# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import sequtils, strutils, os, tables import confutils, chronicles, chronos, libp2p/daemon/daemonapi, libp2p/multiaddress import stew/byteutils as bu import spec/[crypto, datatypes, network, digest], ssz const InspectorName* = "Beacon-Chain Network Inspector" InspectorMajor*: int = 0 InspectorMinor*: int = 0 InspectorPatch*: int = 2 InspectorVersion* = $InspectorMajor & "." & $InspectorMinor & "." & $InspectorPatch InspectorIdent* = "Inspector/$1 ($2/$3)" % [InspectorVersion, hostCPU, hostOS] InspectorCopyright* = "Copyright(C) 2019" & " Status Research & Development GmbH" InspectorHeader* = InspectorName & ", Version " & InspectorVersion & " [" & hostOS & ": " & hostCPU & "]\r\n" & InspectorCopyright & "\r\n" type TopicFilter* {.pure.} = enum Blocks, Attestations, Exits, ProposerSlashing, AttesterSlashings StartUpCommand* {.pure.} = enum noCommand InspectorConf* = object logLevel* {. defaultValue: LogLevel.TRACE desc: "Sets the inspector's verbosity log level" abbr: "v" name: "verbosity" }: LogLevel fullPeerId* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Sets the inspector full PeerID output" abbr: "p" name: "fullpeerid" }: bool floodSub* {. defaultValue: true desc: "Sets inspector engine to FloodSub" abbr: "f" name: "floodsub" }: bool gossipSub* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Sets inspector engine to GossipSub" abbr: "g" name: "gossipsub" }: bool signFlag* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Sets the inspector's to send/verify signatures in pubsub messages" abbr: "s" name: "sign" }: bool topics* {. desc: "Sets monitored topics, where `*` - all, " & "[a]ttestations, [b]locks, [e]xits, " & "[ps]roposer slashings, [as]ttester slashings" abbr: "t" name: "topics" }: seq[string] customTopics* {. desc: "Sets custom monitored topics" abbr: "c" name: "custom" }: seq[string] bootstrapFile* {. defaultValue: "" desc: "Specifies file which holds bootstrap nodes multiaddresses " & "delimeted by CRLF" abbr: "l" name: "bootfile" }: string bootstrapNodes* {. desc: "Specifies one or more bootstrap nodes" & " to use when connecting to the network" abbr: "b" name: "bootnodes" }: seq[string] decode* {. desc: "Try to decode message using SSZ" abbr: "d" defaultValue: false }: bool func getTopics(filter: TopicFilter): seq[string] {.inline.} = case filter of TopicFilter.Blocks: @[topicBeaconBlocks] of TopicFilter.Attestations: mapIt(0'u64 ..< ATTESTATION_SUBNET_COUNT.uint64, it.getAttestationTopic) of TopicFilter.Exits: @[topicVoluntaryExits] of TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing: @[topicProposerSlashings] of TopicFilter.AttesterSlashings: @[topicAttesterSlashings] func getPeerId(peer: PeerID, conf: InspectorConf): string {.inline.} = if conf.fullPeerId: result = peer.pretty() else: result = $peer proc loadBootFile(name: string): seq[string] = try: result = readFile(name).splitLines() except: discard proc run(conf: InspectorConf) {.async.} = var bootnodes: seq[string] api: DaemonApi identity: PeerInfo pubsubPeers: Table[PeerID, PeerInfo] peerQueue: AsyncQueue[PeerID] subs: seq[tuple[ticket: PubsubTicket, future: Future[void]]] topics: set[TopicFilter] = {} pubsubPeers = initTable[PeerID, PeerInfo]() peerQueue = newAsyncQueue[PeerID]() proc dumpPeers(api: DaemonAPI) {.async.} = while true: var peers = await api.listPeers() info "Connected peers information", peers_connected = len(peers) for item in peers: info "Connected peer", peer = getPeerId(item.peer, conf), addresses = item.addresses for key, value in pubsubPeers.pairs(): info "Pubsub peer", peer = getPeerId(value.peer, conf), addresses = value.addresses await sleepAsync(10.seconds) proc resolvePeers(api: DaemonAPI) {.async.} = var counter = 0 while true: var peer = await peerQueue.popFirst() var info = await api.dhtFindPeer(peer) inc(counter) info "Peer resolved", peer = getPeerId(peer, conf), addresses = info.addresses, count = counter pubsubPeers[peer] = info proc pubsubLogger(api: DaemonAPI, ticket: PubsubTicket, message: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} = # We must return ``false`` only if we are not going to continue monitoring # of specific topic. var sig = if len(message.signature.data) > 0: $message.signature else: "" var key = if len(message.signature.data) > 0: $message.key else: "" var pinfo = pubsubPeers.getOrDefault(message.peer) if len(pinfo.peer) == 0: pubsubPeers[message.peer] = PeerInfo(peer: message.peer) peerQueue.addLastNoWait(message.peer) info "Received message", peerID = getPeerId(message.peer, conf), size = len(message.data), topic = ticket.topic, seqno = bu.toHex(message.seqno), signature = sig, pubkey = key, mtopics = $message.topics, message = bu.toHex(message.data), zpeers = len(pubsubPeers) if conf.decode: try: if ticket.topic.startsWith(topicBeaconBlocks): info "SignedBeaconBlock", msg = SSZ.decode(message.data, SignedBeaconBlock) elif ticket.topic.endsWith(topicAttestationSuffix): info "Attestation", msg = SSZ.decode(message.data, Attestation) elif ticket.topic.startsWith(topicVoluntaryExits): info "SignedVoluntaryExit", msg = SSZ.decode(message.data, SignedVoluntaryExit) elif ticket.topic.startsWith(topicProposerSlashings): info "ProposerSlashing", msg = SSZ.decode(message.data, ProposerSlashing) elif ticket.topic.startsWith(topicAttesterSlashings): info "AttesterSlashing", msg = SSZ.decode(message.data, AttesterSlashing) except CatchableError as exc: info "Unable to decode message", msg = exc.msg result = true if len(conf.topics) > 0: for item in conf.topics: let lcitem = item.toLowerAscii() if lcitem == "*": topics.incl({TopicFilter.Blocks, TopicFilter.Attestations, TopicFilter.Exits, TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing, TopicFilter.AttesterSlashings}) break elif lcitem == "a": topics.incl(TopicFilter.Attestations) elif lcitem == "b": topics.incl(TopicFilter.Blocks) elif lcitem == "e": topics.incl(TopicFilter.Exits) elif lcitem == "ps": topics.incl(TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing) elif lcitem == "as": topics.incl(TopicFilter.AttesterSlashings) else: discard else: topics.incl({TopicFilter.Blocks, TopicFilter.Attestations, TopicFilter.Exits, TopicFilter.ProposerSlashing, TopicFilter.AttesterSlashings}) if len(conf.bootstrapFile) > 0: info "Loading bootstrap nodes from file", filename = conf.bootstrapFile var nodes = loadBootFile(conf.bootstrapFile) for nodeString in nodes: try: var ma = MultiAddress.init(nodeString) if not(IPFS.match(ma)): warn "Incorrect bootnode address", address = nodeString else: bootnodes.add($ma) except: warn "Bootnode address is not valid MultiAddress", address = nodeString for nodeString in conf.bootstrapNodes: try: var ma = MultiAddress.init(nodeString) if not(IPFS.match(ma)): warn "Incorrect bootnode address", address = nodeString else: bootnodes.add($ma) except: warn "Bootnode address is not valid MultiAddress", address = nodeString if len(bootnodes) == 0: error "Not enough bootnodes to establish connection with network" quit(1) info InspectorIdent & " starting", bootnodes = bootnodes, topic_filters = topics var flags = {DHTClient, PSNoSign, WaitBootstrap} if conf.signFlag: flags.excl(PSNoSign) if conf.gossipSub: flags.incl(PSGossipSub) else: flags.incl(PSFloodSub) try: api = await newDaemonApi(flags, bootstrapNodes = bootnodes, peersRequired = 1) identity = await api.identity() info InspectorIdent & " started", peerID = getPeerId(identity.peer, conf), bound = identity.addresses, options = flags except CatchableError as e: error "Could not initialize p2pd daemon", exception = e.msg quit(1) try: for filter in topics: for topic in getTopics(filter): let t = await api.pubsubSubscribe(topic, pubsubLogger) info "Subscribed to topic", topic = topic subs.add((ticket: t, future: t.transp.join())) for filter in conf.customTopics: let t = await api.pubsubSubscribe(filter, pubsubLogger) info "Subscribed to custom topic", topic = filter subs.add((ticket: t, future: t.transp.join())) except CatchableError as e: error "Could not subscribe to topics", exception = e.msg quit(1) # Starting DHT resolver task asyncCheck resolvePeers(api) # Starting peer dumper task asyncCheck dumpPeers(api) var futures = newSeq[Future[void]]() var delindex = 0 while true: if len(subs) == 0: break futures.setLen(0) for item in subs: futures.add(item.future) var fut = await one(futures) for i in 0 ..< len(subs): if subs[i].future == fut: delindex = i break error "Subscription lost", topic = subs[delindex].ticket.topic subs.delete(delindex) when isMainModule: echo InspectorHeader var conf = InspectorConf.load(version = InspectorVersion) waitFor run(conf)