# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import confutils, stats, times, std/monotimes, strformat, options, sequtils, random, tables, ../tests/[testblockutil], ../beacon_chain/spec/[beaconstate, crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers, validator], ../beacon_chain/[attestation_pool, extras, ssz] type Timers = enum tBlock = "Process non-epoch slot with block" tEpoch = "Process epoch slot with block" tHashBlock = "Tree-hash block" tShuffle = "Retrieve committee once using get_beacon_committee" tAttest = "Combine committee attestations" template withTimer(stats: var RunningStat, body: untyped) = let start = cpuTime() block: body let stop = cpuTime() stats.push stop - start template withTimerRet(stats: var RunningStat, body: untyped): untyped = let start = cpuTime() let tmp = block: body let stop = cpuTime() stats.push stop - start tmp proc jsonName(prefix, slot: auto): string = fmt"{prefix:04}-{shortLog(slot):08}.json" proc writeJson*(fn, v: auto) = var f: File defer: close(f) Json.saveFile(fn, v, pretty = true) func verifyConsensus(state: BeaconState, attesterRatio: auto) = if attesterRatio < 0.63: doAssert state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch == 0 doAssert state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch == 0 # Quorum is 2/3 of validators, and at low numbers, quantization effects # can dominate, so allow for play above/below attesterRatio of 2/3. if attesterRatio < 0.72: return let current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state) if current_epoch >= 3: doAssert state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 1 >= current_epoch if current_epoch >= 4: doAssert state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch + 2 >= current_epoch cli do(slots = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 6, validators = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 30, # One per shard is minimum json_interval = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, write_last_json = false, prefix = 0, attesterRatio {.desc: "ratio of validators that attest in each round"} = 0.73, validate = true): echo "Preparing validators..." let flags = if validate: {} else: {skipValidation} deposits = makeInitialDeposits(validators, flags) echo "Generating Genesis..." let genesisState = initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1( Eth2Digest(), 0, deposits, {skipMerkleValidation}) genesisBlock = get_initial_beacon_block(genesisState) echo "Starting simulation..." var attestations = initTable[Slot, seq[Attestation]]() state = genesisState latest_block_root = hash_tree_root(genesisBlock.message) timers: array[Timers, RunningStat] attesters: RunningStat r: Rand blck: SignedBeaconBlock cache = get_empty_per_epoch_cache() proc maybeWrite(last: bool) = if write_last_json: if state.slot mod json_interval.uint64 == 0: write(stdout, ":") else: write(stdout, ".") if last: writeJson("state.json", state) else: if state.slot mod json_interval.uint64 == 0: writeJson(jsonName(prefix, state.slot), state) write(stdout, ":") else: write(stdout, ".") # TODO doAssert against this up-front # indexed attestation: validator index beyond max validators per committee # len(indices) <= MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE for i in 0..<slots: maybeWrite(false) verifyConsensus(state, attesterRatio) let attestations_idx = state.slot body = BeaconBlockBody( attestations: attestations.getOrDefault(attestations_idx)) attestations.del attestations_idx doAssert len(attestations) <= (SLOTS_PER_EPOCH.int + MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY.int) let t = if (state.slot > GENESIS_SLOT and (state.slot + 1) mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0): tEpoch else: tBlock withTimer(timers[t]): blck = addBlock(state, latest_block_root, body, flags) latest_block_root = withTimerRet(timers[tHashBlock]): hash_tree_root(blck.message) if attesterRatio > 0.0: # attesterRatio is the fraction of attesters that actually do their # work for every slot - we'll randomize it deterministically to give # some variation let target_slot = state.slot + MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY - 1 scass = withTimerRet(timers[tShuffle]): mapIt( 0'u64 ..< get_committee_count_at_slot(state, target_slot), get_beacon_committee(state, target_slot, it, cache)) for i, scas in scass: var attestation: Attestation first = true attesters.push scas.len() withTimer(timers[tAttest]): for v in scas: if (rand(r, high(int)).float * attesterRatio).int <= high(int): if first: attestation = makeAttestation(state, latest_block_root, scas, target_slot, i.uint64, v, cache, flags) first = false else: attestation.combine( makeAttestation(state, latest_block_root, scas, target_slot, i.uint64, v, cache, flags), flags) if not first: # add the attestation if any of the validators attested, as given # by the randomness. We have to delay when the attestation is # actually added to the block per the attestation delay rule! let target_slot = attestation.data.slot + MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY - 1 doAssert target_slot > attestations_idx var target_slot_attestations = getOrDefault(attestations, target_slot) target_slot_attestations.add attestation attestations[target_slot] = target_slot_attestations flushFile(stdout) if (state.slot) mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0: echo &" slot: {shortLog(state.slot)} ", &"epoch: {shortLog(state.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot)}" maybeWrite(true) # catch that last state as well.. echo "Done!" echo "Validators: ", validators, ", epoch length: ", SLOTS_PER_EPOCH echo "Validators per attestation (mean): ", attesters.mean proc fmtTime(t: float): string = &"{t * 1000 :>12.3f}, " echo "All time are ms" echo &"{\"Average\" :>12}, {\"StdDev\" :>12}, {\"Min\" :>12}, " & &"{\"Max\" :>12}, {\"Samples\" :>12}, {\"Test\" :>12}" if not validate: echo "Validation is turned off meaning that no BLS operations are performed" for t in Timers: echo fmtTime(timers[t].mean), fmtTime(timers[t].standardDeviationS), fmtTime(timers[t].min), fmtTime(timers[t].max), &"{timers[t].n :>12}, ", $t