import chronicles import options, deques, heapqueue import stew/bitseqs, chronos, chronicles import spec/datatypes, spec/digest, peer_pool export datatypes, digest, chronos, chronicles logScope: topics = "syncman" const MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS* = 20'u64 type ## A - `Peer` type ## B - `PeerID` type ## ## Procedures which needs to be implemented and will be mixed to SyncManager's ## code: ## ## getHeadSlot(Peer): Slot ## getHeadRoot(Peer): Eth2Digest ## getBeaconBlocksByRange(Peer, Eth2Digest, Slot, uint64, ## uint64): Future[Option[seq[SignedBeaconBlock]]] ## updateStatus(Peer): void PeerSlot*[A, B] = ref object peers*: seq[A] man: SyncManager[A, B] PeerGroup*[A, B] = ref object slots*: seq[PeerSlot[A, B]] man: SyncManager[A, B] GetLocalHeadSlotCallback* = proc(): Slot UpdateLocalBlocksCallback* = proc(list: openarray[SignedBeaconBlock]): bool SyncManager*[A, B] = ref object groups*: seq[PeerGroup[A, B]] pool: PeerPool[A, B] peersInSlot: int slotsInGroup: int groupsCount: int failuresCount: int failurePause: chronos.Duration peerSlotTimeout: chronos.Duration peerGroupTimeout: chronos.Duration statusPeriod: chronos.Duration getLocalHeadSlot: GetLocalHeadSlotCallback updateLocalBlocks: UpdateLocalBlocksCallback BlockList* = object list*: seq[SignedBeaconBlock] map*: BitSeq start*: Slot OptionBlockList* = Option[BlockList] OptionBeaconBlockSeq* = Option[seq[SignedBeaconBlock]] SyncRequest* = object slot*: Slot count*: uint64 step*: uint64 group*: int SyncResult* = object request*: SyncRequest data*: seq[SignedBeaconBlock] SyncQueue* = ref object inpSlot*: Slot outSlot*: Slot startSlot*: Slot lastSlot: Slot chunkSize*: uint64 queueSize*: int notFullEvent*: AsyncEvent syncUpdate*: UpdateLocalBlocksCallback debtsQueue: HeapQueue[SyncRequest] debtsCount: uint64 readyQueue: HeapQueue[SyncResult] readyData: seq[seq[SignedBeaconBlock]] SyncManagerError* = object of CatchableError proc init*(t: typedesc[SyncQueue], start, last: Slot, chunkSize: uint64, updateCb: UpdateLocalBlocksCallback, queueSize: int = -1): SyncQueue = ## Create new synchronization queue with parameters ## ## ``start`` and ``last`` are starting and finishing Slots. ## ## ``chunkSize`` maximum number of slots in one request. ## ## ``queueSize`` maximum queue size for incoming data. If ``queueSize > 0`` ## queue will help to keep backpressure under control. If ``queueSize <= 0`` ## then queue size is unlimited (default). ## ## ``updateCb`` procedure which will be used to send downloaded blocks to ## consumer. Block sequences will be sent sequentially. Procedure should ## return ``false`` only when it receives incorrect blocks, and ``true`` ## if sequence of blocks is correct. doAssert(chunkSize > 0'u64, "Chunk size should not be zero") result = SyncQueue(startSlot: start, lastSlot: last, chunkSize: chunkSize, queueSize: queueSize, syncUpdate: updateCb, notFullEvent: newAsyncEvent(), debtsQueue: initHeapQueue[SyncRequest](), inpSlot: start, outSlot: start) proc `<`*(a, b: SyncRequest): bool {.inline.} = result = (a.slot < b.slot) proc `<`*(a, b: SyncResult): bool {.inline.} = result = (a.request.slot < b.request.slot) proc `==`*(a, b: SyncRequest): bool {.inline.} = result = ((a.slot == b.slot) and (a.count == b.count) and (a.step == b.step)) proc lastSlot*(req: SyncRequest): Slot {.inline.} = ## Returns last slot for request ``req``. result = req.slot + req.count - 1'u64 proc updateLastSlot*(sq: SyncQueue, last: Slot) {.inline.} = ## Update last slot stored in queue ``sq`` with value ``last``. doAssert(sq.lastSlot <= last, "Last slot could not be lower then stored one") sq.lastSlot = last proc push*(sq: SyncQueue, sr: SyncRequest, data: seq[SignedBeaconBlock]) {.async.} = ## Push successfull result to queue ``sq``. while true: if (sq.queueSize > 0) and (sr.slot >= sq.outSlot + uint64(sq.queueSize)): await sq.notFullEvent.wait() sq.notFullEvent.clear() continue let res = SyncResult(request: sr, data: data) sq.readyQueue.push(res) break while len(sq.readyQueue) > 0: let minSlot = sq.readyQueue[0].request.slot if sq.outSlot != minSlot: break let item = sq.readyQueue.pop() if not(sq.syncUpdate( sq.debtsQueue.push(item.request) sq.debtsCount = sq.debtsCount + item.request.count break sq.outSlot = sq.outSlot + item.request.count proc push*(sq: SyncQueue, sr: SyncRequest) = ## Push failed request back to queue. sq.debtsQueue.push(sr) sq.debtsCount = sq.debtsCount + sr.count proc push*(sq: SyncQueue, sr: SyncRequest, newstep: uint64) = ## Push request with changed number of steps. doAssert(sr.step > newstep, "The new step should be less than the original") var count = sr.count var slot = sr.slot var newcount = 0'u64 for i in 0 ..< (sr.step div newstep): if newstep * sq.chunkSize <= count: newcount = newstep * sq.chunkSize else: newcount = count var newsr = SyncRequest(slot: slot, count: newcount, step: newstep) slot = slot + newcount count = count - newcount sq.debtsQueue.push(newsr) sq.debtsCount = sq.debtsCount + newsr.count if count == 0: break if count > 0'u64: let step = sr.step mod newstep doAssert(step * sq.chunkSize <= count) var newsr = SyncRequest(slot: slot, count: count, step: step) sq.debtsQueue.push(newsr) sq.debtsCount = sq.debtsCount + newsr.count proc pop*(sq: SyncQueue, step = 0'u64): SyncRequest = ## Obtain request from queue ``sq``. if len(sq.debtsQueue) > 0: var sr = sq.debtsQueue.pop() if step != 0'u64: if sr.step > step: sq.push(sr, step) sr = sq.debtsQueue.pop() sq.debtsCount = sq.debtsCount - sr.count result = sr else: let nstep = if step == 0'u64: 1'u64 else: step if sq.inpSlot <= sq.lastSlot: let count = min(sq.lastSlot + 1'u64 - sq.inpSlot, sq.chunkSize * nstep) result = SyncRequest(slot: sq.inpSlot, count: count, step: nstep) sq.inpSlot = sq.inpSlot + count else: raise newException(SyncManagerError, "Queue is already empty!") proc len*(sq: SyncQueue): uint64 {.inline.} = ## Returns number of slots left in queue ``sq``. if sq.inpSlot > sq.lastSlot: result = sq.debtsCount else: result = sq.lastSlot - sq.inpSlot + 1'u64 + sq.debtsCount proc total*(sq: SyncQueue): uint64 {.inline.} = ## Returns total number of slots in queue ``sq``. result = sq.lastSlot - sq.startSlot + 1'u64 proc progress*(sq: SyncQueue): string = ## Returns queue's ``sq`` progress string. let curSlot = sq.outSlot - sq.startSlot result = $curSlot & "/" & $ proc init*(t: typedesc[BlockList], start: Slot, count, step: uint64, list: openarray[SignedBeaconBlock]): Option[BlockList] = mixin getSlot var res: BlockList var error = false var current = start var index = 0 = BitSeq.init(0) for i in 0'u64 ..< count: if index < len(list): let slot = list[index].message.slot if slot < current: error = true break elif slot == current: inc(index) else: else: let next = current + step current = current + 1'u64 if i < (count - 1): while current < next: current = current + 1'u64 if not(error) and index == len(list): res.list = @list res.start = start result = some(res) proc init*(t: typedesc[BlockList], start, finish: Slot): BlockList = result = BlockList(start: start) = BitSeq.init(int((finish - start) + 1'u64)) proc `$`*(blist: BlockList): string = var index = 0 for i in 0 ..< len( if[i]: result = result & $blist.list[index].message.slot & ", " index = index + 1 else: result = result & ", " if len(result) > 2: result.setLen(len(result) - 2) proc startSlot*(blist: BlockList): Slot {.inline.} = result = blist.start proc lastSlot*(blist: BlockList): Slot {.inline.} = doAssert(len( > 0) result = blist.start + uint64(len( - 1) proc contains*(blist: BlockList, slot: Slot): bool {.inline.} = if (blist.startSlot() <= slot) and (slot <= blist.lastSlot()): result = true proc merge*(optlists: varargs[Option[BlockList]]): Option[BlockList] = if len(optlists) > 0: if len(optlists) == 1: result = optlists[0] else: var blists = newSeq[BlockList](len(optlists)) for i in 0 ..< len(optlists): doAssert(optlists[i].isSome()) # Must not be happens blists[i] = optlists[i].get() var minSlot, maxSlot: Slot for i in 0 ..< len(blists): if i == 0: minSlot = blists[i].startSlot() maxSlot = blists[i].lastSlot() else: let candidateMinSlot = blists[i].startSlot() let candidateMaxSlot = blists[i].lastSlot() if candidateMinSlot < minSlot: minSlot = candidateMinSlot if candidateMaxSlot > maxSlot: maxSlot = candidateMaxSlot var res = BlockList.init(minSlot, maxSlot) var slot = minSlot var indexes = newSeq[int](len(blists)) var resIndex = 0 while slot <= maxSlot: for i in 0 ..< len(blists): if blists[i].contains(slot): let slotIndex = slot - blists[i].startSlot() if blists[i].map[slotIndex]: res.list.add(blists[i].list[indexes[i]]) inc(indexes[i]) inc(resIndex) slot = slot + 1'u64 result = some(res) proc newSyncManager*[A, B](pool: PeerPool[A, B], getLocalHeadSlotCb: GetLocalHeadSlotCallback, updateLocalBlocksCb: UpdateLocalBlocksCallback, peersInSlot = 3, peerSlotTimeout = 6.seconds, slotsInGroup = 2, peerGroupTimeout = 10.seconds, groupsCount = 10, statusPeriod = 10.minutes, failuresCount = 3, failurePause = 5.seconds): SyncManager[A, B] = ## ``pool`` - PeerPool object which will be used as source of peers. ## ## ``peersInSlot`` - maximum number of peers in slot. ## ## ``peerSlotTimeout`` - timeout for PeerSlot.getBlocks() execution. ## ## ``slotsInGroup`` - maximum number of slots in group. ## ## ``peerGroupTimeout`` - timeout for PeerGroup.getBlocks() execution. ## ## ``groupsCount`` - maximum number of groups used in sync process. ## ## ``statusPeriod`` - period of time between status updates. ## ## ``getLocalHeadSlotCb`` - function which provides current latest `Slot` in ## local database. ## ## ``updateLocalBlocksCb`` - function which accepts list of downloaded blocks ## and stores it to local database. ## ## ``failuresCount`` - number of consecutive failures, after which the ## procedure will exit. ## ## ``failurePause`` - period of time which will be waited by sync manager, if ## all the nodes could not satisfy requested slot. result = SyncManager[A, B](pool: pool, peersInSlot: peersInSlot, slotsInGroup: slotsInGroup, groupsCount: groupsCount, peerSlotTimeout: peerSlotTimeout, peerGroupTimeout: peerGroupTimeout, statusPeriod: statusPeriod, getLocalHeadSlot: getLocalHeadSlotCb, updateLocalBlocks: updateLocalBlocksCb, failuresCount: failuresCount, failurePause: failurePause) template nearestOdd(number: int): int = number - ((number - 1) mod 2) proc newPeerSlot*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]): PeerSlot[A, B] = result = PeerSlot[A, B]() = man result.peers = newSeq[A]() proc `$`*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B]): string = ## Returns string representation of peer's slot ``peerslot``. mixin getKey, getHeadSlot if len(peerslot.peers) == 0: result = "<>" else: result = "<" for item in peerslot.peers: result.add("\"" & getKey(item) & "\"") result.add(":" & $getHeadSlot(item)) result.add(", ") result.setLen(len(result) - 2) result.add(">") proc isFull*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B]): bool {.inline.} = ## Returns ``true`` if peer's slot ``peerslot`` is full of peers. result = (len(peerslot.peers) == proc isEmpty*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B]): bool {.inline.} = ## Returns ``true`` if peer's slot ``peerslot`` is empty (out of peers). result = (len(peerslot.peers) == 0) proc fillPeers*[A, B](slot: PeerSlot[A, B]) {.async.} = doAssert( > 0 and ( mod 2 == 1)) doAssert(len(slot.peers) == 0 or (len(slot.peers) mod 2 == 0)) doAssert(len(slot.peers) <= if len(slot.peers) == 0: # This is new slot var peer = await let available = slot.peers.add(peer) if available > 0: if available + len(slot.peers) < # There not enoug available peers in pool, so we add only some of them, # but we still want to keep number of peers in slot odd. let count = nearestOdd(available + len(slot.peers)) if count > len(slot.peers): let peers = - len(slot.peers)) slot.peers.add(peers) else: # There enough peers to fill a slot. let peers = - len(slot.peers)) slot.peers.add(peers) else: # Only one peer obtained and there no more available peers, so we are # starting with just one peer. discard else: # If slot already has some peers, then we are not going to wait for peers, # we will consume everything available. if len(slot.peers) < # Slot do not have enough peers inside, we need to add missing peers. let available = if available == 0: # There no peers available so we just exiting discard else: if available + len(slot.peers) < let count = nearestOdd(available + len(slot.peers)) let peers = - len(slot.peers)) slot.peers.add(peers) else: let peers = - len(slot.peers)) slot.peers.add(peers) else: # Slot has enough peers inside, we do nothing here discard proc newPeerGroup*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]): PeerGroup[A, B] = result = PeerGroup[A, B]() = man result.slots = newSeq[PeerSlot[A, B]]() proc fillSlots*[A, B](group: PeerGroup[A, B]) {.async.} = ## Filling peer's group ``group`` with peers from PeerPool. if len(group.slots) == 0: while len(group.slots) < var slot = newPeerSlot[A, B]( await slot.fillPeers() doAssert(not(slot.isEmpty())) group.slots.add(slot) if not(slot.isFull()) or ( == 0): break else: for i in 0 ..< if i < len(group.slots): if == 0: break # PeerPool is not empty, so this call will be finished immediately. await group.slots[i].fillPeers() if not(group.slots[i].isFull()): break else: if == 0: break var slot = newPeerSlot[A, B]( # PeerPool is not empty, so this call will be finished immediately. await slot.fillPeers() doAssert(not(slot.isEmpty())) group.slots.add(slot) if not(slot.isFull()): break proc isFull*[A, B](group: PeerGroup[A, B]): bool = result = false if len(group.slots) >= result = true for item in group.slots: if not(item.isFull()): result = false break proc isEmpty*[A, B](group: PeerGroup[A, B]): bool = result = (len(group.slots) == 0) proc `$`*[A, B](group: PeerGroup[A, B]): string = if len(group.slots) == 0: result = "[]" else: result = "[" for item in group.slots: result.add($item) result.add(", ") result.setLen(len(result) - 2) result.add("]") proc `$`*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]): string = result = "" for i in 0 ..< man.groupsCount: result.add($i & ":") if i < len(man.groups): result.add($man.groups[i]) else: result.add("[]") result.add(", ") if len(result) > 0: result.setLen(len(result) - 2) proc peersCount*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]): int = ## Returns number of peers which is managed by Sync Manager ``man``. for i in 0 ..< len(man.groups): for k in 0 ..< len(man.groups[i].slots): result = result + len(man.groups[i].slots[k].peers) proc fillGroups*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]) {.async.} = if len(man.groups) == 0: while len(man.groups) < man.groupsCount: var group = newPeerGroup[A, B](man) await group.fillSlots() doAssert(not(group.isEmpty())) man.groups.add(group) if not(group.isFull()) or (man.pool.lenAvailable() == 0): break else: for i in 0 ..< man.groupsCount: if i < len(man.groups): if man.pool.lenAvailable() == 0: break # PeerPool is not empty, so this call will be finished immediately. await man.groups[i].fillSlots() if not(man.groups[i].isFull()): break else: if man.pool.lenAvailable() == 0: break var group = newPeerGroup[A, B](man) # PeerPool is not empty, so this call will be finished immediately. await group.fillSlots() doAssert(not(group.isEmpty())) man.groups.add(group) if not(group.isFull()): break proc compactGroups*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]) = ## Removes empty slots from SyncManager's groups list. var ngroups = newSeq[PeerGroup[A, B]]() for i in 0 ..< len(man.groups): if not(man.groups[i].isEmpty()): ngroups.add(man.groups[i]) man.groups = ngroups proc isFull*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]): bool = result = false if len(man.groups) >= man.groupsCount: result = true for item in man.groups: if not(item.isFull()): result = false break proc isEmpty*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]): bool = result = (len(man.groups) == 0) proc reorderGroups*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B]) = mixin getHeadSlot doAssert(not(man.isEmpty())) var x, y, z: int for i0 in 0 ..< len(man.groups): let group0 = man.groups[i0] for j0 in 0 ..< len(group0.slots): let slot0 = group0.slots[j0] for k0 in 0 ..< len(slot0.peers): var curSlot = getHeadSlot(slot0.peers[k0]) x = -1; y = -1; z = -1 for i1 in i0 ..< len(man.groups): let group1 = man.groups[i1] for j1 in j0 ..< len(group1.slots): let slot1 = group1.slots[j1] let start = if (i1 == i0) and (j1 == j0): k0 + 1 else: 0 for k1 in start ..< len(slot1.peers): let newSlot = getHeadSlot(slot1.peers[k1]) if curSlot < newSlot: curSlot = newSlot x = i1; y = j1; z = k1 if x >= 0: swap(man.groups[i0].slots[j0].peers[k0], man.groups[x].slots[y].peers[z]) proc disband*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B]) = ## Releases all the peers back to the PeerPool, and make ``peerslot`` empty. for peer in peerslot.peers: peerslot.peers.setLen(0) proc disband*[A, B](peergroup: PeerGroup[A, B]) = ## Releases all the slots back to the PeerPool, and make ``peergroup`` empty. for slot in peergroup.slots: disband(slot) peergroup.slots.setLen(0) proc disband*[A, B](syncman: SyncManager[A, B]) = ## Releases all the groups to the PeerPool, and make SyncManager peer groups ## empty. for group in syncman.groups: disband(group) syncman.groups.setLen(0) proc getHeadSlot*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B]): Slot = ## Returns minimal available beacon chain slot, for peer's slot ``peerslot``. mixin getHeadSlot doAssert(len(peerslot.peers) > 0, "Number of peers in slot must not be zero") for i in 0 ..< len(peerslot.peers): if i == 0: result = getHeadSlot(peerslot.peers[i]) else: let slot = getHeadSlot(peerslot.peers[i]) if slot < result: result = slot proc getHeadSlot*[A, B](peergroup: PeerGroup[A, B]): Slot = ## Returns minimal available beacon chain slot, for peer's group ## ``peergroup``. doAssert(len(peergroup.slots) > 0, "Number of slots in group must not be zero") for i in 0 ..< len(peergroup.slots): if i == 0: result = getHeadSlot(peergroup.slots[i]) else: let slot = getHeadSlot(peergroup.slots[i]) if slot < result: result = slot proc getHeadSlot*[A, B](sman: SyncManager[A, B]): Slot = ## Returns minimal available beacon chain slot, for all peers in sync manager ## ``sman``. for i in 0 ..< len(sman.groups): if i == 0: result = getHeadSlot(sman.groups[i]) else: let slot = getHeadSlot(sman.groups[i]) if slot < result: result = slot proc getBlocks*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B], slot: Slot, count: uint64, step: uint64): Future[Option[BlockList]] {.async.} = mixin getBeaconBlocksByRange, getHeadRoot, `==` doAssert(len(peerslot.peers) > 0, "Number of peers in slot must not be zero") var pending = newSeq[Future[OptionBeaconBlockSeq]](len(peerslot.peers)) var allFut, timeFut: Future[void] try: for i in 0 ..< len(peerslot.peers): let root = getHeadRoot(peerslot.peers[i]) pending[i] = getBeaconBlocksByRange(peerslot.peers[i], root, slot, count, step) allFut = allFutures(pending) if == InfiniteDuration: timeFut = newFuture[void]() else: timeFut = sleepAsync( discard await one(allFut, timeFut) # We do not care about who finished first, because we are waiting for all # peers it can happens that some peers returned data, and some are not. var results = newSeq[seq[SignedBeaconBlock]]() for i in 0 ..< len(pending): if pending[i].finished() and not(pending[i].failed()) and not(pending[i].cancelled()): var fdata = pending[i].read() if fdata.isSome(): results.add(fdata.get()) else: # remote peer did not returns any data discard else: # getBeaconBlocksByRange() returns failure discard if len(results) > 0: var m: seq[SignedBeaconBlock] var i = 0 if len(results) > (len(peerslot.peers) div 2): # Now we going to obtain major sequence of blocks by using # Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm. for x in results: if i == 0: m = x i = 1 elif m == x: i = i + 1 else: i = i - 1 i = 0 for x in results: if m == x: i = i + 1 if i > (len(peerslot.peers) div 2): # Major sequence of blocks found, so we going to return such result # and penalize all the peers which returned different sequences of # blocks. for i in 0 ..< len(pending): if pending[i].finished() and not(pending[i].failed()) and not(pending[i].cancelled()): let fdata = pending[i].read() if fdata.isSome(): if fdata.get() != m: # peer returned data which is not major discard result = BlockList.init(slot, count, step, m) else: # Major sequence could not be found, so we going to penalize all the # peers. discard else: # Timeout exceeded while we waiting data from peers, or peers returned # an error. discard except CancelledError as exc: if not allFut.finished: allFut.cancel() if not timeFut.finished: timeFut.cancel() for i in 0 ..< len(peerslot.peers): if not pending[i].finished: pending[i].cancel() raise exc proc getParams*[T](peerslots: int, index: int, slot: T, count: uint64): tuple[start: T, count: uint64, step: uint64] = mixin `+` doAssert(peerslots > 0, "Number of peerslots must not be zero") doAssert(count > 0'u64, "Number of requested blocks must not be zero") doAssert(index < peerslots, "Peer slot index must be lower then slots count") result.start = slot + uint64(index) let more = if uint64(index) < (count mod uint64(peerslots)): 1'u64 else: 0'u64 result.count = (count div uint64(peerslots)) + more result.step = uint64(peerslots) proc getBlocks*[A, B](peergroup: PeerGroup[A, B], slot: Slot, count: uint64): Future[Option[BlockList]] {.async.} = doAssert(len(peergroup.slots) > 0, "Number of slots in group must not be zero") doAssert(count > 0'u64) let slotsCount = len(peergroup.slots) var params = newSeq[tuple[start: Slot, count: uint64, step: uint64]](slotsCount) results = newSeq[Option[BlockList]](slotsCount) pending = newSeq[Future[OptionBlockList]]() requests = newSeq[tuple[slot: int, param: int]]() failures = newSeq[int]() var allFut, timeFut: Future[void] try: for i in 0 ..< slotsCount: params[i] = getParams(slotsCount, i, slot, count) requests.add((slot: i, param: i)) pending.add(getBlocks(peergroup.slots[i], params[i].start, params[i].count, params[i].step)) if == InfiniteDuration: timeFut = newFuture[void]() else: timeFut = sleepAsync( while true: allFut = allFutures(pending) if not timeFut.finished(): discard await one(allFut, timeFut) # We do not care about who finished first, because we are waiting for # all slots and it can happens that some slots returned data, and some # are not. for i in 0 ..< len(pending): let slotIndex = requests[i].slot let resIndex = requests[i].param if pending[i].finished() and not(pending[i].failed()) and not(pending[i].cancelled()): results[resIndex] = pending[i].read() if results[resIndex].isNone(): failures.add(slotIndex) else: failures.add(slotIndex) if len(failures) == len(peergroup.slots): # All the slots in group are failed to download blocks. peergroup.disband() break else: pending.setLen(0) requests.setLen(0) var missing = 0 for i in 0 ..< len(results): if results[i].isNone(): inc(missing) if missing > 0: for k in 0 ..< len(peergroup.slots): if (missing > 0) and (k notin failures): for i in 0 ..< len(results): if results[i].isNone(): requests.add((slot: k, param: i)) pending.add(getBlocks(peergroup.slots[k], params[i].start, params[i].count, params[i].step)) break dec(missing) else: # All the blocks downloaded. if len(failures) > 0: var slots = newSeq[PeerSlot[A, B]]() for i in 0 ..< len(peergroup.slots): if i notin failures: slots.add(peergroup.slots[i]) else: disband(peergroup.slots[i]) peergroup.slots = slots result = merge(results) break except CancelledError as exc: if not allFut.finished: allFut.cancel() if not timeFut.finished: timeFut.cancel() for i in 0 ..< len(peergroup.slots): if not pending[i].finished: pending[i].cancel() raise exc proc updateStatus*[A, B](peerslot: PeerSlot[A, B]) {.async.} = mixin updateStatus doAssert(len(peerslot.peers) > 0, "Number of peers in slot must not be zero") let peersCount = len(peerslot.peers) var pending = newSeq[Future[void]](peersCount) var failed = newSeq[int]() var allFut, timeFut: Future[void] try: for i in 0 ..< peersCount: pending.add(updateStatus(peerslot.peers[i])) if == InfiniteDuration: timeFut = newFuture[void]() else: timeFut = sleepAsync( allFut = allFutures(pending) discard await one(allFut, timeFut) for i in 0 ..< len(pending): if pending[i].finished() and pending[i].failed(): failed.add(i) if len(failed) > 0: for index in failed:[index]) peerslot.peers.del(index) except CancelledError as exc: if not allFut.finished: allFut.cancel() if not timeFut.finished: timeFut.cancel() for i in 0 ..< peersCount: if not pending[i].finished: pending[i].cancel() raise exc proc updateStatus*[A, B](sman: SyncManager[A, B]) {.async.} = var pending = newSeq[Future[void]]() try: for i in 0 ..< len(sman.groups): for k in 0 ..< len(sman.groups[i].slots): pending.add(updateStatus(sman.groups[i].slots[k])) await allFutures(pending) except CancelledError as exc: for i in 0 ..< len(pending): if not pending[i].finished: pending[i].cancel() raise exc proc synchronize*[A, B](sman: SyncManager[A, B]) {.async.} = ## TODO: This synchronization procedure is not optimal, we can do it better ## if spawn N parallel tasks, where N is number of peer groups. var squeue: SyncQueue remoteKnownHeadSlot: Slot localHeadSlot: Slot = sman.getLocalHeadSlot() pending = newSeq[Future[OptionBlockList]]() requests = newSeq[SyncRequest]() startMoment = checkMoment = startMoment errorsCount = 0 counter = 0'u64 squeue = SyncQueue.init(localHeadSlot + 1'u64, localHeadSlot + 2'u64, MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS, sman.updateLocalBlocks, sman.groupsCount) while true: if errorsCount == sman.failuresCount: # Number of consecutive errors exceeds limit error "Synchronization failed", errors = errorsCount, duration = $( - startMoment) break pending.setLen(0) requests.setLen(0) await sman.fillGroups() sman.reorderGroups() localHeadSlot = sman.getLocalHeadSlot() let remoteHeadSlot = sman.getHeadSlot() if remoteHeadSlot > remoteKnownHeadSlot: remoteKnownHeadSlot = remoteHeadSlot squeue.updateLastSlot(remoteKnownHeadSlot) if localHeadSlot >= remoteKnownHeadSlot: info "Synchronization finished", progress = squeue.progress(), peers = sman.peersCount(), groups = len(sman.groups), duration = $( - startMoment) break else: if counter == 0: info "Starting synchronization", local_head_slot = localHeadSlot, remote_head_slot = remoteKnownHeadSlot, count = len(squeue), peers = sman.peersCount(), groups = len(sman.groups), progress = squeue.progress() else: info "Synchronization progress", progress = squeue.progress(), peers = sman.peersCount(), groups = len(sman.groups), iteration = counter counter = counter + 1'u64 for i in countdown(len(sman.groups) - 1, 0): if len(squeue) == 0: break let groupLastSlot = sman.groups[i].getHeadSlot() var req = squeue.pop(uint64(len(sman.groups[i].slots))) trace "Request created", slot = req.slot, step = req.step, count = req.count if groupLastSlot >= req.lastSlot(): = i pending.add(getBlocks(sman.groups[i], req.slot, req.count)) requests.add(req) trace "Request sent to a group", group = i, slot = req.slot, step = req.step, count = req.count else: trace "Request returned to queue", slot = req.slot, step = req.step, count = req.count, group_last_slot = groupLastSlot squeue.push(req) if len(pending) == 0: # All the peer groups do not satisfy slot requirements # Disbanding all the peers sman.disband() inc(errorsCount) warn "Unable to create requests, disbanding peers", errors = errorsCount await sleepAsync(sman.failurePause) continue await allFutures(pending) var failedCount = 0 for i in 0 ..< len(pending): if pending[i].finished() and not(pending[i].failed()): let res = pending[i].read() if res.isSome(): trace "Request data received", group = requests[i].group, slot = requests[i].slot, step = requests[i].step, count = requests[i].count await squeue.push(requests[i], res.get().list) else: inc(failedCount) trace "Request failed", group = requests[i].group, slot = requests[i].slot, step = requests[i].step, count = requests[i].count squeue.push(requests[i]) sman.groups[requests[i].group].disband() else: inc(failedCount) trace "Request failed", group = requests[i].group, slot = requests[i].slot, step = requests[i].step, count = requests[i].count squeue.push(requests[i]) sman.groups[requests[i].group].disband() if failedCount == len(pending): # All the peer groups failed to download requests. inc(errorsCount) warn "All requests failed to deliver data, disbanding peers", errors = errorsCount await sleepAsync(sman.failurePause) continue else: errorsCount = 0 sman.compactGroups() # if `statusPeriod` time passed, we are updating peers status. let stamp = if stamp - checkMoment > sman.statusPeriod: checkMoment = stamp info "Updating peers status" await sman.updateStatus() info "Peers status updated", duration = $( - checkMoment) # Returning all the peers back to PeerPool. sman.disband()