{.push raises: [Defect].} import typetraits, stew/[results, endians2], serialization, chronicles, eth/db/kvstore, ./spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto], ./ssz/[ssz_serialization, merkleization], ./state_transition type BeaconChainDB* = ref object ## Database storing resolved blocks and states - resolved blocks are such ## blocks that form a chain back to the tail block. ## ## We assume that the database backend is working / not corrupt - as such, ## we will raise a Defect any time there is an issue. This should be ## revisited in the future, when/if the calling code safely can handle ## corruption of this kind. ## ## We do however make an effort not to crash on invalid data inside the ## database - this may have a number of "natural" causes such as switching ## between different versions of the client and accidentally using an old ## database. backend: KvStoreRef DbKeyKind = enum kHashToState kHashToBlock kHeadBlock # Pointer to the most recent block selected by the fork choice kTailBlock ##\ ## Pointer to the earliest finalized block - this is the genesis block when ## the chain starts, but might advance as the database gets pruned ## TODO: determine how aggressively the database should be pruned. For a ## healthy network sync, we probably need to store blocks at least ## past the weak subjectivity period. kBlockSlotStateRoot ## BlockSlot -> state_root mapping # Subkeys essentially create "tables" within the key-value store by prefixing # each entry with a table id func subkey(kind: DbKeyKind): array[1, byte] = result[0] = byte ord(kind) func subkey[N: static int](kind: DbKeyKind, key: array[N, byte]): array[N + 1, byte] = result[0] = byte ord(kind) result[1 .. ^1] = key func subkey(kind: type BeaconState, key: Eth2Digest): auto = subkey(kHashToState, key.data) func subkey(kind: type SignedBeaconBlock, key: Eth2Digest): auto = subkey(kHashToBlock, key.data) func subkey(root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): array[40, byte] = var ret: array[40, byte] # big endian to get a naturally ascending order on slots in sorted indices ret[0..<8] = toBytesBE(slot.uint64) # .. but 7 bytes should be enough for slots - in return, we get a nicely # rounded key length ret[0] = byte ord(kBlockSlotStateRoot) ret[8..<40] = root.data ret proc init*(T: type BeaconChainDB, backend: KVStoreRef): BeaconChainDB = T(backend: backend) proc put(db: BeaconChainDB, key: openArray[byte], v: auto) = db.backend.put(key, SSZ.encode(v)).expect("working database") proc get(db: BeaconChainDB, key: openArray[byte], T: typedesc): Opt[T] = var res: Opt[T] proc decode(data: openArray[byte]) = try: res.ok SSZ.decode(data, T) except SerializationError as e: # If the data can't be deserialized, it could be because it's from a # version of the software that uses a different SSZ encoding warn "Unable to deserialize data, old database?", err = e.msg, typ = name(T), dataLen = data.len discard discard db.backend.get(key, decode).expect("working database") res proc putBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest, value: SignedBeaconBlock) = db.put(subkey(type value, key), value) proc putState*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest, value: BeaconState) = # TODO prune old states - this is less easy than it seems as we never know # when or if a particular state will become finalized. db.put(subkey(type value, key), value) proc putState*(db: BeaconChainDB, value: BeaconState) = db.putState(hash_tree_root(value), value) proc putStateRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot, value: Eth2Digest) = db.backend.put(subkey(root, slot), value.data).expect( "working database") proc putBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, value: SignedBeaconBlock) = db.putBlock(hash_tree_root(value.message), value) proc delBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) = db.backend.del(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, key)).expect( "working database") proc delState*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) = db.backend.del(subkey(BeaconState, key)).expect("working database") proc delStateRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot) = db.backend.del(subkey(root, slot)).expect("working database") proc putHeadBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) = db.backend.put(subkey(kHeadBlock), key.data).expect("working database") proc putTailBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) = db.backend.put(subkey(kTailBlock), key.data).expect("working database") proc getBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): Opt[SignedBeaconBlock] = db.get(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, key), SignedBeaconBlock) proc getState*( db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest, output: var BeaconState, rollback: RollbackProc): bool = ## Load state into `output` - BeaconState is large so we want to avoid ## re-allocating it if possible ## Return `true` iff the entry was found in the database and `output` was ## overwritten. # TODO rollback is needed to deal with bug - use `noRollback` to ignore: # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/14126 # TODO RVO is inefficient for large objects: # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/13879 # TODO address is needed because there's no way to express lifetimes in nim # we'll use unsafeAddr to find the code later let outputAddr = unsafeAddr output # callback is local proc decode(data: openArray[byte]) = try: # TODO can't write to output directly.. outputAddr[] = SSZ.decode(data, BeaconState) except SerializationError as e: # If the data can't be deserialized, it could be because it's from a # version of the software that uses a different SSZ encoding warn "Unable to deserialize data, old database?", err = e.msg rollback(outputAddr[]) db.backend.get(subkey(BeaconState, key), decode).expect("working database") proc getStateRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): Opt[Eth2Digest] = db.get(subkey(root, slot), Eth2Digest) proc getHeadBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[Eth2Digest] = db.get(subkey(kHeadBlock), Eth2Digest) proc getTailBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[Eth2Digest] = db.get(subkey(kTailBlock), Eth2Digest) proc containsBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): bool = db.backend.contains(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, key)).expect("working database") proc containsState*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): bool = db.backend.contains(subkey(BeaconState, key)).expect("working database") iterator getAncestors*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest): tuple[root: Eth2Digest, blck: SignedBeaconBlock] = ## Load a chain of ancestors for blck - returns a list of blocks with the ## oldest block last (blck will be at result[0]). ## ## The search will go on until the ancestor cannot be found. var root = root while (let blck = db.getBlock(root); blck.isOk()): yield (root, blck.get()) root = blck.get().message.parent_root