# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import # Standard library std/[options, strformat, tables], # Status libraries stew/[results, endians2], # Internals ../../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/base, ../../beacon_chain/spec/helpers, ../../beacon_chain/fork_choice/[fork_choice, fork_choice_types] export results, base, helpers, fork_choice, fork_choice_types, tables, options func fakeHash*(index: SomeInteger): Eth2Digest = ## Create fake hashes ## Those are just the value serialized in big-endian ## We add 16x16 to avoid having a zero hash as those are special cased ## We store them in the first 8 bytes ## as those are the ones used in hash tables Table[Eth2Digest, T] result.data[0 ..< 8] = (16*16+index).uint64.toBytesBE() # The fork choice tests are quite complex. # For flexibility in block arrival, timers, operations sequencing, ... # we create a small interpreter that will trigger events in proper order # before fork choice. type OpKind* = enum FindHead InvalidFindHead ProcessBlock ProcessAttestation Prune Operation* = object # variant specific fields case kind*: OpKind of FindHead, InvalidFindHead: checkpoints*: FinalityCheckpoints justified_state_balances*: seq[Gwei] expected_head*: Eth2Digest of ProcessBlock: root*: Eth2Digest parent_root*: Eth2Digest blk_checkpoints*: FinalityCheckpoints of ProcessAttestation: validator_index*: ValidatorIndex block_root*: Eth2Digest target_epoch*: Epoch of Prune: # ProtoArray specific finalized_root*: Eth2Digest expected_len*: int func apply(ctx: var ForkChoiceBackend, id: int, op: Operation) = ## Apply the specified operation to a ForkChoice context ## ``id`` is additional debugging info. It is the ## operation index. # debugEcho " =========================================================================================" case op.kind of FindHead, InvalidFindHead: let r = ctx.find_head( GENESIS_EPOCH, op.checkpoints, op.justified_state_balances, # Don't use proposer boosting ZERO_HASH) if op.kind == FindHead: doAssert r.isOk(), &"find_head (op #{id}) returned an error: {r.error}" doAssert r.get() == op.expected_head, &"find_head (op #{id}) returned an incorrect result: {r.get()} (expected: {op.expected_head}, from justified checkpoint: {op.checkpoints.justified}, finalized checkpoint: {op.checkpoints.finalized})" debugEcho &" Found expected head: 0x{op.expected_head} from justified checkpoint {op.checkpoints.justified}, finalized checkpoint {op.checkpoints.justified}" else: doAssert r.isErr(), &"invalid_find_head (op #{id}) was unexpectedly successful, head {op.expected_head} from justified checkpoint {op.checkpoints.justified}, finalized checkpoint {op.checkpoints.finalized}" debugEcho &" Detected an expected invalid head from justified checkpoint {op.checkpoints.justified}, finalized checkpoint {op.checkpoints.finalized}" of ProcessBlock: let r = ctx.process_block( block_root = op.root, parent_root = op.parent_root, checkpoints = op.blk_checkpoints) doAssert r.isOk(), &"process_block (op #{id}) returned an error: {r.error}" debugEcho " Processed block 0x", op.root, " with parent 0x", op.parent_root, " and justified checkpoint ", op.blk_checkpoints.justified of ProcessAttestation: ctx.process_attestation( validator_index = op.validator_index, block_root = op.block_root, target_epoch = op.target_epoch) debugEcho " Processed att target 0x", op.block_root, " from validator ", op.validator_index, " for epoch ", op.target_epoch of Prune: let r = ctx.prune(op.finalized_root) doAssert r.isOk(), &"prune (op #{id}) returned an error: {r.error}" doAssert ctx.proto_array.nodes.len == op.expected_len, &"prune (op #{id}): the resulting length ({ctx.proto_array.nodes.len}) was not expected ({op.expected_len})" debugEcho " Maybe_pruned block preceding finalized block 0x", op.finalized_root func run*(ctx: var ForkChoiceBackend, ops: seq[Operation]) = ## Apply a sequence of fork-choice operations on a store for i, op in ops: ctx.apply(i, op)