# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import std/[sets, sequtils, algorithm] import chronicles import common, api, block_service const ServiceName = "duties_service" SUBSCRIPTION_LOOKAHEAD_EPOCHS* = 4'u64 logScope: service = ServiceName type DutiesServiceLoop* = enum AttesterLoop, ProposerLoop, IndicesLoop, SyncCommitteeLoop, ProposerPreparationLoop, ValidatorRegisterLoop SyncIndexTable = Table[SyncSubcommitteeIndex, SlotProofsArray] SyncValidatorAndDuty = object validator: AttachedValidator duty: SyncDutyAndProof AttestationSlotRequest = object validator: AttachedValidator slot: Slot SyncSlotRequest = object validator: AttachedValidator slot: Slot validatorSyncCommitteeIndex: IndexInSyncCommittee validatorSubCommitteeIndex: SyncSubcommitteeIndex chronicles.formatIt(DutiesServiceLoop): case it of AttesterLoop: "attester_loop" of ProposerLoop: "proposer_loop" of IndicesLoop: "index_loop" of SyncCommitteeLoop: "sync_committee_loop" of ProposerPreparationLoop: "proposer_prepare_loop" of ValidatorRegisterLoop: "validator_register_loop" proc cmp(x, y: AttestationSlotRequest): int = if x.slot == y.slot: 0 elif x.slot < y.slot: -1 else: 1 proc checkDuty(duty: RestAttesterDuty): bool = (duty.committee_length <= MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE) and (uint64(duty.committee_index) < MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT) and (uint64(duty.validator_committee_index) < duty.committee_length) and (uint64(duty.validator_index) <= VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT) proc checkSyncDuty(duty: RestSyncCommitteeDuty): bool = uint64(duty.validator_index) <= VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT proc pollForValidatorIndices*(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let validatorIdents = block: var res: seq[ValidatorIdent] for validator in vc.attachedValidators[].items(): if validator.needsUpdate(): res.add(ValidatorIdent.init(validator.pubkey)) res var validators: seq[RestValidator] var offset = 0 while offset < len(validatorIdents): let arraySize = min(ClientMaximumValidatorIds, len(validatorIdents)) let idents = block: var res = newSeq[ValidatorIdent](arraySize) var k = 0 for i in offset ..< arraySize: res[k] = validatorIdents[i] inc(k) res let res = try: await vc.getValidators(idents, ApiStrategyKind.First) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to get head state's validator information", reason = exc.getFailureReason() return except CancelledError as exc: debug "Validator's indices processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occurred while getting validator information", err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg return for item in res: validators.add(item) offset += arraySize var missing: seq[string] updated: seq[string] list: seq[AttachedValidator] for item in validators: let validator = vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator(item.validator.pubkey) if validator.isNone(): missing.add(validatorLog(item.validator.pubkey, item.index)) else: validator.get().updateValidator(Opt.some ValidatorAndIndex( index: item.index, validator: item.validator)) updated.add(validatorLog(item.validator.pubkey, item.index)) list.add(validator.get()) if len(updated) > 0: info "Validator indices updated", pending = len(validatorIdents) - len(updated), missing = len(missing), updated = len(updated) trace "Validator indices update dump", missing_validators = missing, updated_validators = updated vc.indicesAvailable.fire() proc fillAttestationSlotSignatures*( service: DutiesServiceRef, epochPeriods: seq[Epoch] ) {.async.} = let vc = service.client genesisRoot = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root requests = block: var res: seq[AttestationSlotRequest] for epoch in epochPeriods: for duty in vc.attesterDutiesForEpoch(epoch): if duty.slotSig.isNone(): let validator = vc.attachedValidators[]. getValidator(duty.data.pubkey).valueOr: continue res.add(AttestationSlotRequest( validator: validator, slot: duty.data.slot )) # We make requests sorted by slot number. sorted(res, cmp, order = SortOrder.Ascending) pendingRequests = block: var res: seq[Future[SignatureResult]] for request in requests: let fork = vc.forkAtEpoch(request.slot.epoch()) res.add(request.validator.getSlotSignature(fork, genesisRoot, request.slot)) res try: # TODO (cheatfate): Here we waiting for all signatures, but when remote # signer is used we could try different approach. await allFutures(pendingRequests) except CancelledError as exc: var pending: seq[Future[void]] for future in pendingRequests: if not(future.finished()): pending.add(future.cancelAndWait()) await allFutures(pending) raise exc for index, fut in pendingRequests.pairs(): let request = requests[index] signature = if fut.done(): let sres = fut.read() if sres.isErr(): warn "Unable to create slot signature using remote signer", reason = sres.error(), epoch = request.slot.epoch(), slot = request.slot Opt.none(ValidatorSig) else: Opt.some(sres.get()) else: Opt.none(ValidatorSig) vc.attesters.withValue(request.validator.pubkey, map): map[].duties.withValue(request.slot.epoch(), dap): dap[].slotSig = signature if vc.config.distributedEnabled: var indexToKey: Table[ValidatorIndex, Opt[ValidatorPubKey]] let selections = block: var sres: seq[RestBeaconCommitteeSelection] for epoch in epochPeriods: for duty in vc.attesterDutiesForEpoch(epoch): # We only use duties which has slot signature filled, because # middleware needs it to create aggregated signature. if duty.slotSig.isSome(): let validator = vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator( duty.data.pubkey).valueOr: continue vindex = validator.index.valueOr: continue indexToKey[vindex] = Opt.some(validator.pubkey) sres.add(RestBeaconCommitteeSelection( validator_index: RestValidatorIndex(vindex), slot: duty.data.slot, selection_proof: duty.slotSig.get() )) sres if len(selections) == 0: return let sresponse = try: # Query middleware for aggregated signatures. await vc.submitBeaconCommitteeSelections(selections, ApiStrategyKind.Best) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to submit beacon committee selections", reason = exc.getFailureReason() return except CancelledError as exc: debug "Beacon committee selections processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occured while trying to submit beacon " & "committee selections", reason = exc.msg, error = exc.name return for selection in sresponse.data: let vindex = selection.validator_index.toValidatorIndex().valueOr: warn "Invalid validator_index value encountered while processing " & "beacon committee selections", validator_index = uint64(selection.validator_index), reason = $error continue selectionProof = selection.selection_proof.load().valueOr: warn "Invalid signature encountered while processing " & "beacon committee selections", validator_index = vindex, slot = selection.slot, selection_proof = shortLog(selection.selection_proof) continue validator = block: # Selections operating using validator indices, so we should check # if we have such validator index in our validator's pool and it # still in place (not removed using keystore manager). let key = indexToKey.getOrDefault(vindex) if key.isNone(): warn "Non-existing validator encountered while processing " & "beacon committee selections", validator_index = vindex, slot = selection.slot, selection_proof = shortLog(selection.selection_proof) continue vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator(key.get()).valueOr: continue vc.attesters.withValue(validator.pubkey, map): map[].duties.withValue(selection.slot.epoch(), dap): dap[].slotSig = Opt.some(selectionProof.toValidatorSig()) proc pollForAttesterDuties*(service: DutiesServiceRef, epoch: Epoch): Future[int] {.async.} = let vc = service.client let validatorIndices = toSeq(vc.attachedValidators[].indices()) if len(validatorIndices) == 0: return 0 var duties: seq[RestAttesterDuty] var currentRoot: Opt[Eth2Digest] var offset = 0 while offset < len(validatorIndices): let arraySize = min(DutiesMaximumValidatorIds, len(validatorIndices)) # We use `DutiesMaximumValidatorIds` here because validator ids are sent # in HTTP request body and NOT in HTTP request headers. let indices = block: var res = newSeq[ValidatorIndex](arraySize) var k = 0 for i in offset ..< arraySize: res[k] = validatorIndices[i] inc(k) res let res = try: await vc.getAttesterDuties(epoch, indices, ApiStrategyKind.First) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to get attester duties", epoch = epoch, reason = exc.getFailureReason() return 0 except CancelledError as exc: debug "Attester duties processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occured while getting attester duties", epoch = epoch, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg return 0 if currentRoot.isNone(): # First request currentRoot = Opt.some(res.dependent_root) else: if currentRoot.get() != res.dependent_root: # `dependent_root` must be equal for all requests/response, if it got # changed it means that some reorg was happened in beacon node and we # should re-request all queries again. offset = 0 duties.setLen(0) currentRoot = Opt.none(Eth2Digest) continue for item in res.data: duties.add(item) offset += arraySize let relevantDuties = duties.filterIt( checkDuty(it) and (it.pubkey in vc.attachedValidators[]) ) genesisRoot = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root let addOrReplaceItems = block: var alreadyWarned = false var res: seq[tuple[epoch: Epoch, duty: RestAttesterDuty]] for duty in relevantDuties: var dutyFound = false vc.attesters.withValue(duty.pubkey, map): map[].duties.withValue(epoch, epochDuty): dutyFound = true if epochDuty[].dependentRoot != currentRoot.get(): res.add((epoch, duty)) if not(alreadyWarned): info "Attester duties re-organization", prior_dependent_root = epochDuty.dependentRoot, dependent_root = currentRoot.get() alreadyWarned = true if not(dutyFound): info "Received new attester duty", duty, epoch = epoch, dependent_root = currentRoot.get() res.add((epoch, duty)) res for item in addOrReplaceItems: let dap = DutyAndProof.init(item.epoch, currentRoot.get(), item.duty, Opt.none(ValidatorSig)) vc.attesters.mgetOrPut(dap.data.pubkey, default(EpochDuties)).duties[dap.epoch] = dap return len(addOrReplaceItems) proc pruneSyncCommitteeDuties*(service: DutiesServiceRef, slot: Slot) = let vc = service.client if slot.is_sync_committee_period(): var newSyncCommitteeDuties: SyncCommitteeDutiesMap let epoch = slot.epoch() for key, item in vc.syncCommitteeDuties: var currentPeriodDuties = EpochSyncDuties() for epochKey, epochDuty in item.duties: if epochKey >= epoch: currentPeriodDuties.duties[epochKey] = epochDuty newSyncCommitteeDuties[key] = currentPeriodDuties vc.syncCommitteeDuties = newSyncCommitteeDuties proc fillSyncSlotSignatures*( service: DutiesServiceRef, epochPeriods: seq[Epoch] ) {.async.} = let vc = service.client genesisRoot = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root validatorDuties = block: var res: seq[SyncValidatorAndDuty] for epoch in epochPeriods: for duty in vc.syncDutiesForEpoch(epoch): if len(duty.slotSigs) == 0: let validator = vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator( duty.data.pubkey).valueOr: continue res.add( SyncValidatorAndDuty( validator: validator, duty: duty)) res (pendingRequests, pendingIds) = block: var sres: seq[Future[SignatureResult]] ires: seq[SyncSlotRequest] for epoch in epochPeriods: let fork = vc.forkAtEpoch(epoch) for slot in epoch.slots(): for item in validatorDuties: for syncCommitteeIndex in item.duty.data.validator_sync_committee_indices: let subCommitteeIndex = getSubcommitteeIndex(syncCommitteeIndex) sres.add( item.validator.getSyncCommitteeSelectionProof( fork, genesisRoot, slot, subCommitteeIndex)) ires.add( SyncSlotRequest( validator: item.validator, slot: slot, validatorSyncCommitteeIndex: syncCommitteeIndex, validatorSubCommitteeIndex: subCommitteeIndex)) (sres, ires) try: # TODO (cheatfate): Here we waiting for all signature requests, but we could # perform waiting slot by slot, so all the tasks from early slot could # start working without delays. await allFutures(pendingRequests) except CancelledError as exc: var pending: seq[Future[void]] for future in pendingRequests: if not(future.finished()): pending.add(future.cancelAndWait()) await allFutures(pending) raise exc for index, fut in pendingRequests.pairs(): let pid = pendingIds[index] epoch = pid.slot.epoch() slotIndex = pid.slot - epoch.start_slot() signature = if fut.done(): let sres = fut.read() if sres.isErr(): warn "Unable to create slot proof using remote signer", reason = sres.error(), epoch = epoch, slot = pid.slot, slot_index = slotIndex, validator = shortLog(pid.validator) Opt.none(ValidatorSig) else: Opt.some(sres.get()) else: Opt.none(ValidatorSig) vc.syncCommitteeDuties.withValue(pid.validator.pubkey, map): map[].duties.withValue(epoch, sdap): sdap[].slotSigs.withValue(pid.validatorSubCommitteeIndex, proofs): proofs[][slotIndex] = signature if vc.config.distributedEnabled: var indexToKey: Table[ValidatorIndex, Opt[ValidatorPubKey]] let selections = block: var sres: seq[RestSyncCommitteeSelection] for epoch in epochPeriods: for duty in vc.syncDutiesForEpoch(epoch): let validator = vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator( duty.data.pubkey).valueOr: continue vindex = validator.index.valueOr: continue startSlot = duty.epoch.start_slot() indexToKey[vindex] = Opt.some(validator.pubkey) for subCommitteeIndex, proofs in duty.slotSigs.pairs(): for slotIndex, selection_proof in proofs.pairs(): if selection_proof.isNone(): continue sres.add(RestSyncCommitteeSelection( validator_index: RestValidatorIndex(vindex), slot: startSlot + slotIndex, subcommittee_index: uint64(subCommitteeIndex), selection_proof: selection_proof.get() )) sres if len(selections) == 0: return let sresponse = try: # Query middleware for aggregated signatures. await vc.submitSyncCommitteeSelections(selections, ApiStrategyKind.Best) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to submit sync committee selections", reason = exc.getFailureReason() return except CancelledError as exc: debug "Beacon committee selections processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occured while trying to submit sync " & "committee selections", reason = exc.msg, error = exc.name return for selection in sresponse.data: let vindex = selection.validator_index.toValidatorIndex().valueOr: warn "Invalid validator_index value encountered while processing " & "sync committee selections", validator_index = uint64(selection.validator_index), reason = $error continue selectionProof = selection.selection_proof.load().valueOr: warn "Invalid signature encountered while processing " & "sync committee selections", validator_index = vindex, slot = selection.slot, subcommittee_index = selection.subcommittee_index, selection_proof = shortLog(selection.selection_proof) continue epoch = selection.slot.epoch() slotIndex = selection.slot - epoch.start_slot() # Position in our slot_proofs array subCommitteeIndex = SyncSubcommitteeIndex(selection.subcommittee_index) validator = block: # Selections operating using validator indices, so we should check # if we have such validator index in our validator's pool and it # still in place (not removed using keystore manager). let key = indexToKey.getOrDefault(vindex) if key.isNone(): warn "Non-existing validator encountered while processing " & "sync committee selections", validator_index = vindex, slot = selection.slot, subcommittee_index = selection.subcommittee_index, selection_proof = shortLog(selection.selection_proof) continue vc.attachedValidators[].getValidator(key.get()).valueOr: continue vc.syncCommitteeDuties.withValue(validator.pubkey, map): map[].duties.withValue(epoch, sdap): sdap[].slotSigs.withValue(subCommitteeIndex, proofs): proofs[][slotIndex] = Opt.some(selectionProof.toValidatorSig()) proc pollForSyncCommitteeDuties*(service: DutiesServiceRef, epoch: Epoch): Future[int] {.async.} = let vc = service.client let validatorIndices = toSeq(vc.attachedValidators[].indices()) var filteredDuties: seq[RestSyncCommitteeDuty] offset = 0 remainingItems = len(validatorIndices) while offset < len(validatorIndices): let arraySize = min(DutiesMaximumValidatorIds, remainingItems) # We use `DutiesMaximumValidatorIds` here because validator ids are sent # in HTTP request body and NOT in HTTP request headers. indices = validatorIndices[offset ..< (offset + arraySize)] res = try: await vc.getSyncCommitteeDuties(epoch, indices, ApiStrategyKind.First) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to get sync committee duties", epoch = epoch, reason = exc.getFailureReason() return 0 except CancelledError as exc: debug "Sync committee duties processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occurred while getting sync committee duties", epoch = epoch, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg return 0 for item in res.data: if checkSyncDuty(item) and (item.pubkey in vc.attachedValidators[]): filteredDuties.add(item) offset += arraySize remainingItems -= arraySize let relevantSdaps = filteredDuties.mapIt(SyncDutyAndProof.init(epoch, it)) fork = vc.forkAtEpoch(epoch) addOrReplaceItems = block: var alreadyWarned = false res: seq[tuple[epoch: Epoch, duty: SyncDutyAndProof]] for sdap in relevantSdaps: var dutyFound = false vc.syncCommitteeDuties.withValue(sdap.data.pubkey, map): map[].duties.withValue(epoch, epochDuty): dutyFound = true if epochDuty[] != sdap: res.add((epoch, sdap)) if not(alreadyWarned): info "Sync committee duties re-organization", sdap, epoch alreadyWarned = true if not(dutyFound): let duty = sdap.data info "Received new sync committee duty", duty, epoch res.add((epoch, sdap)) res if len(addOrReplaceItems) > 0: for epoch, sdap in items(addOrReplaceItems): vc.syncCommitteeDuties.mgetOrPut(sdap.data.pubkey, default(EpochSyncDuties)).duties[epoch] = sdap return len(addOrReplaceItems) proc pruneAttesterDuties(service: DutiesServiceRef, epoch: Epoch) = let vc = service.client var attesters: AttesterMap for key, item in vc.attesters: var v = EpochDuties() for epochKey, epochDuty in item.duties: if (epochKey + HISTORICAL_DUTIES_EPOCHS) >= epoch: v.duties[epochKey] = epochDuty else: debug "Attester duties for the epoch has been pruned", validator = key, epoch = epochKey, loop = AttesterLoop attesters[key] = v vc.attesters = attesters proc pollForAttesterDuties*(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = ## Query the beacon node for attestation duties for all known validators. ## ## This function will perform (in the following order): ## ## 1. Poll for current-epoch duties and update the local `attesters` map. ## 2. Poll for next-epoch duties and update the local `attesters` map. ## 3. Push out any attestation subnet subscriptions to the BN. let vc = service.client let currentSlot = vc.getCurrentSlot().get(Slot(0)) currentEpoch = currentSlot.epoch() nextEpoch = currentEpoch + 1'u64 if vc.attachedValidators[].count() != 0: var counts: array[2, tuple[epoch: Epoch, count: int]] counts[0] = (currentEpoch, await service.pollForAttesterDuties(currentEpoch)) counts[1] = (nextEpoch, await service.pollForAttesterDuties(nextEpoch)) if (counts[0].count == 0) and (counts[1].count == 0): debug "No new attester's duties received", slot = currentSlot block: let moment = Moment.now() await service.fillAttestationSlotSignatures(@[currentEpoch, nextEpoch]) notice "Slot signatures has been obtained", time = (Moment.now() - moment) let subscriptions = block: var res: seq[RestCommitteeSubscription] for item in counts: if item.count > 0: for duty in vc.attesterDutiesForEpoch(item.epoch): if currentSlot + SUBSCRIPTION_BUFFER_SLOTS < duty.data.slot: let isAggregator = if duty.slotSig.isSome(): is_aggregator(duty.data.committee_length, duty.slotSig.get()) else: false let sub = RestCommitteeSubscription( validator_index: duty.data.validator_index, committee_index: duty.data.committee_index, committees_at_slot: duty.data.committees_at_slot, slot: duty.data.slot, is_aggregator: isAggregator ) res.add(sub) res if len(subscriptions) > 0: let res = await vc.prepareBeaconCommitteeSubnet(subscriptions) if res == 0: warn "Failed to subscribe validators to beacon committee subnets", slot = currentSlot, epoch = currentEpoch, subscriptions_count = len(subscriptions) service.pruneAttesterDuties(currentEpoch) proc pollForSyncCommitteeDuties*(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let currentSlot = vc.getCurrentSlot().get(Slot(0)) currentEpoch = currentSlot.epoch() if vc.attachedValidators[].count() != 0: let dutyPeriods = block: var res: seq[tuple[epoch: Epoch, period: SyncCommitteePeriod]] let currentPeriod = currentSlot.sync_committee_period() lookaheadSlot = currentSlot + SUBSCRIPTION_LOOKAHEAD_EPOCHS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH lookaheadPeriod = lookaheadSlot.sync_committee_period() res.add( (epoch: currentSlot.epoch(), period: currentPeriod) ) if lookaheadPeriod > currentPeriod: res.add( (epoch: lookaheadPeriod.start_epoch(), period: lookaheadPeriod) ) res (counts, epochs, total) = block: var res: seq[tuple[epoch: Epoch, period: SyncCommitteePeriod, count: int]] var periods: seq[Epoch] var total = 0 if len(dutyPeriods) > 0: for (epoch, period) in dutyPeriods: let count = await service.pollForSyncCommitteeDuties(epoch) res.add((epoch: epoch, period: period, count: count)) periods.add(epoch) total += count (res, periods, total) if total == 0: debug "No new sync committee member's duties received", slot = currentSlot block: let moment = Moment.now() await service.fillSyncSlotSignatures(epochs) notice "Sync selection proofs has been obtained", time = (Moment.now() - moment) let subscriptions = block: var res: seq[RestSyncCommitteeSubscription] for item in counts: if item.count > 0: let untilEpoch = start_epoch(item.period + 1'u64) let subscriptionsInfo = vc.syncMembersSubscriptionInfoForEpoch(item.epoch) for subInfo in subscriptionsInfo: let sub = RestSyncCommitteeSubscription( validator_index: subInfo.validator_index, sync_committee_indices: subInfo.validator_sync_committee_indices, until_epoch: untilEpoch ) res.add(sub) res if len(subscriptions) > 0: let res = await vc.prepareSyncCommitteeSubnets(subscriptions) if res == 0: warn "Failed to subscribe validators to sync committee subnets", slot = currentSlot, epoch = currentEpoch, subscriptions_count = len(subscriptions) service.pruneSyncCommitteeDuties(currentSlot) proc pruneBeaconProposers(service: DutiesServiceRef, epoch: Epoch) = let vc = service.client var proposers: ProposerMap for epochKey, data in vc.proposers: if (epochKey + HISTORICAL_DUTIES_EPOCHS) >= epoch: proposers[epochKey] = data else: debug "Proposer duty has been pruned", epoch = epochKey, loop = ProposerLoop vc.proposers = proposers proc pollForBeaconProposers*(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let currentSlot = vc.getCurrentSlot().get(Slot(0)) currentEpoch = currentSlot.epoch() if vc.attachedValidators[].count() != 0: try: let res = await vc.getProposerDuties(currentEpoch, ApiStrategyKind.First) let dependentRoot = res.dependent_root duties = res.data relevantDuties = duties.filterIt(it.pubkey in vc.attachedValidators[]) if len(relevantDuties) > 0: vc.addOrReplaceProposers(currentEpoch, dependentRoot, relevantDuties) else: debug "No relevant proposer duties received", slot = currentSlot, duties_count = len(duties) except ValidatorApiError as exc: notice "Unable to get proposer duties", slot = currentSlot, epoch = currentEpoch, reason = exc.getFailureReason() except CancelledError as exc: debug "Proposer duties processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: debug "Unexpected error occured while getting proposer duties", slot = currentSlot, epoch = currentEpoch, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg service.pruneBeaconProposers(currentEpoch) proc prepareBeaconProposers*(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let currentSlot = vc.getCurrentSlot().get(Slot(0)) currentEpoch = currentSlot.epoch() proposers = vc.prepareProposersList(currentEpoch) if len(proposers) > 0: let count = try: await prepareBeaconProposer(vc, proposers) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to prepare beacon proposers", slot = currentSlot, epoch = currentEpoch, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg, reason = exc.getFailureReason() 0 except CancelledError as exc: debug "Beacon proposer preparation processing was interrupted" raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occured while preparing beacon proposers", slot = currentSlot, epoch = currentEpoch, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg 0 debug "Beacon proposers prepared", validators_count = vc.attachedValidators[].count(), proposers_count = len(proposers), prepared_count = count proc registerValidators*(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let currentSlot = vc.getCurrentSlot().get(Slot(0)) genesisFork = vc.forks[0] registrations = try: await vc.prepareRegistrationList(getTime(), genesisFork) except CancelledError as exc: debug "Validator registration preparation was interrupted", slot = currentSlot, fork = genesisFork raise exc except CatchableError as exc: var default: seq[SignedValidatorRegistrationV1] error "Unexpected error occured while preparing validators " & "registration data", slot = currentSlot, fork = genesisFork, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg default count = if len(registrations) > 0: try: await registerValidator(vc, registrations) except ValidatorApiError as exc: warn "Unable to register validators", slot = currentSlot, fork = genesisFork, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg, reason = exc.getFailureReason() 0 except CancelledError as exc: debug "Validator registration was interrupted", slot = currentSlot, fork = genesisFork raise exc except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occured while registering validators", slot = currentSlot, fork = genesisFork, err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg 0 else: 0 if count > 0: debug "Validators registered", slot = currentSlot, beacon_nodes_count = count, registrations = len(registrations), validators_count = vc.attachedValidators[].count() proc waitForNextSlot(service: DutiesServiceRef, serviceLoop: DutiesServiceLoop) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let sleepTime = vc.beaconClock.durationToNextSlot() await sleepAsync(sleepTime) proc attesterDutiesLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client debug "Attester duties loop is waiting for initialization" await allFutures( vc.preGenesisEvent.wait(), vc.indicesAvailable.wait(), vc.forksAvailable.wait() ) doAssert(len(vc.forks) > 0, "Fork schedule must not be empty at this point") while true: await service.waitForNextSlot(AttesterLoop) # Cleaning up previous attestation duties task. if not(isNil(service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask)) and not(service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask.finished()): await cancelAndWait(service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask) # Spawning new attestation duties task. service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask = service.pollForAttesterDuties() proc proposerDutiesLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client debug "Proposer duties loop is waiting for initialization" await allFutures( vc.preGenesisEvent.wait(), vc.indicesAvailable.wait(), vc.forksAvailable.wait() ) doAssert(len(vc.forks) > 0, "Fork schedule must not be empty at this point") while true: await service.pollForBeaconProposers() await service.waitForNextSlot(ProposerLoop) proc validatorIndexLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client debug "Validator indices loop is waiting for initialization" await vc.preGenesisEvent.wait() while true: await service.pollForValidatorIndices() await service.waitForNextSlot(IndicesLoop) proc proposerPreparationsLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client debug "Beacon proposer preparation loop is waiting for initialization" await allFutures( vc.preGenesisEvent.wait(), vc.indicesAvailable.wait() ) while true: await service.prepareBeaconProposers() await service.waitForNextSlot(ProposerPreparationLoop) proc validatorRegisterLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client doAssert(vc.config.payloadBuilderEnable) debug "Validator registration loop is waiting for initialization" await allFutures( vc.preGenesisEvent.wait(), vc.indicesAvailable.wait(), vc.forksAvailable.wait() ) doAssert(len(vc.forks) > 0, "Fork schedule must not be empty at this point") while true: await service.registerValidators() await service.waitForNextSlot(ValidatorRegisterLoop) proc syncCommitteeDutiesLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client debug "Sync committee duties loop is waiting for initialization" await allFutures( vc.preGenesisEvent.wait(), vc.indicesAvailable.wait(), vc.forksAvailable.wait() ) doAssert(len(vc.forks) > 0, "Fork schedule must not be empty at this point") while true: await service.waitForNextSlot(SyncCommitteeLoop) # Cleaning up previous attestation duties task. if not(isNil(service.pollingSyncDutiesTask)) and not(service.pollingSyncDutiesTask.finished()): await cancelAndWait(service.pollingSyncDutiesTask) # Spawning new attestation duties task. service.pollingSyncDutiesTask = service.pollForSyncCommitteeDuties() template checkAndRestart(serviceLoop: DutiesServiceLoop, future: Future[void], body: untyped): untyped = if future.finished(): if future.failed(): let error = future.readError() debug "The loop ended unexpectedly with an error", error_name = error.name, error_msg = error.msg, loop = serviceLoop elif future.cancelled(): debug "The loop was interrupted", loop = serviceLoop else: debug "The loop is finished unexpectedly without an error", loop = serviceLoop future = body proc mainLoop(service: DutiesServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client service.state = ServiceState.Running debug "Service started" var attestFut = service.attesterDutiesLoop() proposeFut = service.proposerDutiesLoop() indicesFut = service.validatorIndexLoop() syncFut = service.syncCommitteeDutiesLoop() prepareFut = service.proposerPreparationsLoop() registerFut = if vc.config.payloadBuilderEnable: service.validatorRegisterLoop() else: nil while true: # This loop could look much more nicer/better, when # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/19911 will be fixed, so it could # become safe to combine loops, breaks and exception handlers. let breakLoop = try: var futures = @[ FutureBase(attestFut), FutureBase(proposeFut), FutureBase(indicesFut), FutureBase(syncFut), FutureBase(prepareFut) ] if not(isNil(registerFut)): futures.add(FutureBase(registerFut)) discard await race(futures) checkAndRestart(AttesterLoop, attestFut, service.attesterDutiesLoop()) checkAndRestart(ProposerLoop, proposeFut, service.proposerDutiesLoop()) checkAndRestart(IndicesLoop, indicesFut, service.validatorIndexLoop()) checkAndRestart(SyncCommitteeLoop, syncFut, service.syncCommitteeDutiesLoop()) checkAndRestart(ProposerPreparationLoop, prepareFut, service.proposerPreparationsLoop()) if not(isNil(registerFut)): checkAndRestart(ValidatorRegisterLoop, registerFut, service.validatorRegisterLoop()) false except CancelledError: debug "Service interrupted" var pending: seq[Future[void]] if not(attestFut.finished()): pending.add(attestFut.cancelAndWait()) if not(proposeFut.finished()): pending.add(proposeFut.cancelAndWait()) if not(indicesFut.finished()): pending.add(indicesFut.cancelAndWait()) if not(syncFut.finished()): pending.add(syncFut.cancelAndWait()) if not(prepareFut.finished()): pending.add(prepareFut.cancelAndWait()) if not(isNil(registerFut)) and not(registerFut.finished()): pending.add(registerFut.cancelAndWait()) if not(isNil(service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask)) and not(service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask.finished()): pending.add(service.pollingAttesterDutiesTask.cancelAndWait()) if not(isNil(service.pollingSyncDutiesTask)) and not(service.pollingSyncDutiesTask.finished()): pending.add(service.pollingSyncDutiesTask.cancelAndWait()) await allFutures(pending) true except CatchableError as exc: warn "Service crashed with unexpected error", err_name = exc.name, err_msg = exc.msg true if breakLoop: break proc init*(t: typedesc[DutiesServiceRef], vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[DutiesServiceRef] {.async.} = logScope: service = ServiceName let res = DutiesServiceRef(name: ServiceName, client: vc, state: ServiceState.Initialized) debug "Initializing service" return res proc start*(service: DutiesServiceRef) = service.lifeFut = mainLoop(service)