import std/algorithm import chronicles import common, api logScope: service = "fork_service" proc validateForkSchedule(forks: openarray[Fork]): bool {.raises: [Defect].} = # Check if `forks` list is linked list. var current_version = forks[0].current_version for index, item in forks.pairs(): if index > 0: if item.previous_version != current_version: return false else: if item.previous_version != item.current_version: return false current_version = item.current_version true proc getCurrentFork(forks: openarray[Fork], epoch: Epoch): Result[Fork, cstring] {.raises: [Defect].} = proc cmp(x, y: Fork): int {.closure.} = if uint64(x.epoch) == uint64(y.epoch): return 0 if uint64(x.epoch) < uint64(y.epoch): return -1 return 1 let sortedForks = sorted(forks, cmp) if len(sortedForks) == 0: return err("Empty fork schedule") if not(validateForkSchedule(sortedForks)): return err("Invalid fork schedule") var res: Fork for item in sortedForks: res = item if item.epoch > epoch: break ok(res) proc pollForFork(vc: ValidatorClientRef) {.async.} = let sres = vc.getCurrentSlot() if sres.isSome(): let currentSlot = sres.get() currentEpoch = currentSlot.epoch() let forks = try: await vc.getForkSchedule() except ValidatorApiError as exc: error "Unable to retrieve fork schedule", reason = exc.msg return except CatchableError as exc: error "Unexpected error occured while getting fork information", err_name =, err_msg = exc.msg return let fork = block: let res = getCurrentFork(forks, currentEpoch) if res.isErr(): error "Invalid fork schedule received", reason = res.error() return res.get() if vc.fork.isNone() or (vc.fork.get() != fork): vc.fork = some(fork) notice "Fork update succeeded", fork = fork proc waitForNextEpoch(service: ForkServiceRef) {.async.} = let vc = service.client let sleepTime = vc.beaconClock.durationToNextEpoch() + TIME_DELAY_FROM_SLOT debug "Sleeping until next epoch", sleep_time = sleepTime await sleepAsync(sleepTime) proc mainLoop(service: ForkServiceRef) {.async.} = service.state = ServiceState.Running let vc = service.client debug "Service started" try: while true: await vc.pollForFork() await service.waitForNextEpoch() except CatchableError as exc: warn "Service crashed with unexpected error", err_name =, err_msg = exc.msg proc init*(t: typedesc[ForkServiceRef], vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[ForkServiceRef] {.async.} = debug "Initializing service" var res = ForkServiceRef(client: vc, state: ServiceState.Initialized) await vc.pollForFork() return res proc start*(service: ForkServiceRef) = service.lifeFut = mainLoop(service)