import presto, presto/client as presto_client, nimcrypto/utils as ncrutils, ../spec/[forks], ../spec/eth2_apis/[rest_types, eth2_rest_serialization], ../beacon_node_common, ../consensus_object_pools/[block_pools_types, blockchain_dag] export blockchain_dag, presto, presto_client, rest_types, eth2_rest_serialization const MaxEpoch* = compute_epoch_at_slot(not(0'u64)) BlockValidationError* = "The block failed validation, but was successfully broadcast anyway. It " & "was not integrated into the beacon node's database." BlockValidationSuccess* = "The block was validated successfully and has been broadcast" BeaconNodeInSyncError* = "Beacon node is currently syncing and not serving request on that endpoint" BlockNotFoundError* = "Block header/data has not been found" BlockProduceError* = "Could not produce the block" EmptyRequestBodyError* = "Empty request's body" InvalidBlockObjectError* = "Unable to decode block object(s)" InvalidAttestationObjectError* = "Unable to decode attestation object(s)" AttestationValidationError* = "Some errors happened while validating attestation(s)" AttestationValidationSuccess* = "Attestation object(s) was broadcasted" InvalidAttesterSlashingObjectError* = "Unable to decode attester slashing object(s)" AttesterSlashingValidationError* = "Invalid attester slashing, it will never pass validation so it's rejected" AttesterSlashingValidationSuccess* = "Attester slashing object was broadcasted" InvalidProposerSlashingObjectError* = "Unable to decode proposer slashing object(s)" ProposerSlashingValidationError* = "Invalid proposer slashing, it will never pass validation so it's rejected" ProposerSlashingValidationSuccess* = "Proposer slashing object was broadcasted" InvalidVoluntaryExitObjectError* = "Unable to decode voluntary exit object(s)" VoluntaryExitValidationError* = "Invalid voluntary exit, it will never pass validation so it's rejected" VoluntaryExitValidationSuccess* = "Voluntary exit object(s) was broadcasted" InvalidAggregateAndProofObjectError* = "Unable to decode aggregate and proof object(s)" AggregateAndProofValidationError* = "Invalid aggregate and proof, it will never pass validation so it's " & "rejected" AggregateAndProofValidationSuccess* = "Aggregate and proof object(s) was broadcasted" BeaconCommitteeSubscriptionSuccess* = "Beacon node processed committee subscription request" InvalidParentRootValueError* = "Invalid parent root value" MissingSlotValueError* = "Missing `slot` value" InvalidSlotValueError* = "Invalid slot value" MissingCommitteeIndexValueError* = "Missing `committee_index` value" InvalidCommitteeIndexValueError* = "Invalid committee index value" MissingAttestationDataRootValueError* = "Missing `attestation_data_root` value" InvalidAttestationDataRootValueError* = "Invalid attestation data root value" UnableToGetAggregatedAttestationError* = "Unable to retrieve an aggregated attestation" MissingRandaoRevealValue* = "Missing `randao_reveal` value" InvalidRandaoRevealValue* = "Invalid randao reveal value" InvalidGraffitiBytesValye* = "Invalid graffiti bytes value" InvalidEpochValueError* = "Invalid epoch value" InvalidStateIdValueError* = "Invalid state identifier value" InvalidBlockIdValueError* = "Invalid block identifier value" InvalidValidatorIdValueError* = "Invalid validator's identifier value(s)" MaximumNumberOfValidatorIdsError* = "Maximum number of validator identifier values exceeded" InvalidValidatorStatusValueError* = "Invalid validator's status value error" InvalidValidatorIndexValueError* = "Invalid validator's index value(s)" EmptyValidatorIndexArrayError* = "Empty validator's index array" InvalidSubscriptionRequestValueError* = "Invalid subscription request object(s)" ValidatorNotFoundError* = "Could not find validator" ValidatorStatusNotFoundError* = "Could not obtain validator's status" UniqueValidatorKeyError* = "Only unique validator's keys are allowed" TooHighValidatorIndexValueError* = "Validator index exceeds maximum number of validators allowed" UnsupportedValidatorIndexValueError* = "Validator index exceeds maximum supported number of validators" UniqueValidatorIndexError* = "Only unique validator's index are allowed" StateNotFoundError* = "State not found" SlotNotFoundError* = "Slot number is too far away" SlotNotInNextWallSlotEpochError* = "Requested slot not in next wall-slot epoch" SlotFromThePastError* = "Requested slot from the past" ProposerNotFoundError* = "Could not find proposer for the head and slot" NoHeadForSlotError* = "Cound not find head for slot" EpochOverflowValueError* = "Requesting epoch for which slot would overflow" InvalidPeerStateValueError* = "Invalid peer's state value(s) error" InvalidPeerDirectionValueError* = "Invalid peer's direction value(s) error" InvalidPeerIdValueError* = "Invalid peer's id value(s) error" PeerNotFoundError* = "Peer not found" InvalidLogLevelValueError* = "Invalid log level value error" InternalServerError* = "Internal server error" NoImplementationError* = "Not implemented yet" type ValidatorIndexError* {.pure.} = enum UnsupportedValue, TooHighValue func match(data: openarray[char], charset: set[char]): int = for ch in data: if ch notin charset: return 1 0 proc validate(key: string, value: string): int = ## This is rough validation procedure which should be simple and fast, ## because it will be used for query routing. case key of "{epoch}": 0 of "{slot}": 0 of "{peer_id}": 0 of "{state_id}": 0 of "{block_id}": 0 of "{validator_id}": 0 else: 1 proc getCurrentHead*(node: BeaconNode, slot: Slot): Result[BlockRef, cstring] = let res = node.dag.head # if not(node.isSynced(res)): # return err("Cannot fulfill request until node is synced") if res.slot + uint64(2 * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) < slot: return err("Requesting way ahead of the current head") ok(res) proc getCurrentHead*(node: BeaconNode, epoch: Epoch): Result[BlockRef, cstring] = if epoch > MaxEpoch: return err("Requesting epoch for which slot would overflow") node.getCurrentHead(compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch)) proc toBlockSlot*(blckRef: BlockRef): BlockSlot = blckRef.atSlot(blckRef.slot) proc getBlockSlot*(node: BeaconNode, stateIdent: StateIdent): Result[BlockSlot, cstring] = case stateIdent.kind of StateQueryKind.Slot: let head = ? getCurrentHead(node, stateIdent.slot) let bslot = head.atSlot(stateIdent.slot) if isNil(bslot.blck): return err("Block not found") ok(bslot) of StateQueryKind.Root: let blckRef = node.dag.getRef(stateIdent.root) if isNil(blckRef): return err("Block not found") ok(blckRef.toBlockSlot()) of StateQueryKind.Named: case stateIdent.value of StateIdentType.Head: ok(node.dag.head.toBlockSlot()) of StateIdentType.Genesis: ok(node.dag.getGenesisBlockSlot()) of StateIdentType.Finalized: ok(node.dag.finalizedHead) of StateIdentType.Justified: ok(node.dag.head.atEpochStart(getStateField(, current_justified_checkpoint).epoch)) proc getBlockDataFromBlockIdent*(node: BeaconNode, id: BlockIdent): Result[BlockData, cstring] = case id.kind of BlockQueryKind.Named: case id.value of BlockIdentType.Head: ok(node.dag.get(node.dag.head)) of BlockIdentType.Genesis: ok(node.dag.getGenesisBlockData()) of BlockIdentType.Finalized: ok(node.dag.get(node.dag.finalizedHead.blck)) of BlockQueryKind.Root: let res = node.dag.get(id.root) if res.isNone(): return err("Block not found") ok(res.get()) of BlockQueryKind.Slot: let head = ? node.getCurrentHead(id.slot) let blockSlot = head.atSlot(id.slot) if isNil(blockSlot.blck): return err("Block not found") ok(node.dag.get(blockSlot.blck)) template withStateForBlockSlot*(node: BeaconNode, blockSlot: BlockSlot, body: untyped): untyped = template isState(state: StateData): bool = state.blck.atSlot(getStateField(, slot)) == blockSlot if isState(node.dag.headState): withStateVars(node.dag.headState): var cache {.inject.}: StateCache body else: let rpcState = assignClone(node.dag.headState) node.dag.withState(rpcState[], blockSlot): body proc toValidatorIndex*(value: RestValidatorIndex): Result[ValidatorIndex, ValidatorIndexError] = when sizeof(ValidatorIndex) == 4: if uint64(value) < VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT: # On x86 platform Nim allows only `int32` indexes, so all the indexes in # range `2^31 <= x < 2^32` are not supported. if uint64(value) <= uint64(high(int32)): ok(ValidatorIndex(value)) else: err(ValidatorIndexError.UnsupportedValue) else: err(ValidatorIndexError.TooHighValue) elif sizeof(ValidatorIndex) == 8: if uint64(value) < VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT: ok(ValidatorIndex(value)) else: err(ValidatorIndexError.TooHighValue) else: doAssert(false, "ValidatorIndex type size is incorrect") proc getRouter*(): RestRouter = RestRouter.init(validate)