# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import chronicles import common, api const ServiceName = "doppelganger_service" logScope: service = ServiceName const DOPPELGANGER_EPOCHS_COUNT = 2 proc getCheckingList*(vc: ValidatorClientRef): seq[ValidatorIndex] = var res: seq[ValidatorIndex] for index, value in vc.doppelgangerDetection.validators.pairs(): if value.status == DoppelgangerStatus.Checking: res.add(index) res proc waitForNextEpoch(service: DoppelgangerServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let sleepTime = vc.beaconClock.durationToNextEpoch() + TIME_DELAY_FROM_SLOT debug "Sleeping until next epoch", sleep_time = sleepTime await sleepAsync(sleepTime) proc processActivities(service: DoppelgangerServiceRef, epoch: Epoch, activities: GetValidatorsActivityResponse) = let vc = service.client if len(activities.data) == 0: debug "Unable to monitor validator's activity for epoch", epoch = epoch for index, value in vc.doppelgangerDetection.validators.mpairs(): if value.status == DoppelgangerStatus.Checking: value.epochsCount = 0'u64 value.lastAttempt = DoppelgangerAttempt.Failure else: for activity in activities.data: let vindex = activity.index vc.doppelgangerDetection.validators.withValue(vindex, value): if activity.active: if value.status == DoppelgangerStatus.Checking: value.epochsCount = 0'u64 value.lastAttempt = DoppelgangerAttempt.SuccessTrue warn "Validator's activity has been seen", validator_index = vindex, epoch = epoch vc.gracefulExit.fire() return else: if value.status == DoppelgangerStatus.Checking: value.lastAttempt = DoppelgangerAttempt.SuccessFalse if value.epochsCount == DOPPELGANGER_EPOCHS_COUNT: value.status = DoppelgangerStatus.Passed info "Validator successfully passed doppelganger detection", validator_index = vindex else: inc(value.epochsCount) debug "Validator's activity was not seen", validator_index = vindex, epoch = epoch, epochs_count = value.epochsCount proc mainLoop(service: DoppelgangerServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client service.state = ServiceState.Running if service.enabled: debug "Service started" else: debug "Service disabled because of configuration settings" return while true: let breakLoop = try: await service.waitForNextEpoch() let currentEpoch = vc.currentSlot().epoch() previousEpoch = if currentEpoch == Epoch(0): currentEpoch else: currentEpoch - 1'u64 validators = vc.getCheckingList() if len(validators) > 0: let activities = await vc.getValidatorsActivity(previousEpoch, validators) service.processActivities(previousEpoch, activities) else: debug "No validators found that require doppelganger protection" discard false except CancelledError: debug "Service interrupted" true except CatchableError as exc: warn "Service crashed with unexpected error", err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg true if breakLoop: break proc init*(t: type DoppelgangerServiceRef, vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[DoppelgangerServiceRef] {.async.} = logScope: service = ServiceName let res = DoppelgangerServiceRef(name: ServiceName, client: vc, state: ServiceState.Initialized, enabled: vc.config.doppelgangerDetection) debug "Initializing service" return res proc start*(service: DoppelgangerServiceRef) = service.lifeFut = mainLoop(service)