import options, macros, algorithm, std_shims/[macros_shim, tables_shims], chronos, chronicles, libp2p/daemon/daemonapi, faststreams/output_stream, serialization, ssz export daemonapi type Eth2Node* = ref object of RootObj daemon*: DaemonAPI peers*: Table[PeerID, Peer] protocolStates*: seq[RootRef] Peer* = ref object network: Eth2Node id: PeerID connectionState: ConnectionState awaitedMessages: Table[CompressedMsgId, FutureBase] protocolStates*: seq[RootRef] EthereumNode = Eth2Node # This alias is needed for state_helpers below ProtocolInfoObj* = object name*: string messages*: seq[MessageInfo] index*: int # the position of the protocol in the # ordered list of supported protocols # Private fields: peerStateInitializer*: PeerStateInitializer networkStateInitializer*: NetworkStateInitializer handshake*: HandshakeStep disconnectHandler*: DisconnectionHandler ProtocolInfo* = ptr ProtocolInfoObj MessageInfo* = object name*: string # Private fields: thunk*: MessageHandler libp2pProtocol: string printer*: MessageContentPrinter nextMsgResolver*: NextMsgResolver CompressedMsgId = tuple protocolIndex, msgId: int MessageKind* = enum msgNotification, msgRequest, msgResponse PeerStateInitializer* = proc(peer: Peer): RootRef {.gcsafe.} NetworkStateInitializer* = proc(network: EthereumNode): RootRef {.gcsafe.} HandshakeStep* = proc(peer: Peer, handshakeStream: P2PStream): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} DisconnectionHandler* = proc(peer: Peer): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} MessageHandler* = proc(daemon: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} MessageContentPrinter* = proc(msg: pointer): string {.gcsafe.} NextMsgResolver* = proc(msgData: SszReader, future: FutureBase) {.gcsafe.} ConnectionState* = enum None, Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected UntypedResponse = object peer*: Peer stream*: P2PStream Response*[MsgType] = distinct UntypedResponse Bytes = seq[byte] DisconnectionReason* = enum UselessPeer BreachOfProtocol PeerDisconnected* = object of CatchableError reason*: DisconnectionReason const defaultIncomingReqTimeout = 5000 defaultOutgoingReqTimeout = 10000 var gProtocols: seq[ProtocolInfo] # The variables above are immutable RTTI information. We need to tell # Nim to not consider them GcSafe violations: template allProtocols: auto = {.gcsafe.}: gProtocols proc disconnect*(peer: Peer) {.async.} = if peer.connectionState notin {Disconnecting, Disconnected}: peer.connectionState = Disconnecting await peer.connectionState = Disconnected template raisePeerDisconnected(msg: string, r: DisconnectionReason) = var e = newException(PeerDisconnected, msg) e.reason = r raise e proc disconnectAndRaise(peer: Peer, reason: DisconnectionReason, msg: string) {.async.} = let r = reason await peer.disconnect() raisePeerDisconnected(msg, reason) proc init*(node: Eth2Node) {.async.} = node.daemon = await newDaemonApi({PSGossipSub}) node.daemon.userData = node init node.peers newSeq node.protocolStates, allProtocols.len for proto in allProtocols: if proto.networkStateInitializer != nil: node.protocolStates[proto.index] = proto.networkStateInitializer(node) for msg in proto.messages: if msg.libp2pProtocol.len > 0: await node.daemon.addHandler(@[msg.libp2pProtocol], msg.thunk) include eth/p2p/p2p_backends_helpers include eth/p2p/p2p_tracing import typetraits proc readMsg(stream: P2PStream, MsgType: type, timeout = 10000): Future[Option[MsgType]] {.async.} = var timeout = sleepAsync timeout var sizePrefix: uint32 var readSizePrefix = stream.transp.readExactly(addr sizePrefix, sizeof(sizePrefix)) await readSizePrefix or timeout if not readSizePrefix.finished: return debug "EXPECTING MSG", msg =, size = var msgBytes = newSeq[byte]( + sizeof(sizePrefix)) copyMem(addr msgBytes[0], addr sizePrefix, sizeof(sizePrefix)) var readBody = stream.transp.readExactly(addr msgBytes[sizeof(sizePrefix)], await readBody or timeout if not readBody.finished: return let decoded = SSZ.decode(msgBytes, MsgType) try: return some(decoded) except SerializationError: return proc sendMsg(peer: Peer, protocolId: string, requestBytes: Bytes) {.async} = var stream = await, @[protocolId]) # TODO how does openStream fail? Set a timeout here and handle it let sent = await stream.transp.write(requestBytes) # TODO: Should I check that `sent` is equal to the desired number of bytes proc sendBytes(stream: P2PStream, bytes: Bytes) {.async.} = let sent = await stream.transp.write(bytes) # TODO: Should I check that `sent` is equal to the desired number of bytes proc makeEth2Request(peer: Peer, protocolId: string, requestBytes: Bytes, ResponseMsg: type, timeout = 10000): Future[Option[ResponseMsg]] {.async.} = var stream = await, @[protocolId]) # TODO how does openStream fail? Set a timeout here and handle it let sent = await stream.transp.write(requestBytes) # TODO: Should I check that `sent` is equal to the desired number of bytes return await stream.readMsg(ResponseMsg, timeout) proc handshakeImpl(peer: Peer, handshakeSendFut: Future[void], handshakeStream: P2PStream, timeout: int, HandshakeType: type): Future[HandshakeType] {.async.} = await handshakeSendFut let response = await handshakeStream.readMsg(HandshakeType, timeout) if response.isSome: return response.get else: await peer.disconnectAndRaise(BreachOfProtocol, "Handshake not completed in time") proc p2pStreamName(MsgType: type): string = mixin msgProtocol, protocolInfo, msgId MsgType.msgProtocol.protocolInfo.messages[MsgType.msgId].libp2pProtocol macro handshake*(peer: Peer, timeout = 10000, sendCall: untyped): untyped = let msgName = $sendCall[0] msgType = newDotExpr(ident"CurrentProtocol", ident(msgName)) handshakeStream = ident "handshakeStream" handshakeImpl = bindSym "handshakeImpl" await = ident "await" sendCall.insert(1, handshakeStream) result = quote do: proc payload(peer: Peer, `handshakeStream`: P2PStream): Future[`msgType`] {.async.} = var `handshakeStream` = `handshakeStream` if `handshakeStream` == nil: `handshakeStream` = `await` openStream(,, @[p2pStreamName(`msgType`)], `timeout`) return `await` `handshakeImpl`(peer, `sendCall`, `handshakeStream`, `timeout`, `msgType`) payload(`peer`, `handshakeStream`) proc getCompressedMsgId(MsgType: type): CompressedMsgId = mixin msgProtocol, protocolInfo, msgId (protocolIndex: MsgType.msgProtocol.protocolInfo.index, msgId: MsgType.msgId) proc nextMsg*(peer: Peer, MsgType: type): Future[MsgType] = ## This procs awaits a specific P2P message. ## Any messages received while waiting will be dispatched to their ## respective handlers. The designated message handler will also run ## to completion before the future returned by `nextMsg` is resolved. mixin msgProtocol, protocolInfo, msgId let awaitedMsgId = getCompressedMsgId(MsgType) let f = getOrDefault(peer.awaitedMessages, awaitedMsgId) if not f.isNil: return Future[MsgType](f) newFuture result peer.awaitedMessages[awaitedMsgId] = result proc resolveNextMsgFutures(peer: Peer, msg: auto) = type MsgType = type(msg) let msgId = getCompressedMsgId(MsgType) let future = peer.awaitedMessages.getOrDefault(msgId) if future != nil: Future[MsgType](future).complete msg proc init*(T: type Peer, network: Eth2Node, id: PeerID): Peer = new result = id = network result.awaitedMessages = initTable[CompressedMsgId, FutureBase]() result.connectionState = Connected newSeq result.protocolStates, allProtocols.len for i in 0 ..< allProtocols.len: let proto = allProtocols[i] if proto.peerStateInitializer != nil: result.protocolStates[i] = proto.peerStateInitializer(result) proc performProtocolHandshakes*(peer: Peer) {.async.} = var subProtocolsHandshakes = newSeqOfCap[Future[void]](allProtocols.len) for protocol in allProtocols: if protocol.handshake != nil: subProtocolsHandshakes.add((protocol.handshake)(peer, nil)) await all(subProtocolsHandshakes) proc getPeer*(node: Eth2Node, peerId: PeerID): Peer = result = node.peers.getOrDefault(peerId) if result == nil: result = Peer.init(node, peerId) node.peers[peerId] = result proc peerFromStream(daemon: DaemonAPI, stream: P2PStream): Peer = Eth2Node(daemon.userData).getPeer(stream.peer) template getRecipient(peer: Peer): Peer = peer # TODO: this should be removed eventually template getRecipient(stream: P2PStream): P2PStream = stream template getRecipient(response: Response): Peer = UntypedResponse(response).peer proc messagePrinter[MsgType](msg: pointer): string {.gcsafe.} = result = "" # TODO: uncommenting the line below increases the compile-time # tremendously (for reasons not yet known) # result = $(cast[ptr MsgType](msg)[]) proc initProtocol(name: string, peerInit: PeerStateInitializer, networkInit: NetworkStateInitializer): ProtocolInfoObj = = name result.messages = @[] result.peerStateInitializer = peerInit result.networkStateInitializer = networkInit proc setEventHandlers(p: ProtocolInfo, handshake: HandshakeStep, disconnectHandler: DisconnectionHandler) = p.handshake = handshake p.disconnectHandler = disconnectHandler proc registerMsg(protocol: ProtocolInfo, name: string, thunk: MessageHandler, libp2pProtocol: string, printer: MessageContentPrinter) = protocol.messages.add MessageInfo(name: name, thunk: thunk, libp2pProtocol: libp2pProtocol, printer: printer) proc registerProtocol(protocol: ProtocolInfo) = # TODO: This can be done at compile-time in the future let pos = lowerBound(gProtocols, protocol) gProtocols.insert(protocol, pos) for i in 0 ..< gProtocols.len: gProtocols[i].index = i template libp2pProtocol*(name, version: string) {.pragma.} proc getRequestProtoName(fn: NimNode): NimNode = # `getCustomPragmaVal` doesn't work yet on regular nnkProcDef nodes # (TODO: file as an issue) let pragmas = fn.pragma if pragmas.kind == nnkPragma and pragmas.len > 0: for pragma in pragmas: if pragma.len > 0 and $pragma[0] == "libp2pProtocol": return pragma[1] error "All stream opening procs must have the 'libp2pProtocol' pragma specified.", fn macro p2pProtocolImpl(name: static[string], version: static[uint], body: untyped, timeout: static[int] = defaultOutgoingReqTimeout, shortName: static[string] = "", peerState = type(nil), networkState = type(nil)): untyped = ## The macro used to defined P2P sub-protocols. See README. var # XXX: deal with a Nim bug causing the macro params to be # zero when they are captured by a closure: defaultTimeout = timeout protoName = name nextId = -1 protoNameIdent = ident(protoName) outTypes = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) outSendProcs = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) outRecvProcs = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) outProcRegistrations = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) response = ident"response" name_openStream = newTree(nnkPostfix, ident("*"), ident"openStream") outputStream = ident"outputStream" currentProtocolSym = ident"CurrentProtocol" protocol = ident(protoName & "Protocol") peerState = verifyStateType peerState.getType networkState = verifyStateType networkState.getType handshake = newNilLit() disconnectHandler = newNilLit() Format = ident"SSZ" Option = bindSym "Option" UntypedResponse = bindSym "UntypedResponse" Response = bindSym "Response" DaemonAPI = bindSym "DaemonAPI" P2PStream = ident "P2PStream" # XXX: Binding the int type causes instantiation failure for some reason # Int = bindSym "int" Int = ident "int" Void = ident "void" Peer = bindSym "Peer" writeField = bindSym "writeField" createNetworkState = bindSym "createNetworkState" createPeerState = bindSym "createPeerState" getOutput = bindSym "getOutput" messagePrinter = bindSym "messagePrinter" initProtocol = bindSym "initProtocol" getRecipient = bindSym "getRecipient" peerFromStream = bindSym "peerFromStream" makeEth2Request = bindSym "makeEth2Request" sendMsg = bindSym "sendMsg" sendBytes = bindSym "sendBytes" getState = bindSym "getState" getNetworkState = bindSym "getNetworkState" resolveNextMsgFutures = bindSym "resolveNextMsgFutures" proc augmentUserHandler(userHandlerProc: NimNode, msgKind = msgNotification, extraDefinitions: NimNode = nil) = ## Turns a regular proc definition into an async proc and adds ## the helpers for accessing the peer and network protocol states. userHandlerProc.addPragma ident"gcsafe" userHandlerProc.addPragma ident"async" # We allow the user handler to use `openarray` params, but we turn # those into sequences to make the `async` pragma happy. for i in 1 ..< userHandlerProc.params.len: var param = userHandlerProc.params[i] param[^2] = chooseFieldType(param[^2]) var userHandlerDefinitions = newStmtList() userHandlerDefinitions.add quote do: type `currentProtocolSym` = `protoNameIdent` if extraDefinitions != nil: userHandlerDefinitions.add extraDefinitions # Define local accessors for the peer and the network protocol states # inside each user message handler proc (e.g. = bar) if peerState != nil: userHandlerDefinitions.add quote do: template state(p: `Peer`): `peerState` = cast[`peerState`](`getState`(p, `protocol`)) if networkState != nil: userHandlerDefinitions.add quote do: template networkState(p: `Peer`): `networkState` = cast[`networkState`](`getNetworkState`(, `protocol`)) userHandlerProc.body.insert 0, userHandlerDefinitions proc liftEventHandler(doBlock: NimNode, handlerName: string): NimNode = ## Turns a "named" do block to a regular async proc ## (e.g. onPeerConnected do ...) result = newTree(nnkProcDef) doBlock.copyChildrenTo(result) = genSym(nskProc, protoName & handlerName) augmentUserHandler result outRecvProcs.add result proc addMsgHandler(n: NimNode, msgKind = msgNotification, responseRecord: NimNode = nil): NimNode = if n[0].kind == nnkPostfix: macros.error("p2pProcotol procs are public by default. " & "Please remove the postfix `*`.", n) inc nextId let msgIdent = msgName = $ var userPragmas = n.pragma # variables used in the sending procs msgRecipient = ident"msgRecipient" sendTo = ident"sendTo" writer = ident"writer" recordStartMemo = ident"recordStartMemo" reqTimeout: NimNode appendParams = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) paramsToWrite = newSeq[NimNode](0) msgId = newLit(nextId) # variables used in the receiving procs receivedMsg = ident"msg" daemon = ident "daemon" stream = ident "stream" await = ident "await" peerIdent = ident "peer" tracing = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) # nodes to store the user-supplied message handling proc if present userHandlerProc: NimNode = nil userHandlerCall: NimNode = nil awaitUserHandler = newStmtList() # a record type associated with the message msgRecord = newIdentNode(msgName & "Obj") msgRecordFields = newTree(nnkRecList) msgRecordBody = newTree(nnkObjectTy, newEmptyNode(), newEmptyNode(), msgRecordFields) result = msgRecord if msgKind == msgRequest: # If the request proc has a default timeout specified, remove it from # the signature for now so we can generate the `thunk` proc without it. # The parameter will be added back later only for to the sender proc. # When the timeout is not specified, we use a default one. reqTimeout = popTimeoutParam(n) if reqTimeout == nil: reqTimeout = newTree(nnkIdentDefs, ident"timeout", Int, newLit(defaultTimeout)) if n.body.kind != nnkEmpty: # Implement the receiving thunk proc that deserialzed the # message parameters and calls the user proc: userHandlerProc = n.copyNimTree = genSym(nskProc, msgName) # This is the call to the user supplied handler. # Here we add only the initial params, the rest will be added later. userHandlerCall = newCall( # When there is a user handler, it must be awaited in the thunk proc. # Above, by default `awaitUserHandler` is set to a no-op statement list. awaitUserHandler = newCall(await, userHandlerCall) var extraDefs: NimNode if msgKind == msgRequest: # Request procs need an extra param - the stream where the response # should be written: userHandlerProc.params.insert(1, newIdentDefs(stream, P2PStream)) userHandlerCall.add stream let peer = userHandlerProc.params[2][0] extraDefs = quote do: # Jump through some hoops to work aroung # let `response` = `Response`[`responseRecord`]( `UntypedResponse`(peer: `peer`, stream: `stream`)) # Resolve the Eth2Peer from the LibP2P data received in the thunk userHandlerCall.add peerIdent augmentUserHandler userHandlerProc, msgKind, extraDefs outRecvProcs.add userHandlerProc elif msgName == "status": awaitUserHandler = quote do: `await` `handshake`(`peerIdent`, `stream`) for param, paramType in n.typedParams(skip = 1): paramsToWrite.add param # Each message has a corresponding record type. # Here, we create its fields one by one: msgRecordFields.add newTree(nnkIdentDefs, newTree(nnkPostfix, ident("*"), param), # The fields are public chooseFieldType(paramType), # some types such as openarray # are automatically remapped newEmptyNode()) # If there is user message handler, we'll place a call to it by # unpacking the fields of the received message: if userHandlerCall != nil: userHandlerCall.add quote do: get(`receivedMsg`).`param` # newDotExpr(newCall("get", receivedMsg), param) when tracingEnabled: tracing = quote do: logReceivedMsg(`stream`.peer, `receivedMsg`.get) let requestDataTimeout = newLit(defaultIncomingReqTimeout) let thunkName = ident(msgName & "_thunk") var thunkProc = quote do: proc `thunkName`(`daemon`: `DaemonAPI`, `stream`: `P2PStream`) {.async, gcsafe.} = var `receivedMsg` = `await` readMsg(`stream`, `msgRecord`, `requestDataTimeout`) if `receivedMsg`.isNone: # TODO: This peer is misbehaving, perhaps we should penalize him somehow return let `peerIdent` = `peerFromStream`(`daemon`, `stream`) `tracing` `awaitUserHandler` `resolveNextMsgFutures`(`peerIdent`, get(`receivedMsg`)) for p in userPragmas: thunkProc.addPragma p outRecvProcs.add thunkProc outTypes.add quote do: # This is a type featuring a single field for each message param: type `msgRecord`* = `msgRecordBody` # Add a helper template for accessing the message type: # e.g. p2p.hello: template `msgIdent`*(T: type `protoNameIdent`): type = `msgRecord` template msgId*(T: type `msgRecord`): int = `msgId` template msgProtocol*(T: type `msgRecord`): type = `protoNameIdent` var msgSendProc = n let msgSendProcName = outSendProcs.add msgSendProc # TODO: check that the first param has the correct type msgSendProc.params[1][0] = sendTo if nextId == 0: msgSendProc.params[1][1] = P2PStream msgSendProc.addPragma ident"gcsafe" # Add a timeout parameter for all request procs case msgKind of msgRequest: msgSendProc.params.add reqTimeout of msgResponse: # A response proc must be called with a response object that originates # from a certain request. Here we change the Peer parameter at position # 1 to the correct strongly-typed ResponseType. The incoming procs still # gets the normal Peer paramter. let ResponseType = newTree(nnkBracketExpr, Response, msgRecord) msgSendProc.params[1][1] = ResponseType outSendProcs.add quote do: template send*(r: `ResponseType`, args: varargs[untyped]): auto = `msgSendProcName`(r, args) else: discard # We change the return type of the sending proc to a Future. # If this is a request proc, the future will return the response record. let rt = case msgKind of msgRequest: newTree(nnkBracketExpr, Option, responseRecord) of msgResponse, msgNotification: Void msgSendProc.params[0] = newTree(nnkBracketExpr, ident("Future"), rt) let msgBytes = ident"msgBytes" # Make the send proc public = newTree(nnkPostfix, ident("*"), let initWriter = quote do: var `outputStream` = init OutputStream var `writer` = init(WriterType(`Format`), `outputStream`) var `recordStartMemo` = beginRecord(`writer`, `msgRecord`) for param in paramsToWrite: appendParams.add newCall(writeField, writer, newLit($param), param) when tracingEnabled: appendParams.add logSentMsgFields(msgRecipient, protocol, msgName, paramsToWrite) let finalizeRequest = quote do: endRecord(`writer`, `recordStartMemo`) let `msgBytes` = `getOutput`(`outputStream`) var msgProto = newLit("") let sendCall = if msgKind != msgResponse: msgProto = getRequestProtoName(n) when false: var openStreamProc = n.copyNimTree var = name_openStream openStreamProc.params.insert 1, newIdentDefs(ident"T", msgRecord) if msgKind == msgRequest: let timeout = reqTimeout[0] quote: `makeEth2Request`(`msgRecipient`, `msgProto`, `msgBytes`, `responseRecord`, `timeout`) elif nextId == 0: quote: `sendBytes`(`sendTo`, `msgBytes`) else: quote: `sendMsg`(`msgRecipient`, `msgProto`, `msgBytes`) else: quote: `sendBytes`(`UntypedResponse`(`sendTo`).stream, `msgBytes`) msgSendProc.body = quote do: let `msgRecipient` = `getRecipient`(`sendTo`) `initWriter` `appendParams` `finalizeRequest` return `sendCall` outProcRegistrations.add( newCall(bindSym("registerMsg"), protocol, newLit(msgName), thunkName, msgProto, newTree(nnkBracketExpr, messagePrinter, msgRecord))) outTypes.add quote do: # Create a type acting as a pseudo-object representing the protocol # (e.g. p2p) type `protoNameIdent`* = object if peerState != nil: outTypes.add quote do: template State*(P: type `protoNameIdent`): type = `peerState` if networkState != nil: outTypes.add quote do: template NetworkState*(P: type `protoNameIdent`): type = `networkState` for n in body: case n.kind of {nnkCall, nnkCommand}: if eqIdent(n[0], "nextID"): discard elif eqIdent(n[0], "requestResponse"): # `requestResponse` can be given a block of 2 or more procs. # The last one is considered to be a response message, while # all preceeding ones are requests triggering the response. # The system makes sure to automatically insert a hidden `reqId` # parameter used to discriminate the individual messages. block processReqResp: if n.len == 2 and n[1].kind == nnkStmtList: var procs = newSeq[NimNode](0) for def in n[1]: if def.kind == nnkProcDef: procs.add(def) if procs.len > 1: let responseRecord = addMsgHandler(procs[^1], msgKind = msgResponse) for i in 0 .. procs.len - 2: discard addMsgHandler(procs[i], msgKind = msgRequest, responseRecord = responseRecord) # we got all the way to here, so everything is fine. # break the block so it doesn't reach the error call below break processReqResp macros.error("requestResponse expects a block with at least two proc definitions") elif eqIdent(n[0], "onPeerConnected"): var handshakeProc = liftEventHandler(n[1], "Handshake") handshakeProc.params.add newIdentDefs(ident"handshakeStream", P2PStream) handshake = elif eqIdent(n[0], "onPeerDisconnected"): disconnectHandler = liftEventHandler(n[1], "PeerDisconnect").name else: macros.error(repr(n) & " is not a recognized call in P2P protocol definitions", n) of nnkProcDef: discard addMsgHandler(n) of nnkCommentStmt: discard else: macros.error("illegal syntax in a P2P protocol definition", n) let peerInit = if peerState == nil: newNilLit() else: newTree(nnkBracketExpr, createPeerState, peerState) let netInit = if networkState == nil: newNilLit() else: newTree(nnkBracketExpr, createNetworkState, networkState) result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) result.add outTypes result.add quote do: # One global variable per protocol holds the protocol run-time data var p = `initProtocol`(`protoName`, `peerInit`, `netInit`) var `protocol` = addr p # The protocol run-time data is available as a pseudo-field # (e.g. `p2p.protocolInfo`) template protocolInfo*(P: type `protoNameIdent`): ProtocolInfo = `protocol` result.add outSendProcs, outRecvProcs, outProcRegistrations result.add quote do: setEventHandlers(`protocol`, `handshake`, `disconnectHandler`) result.add newCall(bindSym("registerProtocol"), protocol) when defined(debugP2pProtocol) or defined(debugMacros): echo repr(result) macro p2pProtocol*(protocolOptions: untyped, body: untyped): untyped = let protoName = $(protocolOptions[0]) result = protocolOptions result[0] = bindSym"p2pProtocolImpl" result.add(newTree(nnkExprEqExpr, ident("name"), newLit(protoName))) result.add(newTree(nnkExprEqExpr, ident("body"), body)) proc makeMessageHandler[MsgType](msgHandler: proc(msg: MsgType)): P2PPubSubCallback = result = proc(api: DaemonAPI, ticket: PubsubTicket, msg: PubSubMessage): Future[bool] {.async.} = msgHandler SSZ.decode(, MsgType) return true proc subscribe*[MsgType](node: EthereumNode, topic: string, msgHandler: proc(msg: MsgType)) {.async.} = discard await node.daemon.pubsubSubscribe(topic, makeMessageHandler(msgHandler)) proc broadcast*(node: Eth2Node, topic: string, msg: auto) {.async.} = await node.daemon.pubsubPublish(topic, SSZ.encode(msg))