import json, parseopt, strutils # usage: process_dashboard --nodes=2 --in=node0_dashboard.json --out=all_nodes_dashboard.json --type=local --testnet=0 type OutputType = enum local remote var p = initOptParser() nodes: int inputFileName, outputFilename: string outputType = OutputType.local testnet = 0 let hosts = [ "master-01", "node-01", "node-02", "node-03", "node-04", "node-05", "node-06", "node-07", "node-08", "node-09", ] nodesPerHost = 2 while true: case p.kind: of cmdEnd: break of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption: if p.key == "nodes": nodes = p.val.parseInt() elif p.key == "in": inputFileName = p.val elif p.key == "out": outputFileName = p.val elif p.key == "type": outputType = parseEnum[OutputType](p.val) elif p.key == "testnet": testnet = p.val.parseInt() else: echo "unsupported argument: ", p.key of cmdArgument: echo "unsupported argument: ", p.key var inputData = parseFile(inputFileName) panels = inputData["panels"].copy() numPanels = len(panels) gridHeight = 0 outputData = inputData for panel in panels: if panel["gridPos"]["x"].getInt() == 0: gridHeight += panel["gridPos"]["h"].getInt() outputData["panels"] = %* [] if outputType == OutputType.remote: var annotations = outputData["annotations"]["list"] for annotation in annotations.mitems: annotation["datasource"] = %* "-- Grafana --" for nodeNum in 0 .. (nodes - 1): var nodePanels = panels.copy() panelIndex = 0 for panel in nodePanels.mitems: panel["title"] = %* replace(panel["title"].getStr(), "#0", "#" & $nodeNum) panel["id"] = %* (panelIndex + (nodeNum * numPanels)) panel["gridPos"]["y"] = %* (panel["gridPos"]["y"].getInt() + (nodeNum * gridHeight)) if outputType == OutputType.remote: panel["datasource"] = newJNull() if panel.hasKey("targets"): var targets = panel["targets"] for target in targets.mitems: case outputType: of OutputType.local: target["expr"] = %* replace(target["expr"].getStr(), "{node=\"0\"}", "{node=\"" & $nodeNum & "\"}") of OutputType.remote: # The remote Prometheus instance polls once per minute, so the # minimum rate() interval is 2 minutes. target["expr"] = %* multiReplace(target["expr"].getStr(), ("{node=\"0\"}", "{container=\"beacon-node-testnet" & $testnet & "-" & $((nodeNum mod 2) + 1) & "\",instance=\"" & (hosts[nodeNum div nodesPerHost]) & ".aws-eu-central-1a.nimbus.test\"}"), ("[2s]", "[2m]"), ("[4s]) * 3", "[2m]) * 120")) outputData["panels"].add(panel) case outputType: of OutputType.local: outputData["title"] = %* (outputData["title"].getStr() & " (all nodes)") outputData["uid"] = %* (outputData["uid"].getStr() & "a") of OutputType.remote: outputData["title"] = %* ("Nimbus testnet" & $testnet) outputData["uid"] = %* (outputData["uid"].getStr() & $testnet) writeFile(outputFilename, pretty(outputData))