# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [Defect].} import # Standard library std/[tables], # Nimble packages stew/[objects], json_rpc/servers/httpserver, chronicles, # Local modules ../spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, helpers, network, signatures], ../spec/eth2_apis/callsigs_types, ../consensus_object_pools/[blockchain_dag, spec_cache, attestation_pool], ../ssz/merkleization, ../beacon_node_common, ../beacon_node_types, ../validators/validator_duties, ../networking/eth2_network, ./eth2_json_rpc_serialization, ./rpc_utils logScope: topics = "valapi" type RpcServer* = RpcHttpServer proc installValidatorApiHandlers*(rpcServer: RpcServer, node: BeaconNode) {. raises: [Exception].} = # TODO fix json-rpc rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_validator_block") do ( slot: Slot, graffiti: GraffitiBytes, randao_reveal: ValidatorSig) -> BeaconBlock: debug "get_v1_validator_block", slot = slot let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(slot) let proposer = node.chainDag.getProposer(head, slot) if proposer.isNone(): raise newException(CatchableError, "could not retrieve block for slot: " & $slot) let message = makeBeaconBlockForHeadAndSlot( node, randao_reveal, proposer.get()[0], graffiti, head, slot) if message.isNone(): raise newException(CatchableError, "could not retrieve block for slot: " & $slot) return message.get() rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_validator_block") do (body: SignedBeaconBlock) -> bool: debug "post_v1_validator_block", slot = body.message.slot, prop_idx = body.message.proposer_index let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(body.message.slot) if head.slot >= body.message.slot: raise newException(CatchableError, "Proposal is for a past slot: " & $body.message.slot) if head == proposeSignedBlock(node, head, AttachedValidator(), body): raise newException(CatchableError, "Could not propose block") return true rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_validator_attestation_data") do ( slot: Slot, committee_index: CommitteeIndex) -> AttestationData: debug "get_v1_validator_attestation_data", slot = slot let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(slot) epochRef = node.chainDag.getEpochRef(head, slot.epoch) return makeAttestationData(epochRef, head.atSlot(slot), committee_index) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_validator_aggregate_attestation") do ( slot: Slot, attestation_data_root: Eth2Digest)-> Attestation: debug "get_v1_validator_aggregate_attestation" let res = node.attestationPool[].getAggregatedAttestation(slot, attestation_data_root) if res.isSome: return res.get raise newException(CatchableError, "Could not retrieve an aggregated attestation") rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_validator_aggregate_and_proofs") do ( payload: SignedAggregateAndProof) -> bool: debug "post_v1_validator_aggregate_and_proofs" node.network.broadcast(node.topicAggregateAndProofs, payload) notice "Aggregated attestation sent", attestation = shortLog(payload.message.aggregate) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_validator_duties_attester") do ( epoch: Epoch, public_keys: seq[ValidatorPubKey]) -> seq[AttesterDuties]: debug "get_v1_validator_duties_attester", epoch = epoch let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(epoch) epochRef = node.chainDag.getEpochRef(head, epoch) committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot(epochRef) for i in 0 ..< SLOTS_PER_EPOCH: let slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch) + i for committee_index in 0'u64.. seq[ValidatorDutiesTuple]: debug "get_v1_validator_duties_proposer", epoch = epoch let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(epoch) epochRef = node.chainDag.getEpochRef(head, epoch) for i in 0 ..< SLOTS_PER_EPOCH: if epochRef.beacon_proposers[i].isSome(): result.add((public_key: epochRef.beacon_proposers[i].get()[1], validator_index: epochRef.beacon_proposers[i].get()[0], slot: compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch) + i)) rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_validator_beacon_committee_subscriptions") do ( committee_index: CommitteeIndex, slot: Slot, aggregator: bool, validator_pubkey: ValidatorPubKey, slot_signature: ValidatorSig) -> bool: debug "post_v1_validator_beacon_committee_subscriptions", committee_index, slot if committee_index.uint64 >= ATTESTATION_SUBNET_COUNT.uint64: raise newException(CatchableError, "Invalid committee index") if node.syncManager.inProgress: raise newException(CatchableError, "Beacon node is currently syncing and not serving request on that endpoint") let wallSlot = node.beaconClock.now.slotOrZero if wallSlot > slot + 1: raise newException(CatchableError, "Past slot requested") let epoch = slot.epoch if epoch >= wallSlot.epoch and epoch - wallSlot.epoch > 1: raise newException(CatchableError, "Slot requested not in current or next wall-slot epoch") if not verify_slot_signature( node.chainDag.headState.data.data.fork, node.chainDag.headState.data.data.genesis_validators_root, slot, validator_pubkey, slot_signature): raise newException(CatchableError, "Invalid slot signature") let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(epoch) epochRef = node.chainDag.getEpochRef(head, epoch) subnet = compute_subnet_for_attestation( get_committee_count_per_slot(epochRef), slot, committee_index).uint8 # Either subnet already subscribed or not. If not, subscribe. If it is, # extend subscription. All one knows from the API combined with how far # ahead one can check for attestation schedule is that it might be used # for up to the end of next epoch. Therefore, arrange for subscriptions # to last at least that long. if subnet notin node.attestationSubnets.subscribedSubnets: # When to subscribe. Since it's not clear when from the API it's first # needed, do so immediately. node.attestationSubnets.subscribeSlot[subnet] = min(node.attestationSubnets.subscribeSlot[subnet], wallSlot) node.attestationSubnets.unsubscribeSlot[subnet] = max( compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch + 2), node.attestationSubnets.unsubscribeSlot[subnet])