# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import # Standard libraries std/[deques, sets], # Status libraries chronicles, # Internal ../spec/datatypes/base, ../spec/[helpers, state_transition_block], "."/[attestation_pool, blockchain_dag] export base, deques, sets, blockchain_dag logScope: topics = "exitpool" const ATTESTER_SLASHINGS_BOUND* = MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS * 4 PROPOSER_SLASHINGS_BOUND* = MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS * 4 VOLUNTARY_EXITS_BOUND* = MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS * 4 type OnVoluntaryExitCallback* = proc(data: SignedVoluntaryExit) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} ExitPool* = object ## The exit pool tracks attester slashings, proposer slashings, and ## voluntary exits that could be added to a proposed block. attester_slashings*: Deque[AttesterSlashing] ## \ ## Not a function of chain DAG branch; just used as a FIFO queue for blocks proposer_slashings*: Deque[ProposerSlashing] ## \ ## Not a function of chain DAG branch; just used as a FIFO queue for blocks voluntary_exits*: Deque[SignedVoluntaryExit] ## \ ## Not a function of chain DAG branch; just used as a FIFO queue for blocks prior_seen_attester_slashed_indices*: HashSet[uint64] ## \ ## Records attester-slashed indices seen. prior_seen_proposer_slashed_indices*: HashSet[uint64] ## \ ## Records proposer-slashed indices seen. prior_seen_voluntary_exit_indices*: HashSet[uint64] ##\ ## Records voluntary exit indices seen. dag*: ChainDAGRef attestationPool*: ref AttestationPool onVoluntaryExitReceived*: OnVoluntaryExitCallback func init*(T: type ExitPool, dag: ChainDAGRef, attestationPool: ref AttestationPool = nil, onVoluntaryExit: OnVoluntaryExitCallback = nil): T = ## Initialize an ExitPool from the dag `headState` T( # Allow for filtering out some exit messages during block production attester_slashings: initDeque[AttesterSlashing](initialSize = ATTESTER_SLASHINGS_BOUND.int), proposer_slashings: initDeque[ProposerSlashing](initialSize = PROPOSER_SLASHINGS_BOUND.int), voluntary_exits: initDeque[SignedVoluntaryExit](initialSize = VOLUNTARY_EXITS_BOUND.int), dag: dag, attestationPool: attestationPool, onVoluntaryExitReceived: onVoluntaryExit ) func addExitMessage(subpool: var auto, exitMessage, bound: auto) = # Prefer newer to older exit messages while subpool.lenu64 >= bound: discard subpool.popFirst() subpool.addLast(exitMessage) doAssert subpool.lenu64 <= bound iterator getValidatorIndices(proposer_slashing: ProposerSlashing): uint64 = yield proposer_slashing.signed_header_1.message.proposer_index iterator getValidatorIndices(voluntary_exit: SignedVoluntaryExit): uint64 = yield voluntary_exit.message.validator_index func isSeen*(pool: ExitPool, msg: AttesterSlashing): bool = for idx in getValidatorIndices(msg): # One index is enough! if idx notin pool.prior_seen_attester_slashed_indices: return false true func isSeen*(pool: ExitPool, msg: ProposerSlashing): bool = msg.signed_header_1.message.proposer_index in pool.prior_seen_proposer_slashed_indices func isSeen*(pool: ExitPool, msg: SignedVoluntaryExit): bool = msg.message.validator_index in pool.prior_seen_voluntary_exit_indices func addMessage*(pool: var ExitPool, msg: AttesterSlashing) = for idx in getValidatorIndices(msg): pool.prior_seen_attester_slashed_indices.incl idx if pool.attestationPool != nil: let i = ValidatorIndex.init(idx).valueOr: continue pool.attestationPool.forkChoice.process_equivocation(i) pool.attester_slashings.addExitMessage(msg, ATTESTER_SLASHINGS_BOUND) func addMessage*(pool: var ExitPool, msg: ProposerSlashing) = pool.prior_seen_proposer_slashed_indices.incl( msg.signed_header_1.message.proposer_index) pool.proposer_slashings.addExitMessage(msg, PROPOSER_SLASHINGS_BOUND) func addMessage*(pool: var ExitPool, msg: SignedVoluntaryExit) = pool.prior_seen_voluntary_exit_indices.incl( msg.message.validator_index) pool.voluntary_exits.addExitMessage(msg, VOLUNTARY_EXITS_BOUND) proc validateExitMessage( cfg: RuntimeConfig, state: ForkyBeaconState, msg: ProposerSlashing): bool = check_proposer_slashing(state, msg, {}).isOk proc validateExitMessage( cfg: RuntimeConfig, state: ForkyBeaconState, msg: AttesterSlashing): bool = check_attester_slashing(state, msg, {}).isOk proc validateExitMessage( cfg: RuntimeConfig, state: ForkyBeaconState, msg: SignedVoluntaryExit): bool = check_voluntary_exit(cfg, state, msg, {}).isOk proc getExitMessagesForBlock( subpool: var Deque, cfg: RuntimeConfig, state: ForkyBeaconState, seen: var HashSet, output: var List) = # Approach taken here is to simply collect messages, effectively, a circular # buffer and only re-validate that they haven't already found themselves out # of the network eventually via some exit message at block construction time # at which point we use exit_epoch. It doesn't matter which of these message # types has triggered that exit, as the validation on incoming messages will # find it to either be IGNORE (if it's the same type of exit message) or, if # it's a different type, REJECT. Neither is worth packaging into BeaconBlock # messages we broadcast. # # Beyond that, it may happen that messages were signed in an epoch pre-dating # the current state by two or more forks - such messages can no longer be # validated in the context of the given state and are therefore dropped. # # This overall approach handles a scenario wherein we receive an exit message # over gossip and put it in the pool; receive a block X, with that message in # it, and select it as head; then orphan block X and build instead on X-1. If # this occurs, only validating after the fact ensures that we still broadcast # out those exit messages that were in orphaned block X by not having eagerly # removed them, if we have the chance. while subpool.len > 0 and output.len < output.maxLen: # Prefer recent messages let exit_message = subpool.popLast() # Re-check that message is still valid in the state that we're proposing if not validateExitMessage(cfg, state, exit_message): continue var skip = false for slashed_index in getValidatorIndices(exit_message): if seen.containsOrIncl(slashed_index): skip = true break if skip: continue if not output.add exit_message: break subpool.clear() proc getBeaconBlockExits*( pool: var ExitPool, cfg: RuntimeConfig, state: ForkyBeaconState): BeaconBlockExits = var indices: HashSet[uint64] res: BeaconBlockExits getExitMessagesForBlock( pool.attester_slashings, cfg, state, indices, res.attester_slashings) getExitMessagesForBlock( pool.proposer_slashings, cfg, state, indices, res.proposer_slashings) getExitMessagesForBlock( pool.voluntary_exits, cfg, state, indices, res.voluntary_exits) res