# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # Helpers and functions pertaining to managing the validator set import options, nimcrypto, sequtils, math, tables, ./datatypes, ./digest, ./helpers # TODO: Proceed to renaming and signature changes # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#compute_shuffled_index # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#compute_committee func get_shuffled_seq*(seed: Eth2Digest, list_size: uint64, ): seq[ValidatorIndex] = ## Via https://github.com/protolambda/eth2-shuffle/blob/master/shuffle.go ## Shuffles ``validators`` into crosslink committees seeded by ``seed`` and ## ``slot``. ## Returns a list of ``SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * committees_per_slot`` committees ## where each committee is itself a list of validator indices. ## ## Invert the inner/outer loops from the spec, essentially. Most useful ## hash result re-use occurs within a round. # Empty size -> empty list. if list_size == 0: return var # Share these buffers. # TODO: Redo to follow spec. # We can have an "Impl" private version that takes buffer as parameters # so that we avoid alloc on repeated calls from compute_committee pivot_buffer: array[(32+1), byte] source_buffer: array[(32+1+4), byte] shuffled_active_validator_indices = mapIt( 0 ..< list_size.int, it.ValidatorIndex) sources = repeat(Eth2Digest(), (list_size div 256) + 1) ## The pivot's a function of seed and round only. ## This doesn't change across rounds. pivot_buffer[0..31] = seed.data source_buffer[0..31] = seed.data for round in 0 ..< SHUFFLE_ROUND_COUNT: let round_bytes1 = int_to_bytes1(round)[0] pivot_buffer[32] = round_bytes1 source_buffer[32] = round_bytes1 # Only one pivot per round. let pivot = bytes_to_int(eth2hash(pivot_buffer).data.toOpenArray(0, 7)) mod list_size ## Only need to run, per round, position div 256 hashes, so precalculate ## them. This consumes memory, but for low-memory devices, it's possible ## to mitigate by some light LRU caching and similar. for reduced_position in 0 ..< sources.len: source_buffer[33..36] = int_to_bytes4(reduced_position.uint64) sources[reduced_position] = eth2hash(source_buffer) ## Iterate over all the indices. This was in get_permuted_index, but large ## efficiency gains exist in caching and re-using data. for index in 0 ..< list_size.int: let cur_idx_permuted = shuffled_active_validator_indices[index] flip = ((list_size + pivot) - cur_idx_permuted.uint64) mod list_size position = max(cur_idx_permuted.int, flip.int) let source = sources[position div 256].data byte_value = source[(position mod 256) div 8] bit = (byte_value shr (position mod 8)) mod 2 if bit != 0: shuffled_active_validator_indices[index] = flip.ValidatorIndex result = shuffled_active_validator_indices # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_previous_epoch func get_previous_epoch*(state: BeaconState): Epoch = # Return the previous epoch (unless the current epoch is ``GENESIS_EPOCH``). let current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state) if current_epoch == GENESIS_EPOCH: current_epoch else: current_epoch - 1 # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.8.4/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_shard_delta func get_shard_delta*(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch): uint64 = ## Return the number of shards to increment ``state.start_shard`` ## during ``epoch``. min(get_committee_count_at_slot(state, epoch.compute_start_slot_at_epoch) * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, (SHARD_COUNT - SHARD_COUNT div SLOTS_PER_EPOCH).uint64) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.8.4/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_start_shard func get_start_shard*(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch): Shard = # Return the start shard of the 0th committee at ``epoch``. doAssert epoch <= get_current_epoch(state) + 1 var check_epoch = get_current_epoch(state) + 1 shard = (state.start_shard + get_shard_delta(state, get_current_epoch(state))) mod SHARD_COUNT while check_epoch > epoch: check_epoch -= 1.Epoch shard = (shard + SHARD_COUNT - get_shard_delta(state, check_epoch)) mod SHARD_COUNT return shard # TODO remove when shim layer isn't needed func get_slot_and_index*(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch, shard: Shard): auto = # This is simply the index get_crosslink_committee(...) computes for # compute_committee(...) let gcc_index = (shard + SHARD_COUNT - get_start_shard(state, epoch)) mod SHARD_COUNT # Want (slot % SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) * committees_per_slot + index to result in # same index, where # committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_at_slot(state, slot) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_beacon_committee let committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_at_slot(state, compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch)) # get_beacon_committee(...) uses a straightforward linear mapping, row-centric # minimize the `index` offset (s.t. >= 0) and maximize `slot`. let slot = gcc_index div committees_per_slot index = gcc_index mod committees_per_slot # TODO it might be bad if slot >= SLOTS_PER_EPOCH in this construction, # but not necessarily (compute_start_slot_at_epoch(epoch) + slot, index) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#compute_committee func compute_committee(indices: seq[ValidatorIndex], seed: Eth2Digest, index: uint64, count: uint64, stateCache: var StateCache): seq[ValidatorIndex] = ## Return the committee corresponding to ``indices``, ``seed``, ``index``, ## and committee ``count``. let start = (len(indices).uint64 * index) div count endIdx = (len(indices).uint64 * (index + 1)) div count key = (indices.len, seed) if key notin stateCache.crosslink_committee_cache: stateCache.crosslink_committee_cache[key] = get_shuffled_seq(seed, len(indices).uint64) # These assertions from compute_shuffled_index(...) let index_count = indices.len().uint64 doAssert endIdx <= index_count doAssert index_count <= 2'u64^40 # In spec, this calls get_shuffled_index() every time, but that's wasteful mapIt( start.int .. (endIdx.int-1), indices[stateCache.crosslink_committee_cache[key][it]]) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_beacon_committee func get_beacon_committee*(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot, index: uint64, cache: var StateCache): seq[ValidatorIndex] = # Return the beacon committee at ``slot`` for ``index``. let epoch = compute_epoch_at_slot(slot) # TODO use state caching for this or not? committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_at_slot(state, slot) ## This is a somewhat more fragile, but high-ROI, caching setup -- ## get_active_validator_indices() is slow to run in a loop and only ## changes once per epoch. if epoch notin cache.active_validator_indices_cache: cache.active_validator_indices_cache[epoch] = get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch) # TODO remove or replace this... #if epoch notin cache.committee_count_cache: # cache.committee_count_cache[epoch] = get_committee_count(state, epoch) # TODO profiling & make sure caches populated compute_committee( cache.active_validator_indices_cache[epoch], get_seed(state, epoch, DOMAIN_BEACON_ATTESTER), (slot mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) * committees_per_slot + index, committees_per_slot * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, cache ) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.8.4/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_crosslink_committee func get_crosslink_committee*(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch, shard: Shard, stateCache: var StateCache): seq[ValidatorIndex] = doAssert shard >= 0'u64 if epoch notin stateCache.start_shard_cache: stateCache.start_shard_cache[epoch] = get_start_shard(state, epoch) let (gbc_slot, gbc_index) = get_slot_and_index(state, epoch, shard) get_beacon_committee(state, gbc_slot, gbc_index, stateCache) # Not from spec func get_empty_per_epoch_cache*(): StateCache = result.crosslink_committee_cache = initTable[tuple[a: int, b: Eth2Digest], seq[ValidatorIndex]]() result.active_validator_indices_cache = initTable[Epoch, seq[ValidatorIndex]]() result.start_shard_cache = initTable[Epoch, Shard]() result.committee_count_cache = initTable[Epoch, uint64]() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#compute_proposer_index func compute_proposer_index*(state: BeaconState, indices: seq[ValidatorIndex], seed: Eth2Digest, stateCache: var StateCache): ValidatorIndex = # Return from ``indices`` a random index sampled by effective balance. const MAX_RANDOM_BYTE = 255 doAssert len(indices) > 0 # TODO fixme; should only be run once per slot and cached # There's exactly one beacon proposer per slot. let seq_len = indices.len.uint64 shuffled_seq = get_shuffled_seq(seed, seq_len) doAssert seq_len == shuffled_seq.len.uint64 var i = 0 buffer: array[32+8, byte] buffer[0..31] = seed.data while true: buffer[32..39] = int_to_bytes8(i.uint64 div 32) let candidate_index = shuffled_seq[(i.uint64 mod seq_len).int] random_byte = (eth2hash(buffer).data)[i mod 32] effective_balance = state.validators[candidate_index].effective_balance if effective_balance * MAX_RANDOM_BYTE >= MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE * random_byte: return candidate_index i += 1 # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.9.1/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#get_beacon_proposer_index func get_beacon_proposer_index*(state: BeaconState, stateCache: var StateCache): ValidatorIndex = # Return the beacon proposer index at the current slot. let epoch = get_current_epoch(state) var buffer: array[32 + 8, byte] buffer[0..31] = get_seed(state, epoch, DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER).data buffer[32..39] = int_to_bytes8(state.slot.uint64) let seed = eth2hash(buffer) indices = get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch) compute_proposer_index(state, indices, seed, stateCache)