# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[sequtils, strutils] import chronos, chronicles import ../spec/datatypes/[phase0, deneb], ../spec/[forks, network, eip7594_helpers], ../networking/eth2_network, ../consensus_object_pools/block_quarantine, ../consensus_object_pools/blob_quarantine, ../consensus_object_pools/data_column_quarantine, "."/sync_protocol, "."/sync_manager, ../gossip_processing/block_processor from ../beacon_clock import GetBeaconTimeFn export block_quarantine, sync_manager logScope: topics = "requman" const SYNC_MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS* = 32 # Spec allows up to MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS. ## Maximum number of blocks which will be requested in each ## `beaconBlocksByRoot` invocation. PARALLEL_REQUESTS* = 2 ## Number of peers we using to resolve our request. BLOB_GOSSIP_WAIT_TIME_NS* = 2 * 1_000_000_000 ## How long to wait for blobs to arrive over gossip before fetching. DATA_COLUMN_GOSSIP_WAIT_TIME_NS* = 2 * 1_000_000_000 POLL_INTERVAL = 1.seconds type BlockVerifierFn* = proc( signedBlock: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock, maybeFinalized: bool ): Future[Result[void, VerifierError]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} BlockLoaderFn* = proc( blockRoot: Eth2Digest ): Opt[ForkedTrustedSignedBeaconBlock] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} BlobLoaderFn* = proc( blobId: BlobIdentifier): Opt[ref BlobSidecar] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} DataColumnLoaderFn* = proc( columnId: DataColumnIdentifier ): Opt[ref DataColumnSidecar] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} InhibitFn* = proc: bool {.gcsafe, raises: [].} RequestManager* = object network*: Eth2Node getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn inhibit: InhibitFn quarantine: ref Quarantine blobQuarantine: ref BlobQuarantine dataColumnQuarantine: ref DataColumnQuarantine blockVerifier: BlockVerifierFn blockLoader: BlockLoaderFn blobLoader: BlobLoaderFn dataColumnLoader: DataColumnLoaderFn blockLoopFuture: Future[void].Raising([CancelledError]) blobLoopFuture: Future[void].Raising([CancelledError]) dataColumnLoopFuture: Future[void].Raising([CancelledError]) func shortLog*(x: seq[Eth2Digest]): string = "[" & x.mapIt(shortLog(it)).join(", ") & "]" func shortLog*(x: seq[FetchRecord]): string = "[" & x.mapIt(shortLog(it.root)).join(", ") & "]" proc init*(T: type RequestManager, network: Eth2Node, denebEpoch: Epoch, getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn, inhibit: InhibitFn, quarantine: ref Quarantine, blobQuarantine: ref BlobQuarantine, dataColumnQuarantine: ref DataColumnQuarantine, blockVerifier: BlockVerifierFn, blockLoader: BlockLoaderFn = nil, blobLoader: BlobLoaderFn = nil, dataColumnLoader: DataColumnLoaderFn = nil): RequestManager = RequestManager( network: network, getBeaconTime: getBeaconTime, inhibit: inhibit, quarantine: quarantine, blobQuarantine: blobQuarantine, dataColumnQuarantine: dataColumnQuarantine, blockVerifier: blockVerifier, blockLoader: blockLoader, blobLoader: blobLoader, dataColumnLoader: dataColumnLoader) proc checkResponse(roots: openArray[Eth2Digest], blocks: openArray[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): bool = ## This procedure checks peer's response. var checks = @roots if len(blocks) > len(roots): return false for blk in blocks: let res = checks.find(blk[].root) if res == -1: return false else: checks.del(res) true proc checkResponse(idList: seq[BlobIdentifier], blobs: openArray[ref BlobSidecar]): bool = if len(blobs) > len(idList): return false for blob in blobs: let block_root = hash_tree_root(blob.signed_block_header.message) var found = false for id in idList: if id.block_root == block_root and id.index == blob.index: found = true break if not found: return false blob[].verify_blob_sidecar_inclusion_proof().isOkOr: return false true proc checkResponse(colIdList: seq[DataColumnIdentifier], columns: openArray[ref DataColumnSidecar]): bool = if len(columns) > len(colIdList): return false for column in columns: let block_root = hash_tree_root(column.signed_block_header.message) var found = false for id in colIdList: if id.block_root == block_root and id.index == column.index: found = true break if not found: return false column[].verify_data_column_sidecar_inclusion_proof().isOkOr: return false true proc requestBlocksByRoot(rman: RequestManager, items: seq[Eth2Digest]) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = var peer: Peer try: peer = await rman.network.peerPool.acquire() debug "Requesting blocks by root", peer = peer, blocks = shortLog(items), peer_score = peer.getScore() let blocks = (await beaconBlocksByRoot_v2(peer, BlockRootsList items)) if blocks.isOk: let ublocks = blocks.get() if checkResponse(items, ublocks.asSeq()): var gotGoodBlock = false gotUnviableBlock = false for b in ublocks: let ver = await rman.blockVerifier(b[], false) if ver.isErr(): case ver.error() of VerifierError.MissingParent: # Ignoring because the order of the blocks that # we requested may be different from the order in which we need # these blocks to apply. discard of VerifierError.Duplicate: # Ignoring because these errors could occur due to the # concurrent/parallel requests we made. discard of VerifierError.UnviableFork: # If they're working a different fork, we'll want to descore them # but also process the other blocks (in case we can register the # other blocks as unviable) gotUnviableBlock = true of VerifierError.Invalid: # We stop processing blocks because peer is either sending us # junk or working a different fork notice "Received invalid block", peer = peer, blocks = shortLog(items), peer_score = peer.getScore() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreBadValues) return # Stop processing this junk... else: gotGoodBlock = true if gotUnviableBlock: notice "Received blocks from an unviable fork", peer = peer, blocks = shortLog(items), peer_score = peer.getScore() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreUnviableFork) elif gotGoodBlock: debug "Request manager got good block", peer = peer, blocks = shortLog(items), ublocks = len(ublocks) # We reward peer only if it returns something. peer.updateScore(PeerScoreGoodValues) else: debug "Mismatching response to blocks by root", peer = peer, blocks = shortLog(items), ublocks = len(ublocks) peer.updateScore(PeerScoreBadResponse) else: debug "Blocks by root request failed", peer = peer, blocks = shortLog(items), err = blocks.error() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreNoValues) finally: if not(isNil(peer)): rman.network.peerPool.release(peer) proc fetchBlobsFromNetwork(self: RequestManager, idList: seq[BlobIdentifier]) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = var peer: Peer try: peer = await self.network.peerPool.acquire() debug "Requesting blobs by root", peer = peer, blobs = shortLog(idList), peer_score = peer.getScore() let blobs = await blobSidecarsByRoot(peer, BlobIdentifierList idList) if blobs.isOk: let ublobs = blobs.get() if not checkResponse(idList, ublobs.asSeq()): debug "Mismatched response to blobs by root", peer = peer, blobs = shortLog(idList), ublobs = len(ublobs) peer.updateScore(PeerScoreBadResponse) return for b in ublobs: self.blobQuarantine[].put(b) var curRoot: Eth2Digest for b in ublobs: let block_root = hash_tree_root(b.signed_block_header.message) if block_root != curRoot: curRoot = block_root if (let o = self.quarantine[].popBlobless(curRoot); o.isSome): let b = o.unsafeGet() discard await self.blockVerifier(b, false) # TODO: # If appropriate, return a VerifierError.InvalidBlob from # verification, check for it here, and penalize the peer accordingly else: debug "Blobs by root request failed", peer = peer, blobs = shortLog(idList), err = blobs.error() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreNoValues) finally: if not(isNil(peer)): self.network.peerPool.release(peer) proc fetchDataColumnsFromNetwork(rman: RequestManager, colIdList: seq[DataColumnIdentifier]) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = var peer: Peer try: peer = await rman.network.peerPool.acquire() debug "Requesting data columns by root", peer = peer, columns = shortLog(colIdList), peer_score = peer.getScore() let columns = await dataColumnSidecarsByRoot(peer, DataColumnIdentifierList colIdList) if columns.isOk: let ucolumns = columns.get() if not checkResponse(colIdList, ucolumns.asSeq()): debug "Mismatched response to data columns by root", peer = peer, columns = shortLog(colIdList), ucolumns = len(ucolumns) # peer.updateScore(PeerScoreBadResponse) return for col in ucolumns: rman.dataColumnQuarantine[].put(col) var curRoot: Eth2Digest for col in ucolumns: let block_root = hash_tree_root(col.signed_block_header.message) if block_root != curRoot: curRoot = block_root if (let o = rman.quarantine[].popColumnless(curRoot); o.isSome): let col = o.unsafeGet() discard await rman.blockVerifier(col, false) else: debug "Data columns by root request failed", peer = peer, columns = shortLog(colIdList), err = columns.error() # peer.updateScore(PeerScoreNoValues) finally: if not(isNil(peer)): rman.network.peerPool.release(peer) proc requestManagerBlockLoop( rman: RequestManager) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = while true: # TODO This polling could be replaced with an AsyncEvent that is fired # from the quarantine when there's work to do await sleepAsync(POLL_INTERVAL) if rman.inhibit(): continue let missingBlockRoots = rman.quarantine[].checkMissing(SYNC_MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS).mapIt(it.root) if missingBlockRoots.len == 0: continue # TODO This logic can be removed if the database schema is extended # to store non-canonical heads on top of the canonical head! # If that is done, the database no longer contains extra blocks # that have not yet been assigned a `BlockRef` var blockRoots: seq[Eth2Digest] if rman.blockLoader == nil: blockRoots = missingBlockRoots else: var verifiers: seq[Future[Result[void, VerifierError]].Raising([CancelledError])] for blockRoot in missingBlockRoots: let blck = rman.blockLoader(blockRoot).valueOr: blockRoots.add blockRoot continue debug "Loaded orphaned block from storage", blockRoot verifiers.add rman.blockVerifier( blck.asSigned(), maybeFinalized = false) try: await allFutures(verifiers) except CancelledError as exc: var futs = newSeqOfCap[Future[void].Raising([])](verifiers.len) for verifier in verifiers: futs.add verifier.cancelAndWait() await noCancel allFutures(futs) raise exc if blockRoots.len == 0: continue debug "Requesting detected missing blocks", blocks = shortLog(blockRoots) let start = SyncMoment.now(0) var workers: array[PARALLEL_REQUESTS, Future[void].Raising([CancelledError])] for i in 0 ..< PARALLEL_REQUESTS: workers[i] = rman.requestBlocksByRoot(blockRoots) await allFutures(workers) let finish = SyncMoment.now(uint64(len(blockRoots))) debug "Request manager block tick", blocks = shortLog(blockRoots), sync_speed = speed(start, finish) proc getMissingBlobs(rman: RequestManager): seq[BlobIdentifier] = let wallTime = rman.getBeaconTime() wallSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero() delay = wallTime - wallSlot.start_beacon_time() waitDur = TimeDiff(nanoseconds: BLOB_GOSSIP_WAIT_TIME_NS) var fetches: seq[BlobIdentifier] ready: seq[Eth2Digest] for blobless in rman.quarantine[].peekBlobless(): withBlck(blobless): when consensusFork >= ConsensusFork.Deneb: # give blobs a chance to arrive over gossip if forkyBlck.message.slot == wallSlot and delay < waitDur: debug "Not handling missing blobs early in slot" continue if not rman.blobQuarantine[].hasBlobs(forkyBlck): let missing = rman.blobQuarantine[].blobFetchRecord(forkyBlck) if len(missing.indices) == 0: warn "quarantine missing blobs, but missing indices is empty", blk=blobless.root, commitments=len(forkyBlck.message.body.blob_kzg_commitments) for idx in missing.indices: let id = BlobIdentifier(block_root: blobless.root, index: idx) if id notin fetches: fetches.add(id) else: # this is a programming error should it occur. warn "missing blob handler found blobless block with all blobs", blk=blobless.root, commitments=len(forkyBlck.message.body.blob_kzg_commitments) ready.add(blobless.root) for root in ready: let blobless = rman.quarantine[].popBlobless(root).valueOr: continue discard rman.blockVerifier(blobless, false) fetches proc requestManagerBlobLoop( rman: RequestManager) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = while true: # TODO This polling could be replaced with an AsyncEvent that is fired # from the quarantine when there's work to do await sleepAsync(POLL_INTERVAL) if rman.inhibit(): continue let missingBlobIds = rman.getMissingBlobs() if missingBlobIds.len == 0: continue # TODO This logic can be removed if the database schema is extended # to store non-canonical heads on top of the canonical head! # If that is done, the database no longer contains extra blocks # that have not yet been assigned a `BlockRef` var blobIds: seq[BlobIdentifier] if rman.blobLoader == nil: blobIds = missingBlobIds else: var blockRoots: seq[Eth2Digest] curRoot: Eth2Digest for blobId in missingBlobIds: if blobId.block_root != curRoot: curRoot = blobId.block_root blockRoots.add curRoot let blob_sidecar = rman.blobLoader(blobId).valueOr: blobIds.add blobId if blockRoots.len > 0 and blockRoots[^1] == curRoot: # A blob is missing, remove from list of fully available blocks discard blockRoots.pop() continue debug "Loaded orphaned blob from storage", blobId rman.blobQuarantine[].put(blob_sidecar) var verifiers = newSeqOfCap[ Future[Result[void, VerifierError]] .Raising([CancelledError])](blockRoots.len) for blockRoot in blockRoots: let blck = rman.quarantine[].popBlobless(blockRoot).valueOr: continue verifiers.add rman.blockVerifier(blck, maybeFinalized = false) try: await allFutures(verifiers) except CancelledError as exc: var futs = newSeqOfCap[Future[void].Raising([])](verifiers.len) for verifier in verifiers: futs.add verifier.cancelAndWait() await noCancel allFutures(futs) raise exc if blobIds.len > 0: debug "Requesting detected missing blobs", blobs = shortLog(blobIds) let start = SyncMoment.now(0) var workers: array[PARALLEL_REQUESTS, Future[void].Raising([CancelledError])] for i in 0 ..< PARALLEL_REQUESTS: workers[i] = rman.fetchBlobsFromNetwork(blobIds) await allFutures(workers) let finish = SyncMoment.now(uint64(len(blobIds))) debug "Request manager blob tick", blobs_count = len(blobIds), sync_speed = speed(start, finish) proc getMissingDataColumns(rman: RequestManager): seq[DataColumnIdentifier] = let wallTime = rman.getBeaconTime() wallSlot = wallTime.slotOrZero() delay = wallTime - wallSlot.start_beacon_time() const waitDur = TimeDiff(nanoseconds: DATA_COLUMN_GOSSIP_WAIT_TIME_NS) var fetches: seq[DataColumnIdentifier] ready: seq[Eth2Digest] for columnless in rman.quarantine[].peekColumnless(): withBlck(columnless): when consensusFork >= ConsensusFork.Deneb: # granting data columns a chance to arrive over gossip if forkyBlck.message.slot == wallSlot and delay < waitDur: debug "Not handling missing data columns early in slot" continue if not rman.dataColumnQuarantine[].hasDataColumns(forkyBlck): let missing = rman.dataColumnQuarantine[].dataColumnFetchRecord(forkyBlck) if len(missing.indices) == 0: warn "quarantine is missing data columns, but missing indices are empty", blk = columnless.root, commitments = len(forkyBlck.message.body.blob_kzg_commitments) for idx in missing.indices: let id = DataColumnIdentifier(block_root: columnless.root, index: idx) if id notin fetches: fetches.add(id) else: # this is a programming error and it not should occur warn "missing data column handler found columnless block with all data columns", blk = columnless.root, commitments=len(forkyBlck.message.body.blob_kzg_commitments) ready.add(columnless.root) for root in ready: let columnless = rman.quarantine[].popColumnless(root).valueOr: continue discard rman.blockVerifier(columnless, false) fetches proc requestManagerDataColumnLoop( rman: RequestManager) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = while true: await sleepAsync(POLL_INTERVAL) if rman.inhibit(): continue let missingColumnIds = rman.getMissingDataColumns() if missingColumnIds.len == 0: continue var columnIds: seq[DataColumnIdentifier] if rman.dataColumnLoader == nil: columnIds = missingColumnIds else: var blockRoots: seq[Eth2Digest] curRoot: Eth2Digest for columnId in missingColumnIds: if columnId.block_root != curRoot: curRoot = columnId.block_root blockRoots.add curRoot let data_column_sidecar = rman.dataColumnLoader(columnId).valueOr: columnIds.add columnId if blockRoots.len > 0 and blockRoots[^1] == curRoot: # A data column is missing, remove from list of fully available data columns discard blockRoots.pop() continue debug "Loaded orphaned data columns from storage", columnId rman.dataColumnQuarantine[].put(data_column_sidecar) var verifiers = newSeqOfCap[ Future[Result[void, VerifierError]] .Raising([CancelledError])](blockRoots.len) for blockRoot in blockRoots: let blck = rman.quarantine[].popColumnless(blockRoot).valueOr: continue verifiers.add rman.blockVerifier(blck, maybeFinalized = false) try: await allFutures(verifiers) except CancelledError as exc: var futs = newSeqOfCap[Future[void].Raising([])](verifiers.len) for verifier in verifiers: futs.add verifier.cancelAndWait() await noCancel allFutures(futs) raise exc if columnIds.len > 0: debug "Requesting detected missing data columns", columns = shortLog(columnIds) let start = SyncMoment.now(0) var workers: array[PARALLEL_REQUESTS, Future[void].Raising([CancelledError])] for i in 0..