import options, tables, chronicles, chronos, ranges/bitranges, spec/[datatypes, crypto, digest], beacon_node, eth2_network, beacon_chain_db, block_pool, time, ssz type ValidatorChangeLogEntry* = object case kind*: ValidatorSetDeltaFlags of Activation: pubkey: ValidatorPubKey else: index: uint32 ValidatorSet = seq[Validator] BeaconSyncState* = ref object node*: BeaconNode db*: BeaconChainDB func toHeader(b: BeaconBlock): BeaconBlockHeader = BeaconBlockHeader( slot: b.slot, parent_root: b.parent_root, state_root: b.state_root, randao_reveal: b.randao_reveal, eth1_data : b.eth1_data, signature: b.signature, body: hash_tree_root_final(b.body) ) proc fromHeaderAndBody(b: var BeaconBlock, h: BeaconBlockHeader, body: BeaconBlockBody) = assert(hash_tree_root_final(body) == h.body) b.slot = h.slot b.parent_root = h.parent_root b.state_root = h.state_root b.randao_reveal = h.randao_reveal b.eth1_data = h.eth1_data b.signature = h.signature b.body = body proc importBlocks(node: BeaconNode, roots: openarray[(Eth2Digest, uint64)], headers: openarray[BeaconBlockHeader], bodies: openarray[BeaconBlockBody]) = var bodyMap = initTable[Eth2Digest, int]() for i, b in bodies: bodyMap[hash_tree_root_final(b)] = i var goodBlocks, badBlocks = 0 for h in headers: let iBody = bodyMap.getOrDefault(h.body, -1) if iBody >= 0: var blk: BeaconBlock blk.fromHeaderAndBody(h, bodies[iBody]) node.onBeaconBlock(blk) inc goodBlocks else: inc badBlocks info "Forward sync imported blocks", goodBlocks, badBlocks, headers = headers.len, bodies = bodies.len, roots = roots.len p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1, shortName = "bcs", networkState = BeaconSyncState): onPeerConnected do(peer: Peer): const protocolVersion = 1 # TODO: Spec doesn't specify this yet networkId = 1 let node = peer.networkState.node var latestFinalizedRoot: Eth2Digest # TODO latestFinalizedEpoch: uint64 = bestRoot: Eth2Digest # TODO bestSlot: uint64 = let m = await handshake(peer, timeout = 500, status(networkId, latestFinalizedRoot, latestFinalizedEpoch, bestRoot, bestSlot)) let bestDiff = cmp((latestFinalizedEpoch, bestSlot), (m.latestFinalizedEpoch, m.bestSlot)) if bestDiff == 0: # Nothing to do? trace "Nothing to sync", peer = peer.remote else: # TODO: Check for WEAK_SUBJECTIVITY_PERIOD difference and terminate the # connection if it's too big. let blockPool = peer.networkState.node.blockPool if bestDiff > 0: # Send roots # TODO: Currently we send all block roots in one "packet". Maybe # they should be split to multiple packets. type Root = (Eth2Digest, uint64) var roots = newSeqOfCap[Root](128) for i in m.bestSlot .. bestSlot: for r in blockPool.blockRootsForSlot(i): roots.add((r, i)) await peer.beaconBlockRoots(roots) else: # Receive roots let roots = await peer.nextMsg(BeaconSync.beaconBlockRoots) let headers = await peer.getBeaconBlockHeaders(bestRoot, bestSlot, roots.roots.len, 0) var bodiesRequest = newSeqOfCap[Eth2Digest](roots.roots.len) for r in roots.roots: bodiesRequest.add(r[0]) let bodies = await peer.getBeaconBlockBodies(bodiesRequest) node.importBlocks(roots.roots, headers.get.blockHeaders, bodies.get.blockBodies) proc status( peer: Peer, networkId: int, latestFinalizedRoot: Eth2Digest, latestFinalizedEpoch: uint64, bestRoot: Eth2Digest, bestSlot: uint64) {.libp2pProtocol("hello", "1.0.0").} proc beaconBlockRoots( peer: Peer, roots: openarray[(Eth2Digest, uint64)]) {.libp2pProtocol("rpc/beacon_block_roots", "1.0.0").} requestResponse: proc getBeaconBlockHeaders( peer: Peer, blockRoot: Eth2Digest, slot: uint64, maxHeaders: int, skipSlots: int) {.libp2pProtocol("rpc/beacon_block_headers", "1.0.0").} = # TODO: validate maxHeaders and implement slipSlots var s = slot var headers = newSeqOfCap[BeaconBlockHeader](maxHeaders) let db = peer.networkState.db let blockPool = peer.networkState.node.blockPool while headers.len < maxHeaders: for r in blockPool.blockRootsForSlot(s): headers.add(db.getBlock(r).get().toHeader) if headers.len == maxHeaders: break inc s await response.send(headers) proc beaconBlockHeaders( peer: Peer, blockHeaders: openarray[BeaconBlockHeader]) requestResponse: proc getBeaconBlockBodies( peer: Peer, blockRoots: openarray[Eth2Digest]) {.libp2pProtocol("rpc/beacon_block_bodies", "1.0.0").} = # TODO: Validate blockRoots.len var bodies = newSeqOfCap[BeaconBlockBody](blockRoots.len) let db = peer.networkState.db for r in blockRoots: if (let blk = db.getBlock(r); blk.isSome): bodies.add(blk.get().body) await response.send(bodies) proc beaconBlockBodies( peer: Peer, blockBodies: openarray[BeaconBlockBody])