import common, api logScope: service = "fallback_service" proc checkNodes*(service: FallbackServiceRef) {.async.} = let nodesToCheck = block: var res: seq[BeaconNodeServerRef] for item in service.client.beaconNodes: if item.status != RestBeaconNodeStatus.Online: res.add(item) res let pendingChecks = block: var res: seq[Future[void]] for item in nodesToCheck: res.add(service.client.checkNode(item)) res try: await allFutures(pendingChecks) except CancelledError as exc: var pendingCancel: seq[Future[void]] for fut in pendingChecks: if not(fut.finished()): pendingCancel.add(fut.cancelAndWait()) await allFutures(pendingCancel) raise exc proc mainLoop(service: FallbackServiceRef) {.async.} = service.state = ServiceState.Running try: while true: await service.checkNodes() # Calculating time we need to sleep until # `time(next_slot) - SLOT_LOOKAHEAD` let waitTime = block: let nextTime = service.client.beaconClock.durationToNextSlot() if nextTime < SLOT_LOOKAHEAD: nextTime + seconds(int64(SECONDS_PER_SLOT)) else: nextTime - SLOT_LOOKAHEAD await sleepAsync(waitTime) except CatchableError as exc: warn "Service crashed with unexpected error", err_name =, err_msg = exc.msg proc init*(t: typedesc[FallbackServiceRef], vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[FallbackServiceRef] {.async.} = debug "Initializing service" var res = FallbackServiceRef(client: vc, state: ServiceState.Initialized) # Perform initial nodes check. await res.checkNodes() return res proc start*(service: FallbackServiceRef) = service.lifeFut = mainLoop(service)