import tables, strutils, os, options, stew/shims/macros, nimcrypto/hash, web3/[ethtypes, conversions], spec/presets # ATTENTION! This file will produce a large C file, because we are inlining # genesis states as C literals in the generated code (and blobs in the final # binary). It makes sense to keep the file small and separated from the rest # of the module in order go gain maximum efficiency in incremental compilation. # # TODO: # We can compress the embedded states with snappy before embedding them here. {.push raises: [Defect].} export ethtypes, conversions, RuntimePreset type Eth1Address* = ethtypes.Address Eth1BlockHash* = ethtypes.BlockHash Eth1Network* = enum mainnet rinkeby goerli PresetIncompatible* = object of CatchableError Eth2NetworkMetadata* = object case incompatible*: bool of false: eth1Network*: Option[Eth1Network] runtimePreset*: RuntimePreset # Parsing `enr.Records` is still not possible at compile-time bootstrapNodes*: seq[string] depositContractAddress*: Eth1Address depositContractDeployedAt*: Eth1BlockHash # Please note that we are using `string` here because SSZ.decode # is not currently usable at compile time and we want to load the # network metadata into a constant. # # We could have also used `seq[byte]`, but this results in a lot # more generated code that slows down compilation. The impact on # compilation times of embedding the genesis as a string is roughly # 0.1s on my machine (you can test this by choosing an invalid name # for the genesis file below). # # `genesisData` will have `len == 0` for networks with a still # unknown genesis state. genesisData*: string else: incompatibilityDesc*: string const presetValueLoaders = genExpr(nnkBracket): for constName in PresetValue: let constNameIdent = ident $constName constType = ident getType(constName) yield quote do: ( proc (preset: var RuntimePreset, presetValue: string): bool {.gcsafe, noSideEffect, raises: [Defect].} = try: when PresetValue.`constNameIdent` in runtimeValues: preset.`constNameIdent` = parse(`constType`, presetValue) true elif PresetValue.`constNameIdent` in ignoredValues: true else: `constType`(`constNameIdent`) == parse(`constType`, presetValue) except CatchableError as err: false ) proc extractRuntimePreset*(configPath: string, configData: PresetFile): RuntimePreset {.raises: [PresetIncompatible, Defect].} = result = RuntimePreset() for name, value in configData.values: if name notin runtimeValues: if not presetValueLoaders[](result, value): let errMsg = "The preset '" & configPath & "'is not compatible with " & "the current build due to an incompatible value " & $name & " = " & value.string raise newException(PresetIncompatible, errMsg) proc loadEth2NetworkMetadata*(path: string): Eth2NetworkMetadata {.raises: [CatchableError, Defect].} = try: let genesisPath = path / "genesis.ssz" configPath = path / "config.yaml" runtimePreset = extractRuntimePreset(configPath, readPresetFile(configPath)) Eth2NetworkMetadata( incompatible: false, eth1Network: some goerli, runtimePreset: runtimePreset, bootstrapNodes: readFile(path / "bootstrap_nodes.txt").split("\n"), depositContractAddress: Eth1Address.fromHex readFile(path / "deposit_contract.txt").strip, depositContractDeployedAt: Eth1BlockHash.fromHex readFile(path / "deposit_contract_block.txt").strip, genesisData: if fileExists(genesisPath): readFile(genesisPath) else: "") except PresetIncompatible as err: Eth2NetworkMetadata(incompatible: true, incompatibilityDesc: err.msg) when const_preset == "mainnet": const mainnetMetadata* = Eth2NetworkMetadata( incompatible: false, # TODO: This can be more accurate if we verify # that there are no constant overrides eth1Network: some mainnet, runtimePreset: mainnetRuntimePreset, # TODO The values below are just placeholders for now bootstrapNodes: @[], depositContractAddress: Eth1Address.fromHex "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", depositContractDeployedAt: Eth1BlockHash.fromHex "0x73056f16a59bf70abad5b4365438e8a7d646aa0d7f56d22c3d9e4c6000d8e176", genesisData: "") altonaMetadata* = loadEth2NetworkMetadata( currentSourcePath.parentDir / ".." / "vendor" / "eth2-testnets" / "shared" / "altona")