# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[deques, tables, strformat], chronicles, metrics, ../beacon_chain_db, ../spec/[deposit_snapshots, digest, eth2_merkleization, forks, network], ../spec/datatypes/base, web3/[primitives, eth_api_types], ./merkle_minimal export beacon_chain_db, deques, digest, base, forks logScope: topics = "elchain" declarePublicGauge eth1_finalized_head, "Block number of the highest Eth1 block finalized by Eth2 consensus" declarePublicGauge eth1_finalized_deposits, "Number of deposits that were finalized by the Eth2 consensus" declareGauge eth1_chain_len, "The length of the in-memory chain of Eth1 blocks" type Eth1BlockNumber* = uint64 Eth1BlockTimestamp* = uint64 Eth1BlockObj* = object hash*: Eth2Digest number*: Eth1BlockNumber timestamp*: Eth1BlockTimestamp ## Basic properties of the block ## These must be initialized in the constructor deposits*: seq[DepositData] ## Deposits inside this particular block depositRoot*: Eth2Digest depositCount*: uint64 ## Global deposits count and hash tree root of the entire sequence ## These are computed when the block is added to the chain (see `addBlock`) Eth1Block* = ref Eth1BlockObj Eth1Chain* = object db: BeaconChainDB cfg*: RuntimeConfig finalizedBlockHash*: Eth2Digest finalizedDepositsMerkleizer*: DepositsMerkleizer ## The latest block that reached a 50% majority vote from ## the Eth2 validators according to the follow distance and ## the ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD blocks*: Deque[Eth1Block] ## A non-forkable chain of blocks ending at the block with ## ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE offset from the head. blocksByHash: Table[BlockHash, Eth1Block] headMerkleizer: DepositsMerkleizer ## Merkleizer state after applying all `blocks` hasConsensusViolation*: bool ## The local chain contradicts the observed consensus on the network BlockProposalEth1Data* = object vote*: Eth1Data deposits*: seq[Deposit] hasMissingDeposits*: bool func asEth2Digest*(x: BlockHash): Eth2Digest = Eth2Digest(data: array[32, byte](x)) template asBlockHash*(x: Eth2Digest): BlockHash = BlockHash(x.data) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.7/specs/phase0/validator.md#get_eth1_data func compute_time_at_slot(genesis_time: uint64, slot: Slot): uint64 = genesis_time + slot * SECONDS_PER_SLOT # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.7/specs/phase0/validator.md#get_eth1_data func voting_period_start_time(state: ForkedHashedBeaconState): uint64 = let eth1_voting_period_start_slot = getStateField(state, slot) - getStateField(state, slot) mod SLOTS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD.uint64 compute_time_at_slot( getStateField(state, genesis_time), eth1_voting_period_start_slot) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.7/specs/phase0/validator.md#get_eth1_data func is_candidate_block(cfg: RuntimeConfig, blk: Eth1Block, period_start: uint64): bool = (blk.timestamp + cfg.SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * cfg.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE <= period_start) and (blk.timestamp + cfg.SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * cfg.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE * 2 >= period_start) func shortLog*(b: Eth1Block): string = try: &"{b.number}:{shortLog b.hash}(deposits = {b.depositCount})" except ValueError as exc: raiseAssert exc.msg template findBlock(chain: Eth1Chain, eth1Data: Eth1Data): Eth1Block = getOrDefault(chain.blocksByHash, asBlockHash(eth1Data.block_hash), nil) func makeSuccessorWithoutDeposits*(existingBlock: Eth1Block, successor: BlockObject): Eth1Block = result = Eth1Block( hash: successor.hash.asEth2Digest, number: Eth1BlockNumber successor.number, timestamp: Eth1BlockTimestamp successor.timestamp) func latestCandidateBlock(chain: Eth1Chain, periodStart: uint64): Eth1Block = for i in countdown(chain.blocks.len - 1, 0): let blk = chain.blocks[i] if is_candidate_block(chain.cfg, blk, periodStart): return blk proc popFirst(chain: var Eth1Chain) = let removed = chain.blocks.popFirst chain.blocksByHash.del removed.hash.asBlockHash eth1_chain_len.set chain.blocks.len.int64 proc addBlock*(chain: var Eth1Chain, newBlock: Eth1Block) = for deposit in newBlock.deposits: chain.headMerkleizer.addChunk hash_tree_root(deposit).data newBlock.depositCount = chain.headMerkleizer.getChunkCount newBlock.depositRoot = chain.headMerkleizer.getDepositsRoot chain.blocks.addLast newBlock chain.blocksByHash[newBlock.hash.asBlockHash] = newBlock eth1_chain_len.set chain.blocks.len.int64 func toVoteData(blk: Eth1Block): Eth1Data = Eth1Data( deposit_root: blk.depositRoot, deposit_count: blk.depositCount, block_hash: blk.hash) func hash*(x: Eth1Data): Hash = hash(x.block_hash) proc pruneOldBlocks(chain: var Eth1Chain, depositIndex: uint64) = ## Called on block finalization to delete old and now redundant data. let initialChunks = chain.finalizedDepositsMerkleizer.getChunkCount var lastBlock: Eth1Block while chain.blocks.len > 0: let blk = chain.blocks.peekFirst if blk.depositCount >= depositIndex: break else: for deposit in blk.deposits: chain.finalizedDepositsMerkleizer.addChunk hash_tree_root(deposit).data chain.popFirst() lastBlock = blk if chain.finalizedDepositsMerkleizer.getChunkCount > initialChunks: chain.finalizedBlockHash = lastBlock.hash chain.db.putDepositContractSnapshot DepositContractSnapshot( eth1Block: lastBlock.hash, depositContractState: chain.finalizedDepositsMerkleizer.toDepositContractState, blockHeight: lastBlock.number) eth1_finalized_head.set lastBlock.number.toGaugeValue eth1_finalized_deposits.set lastBlock.depositCount.toGaugeValue debug "Eth1 blocks pruned", newTailBlock = lastBlock.hash, depositsCount = lastBlock.depositCount func advanceMerkleizer(chain: Eth1Chain, merkleizer: var DepositsMerkleizer, depositIndex: uint64): bool = if chain.blocks.len == 0: return depositIndex == merkleizer.getChunkCount if chain.blocks.peekLast.depositCount < depositIndex: return false let firstBlock = chain.blocks[0] depositsInLastPrunedBlock = firstBlock.depositCount - firstBlock.deposits.lenu64 # advanceMerkleizer should always be called shortly after prunning the chain doAssert depositsInLastPrunedBlock == merkleizer.getChunkCount for blk in chain.blocks: for deposit in blk.deposits: if merkleizer.getChunkCount < depositIndex: merkleizer.addChunk hash_tree_root(deposit).data else: return true return merkleizer.getChunkCount == depositIndex iterator getDepositsRange*(chain: Eth1Chain, first, last: uint64): DepositData = # TODO It's possible to make this faster by performing binary search that # will locate the blocks holding the `first` and `last` indices. # TODO There is an assumption here that the requested range will be present # in the Eth1Chain. This should hold true at the call sites right now, # but we need to guard the pre-conditions better. for blk in chain.blocks: if blk.depositCount <= first: continue let firstDepositIdxInBlk = blk.depositCount - blk.deposits.lenu64 if firstDepositIdxInBlk >= last: break for i in 0 ..< blk.deposits.lenu64: let globalIdx = firstDepositIdxInBlk + i if globalIdx >= first and globalIdx < last: yield blk.deposits[i] func lowerBound(chain: Eth1Chain, depositCount: uint64): Eth1Block = # TODO: This can be replaced with a proper binary search in the # future, but the `algorithm` module currently requires an # `openArray`, which the `deques` module can't provide yet. for eth1Block in chain.blocks: if eth1Block.depositCount > depositCount: return result = eth1Block proc trackFinalizedState*(chain: var Eth1Chain, finalizedEth1Data: Eth1Data, finalizedStateDepositIndex: uint64, blockProposalExpected = false): bool = ## This function will return true if the ELManager is synced ## to the finalization point. if chain.blocks.len == 0: debug "Eth1 chain not initialized" return false let latest = chain.blocks.peekLast if latest.depositCount < finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count: if blockProposalExpected: error "The Eth1 chain is not synced", ourDepositsCount = latest.depositCount, targetDepositsCount = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count return false let matchingBlock = chain.lowerBound(finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count) result = if matchingBlock != nil: if matchingBlock.depositRoot == finalizedEth1Data.deposit_root: true else: error "Corrupted deposits history detected", ourDepositsCount = matchingBlock.depositCount, targetDepositsCount = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count, ourDepositsRoot = matchingBlock.depositRoot, targetDepositsRoot = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_root chain.hasConsensusViolation = true false else: error "The Eth1 chain is in inconsistent state", checkpointHash = finalizedEth1Data.block_hash, checkpointDeposits = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count, localChainStart = shortLog(chain.blocks.peekFirst), localChainEnd = shortLog(chain.blocks.peekLast) chain.hasConsensusViolation = true false if result: chain.pruneOldBlocks(finalizedStateDepositIndex) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.7/specs/phase0/validator.md#get_eth1_data proc getBlockProposalData*(chain: var Eth1Chain, state: ForkedHashedBeaconState, finalizedEth1Data: Eth1Data, finalizedStateDepositIndex: uint64): BlockProposalEth1Data = let periodStart = voting_period_start_time(state) hasLatestDeposits = chain.trackFinalizedState(finalizedEth1Data, finalizedStateDepositIndex, blockProposalExpected = true) var otherVotesCountTable = initCountTable[Eth1Data]() for vote in getStateField(state, eth1_data_votes): let eth1Block = chain.findBlock(vote) if eth1Block != nil and eth1Block.depositRoot == vote.deposit_root and vote.deposit_count >= getStateField(state, eth1_data).deposit_count and is_candidate_block(chain.cfg, eth1Block, periodStart): otherVotesCountTable.inc vote else: debug "Ignoring eth1 vote", root = vote.block_hash, deposits = vote.deposit_count, depositsRoot = vote.deposit_root, localDeposits = getStateField(state, eth1_data).deposit_count let stateDepositIdx = getStateField(state, eth1_deposit_index) stateDepositsCount = getStateField(state, eth1_data).deposit_count # A valid state should never have this condition, but it doesn't hurt # to be extra defensive here because we are working with uint types var pendingDepositsCount = if stateDepositsCount > stateDepositIdx: stateDepositsCount - stateDepositIdx else: 0 if otherVotesCountTable.len > 0: let (winningVote, votes) = otherVotesCountTable.largest debug "Voting on eth1 head with majority", votes result.vote = winningVote if uint64((votes + 1) * 2) > SLOTS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD: pendingDepositsCount = winningVote.deposit_count - stateDepositIdx else: let latestBlock = chain.latestCandidateBlock(periodStart) if latestBlock == nil: debug "No acceptable eth1 votes and no recent candidates. Voting no change" result.vote = getStateField(state, eth1_data) else: debug "No acceptable eth1 votes. Voting for latest candidate" result.vote = latestBlock.toVoteData if pendingDepositsCount > 0: if hasLatestDeposits: let totalDepositsInNewBlock = min(MAX_DEPOSITS, pendingDepositsCount) postStateDepositIdx = stateDepositIdx + pendingDepositsCount var deposits = newSeqOfCap[DepositData](totalDepositsInNewBlock) depositRoots = newSeqOfCap[Eth2Digest](pendingDepositsCount) for data in chain.getDepositsRange(stateDepositIdx, postStateDepositIdx): if deposits.lenu64 < totalDepositsInNewBlock: deposits.add data depositRoots.add hash_tree_root(data) var scratchMerkleizer = chain.finalizedDepositsMerkleizer if chain.advanceMerkleizer(scratchMerkleizer, stateDepositIdx): let proofs = scratchMerkleizer.addChunksAndGenMerkleProofs(depositRoots) for i in 0 ..< totalDepositsInNewBlock: var proof: array[33, Eth2Digest] proof[0..31] = proofs.getProof(i.int) proof[32] = default(Eth2Digest) proof[32].data[0..7] = toBytesLE uint64(postStateDepositIdx) result.deposits.add Deposit(data: deposits[i], proof: proof) else: error "The Eth1 chain is in inconsistent state" # This should not really happen result.hasMissingDeposits = true else: result.hasMissingDeposits = true func clear*(chain: var Eth1Chain) = chain.blocks.clear() chain.blocksByHash.clear() chain.headMerkleizer = chain.finalizedDepositsMerkleizer chain.hasConsensusViolation = false proc init*( T: type Eth1Chain, cfg: RuntimeConfig, db: BeaconChainDB, depositContractBlockNumber: uint64, depositContractBlockHash: Eth2Digest): T = let (finalizedBlockHash, depositContractState) = if db != nil: let snapshot = db.getDepositContractSnapshot() if snapshot.isSome: (snapshot.get.eth1Block, snapshot.get.depositContractState) else: let oldSnapshot = db.getUpgradableDepositSnapshot() if oldSnapshot.isSome: (oldSnapshot.get.eth1Block, oldSnapshot.get.depositContractState) else: db.putDepositContractSnapshot DepositContractSnapshot( eth1Block: depositContractBlockHash, blockHeight: depositContractBlockNumber) (depositContractBlockHash, default(DepositContractState)) else: (depositContractBlockHash, default(DepositContractState)) m = DepositsMerkleizer.init(depositContractState) T(db: db, cfg: cfg, finalizedBlockHash: finalizedBlockHash, finalizedDepositsMerkleizer: m, headMerkleizer: m)