698 OK + Don't prune the very last attestation(s) even by mistake OK + Don't prune the very last block even by mistake OK + Empty database [Preset: mainnet] OK + Pruning attestations works OK + Pruning blocks works OK + SP for block proposal - backtracking append OK + SP for block proposal - linear append OK + SP for same epoch attestation target - linear append OK + SP for surrounded attestations OK + SP for surrounding attestations OK + Test valid attestation #1699 OK ``` OK: 12/12 Fail: 0/12 Skip: 0/12 ## Spec datatypes ```diff + Graffiti bytes OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Spec helpers ```diff + build_empty_execution_payload - Bellatrix OK + build_proof - BeaconState OK + integer_squareroot OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## Specific field types ```diff + root update OK + roundtrip OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## Starting states ```diff + Starting state without block OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Sync committee pool ```diff + Aggregating votes OK + An empty pool is safe to prune OK + An empty pool is safe to prune 2 OK + An empty pool is safe to use OK ``` OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4 ## SyncManager test suite ```diff + Process all unviable blocks OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Async unordered push test OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Async unordered push with rewind test OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Good response with missing values towards end OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Handle out-of-band sync progress advancement OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Pass through established limits test OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Smoke test OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Start and finish slots equal OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] Two full requests success/fail OK + [SyncQueue#Backward] getRewindPoint() test OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Async unordered push test OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Async unordered push with rewind test OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Good response with missing values towards end OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Handle out-of-band sync progress advancement OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Pass through established limits test OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Smoke test OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Start and finish slots equal OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] Two full requests success/fail OK + [SyncQueue#Forward] getRewindPoint() test OK + [SyncQueue] checkResponse() test OK + [SyncQueue] contains() test OK + [SyncQueue] getLastNonEmptySlot() test OK + [SyncQueue] hasEndGap() test OK ``` OK: 23/23 Fail: 0/23 Skip: 0/23 ## Type helpers ```diff + BeaconBlockType OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## Validator change pool testing suite ```diff + addValidatorChangeMessage/getAttesterSlashingMessage OK + addValidatorChangeMessage/getBlsToExecutionChange (post-capella) OK + addValidatorChangeMessage/getBlsToExecutionChange (pre-capella) OK + addValidatorChangeMessage/getProposerSlashingMessage OK + addValidatorChangeMessage/getVoluntaryExitMessage OK + pre-pre-fork voluntary exit OK ``` OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6 ## Validator pool ```diff + Activation after check OK + Doppelganger for already active validator OK + Doppelganger for genesis validator OK + Doppelganger for validator that activates in future epoch OK + Doppelganger for validator that activates in previous epoch OK + Doppelganger for validator that activates in same epoch as check OK + Future activation after check OK ``` OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7 ## Zero signature sanity checks ```diff + SSZ serialization roundtrip of SignedBeaconBlockHeader OK + Zero signatures cannot be loaded into a BLS signature object OK + default initialization of signatures OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## chain DAG finalization tests [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + init with gaps [Preset: mainnet] OK + orphaned epoch block [Preset: mainnet] OK + prune heads on finalization [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## createValidatorFiles() ```diff + Add keystore files [LOCAL] OK + Add keystore files [REMOTE] OK + Add keystore files twice [LOCAL] OK + Add keystore files twice [REMOTE] OK + `createLocalValidatorFiles` with `keystoreDir` without permissions OK + `createLocalValidatorFiles` with `secretsDir` without permissions OK + `createLocalValidatorFiles` with `validatorsDir` without permissions OK + `createValidatorFiles` with already existing dirs and any error OK ``` OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8 ## engine API authentication ```diff + HS256 JWS iat token signing OK + HS256 JWS signing OK + getIatToken OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## eth2.0-deposits-cli compatibility ```diff + restoring mnemonic with password OK + restoring mnemonic without password OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## removeValidatorFiles() ```diff + Remove nonexistent validator OK + Remove validator files OK + Remove validator files twice OK ``` OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3 ## removeValidatorFiles() multiple keystore types ```diff + Remove [LOCAL] when [LOCAL] is missing OK + Remove [LOCAL] when [LOCAL] is present OK + Remove [LOCAL] when [REMOTE] is present OK + Remove [REMOTE] when [LOCAL] is present OK + Remove [REMOTE] when [REMOTE] is missing OK + Remove [REMOTE] when [REMOTE] is present OK ``` OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6 ## saveKeystore() ```diff + Save [LOCAL] keystore after [LOCAL] keystore with different id OK + Save [LOCAL] keystore after [LOCAL] keystore with same id OK + Save [LOCAL] keystore after [REMOTE] keystore with different id OK + Save [LOCAL] keystore after [REMOTE] keystore with same id OK + Save [REMOTE] keystore after [LOCAL] keystore with different id OK + Save [REMOTE] keystore after [LOCAL] keystore with same id OK + Save [REMOTE] keystore after [REMOTE] keystore with different id OK + Save [REMOTE] keystore after [REMOTE] keystore with same id OK ``` OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8 ## state diff tests [Preset: mainnet] ```diff + random slot differences [Preset: mainnet] OK ``` OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1 ## subnet tracker ```diff + should register stability subnets on attester duties OK + should register sync committee duties OK ``` OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2 ## weak-subjectivity-checkpoint ```diff + Correct values OK + invalid characters in root OK + longer root OK + missing epoch OK + missing root OK + missing separator OK + negative epoch OK + non-number epoch OK + shorter root OK ``` OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9 ---TOTAL--- OK: 351/356 Fail: 0/356 Skip: 5/356