# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import chronos, chronicles, stew/base10 import eth/p2p/discoveryv5/random2, ../networking/eth2_network, ../beacon_clock, "."/sync_protocol, "."/sync_manager export sync_manager logScope: topics = "lcman" type Nothing = object ResponseError = object of CatchableError Endpoint[K, V] = (K, V) # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/19531 Bootstrap = Endpoint[Eth2Digest, ForkedLightClientBootstrap] UpdatesByRange = Endpoint[Slice[SyncCommitteePeriod], ForkedLightClientUpdate] FinalityUpdate = Endpoint[Nothing, ForkedLightClientFinalityUpdate] OptimisticUpdate = Endpoint[Nothing, ForkedLightClientOptimisticUpdate] ValueVerifier[V] = proc(v: V): Future[Result[void, VerifierError]] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} BootstrapVerifier* = ValueVerifier[ForkedLightClientBootstrap] UpdateVerifier* = ValueVerifier[ForkedLightClientUpdate] FinalityUpdateVerifier* = ValueVerifier[ForkedLightClientFinalityUpdate] OptimisticUpdateVerifier* = ValueVerifier[ForkedLightClientOptimisticUpdate] GetTrustedBlockRootCallback* = proc(): Option[Eth2Digest] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} GetBoolCallback* = proc(): bool {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} GetSyncCommitteePeriodCallback* = proc(): SyncCommitteePeriod {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} LightClientManager* = object network: Eth2Node rng: ref HmacDrbgContext getTrustedBlockRoot: GetTrustedBlockRootCallback bootstrapVerifier: BootstrapVerifier updateVerifier: UpdateVerifier finalityUpdateVerifier: FinalityUpdateVerifier optimisticUpdateVerifier: OptimisticUpdateVerifier isLightClientStoreInitialized: GetBoolCallback isNextSyncCommitteeKnown: GetBoolCallback getFinalizedPeriod: GetSyncCommitteePeriodCallback getOptimisticPeriod: GetSyncCommitteePeriodCallback getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn loopFuture: Future[void] func init*( T: type LightClientManager, network: Eth2Node, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext, getTrustedBlockRoot: GetTrustedBlockRootCallback, bootstrapVerifier: BootstrapVerifier, updateVerifier: UpdateVerifier, finalityUpdateVerifier: FinalityUpdateVerifier, optimisticUpdateVerifier: OptimisticUpdateVerifier, isLightClientStoreInitialized: GetBoolCallback, isNextSyncCommitteeKnown: GetBoolCallback, getFinalizedPeriod: GetSyncCommitteePeriodCallback, getOptimisticPeriod: GetSyncCommitteePeriodCallback, getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn ): LightClientManager = ## Initialize light client manager. LightClientManager( network: network, rng: rng, getTrustedBlockRoot: getTrustedBlockRoot, bootstrapVerifier: bootstrapVerifier, updateVerifier: updateVerifier, finalityUpdateVerifier: finalityUpdateVerifier, optimisticUpdateVerifier: optimisticUpdateVerifier, isLightClientStoreInitialized: isLightClientStoreInitialized, isNextSyncCommitteeKnown: isNextSyncCommitteeKnown, getFinalizedPeriod: getFinalizedPeriod, getOptimisticPeriod: getOptimisticPeriod, getBeaconTime: getBeaconTime ) proc isGossipSupported*( self: LightClientManager, period: SyncCommitteePeriod ): bool = ## Indicate whether the light client is sufficiently synced to accept gossip. if not self.isLightClientStoreInitialized(): return false let finalizedPeriod = self.getFinalizedPeriod() isNextSyncCommitteeKnown = self.isNextSyncCommitteeKnown() if isNextSyncCommitteeKnown: period <= finalizedPeriod + 1 else: period <= finalizedPeriod # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.3.0-rc.1/specs/altair/light-client/p2p-interface.md#getlightclientbootstrap proc doRequest( e: typedesc[Bootstrap], peer: Peer, blockRoot: Eth2Digest ): Future[NetRes[ForkedLightClientBootstrap]] {. raises: [Defect, IOError].} = peer.lightClientBootstrap(blockRoot) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.3.0-alpha.0/specs/altair/light-client/p2p-interface.md#lightclientupdatesbyrange type LightClientUpdatesByRangeResponse = NetRes[List[ForkedLightClientUpdate, MAX_REQUEST_LIGHT_CLIENT_UPDATES]] proc doRequest( e: typedesc[UpdatesByRange], peer: Peer, periods: Slice[SyncCommitteePeriod] ): Future[LightClientUpdatesByRangeResponse] {. async, raises: [Defect, IOError].} = let startPeriod = periods.a lastPeriod = periods.b reqCount = min(periods.len, MAX_REQUEST_LIGHT_CLIENT_UPDATES).uint64 let response = await peer.lightClientUpdatesByRange(startPeriod, reqCount) if response.isOk: if response.get.lenu64 > reqCount: raise newException(ResponseError, "Too many values in response" & " (" & Base10.toString(response.get.lenu64) & " > " & Base10.toString(reqCount.uint) & ")") var expectedPeriod = startPeriod for update in response.get: withForkyUpdate(update): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: let attPeriod = forkyUpdate.attested_header.beacon.slot.sync_committee_period sigPeriod = forkyUpdate.signature_slot.sync_committee_period if attPeriod != sigPeriod: raise newException( ResponseError, "Conflicting sync committee periods" & " (signature: " & Base10.toString(distinctBase(sigPeriod)) & " != " & Base10.toString(distinctBase(attPeriod)) & ")") if attPeriod < expectedPeriod: raise newException( ResponseError, "Unexpected sync committee period" & " (" & Base10.toString(distinctBase(attPeriod)) & " < " & Base10.toString(distinctBase(expectedPeriod)) & ")") if attPeriod > expectedPeriod: if attPeriod > lastPeriod: raise newException( ResponseError, "Sync committee period too high" & " (" & Base10.toString(distinctBase(attPeriod)) & " > " & Base10.toString(distinctBase(lastPeriod)) & ")") expectedPeriod = attPeriod inc expectedPeriod else: raise newException(ResponseError, "Invalid context bytes") return response # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.3.0-rc.0/specs/altair/light-client/p2p-interface.md#getlightclientfinalityupdate proc doRequest( e: typedesc[FinalityUpdate], peer: Peer ): Future[NetRes[ForkedLightClientFinalityUpdate]] {. raises: [Defect, IOError].} = peer.lightClientFinalityUpdate() # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.3.0-rc.1/specs/altair/light-client/p2p-interface.md#getlightclientoptimisticupdate proc doRequest( e: typedesc[OptimisticUpdate], peer: Peer ): Future[NetRes[ForkedLightClientOptimisticUpdate]] {. raises: [Defect, IOError].} = peer.lightClientOptimisticUpdate() template valueVerifier[E]( self: LightClientManager, e: typedesc[E] ): ValueVerifier[E.V] = when E.V is ForkedLightClientBootstrap: self.bootstrapVerifier elif E.V is ForkedLightClientUpdate: self.updateVerifier elif E.V is ForkedLightClientFinalityUpdate: self.finalityUpdateVerifier elif E.V is ForkedLightClientOptimisticUpdate: self.optimisticUpdateVerifier else: static: doAssert false iterator values(v: auto): auto = ## Local helper for `workerTask` to share the same implementation for both ## scalar and aggregate values, by treating scalars as 1-length aggregates. when v is List: for i in v: yield i else: yield v proc workerTask[E]( self: LightClientManager, e: typedesc[E], key: E.K ): Future[bool] {.async.} = var peer: Peer didProgress = false try: peer = self.network.peerPool.acquireNoWait() let value = when E.K is Nothing: await E.doRequest(peer) else: await E.doRequest(peer, key) if value.isOk: var applyReward = false for val in value.get().values: let res = await self.valueVerifier(E)(val) if res.isErr: case res.error of VerifierError.MissingParent: # Stop, requires different request to progress return didProgress of VerifierError.Duplicate: # Ignore, a concurrent request may have already fulfilled this when E.V is ForkedLightClientBootstrap: didProgress = true else: discard of VerifierError.UnviableFork: # Descore, peer is on an incompatible fork version withForkyObject(val): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: notice "Received value from an unviable fork", value = forkyObject, endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() else: notice "Received value from an unviable fork", endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreUnviableFork) return didProgress of VerifierError.Invalid: # Descore, received data is malformed withForkyObject(val): when lcDataFork > LightClientDataFork.None: warn "Received invalid value", value = forkyObject.shortLog, endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() else: warn "Received invalid value", endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreBadValues) return didProgress else: # Reward, peer returned something useful applyReward = true didProgress = true if applyReward: peer.updateScore(PeerScoreGoodValues) else: peer.updateScore(PeerScoreNoValues) debug "Failed to receive value on request", value, endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() except ResponseError as exc: warn "Received invalid response", error = exc.msg, endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() peer.updateScore(PeerScoreBadValues) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except PeerPoolError as exc: debug "Failed to acquire peer", exc = exc.msg except CatchableError as exc: if peer != nil: peer.updateScore(PeerScoreNoValues) debug "Unexpected exception while receiving value", exc = exc.msg, endpoint = E.name, peer, peer_score = peer.getScore() raise exc finally: if peer != nil: self.network.peerPool.release(peer) return didProgress proc query[E]( self: LightClientManager, e: typedesc[E], key: E.K ): Future[bool] {.async.} = const PARALLEL_REQUESTS = 2 var workers: array[PARALLEL_REQUESTS, Future[bool]] let progressFut = newFuture[void]("lcmanProgress") doneFut = newFuture[void]("lcmanDone") var numCompleted = 0 maxCompleted = workers.len proc handleFinishedWorker(future: pointer) = try: let didProgress = cast[Future[bool]](future).read() if didProgress and not progressFut.finished: progressFut.complete() except CancelledError as exc: if not progressFut.finished: progressFut.cancel() except CatchableError as exc: discard finally: inc numCompleted if numCompleted == maxCompleted: doneFut.complete() try: # Start concurrent workers for i in 0 ..< workers.len: try: workers[i] = self.workerTask(e, key) workers[i].addCallback(handleFinishedWorker) except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: workers[i] = newFuture[bool]() workers[i].complete(false) # Wait for any worker to report progress, or for all workers to finish discard await race(progressFut, doneFut) finally: for i in 0 ..< maxCompleted: if workers[i] == nil: maxCompleted = i if numCompleted == maxCompleted: doneFut.complete() break if not workers[i].finished: workers[i].cancel() while true: try: await allFutures(workers[0 ..< maxCompleted]) break except CancelledError as exc: continue while true: try: await doneFut break except CancelledError as exc: continue if not progressFut.finished: progressFut.cancel() return progressFut.completed template query( self: LightClientManager, e: typedesc[UpdatesByRange], key: SyncCommitteePeriod ): Future[bool] = self.query(e, key .. key) template query[E]( self: LightClientManager, e: typedesc[E] ): Future[bool] = self.query(e, Nothing()) type SchedulingMode = enum Soon, CurrentPeriod, NextPeriod func fetchTime( self: LightClientManager, wallTime: BeaconTime, schedulingMode: SchedulingMode ): BeaconTime = let remainingTime = case schedulingMode: of Soon: chronos.seconds(0) of CurrentPeriod: let wallPeriod = wallTime.slotOrZero().sync_committee_period deadlineSlot = (wallPeriod + 1).start_slot - 1 deadline = deadlineSlot.start_beacon_time() chronos.nanoseconds((deadline - wallTime).nanoseconds) of NextPeriod: chronos.seconds( (SLOTS_PER_SYNC_COMMITTEE_PERIOD * SECONDS_PER_SLOT).int64) minDelay = max(remainingTime div 8, chronos.seconds(10)) jitterSeconds = (minDelay * 2).seconds jitterDelay = chronos.seconds(self.rng[].rand(jitterSeconds).int64) return wallTime + minDelay + jitterDelay # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.3.0-rc.0/specs/altair/light-client/light-client.md#light-client-sync-process proc loop(self: LightClientManager) {.async.} = var nextFetchTime = self.getBeaconTime() while true: # Periodically wake and check for changes let wallTime = self.getBeaconTime() if wallTime < nextFetchTime or self.network.peerPool.lenAvailable < 1: await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(2)) continue # Obtain bootstrap data once a trusted block root is supplied if not self.isLightClientStoreInitialized(): let trustedBlockRoot = self.getTrustedBlockRoot() if trustedBlockRoot.isNone: await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(2)) continue let didProgress = await self.query(Bootstrap, trustedBlockRoot.get) if not didProgress: nextFetchTime = self.fetchTime(wallTime, Soon) continue # Fetch updates var allowWaitNextPeriod = false let finalized = self.getFinalizedPeriod() optimistic = self.getOptimisticPeriod() current = wallTime.slotOrZero().sync_committee_period isNextSyncCommitteeKnown = self.isNextSyncCommitteeKnown() didProgress = if finalized == optimistic and not isNextSyncCommitteeKnown: if finalized >= current: await self.query(UpdatesByRange, finalized) else: await self.query(UpdatesByRange, finalized ..< current) elif finalized + 1 < current: await self.query(UpdatesByRange, finalized + 1 ..< current) elif finalized != optimistic: await self.query(FinalityUpdate) else: allowWaitNextPeriod = true await self.query(OptimisticUpdate) schedulingMode = if not didProgress or not self.isGossipSupported(current): Soon elif not allowWaitNextPeriod: CurrentPeriod else: NextPeriod nextFetchTime = self.fetchTime(wallTime, schedulingMode) proc start*(self: var LightClientManager) = ## Start light client manager's loop. doAssert self.loopFuture == nil self.loopFuture = self.loop() proc stop*(self: var LightClientManager) {.async.} = ## Stop light client manager's loop. if self.loopFuture != nil: await self.loopFuture.cancelAndWait() self.loopFuture = nil