# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # SSZ Serialization (simple serialize) # See https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/master/specs/simple-serialize.md # TODO Cannot override push, even though the function is annotated # nim-beacon-chain/beacon_chain/ssz.nim(212, 18) Error: can raise an unlisted exception: IOError #{.push raises: [Defect].} import stew/shims/macros, options, algorithm, options, strformat, stint, stew/[bitops2, bitseqs, objects, varints, ptrops], stew/ranges/[ptr_arith, stackarrays], faststreams/[inputs, outputs, buffers], serialization, serialization/testing/tracing, ./spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest], ./ssz/[types, bytes_reader], ../nbench/bench_lab # ################### Helper functions ################################### export serialization, types, bytes_reader when defined(serialization_tracing): import typetraits, stew/ranges/ptr_arith const bytesPerChunk = 32 bitsPerChunk = bytesPerChunk * 8 defaultMaxObjectSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024 type SszReader* = object stream: InputStream maxObjectSize: int SszWriter* = object stream: OutputStream BasicType = char|bool|SomeUnsignedInt|StUint|ValidatorIndex SszChunksMerkleizer = object combinedChunks: StackArray[Eth2Digest] totalChunks: uint64 TypeWithMaxLen*[T; maxLen: static int64] = distinct T SizePrefixed*[T] = distinct T SszMaxSizeExceeded* = object of SerializationError VarSizedWriterCtx = object fixedParts: WriteCursor offset: int FixedSizedWriterCtx = object ByteList = seq[byte] serializationFormat SSZ, Reader = SszReader, Writer = SszWriter, PreferedOutput = seq[byte] template sizePrefixed*[TT](x: TT): untyped = type T = TT SizePrefixed[T](x) proc init*(T: type SszReader, stream: InputStream, maxObjectSize = defaultMaxObjectSize): T {.raises: [Defect].} = T(stream: stream, maxObjectSize: maxObjectSize) proc mount*(F: type SSZ, stream: InputStream, T: type): T {.raises: [Defect].} = mixin readValue var reader = init(SszReader, stream) reader.readValue(T) method formatMsg*(err: ref SszSizeMismatchError, filename: string): string {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} = # TODO: implement proper error string try: &"SSZ size mismatch, element {err.elementSize}, actual {err.actualSszSize}, type {err.deserializedType}, file {filename}" except CatchableError: "SSZ size mismatch" when false: # TODO: Nim can't handle yet this simpler definition. File an issue. template valueOf[T; N](x: TypeWithMaxLen[T, N]): auto = T(x) else: proc unwrapImpl[T; N: static int64](x: ptr TypeWithMaxLen[T, N]): ptr T = cast[ptr T](x) template valueOf(x: TypeWithMaxLen): auto = let xaddr = unsafeAddr x unwrapImpl(xaddr)[] template sszList*(x: seq|array, maxLen: static int64): auto = TypeWithMaxLen[type(x), maxLen](x) template toSszType*(x: auto): auto = mixin toSszType when x is Slot|Epoch|ValidatorIndex|enum: uint64(x) elif x is Eth2Digest: x.data elif x is BlsCurveType: toRaw(x) elif x is BitSeq|BitList: ByteList(x) elif x is TypeWithMaxLen: toSszType valueOf(x) elif x is ForkDigest|Version: array[4, byte](x) elif useListType and x is List: seq[x.T](x) else: x proc writeFixedSized(s: var (OutputStream|WriteCursor), x: auto) {.raises: [Defect, IOError].} = mixin toSszType when x is byte: s.write x elif x is bool|char: s.write byte(ord(x)) elif x is SomeUnsignedInt|StUint: when cpuEndian == bigEndian: s.write toBytesLE(x) else: s.writeMemCopy x elif x is array|string|seq|openarray: when x[0] is byte: trs "APPENDING FIXED SIZE BYTES", x s.write x else: for elem in x: trs "WRITING FIXED SIZE ARRAY ELEMENT" s.writeFixedSized toSszType(elem) elif x is tuple|object: enumInstanceSerializedFields(x, fieldName, field): trs "WRITING FIXED SIZE FIELD", fieldName s.writeFixedSized toSszType(field) else: unsupported x.type template writeOffset(cursor: var WriteCursor, offset: int) = write cursor, toBytesLE(uint32 offset) template supports*(_: type SSZ, T: type): bool = mixin toSszType anonConst compiles(fixedPortionSize toSszType(declval T)) func init*(T: type SszWriter, stream: OutputStream): T {.raises: [Defect].} = result.stream = stream template enumerateSubFields(holder, fieldVar, body: untyped) = when holder is array|string|seq|openarray: for fieldVar in holder: body else: enumInstanceSerializedFields(holder, _, fieldVar): body proc writeVarSizeType(w: var SszWriter, value: auto) {.gcsafe.} proc beginRecord*(w: var SszWriter, TT: type): auto {.raises: [Defect].} = type T = TT when isFixedSize(T): FixedSizedWriterCtx() else: const offset = when T is array: len(T) * offsetSize else: fixedPortionSize(T) VarSizedWriterCtx(offset: offset, fixedParts: w.stream.delayFixedSizeWrite(offset)) template writeField*(w: var SszWriter, ctx: var auto, fieldName: string, field: auto) = mixin toSszType when ctx is FixedSizedWriterCtx: writeFixedSized(w.stream, toSszType(field)) else: type FieldType = type toSszType(field) when isFixedSize(FieldType): writeFixedSized(ctx.fixedParts, toSszType(field)) else: trs "WRITING OFFSET ", ctx.offset, " FOR ", fieldName writeOffset(ctx.fixedParts, ctx.offset) let initPos = w.stream.pos trs "WRITING VAR SIZE VALUE OF TYPE ", name(FieldType) when FieldType is BitSeq: trs "BIT SEQ ", ByteList(field) writeVarSizeType(w, toSszType(field)) ctx.offset += w.stream.pos - initPos template endRecord*(w: var SszWriter, ctx: var auto) = when ctx is VarSizedWriterCtx: finalize ctx.fixedParts proc writeVarSizeType(w: var SszWriter, value: auto) {.raises: [Defect, IOError].} = trs "STARTING VAR SIZE TYPE" mixin toSszType type T = type toSszType(value) when T is seq|string|openarray: type E = ElemType(T) const isFixed = isFixedSize(E) when isFixed: trs "WRITING LIST WITH FIXED SIZE ELEMENTS" for elem in value: w.stream.writeFixedSized toSszType(elem) trs "DONE" else: trs "WRITING LIST WITH VAR SIZE ELEMENTS" var offset = value.len * offsetSize var cursor = w.stream.delayFixedSizeWrite offset for elem in value: cursor.writeFixedSized uint32(offset) let initPos = w.stream.pos w.writeVarSizeType toSszType(elem) offset += w.stream.pos - initPos finalize cursor trs "DONE" elif T is object|tuple|array: trs "WRITING OBJECT OR ARRAY" var ctx = beginRecord(w, T) enumerateSubFields(value, field): writeField w, ctx, astToStr(field), field endRecord w, ctx proc writeValue*(w: var SszWriter, x: auto) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect, IOError].} = mixin toSszType type T = type toSszType(x) when isFixedSize(T): w.stream.writeFixedSized toSszType(x) elif T is array|seq|openarray|string|object|tuple: w.writeVarSizeType toSszType(x) else: unsupported type(x) func sszSize*(value: auto): int = mixin toSszType type T = type toSszType(value) when isFixedSize(T): anonConst fixedPortionSize(T) elif T is seq|string|array|openarray: type E = ElemType(T) when isFixedSize(E): len(value) * anonConst(fixedPortionSize(E)) else: result = len(value) * offsetSize for elem in value: result += sszSize(toSszType elem) elif T is object|tuple: result = anonConst fixedPortionSize(T) enumInstanceSerializedFields(value, _, field): type FieldType = type toSszType(field) when not isFixedSize(FieldType): result += sszSize(toSszType field) else: unsupported T proc writeValue*[T](w: var SszWriter, x: SizePrefixed[T]) {.raises: [Defect, IOError].} = var cursor = w.stream.delayVarSizeWrite(10) let initPos = w.stream.pos w.writeValue T(x) let length = uint64(w.stream.pos - initPos) when false: discard # TODO varintBytes is sub-optimal at the moment # cursor.writeAndFinalize length.varintBytes else: var buf: VarintBuffer buf.writeVarint length cursor.finalWrite buf.writtenBytes template fromSszBytes*[T; N](_: type TypeWithMaxLen[T, N], bytes: openarray[byte]): auto = mixin fromSszBytes fromSszBytes(T, bytes) proc readValue*[T](r: var SszReader, val: var T) {.raises: [Defect, MalformedSszError, SszSizeMismatchError, IOError].} = when isFixedSize(T): const minimalSize = fixedPortionSize(T) if r.stream.readable(minimalSize): val = readSszValue(r.stream.read(minimalSize), T) else: raise newException(MalformedSszError, "SSZ input of insufficient size") else: # TODO Read the fixed portion first and precisely measure the size of # the dynamic portion to consume the right number of bytes. val = readSszValue(r.stream.read(r.stream.len.get), T) proc readValue*[T](r: var SszReader, val: var SizePrefixed[T]) {.raises: [Defect].} = let length = r.stream.readVarint(uint64) if length > r.maxObjectSize: raise newException(SszMaxSizeExceeded, "Maximum SSZ object size exceeded: " & $length) val = readSszValue(r.stream.read(length), T) const zeroChunk = default array[32, byte] func hash(a, b: openArray[byte]): Eth2Digest = result = withEth2Hash: trs "MERGING BRANCHES " trs a trs b h.update a h.update b trs "HASH RESULT ", result func mergeBranches(existing: Eth2Digest, newData: openarray[byte]): Eth2Digest = result = withEth2Hash: trs "MERGING BRANCHES OPEN ARRAY" trs existing.data trs newData h.update existing.data h.update newData let paddingBytes = bytesPerChunk - newData.len if paddingBytes > 0: trs "USING ", paddingBytes, " PADDING BYTES" h.update zeroChunk[0 ..< paddingBytes] trs "HASH RESULT ", result template mergeBranches(a, b: Eth2Digest): Eth2Digest = hash(a.data, b.data) func computeZeroHashes: array[100, Eth2Digest] = result[0] = Eth2Digest(data: zeroChunk) for i in 1 .. result.high: result[i] = mergeBranches(result[i - 1], result[i - 1]) let zeroHashes = computeZeroHashes() template getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(idx: int): Eth2Digest = # TODO this is a work-around for the somewhat broken side # effects analysis of Nim - reading from global let variables # is considered a side-effect. {.noSideEffect.}: zeroHashes[idx] func addChunk(merkleizer: var SszChunksMerkleizer, data: openarray[byte]) = doAssert data.len > 0 and data.len <= bytesPerChunk if not getBitLE(merkleizer.totalChunks, 0): let chunkStartAddr = addr merkleizer.combinedChunks[0].data[0] copyMem(chunkStartAddr, unsafeAddr data[0], data.len) zeroMem(chunkStartAddr.offset(data.len), bytesPerChunk - data.len) trs "WROTE BASE CHUNK ", merkleizer.combinedChunks[0] else: var hash = mergeBranches(merkleizer.combinedChunks[0], data) for i in 1 .. high(merkleizer.combinedChunks): trs "ITERATING" if getBitLE(merkleizer.totalChunks, i): trs "CALLING MERGE BRANCHES" hash = mergeBranches(merkleizer.combinedChunks[i], hash) else: trs "WRITING FRESH CHUNK AT ", i, " = ", hash merkleizer.combinedChunks[i] = hash break inc merkleizer.totalChunks template createMerkleizer(totalElements: int64): SszChunksMerkleizer = trs "CREATING A MERKLEIZER FOR ", totalElements let merkleizerHeight = bitWidth nextPow2(uint64 totalElements) SszChunksMerkleizer( combinedChunks: allocStackArrayNoInit(Eth2Digest, merkleizerHeight), totalChunks: 0) func getFinalHash(merkleizer: var SszChunksMerkleizer): Eth2Digest = if merkleizer.totalChunks == 0: let treeHeight = merkleizer.combinedChunks.high return getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(treeHeight) let bottomHashIdx = firstOne(merkleizer.totalChunks) - 1 submittedChunksHeight = bitWidth(merkleizer.totalChunks - 1) topHashIdx = merkleizer.combinedChunks.high trs "BOTTOM HASH ", bottomHashIdx trs "SUBMITTED HEIGHT ", submittedChunksHeight trs "TOP HASH IDX ", topHashIdx if bottomHashIdx != submittedChunksHeight: # Our tree is not finished. We must complete the work in progress # branches and then extend the tree to the right height. result = mergeBranches(merkleizer.combinedChunks[bottomHashIdx], getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(bottomHashIdx)) for i in bottomHashIdx + 1 ..< topHashIdx: if getBitLE(merkleizer.totalChunks, i): result = mergeBranches(merkleizer.combinedChunks[i], result) trs "COMBINED" else: result = mergeBranches(result, getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(i)) trs "COMBINED WITH ZERO" elif bottomHashIdx == topHashIdx: # We have a perfect tree (chunks == 2**n) at just the right height! result = merkleizer.combinedChunks[bottomHashIdx] else: # We have a perfect tree of user chunks, but we have more work to # do - we must extend it to reach the desired height result = mergeBranches(merkleizer.combinedChunks[bottomHashIdx], getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(bottomHashIdx)) for i in bottomHashIdx + 1 ..< topHashIdx: result = mergeBranches(result, getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(i)) func mixInLength(root: Eth2Digest, length: int): Eth2Digest = var dataLen: array[32, byte] dataLen[0..<8] = uint64(length).toBytesLE() hash(root.data, dataLen) func hash_tree_root*(x: auto): Eth2Digest {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} template merkleizeFields(totalElements: int, body: untyped): Eth2Digest = var merkleizer {.inject.} = createMerkleizer(totalElements) template addField(field) = let hash = hash_tree_root(field) trs "MERKLEIZING FIELD ", astToStr(field), " = ", hash addChunk(merkleizer, hash.data) trs "CHUNK ADDED" template addField2(field) {.used.}= const maxLen = fieldMaxLen(field) when maxLen > 0: type FieldType = type field addField TypeWithMaxLen[FieldType, maxLen](field) else: addField field body getFinalHash(merkleizer) func chunkedHashTreeRootForBasicTypes[T](merkleizer: var SszChunksMerkleizer, arr: openarray[T]): Eth2Digest = static: assert T is BasicType when T is byte: var remainingBytes = arr.len pos = cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr arr[0]) while remainingBytes >= bytesPerChunk: merkleizer.addChunk(makeOpenArray(pos, bytesPerChunk)) pos = offset(pos, bytesPerChunk) remainingBytes -= bytesPerChunk if remainingBytes > 0: merkleizer.addChunk(makeOpenArray(pos, remainingBytes)) elif T is char or cpuEndian == littleEndian: let baseAddr = cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr arr[0]) len = arr.len * sizeof(T) return chunkedHashTreeRootForBasicTypes(merkleizer, makeOpenArray(baseAddr, len)) else: static: assert T is SomeUnsignedInt|StUInt|ValidatorIndex assert bytesPerChunk mod sizeof(Т) == 0 const valuesPerChunk = bytesPerChunk div sizeof(Т) template writeAt(chunk: var array[bytesPerChunk], at: int, val: SomeUnsignedInt|StUint) = type ArrType = type toBytesLE(val) (cast[ptr ArrType](addr chunk[at]))[] = toBytesLE(val) var writtenValues = 0 var chunk: array[bytesPerChunk, byte] while writtenValues < arr.len - valuesPerChunk: for i in 0 ..< valuesPerChunk: chunk.writeAt(i * sizeof(T), arr[writtenValues + i]) merkleizer.addChunk chunk inc writtenValues, valuesPerChunk let remainingValues = arr.len - writtenValues if remainingValues > 0: var lastChunk: array[bytesPerChunk, byte] for i in 0 ..< remainingValues: chunk.writeAt(i * sizeof(T), arr[writtenValues + i]) merkleizer.addChunk lastChunk getFinalHash(merkleizer) func bitlistHashTreeRoot(merkleizer: var SszChunksMerkleizer, x: BitSeq): Eth2Digest = # TODO: Switch to a simpler BitList representation and # replace this with `chunkedHashTreeRoot` trs "CHUNKIFYING BIT SEQ WITH LIMIT ", merkleizer.combinedChunks.len var totalBytes = ByteList(x).len lastCorrectedByte = ByteList(x)[^1] if lastCorrectedByte == byte(1): if totalBytes == 1: # This is an empty bit list. # It should be hashed as a tree containing all zeros: let treeHeight = merkleizer.combinedChunks.high return mergeBranches(getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(treeHeight), getZeroHashWithoutSideEffect(0)) # this is the mixed length totalBytes -= 1 lastCorrectedByte = ByteList(x)[^2] else: let markerPos = log2trunc(lastCorrectedByte) lastCorrectedByte.clearBit(markerPos) var bytesInLastChunk = totalBytes mod bytesPerChunk fullChunks = totalBytes div bytesPerChunk if bytesInLastChunk == 0: fullChunks -= 1 bytesInLastChunk = 32 for i in 0 ..< fullChunks: let chunkStartPos = i * bytesPerChunk chunkEndPos = chunkStartPos + bytesPerChunk - 1 merkleizer.addChunk ByteList(x).toOpenArray(chunkEndPos, chunkEndPos) var lastChunk: array[bytesPerChunk, byte] chunkStartPos = fullChunks * bytesPerChunk for i in 0 .. bytesInLastChunk - 2: lastChunk[i] = ByteList(x)[chunkStartPos + i] lastChunk[bytesInLastChunk - 1] = lastCorrectedByte merkleizer.addChunk lastChunk.toOpenArray(0, bytesInLastChunk - 1) let contentsHash = merkleizer.getFinalHash mixInLength contentsHash, x.len func maxChunksCount(T: type, maxLen: int64): int64 = when T is BitList: (maxLen + bitsPerChunk - 1) div bitsPerChunk elif T is seq|array: type E = ElemType(T) when E is BasicType: (maxLen * sizeof(E) + bytesPerChunk - 1) div bytesPerChunk else: maxLen else: unsupported T # This should never happen func hashTreeRootImpl[T](x: T): Eth2Digest = when T is SignedBeaconBlock: unsupported T # Blocks are identified by htr(BeaconBlock) so we avoid these elif T is bool|char: result.data[0] = byte(x) elif T is SomeUnsignedInt|StUint|ValidatorIndex: when cpuEndian == bigEndian: result.data[0.. 0: type FieldType = type f addField TypeWithMaxLen[FieldType, maxLen](f) else: addField f elif T is seq: trs "SEQ WITH VAR SIZE" let hash = merkleizeFields(x.len, for e in x: addField e) mixInLength hash, x.len #elif isCaseObject(T): # # TODO implement this else: unsupported T func hash_tree_root*(x: auto): Eth2Digest {.raises: [Defect], nbench.} = trs "STARTING HASH TREE ROOT FOR TYPE ", name(type(x)) mixin toSszType when x is TypeWithMaxLen: const maxLen = x.maxLen type T = type valueOf(x) const limit = maxChunksCount(T, maxLen) var merkleizer = createMerkleizer(limit) when T is BitList: result = merkleizer.bitlistHashTreeRoot(BitSeq valueOf(x)) elif T is seq: type E = ElemType(T) let contentsHash = when E is BasicType: chunkedHashTreeRootForBasicTypes(merkleizer, valueOf(x)) else: for elem in valueOf(x): let elemHash = hash_tree_root(elem) merkleizer.addChunk(elemHash.data) merkleizer.getFinalHash() result = mixInLength(contentsHash, valueOf(x).len) else: unsupported T # This should never happen else: result = hashTreeRootImpl toSszType(x) trs "HASH TREE ROOT FOR ", name(type x), " = ", "0x", $result iterator hash_tree_roots_prefix*[T](lst: openarray[T], limit: auto): Eth2Digest = # This is a particular type's instantiation of a general fold, reduce, # accumulation, prefix sums, etc family of operations. As long as that # Eth1 deposit case is the only notable example -- the usual uses of a # list involve, at some point, tree-hashing it -- finalized hashes are # the only abstraction that escapes from this module this way. var merkleizer = createMerkleizer(limit) for i, elem in lst: merkleizer.addChunk(hash_tree_root(elem).data) yield mixInLength(merkleizer.getFinalHash(), i + 1)