# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import # Standard library os, tables, random, strutils, times, math, # Nimble packages stew/[objects, byteutils], stew/shims/macros, chronos, confutils, metrics, json_rpc/[rpcserver, jsonmarshal], chronicles, json_serialization/std/[options, sets, net], serialization/errors, eth/db/kvstore, eth/db/kvstore_sqlite3, eth/p2p/enode, eth/[keys, async_utils], eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[protocol, enr], # Local modules spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, beaconstate, helpers, network], spec/presets/custom, conf, time, beacon_chain_db, validator_pool, extras, attestation_pool, block_pool, eth2_network, eth2_discovery, beacon_node_common, beacon_node_types, nimbus_binary_common, mainchain_monitor, version, ssz/[merkleization], sync_protocol, request_manager, validator_keygen, interop, statusbar, sync_manager, state_transition, validator_duties, validator_api const genesisFile* = "genesis.ssz" hasPrompt = not defined(withoutPrompt) type RpcServer* = RpcHttpServer KeyPair = eth2_network.KeyPair # "state" is already taken by BeaconState BeaconNodeStatus* = enum Starting, Running, Stopping # this needs to be global, so it can be set in the Ctrl+C signal handler var status = BeaconNodeStatus.Starting template init(T: type RpcHttpServer, ip: ValidIpAddress, port: Port): T = newRpcHttpServer([initTAddress(ip, port)]) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-metrics/blob/master/metrics.md#interop-metrics declareGauge beacon_slot, "Latest slot of the beacon chain state" declareGauge beacon_head_slot, "Slot of the head block of the beacon chain" # Metrics for tracking attestation and beacon block loss declareCounter beacon_attestations_received, "Number of beacon chain attestations received by this peer" declareHistogram beacon_attestation_received_seconds_from_slot_start, "Interval between slot start and attestation receival", buckets = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, Inf] logScope: topics = "beacnde" proc getStateFromSnapshot(conf: BeaconNodeConf): NilableBeaconStateRef = var genesisPath = conf.dataDir/genesisFile snapshotContents: TaintedString writeGenesisFile = false if conf.stateSnapshot.isSome: let snapshotPath = conf.stateSnapshot.get.string snapshotExt = splitFile(snapshotPath).ext if cmpIgnoreCase(snapshotExt, ".ssz") != 0: error "The supplied state snapshot must be a SSZ file", suppliedPath = snapshotPath quit 1 snapshotContents = readFile(snapshotPath) if fileExists(genesisPath): let genesisContents = readFile(genesisPath) if snapshotContents != genesisContents: error "Data directory not empty. Existing genesis state differs from supplied snapshot", dataDir = conf.dataDir.string, snapshot = snapshotPath quit 1 else: debug "No previous genesis state. Importing snapshot", genesisPath, dataDir = conf.dataDir.string writeGenesisFile = true genesisPath = snapshotPath else: try: snapshotContents = readFile(genesisPath) except CatchableError as err: error "Failed to read genesis file", err = err.msg quit 1 result = try: newClone(SSZ.decode(snapshotContents, BeaconState)) except SerializationError: error "Failed to import genesis file", path = genesisPath quit 1 info "Loaded genesis state", path = genesisPath if writeGenesisFile: try: notice "Writing genesis to data directory", path = conf.dataDir/genesisFile writeFile(conf.dataDir/genesisFile, snapshotContents.string) except CatchableError as err: error "Failed to persist genesis file to data dir", err = err.msg, genesisFile = conf.dataDir/genesisFile quit 1 proc enrForkIdFromState(state: BeaconState): ENRForkID = let forkVer = state.fork.current_version forkDigest = compute_fork_digest(forkVer, state.genesis_validators_root) ENRForkID( fork_digest: forkDigest, next_fork_version: forkVer, next_fork_epoch: FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH) proc init*(T: type BeaconNode, conf: BeaconNodeConf): Future[BeaconNode] {.async.} = let netKeys = getPersistentNetKeys(conf) nickname = if conf.nodeName == "auto": shortForm(netKeys) else: conf.nodeName db = BeaconChainDB.init(kvStore SqStoreRef.init(conf.databaseDir, "nbc").tryGet()) var mainchainMonitor: MainchainMonitor if not BlockPool.isInitialized(db): # Fresh start - need to load a genesis state from somewhere var genesisState = conf.getStateFromSnapshot() # Try file from command line first if genesisState.isNil: # Didn't work, try creating a genesis state using main chain monitor # TODO Could move this to a separate "GenesisMonitor" process or task # that would do only this - see if conf.web3Url.len > 0 and conf.depositContractAddress.len > 0: mainchainMonitor = MainchainMonitor.init( web3Provider(conf.web3Url), conf.depositContractAddress, Eth2Digest()) mainchainMonitor.start() else: error "No initial state, need genesis state or deposit contract address" quit 1 genesisState = await mainchainMonitor.getGenesis() # This is needed to prove the not nil property from here on if genesisState == nil: doAssert false else: if genesisState.slot != GENESIS_SLOT: # TODO how to get a block from a non-genesis state? error "Starting from non-genesis state not supported", stateSlot = genesisState.slot, stateRoot = hash_tree_root(genesisState[]) quit 1 let tailBlock = get_initial_beacon_block(genesisState[]) try: BlockPool.preInit(db, genesisState[], tailBlock) doAssert BlockPool.isInitialized(db), "preInit should have initialized db" except CatchableError as e: error "Failed to initialize database", err = e.msg quit 1 # TODO check that genesis given on command line (if any) matches database let blockPool = BlockPool.init( db, if conf.verifyFinalization: {verifyFinalization} else: {}) if mainchainMonitor.isNil and conf.web3Url.len > 0 and conf.depositContractAddress.len > 0: mainchainMonitor = MainchainMonitor.init( web3Provider(conf.web3Url), conf.depositContractAddress, blockPool.headState.data.data.eth1_data.block_hash) # TODO if we don't have any validators attached, we don't need a mainchain # monitor mainchainMonitor.start() let rpcServer = if conf.rpcEnabled: RpcServer.init(conf.rpcAddress, conf.rpcPort) else: nil let enrForkId = enrForkIdFromState(blockPool.headState.data.data) topicBeaconBlocks = getBeaconBlocksTopic(enrForkId.forkDigest) topicAggregateAndProofs = getAggregateAndProofsTopic(enrForkId.forkDigest) network = await createEth2Node(conf, enrForkId) var res = BeaconNode( nickname: nickname, network: network, netKeys: netKeys, requestManager: RequestManager.init(network), db: db, config: conf, attachedValidators: ValidatorPool.init(), blockPool: blockPool, attestationPool: AttestationPool.init(blockPool), mainchainMonitor: mainchainMonitor, beaconClock: BeaconClock.init(blockPool.headState.data.data), rpcServer: rpcServer, forkDigest: enrForkId.forkDigest, topicBeaconBlocks: topicBeaconBlocks, topicAggregateAndProofs: topicAggregateAndProofs, ) # TODO sync is called when a remote peer is connected - is that the right # time to do so? network.initBeaconSync(blockPool, enrForkId.forkDigest, proc(signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock) = if signedBlock.message.slot.isEpoch: # TODO this is a hack to make sure that lmd ghost is run regularly # while syncing blocks - it's poor form to keep it here though - # the logic should be moved elsewhere # TODO why only when syncing? well, because the way the code is written # we require a connection to a boot node to start, and that boot # node will start syncing as part of connection setup - it looks # like it needs to finish syncing before the slot timer starts # ticking which is a problem: all the synced blocks will be added # to the block pool without any periodic head updates while this # process is ongoing (during a blank start for example), which # leads to an unhealthy buildup of blocks in the non-finalized part # of the block pool # TODO is it a problem that someone sending us a block can force # a potentially expensive head resolution? discard res.updateHead() onBeaconBlock(res, signedBlock)) return res proc connectToNetwork(node: BeaconNode) {.async.} = await node.network.connectToNetwork() let addressFile = node.config.dataDir / "beacon_node.address" writeFile(addressFile, node.network.announcedENR.toURI) func verifyFinalization(node: BeaconNode, slot: Slot) = # Epoch must be >= 4 to check finalization const SETTLING_TIME_OFFSET = 1'u64 let epoch = slot.compute_epoch_at_slot() # Don't static-assert this -- if this isn't called, don't require it doAssert SLOTS_PER_EPOCH > SETTLING_TIME_OFFSET # Intentionally, loudly assert. Point is to fail visibly and unignorably # during testing. if epoch >= 4 and slot mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH > SETTLING_TIME_OFFSET: let finalizedEpoch = node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot() # Finalization rule 234, that has the most lag slots among the cases, sets # state.finalized_checkpoint = old_previous_justified_checkpoint.epoch + 3 # and then state.slot gets incremented, to increase the maximum offset, if # finalization occurs every slot, to 4 slots vs scheduledSlot. doAssert finalizedEpoch + 4 >= epoch proc onSlotStart(node: BeaconNode, lastSlot, scheduledSlot: Slot) {.gcsafe, async.} = ## Called at the beginning of a slot - usually every slot, but sometimes might ## skip a few in case we're running late. ## lastSlot: the last slot that we sucessfully processed, so we know where to ## start work from ## scheduledSlot: the slot that we were aiming for, in terms of timing logScope: pcs = "slot_start" let # The slot we should be at, according to the clock beaconTime = node.beaconClock.now() wallSlot = beaconTime.toSlot() info "Slot start", lastSlot = shortLog(lastSlot), scheduledSlot = shortLog(scheduledSlot), beaconTime = shortLog(beaconTime), peers = node.network.peersCount, headSlot = shortLog(node.blockPool.head.blck.slot), headEpoch = shortLog(node.blockPool.head.blck.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot()), headRoot = shortLog(node.blockPool.head.blck.root), finalizedSlot = shortLog(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.slot), finalizedRoot = shortLog(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.root), finalizedEpoch = shortLog(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot()), cat = "scheduling" # Check before any re-scheduling of onSlotStart() # Offset backwards slightly to allow this epoch's finalization check to occur if scheduledSlot > 3 and node.config.stopAtEpoch > 0'u64 and (scheduledSlot - 3).compute_epoch_at_slot() >= node.config.stopAtEpoch: info "Stopping at pre-chosen epoch", chosenEpoch = node.config.stopAtEpoch, epoch = scheduledSlot.compute_epoch_at_slot(), slot = scheduledSlot # Brute-force, but ensure it's reliably enough to run in CI. quit(0) if not wallSlot.afterGenesis or (wallSlot.slot < lastSlot): let slot = if wallSlot.afterGenesis: wallSlot.slot else: GENESIS_SLOT nextSlot = slot + 1 # At least GENESIS_SLOT + 1! # This can happen if the system clock changes time for example, and it's # pretty bad # TODO shut down? time either was or is bad, and PoS relies on accuracy.. warn "Beacon clock time moved back, rescheduling slot actions", beaconTime = shortLog(beaconTime), lastSlot = shortLog(lastSlot), scheduledSlot = shortLog(scheduledSlot), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), cat = "clock_drift" # tag "scheduling|clock_drift"? addTimer(saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))) do (p: pointer): asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot) return let slot = wallSlot.slot # afterGenesis == true! nextSlot = slot + 1 beacon_slot.set slot.int64 if node.config.verifyFinalization: verifyFinalization(node, scheduledSlot) if slot > lastSlot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH: # We've fallen behind more than an epoch - there's nothing clever we can # do here really, except skip all the work and try again later. # TODO how long should the period be? Using an epoch because that's roughly # how long attestations remain interesting # TODO should we shut down instead? clearly we're unable to keep up warn "Unable to keep up, skipping ahead", lastSlot = shortLog(lastSlot), slot = shortLog(slot), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), scheduledSlot = shortLog(scheduledSlot), cat = "overload" addTimer(saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot))) do (p: pointer): # We pass the current slot here to indicate that work should be skipped! asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot) return # Whatever we do during the slot, we need to know the head, because this will # give us a state to work with and thus a shuffling. # TODO typically, what consitutes correct actions stays constant between slot # updates and is stable across some epoch transitions as well - see how # we can avoid recalculating everything here # TODO if the head is very old, that is indicative of something being very # wrong - us being out of sync or disconnected from the network - need # to consider what to do in that case: # * nothing - the other parts of the application will reconnect and # start listening to broadcasts, learn a new head etc.. # risky, because the network might stall if everyone does # this, because no blocks will be produced # * shut down - this allows the user to notice and take action, but is # kind of harsh # * keep going - we create blocks and attestations as usual and send them # out - if network conditions improve, fork choice should # eventually select the correct head and the rest will # disappear naturally - risky because user is not aware, # and might lose stake on canonical chain but "just works" # when reconnected.. var head = node.updateHead() # TODO is the slot of the clock or the head block more interesting? provide # rationale in comment beacon_head_slot.set slot.int64 # Time passes in here.. head = await node.handleValidatorDuties(head, lastSlot, slot) let nextSlotStart = saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot)) info "Slot end", slot = shortLog(slot), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), headSlot = shortLog(node.blockPool.head.blck.slot), headEpoch = shortLog(node.blockPool.head.blck.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot()), headRoot = shortLog(node.blockPool.head.blck.root), finalizedSlot = shortLog(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.slot), finalizedEpoch = shortLog(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot()), finalizedRoot = shortLog(node.blockPool.finalizedHead.blck.root), cat = "scheduling" when declared(GC_fullCollect): # The slots in the beacon node work as frames in a game: we want to make # sure that we're ready for the next one and don't get stuck in lengthy # garbage collection tasks when time is of essence in the middle of a slot - # while this does not guarantee that we'll never collect during a slot, it # makes sure that all the scratch space we used during slot tasks (logging, # temporary buffers etc) gets recycled for the next slot that is likely to # need similar amounts of memory. GC_fullCollect() addTimer(nextSlotStart) do (p: pointer): asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(slot, nextSlot) proc handleMissingBlocks(node: BeaconNode) = let missingBlocks = node.blockPool.checkMissing() if missingBlocks.len > 0: var left = missingBlocks.len info "Requesting detected missing blocks", missingBlocks node.requestManager.fetchAncestorBlocks(missingBlocks) do (b: SignedBeaconBlock): onBeaconBlock(node, b) # TODO instead of waiting for a full second to try the next missing block # fetching, we'll do it here again in case we get all blocks we asked # for (there might be new parents to fetch). of course, this is not # good because the onSecond fetching also kicks in regardless but # whatever - this is just a quick fix for making the testnet easier # work with while the sync problem is dealt with more systematically # dec left # if left == 0: # discard setTimer(Moment.now()) do (p: pointer): # handleMissingBlocks(node) proc onSecond(node: BeaconNode) {.async.} = ## This procedure will be called once per second. if not(node.syncManager.inProgress): node.handleMissingBlocks() proc runOnSecondLoop(node: BeaconNode) {.async.} = var sleepTime = chronos.seconds(1) while true: await chronos.sleepAsync(sleepTime) let start = chronos.now(chronos.Moment) await node.onSecond() let finish = chronos.now(chronos.Moment) debug "onSecond task completed", elapsed = $(finish - start) if finish - start > chronos.seconds(1): sleepTime = chronos.seconds(0) else: sleepTime = chronos.seconds(1) - (finish - start) proc runForwardSyncLoop(node: BeaconNode) {.async.} = proc getLocalHeadSlot(): Slot = result = node.blockPool.head.blck.slot proc getLocalWallSlot(): Slot {.gcsafe.} = let epoch = node.beaconClock.now().toSlot().slot.compute_epoch_at_slot() + 1'u64 result = epoch.compute_start_slot_at_epoch() proc updateLocalBlocks(list: openarray[SignedBeaconBlock]): Result[void, BlockError] = debug "Forward sync imported blocks", count = len(list), local_head_slot = getLocalHeadSlot() let sm = now(chronos.Moment) for blk in list: let res = node.storeBlock(blk) # We going to ignore `BlockError.Old` errors because we have working # backward sync and it can happens that we can perform overlapping # requests. if res.isErr and res.error != BlockError.Old: return res discard node.updateHead() let dur = now(chronos.Moment) - sm let secs = float(chronos.seconds(1).nanoseconds) var storeSpeed = 0.0 if not(dur.isZero()): let v = float(len(list)) * (secs / float(dur.nanoseconds)) # We doing round manually because stdlib.round is deprecated storeSpeed = round(v * 10000) / 10000 info "Forward sync blocks got imported sucessfully", count = len(list), local_head_slot = getLocalHeadSlot(), store_speed = storeSpeed ok() proc scoreCheck(peer: Peer): bool = if peer.score < PeerScoreLowLimit: try: debug "Peer score is too low, removing it from PeerPool", peer = peer, peer_score = peer.score, score_low_limit = PeerScoreLowLimit, score_high_limit = PeerScoreHighLimit except: discard result = false else: result = true node.network.peerPool.setScoreCheck(scoreCheck) node.syncManager = newSyncManager[Peer, PeerID]( node.network.peerPool, getLocalHeadSlot, getLocalWallSlot, updateLocalBlocks, # 4 blocks per chunk is the optimal value right now, because our current # syncing speed is around 4 blocks per second. So there no need to request # more then 4 blocks right now. As soon as `store_speed` value become # significantly more then 4 blocks per second you can increase this # value appropriately. chunkSize = 4 ) await node.syncManager.sync() proc currentSlot(node: BeaconNode): Slot = node.beaconClock.now.slotOrZero proc connectedPeersCount(node: BeaconNode): int = libp2p_peers.value.int proc fromJson(n: JsonNode; argName: string; result: var Slot) = var i: int fromJson(n, argName, i) result = Slot(i) proc installBeaconApiHandlers(rpcServer: RpcServer, node: BeaconNode) = rpcServer.rpc("getBeaconHead") do () -> Slot: return node.blockPool.head.blck.slot rpcServer.rpc("getChainHead") do () -> JsonNode: let head = node.blockPool.head finalized = node.blockPool.headState.data.data.finalized_checkpoint justified = node.blockPool.headState.data.data.current_justified_checkpoint return %* { "head_slot": head.blck.slot, "head_block_root": head.blck.root.data.toHex(), "finalized_slot": finalized.epoch * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, "finalized_block_root": finalized.root.data.toHex(), "justified_slot": justified.epoch * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, "justified_block_root": justified.root.data.toHex(), } rpcServer.rpc("getSyncing") do () -> bool: let beaconTime = node.beaconClock.now() wallSlot = currentSlot(node) headSlot = node.blockPool.head.blck.slot # FIXME: temporary hack: If more than 1 block away from expected head, then we are "syncing" return (headSlot + 1) < wallSlot template requireOneOf(x, y: distinct Option) = if x.isNone xor y.isNone: raise newException(CatchableError, "Please specify one of " & astToStr(x) & " or " & astToStr(y)) template jsonResult(x: auto): auto = StringOfJson(Json.encode(x)) rpcServer.rpc("getBeaconBlock") do (slot: Option[Slot], root: Option[Eth2Digest]) -> StringOfJson: requireOneOf(slot, root) var blockHash: Eth2Digest if root.isSome: blockHash = root.get else: let foundRef = node.blockPool.getBlockByPreciseSlot(slot.get) if foundRef != nil: blockHash = foundRef.root else: return StringOfJson("null") let dbBlock = node.db.getBlock(blockHash) if dbBlock.isSome: return jsonResult(dbBlock.get) else: return StringOfJson("null") rpcServer.rpc("getBeaconState") do (slot: Option[Slot], root: Option[Eth2Digest]) -> StringOfJson: requireOneOf(slot, root) if slot.isSome: let blk = node.blockPool.head.blck.atSlot(slot.get) node.blockPool.withState(node.blockPool.tmpState, blk): return jsonResult(state) else: let tmp = BeaconStateRef() # TODO use tmpState - but load the entire StateData! let state = node.db.getState(root.get, tmp[], noRollback) if state: return jsonResult(tmp[]) else: return StringOfJson("null") rpcServer.rpc("getNetworkPeerId") do () -> string: return $publicKey(node.network) rpcServer.rpc("getNetworkPeers") do () -> seq[string]: for peerId, peer in node.network.peerPool: result.add $peerId rpcServer.rpc("getNetworkEnr") do () -> string: return $node.network.discovery.localNode.record proc installDebugApiHandlers(rpcServer: RpcServer, node: BeaconNode) = rpcServer.rpc("getNodeVersion") do () -> string: return "Nimbus/" & fullVersionStr rpcServer.rpc("getSpecPreset") do () -> JsonNode: var res = newJObject() genCode: for setting in BeaconChainConstants: let settingSym = ident($setting) settingKey = newLit(toLowerAscii($setting)) yield quote do: res[`settingKey`] = %`settingSym` return res proc installRpcHandlers(rpcServer: RpcServer, node: BeaconNode) = # TODO: remove this if statement later - here just to test the config option for now if node.config.validatorApi: rpcServer.installValidatorApiHandlers(node) rpcServer.installBeaconApiHandlers(node) rpcServer.installDebugApiHandlers(node) proc installAttestationHandlers(node: BeaconNode) = proc attestationHandler(attestation: Attestation) = # Avoid double-counting attestation-topic attestations on shared codepath # when they're reflected through beacon blocks beacon_attestations_received.inc() beacon_attestation_received_seconds_from_slot_start.observe( node.beaconClock.now.int64 - (attestation.data.slot.int64 * SECONDS_PER_SLOT.int64)) node.onAttestation(attestation) var attestationSubscriptions: seq[Future[void]] = @[] # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.1/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#mainnet-3 for it in 0'u64 ..< ATTESTATION_SUBNET_COUNT.uint64: closureScope: let ci = it attestationSubscriptions.add(node.network.subscribe( getMainnetAttestationTopic(node.forkDigest, ci), attestationHandler, # This proc needs to be within closureScope; don't lift out of loop. proc(attestation: Attestation): bool = # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.1/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#attestation-subnets let (afterGenesis, slot) = node.beaconClock.now().toSlot() if not afterGenesis: return false node.attestationPool.isValidAttestation(attestation, slot, ci, {}))) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.1/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#interop-3 attestationSubscriptions.add(node.network.subscribe( getInteropAttestationTopic(node.forkDigest), attestationHandler, proc(attestation: Attestation): bool = # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.1/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#attestation-subnets let (afterGenesis, slot) = node.beaconClock.now().toSlot() if not afterGenesis: return false # isValidAttestation checks attestation.data.index == topicCommitteeIndex # which doesn't make sense here, so rig that check to vacuously pass. node.attestationPool.isValidAttestation( attestation, slot, attestation.data.index, {}))) waitFor allFutures(attestationSubscriptions) proc stop*(node: BeaconNode) = status = BeaconNodeStatus.Stopping info "Graceful shutdown" waitFor node.network.stop() proc run*(node: BeaconNode) = if status == BeaconNodeStatus.Starting: # it might have been set to "Stopping" with Ctrl+C status = BeaconNodeStatus.Running if node.rpcServer != nil: node.rpcServer.installRpcHandlers(node) node.rpcServer.start() waitFor node.network.subscribe(node.topicBeaconBlocks) do (signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): onBeaconBlock(node, signedBlock) do (signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock) -> bool: let (afterGenesis, slot) = node.beaconClock.now.toSlot() if not afterGenesis: return false node.blockPool.isValidBeaconBlock(signedBlock, slot, {}) installAttestationHandlers(node) let curSlot = node.beaconClock.now().slotOrZero() nextSlot = curSlot + 1 # No earlier than GENESIS_SLOT + 1 fromNow = saturate(node.beaconClock.fromNow(nextSlot)) info "Scheduling first slot action", beaconTime = shortLog(node.beaconClock.now()), nextSlot = shortLog(nextSlot), fromNow = shortLog(fromNow), cat = "scheduling" addTimer(fromNow) do (p: pointer): asyncCheck node.onSlotStart(curSlot, nextSlot) node.onSecondLoop = runOnSecondLoop(node) node.forwardSyncLoop = runForwardSyncLoop(node) # main event loop while status == BeaconNodeStatus.Running: try: poll() except CatchableError as e: debug "Exception in poll()", exc = e.name, err = e.msg # time to say goodbye node.stop() var gPidFile: string proc createPidFile(filename: string) = createDir splitFile(filename).dir writeFile filename, $os.getCurrentProcessId() gPidFile = filename addQuitProc proc {.noconv.} = removeFile gPidFile proc start(node: BeaconNode) = # TODO: while it's nice to cheat by waiting for connections here, we # actually need to make this part of normal application flow - # losing all connections might happen at any time and we should be # prepared to handle it. waitFor node.connectToNetwork() let head = node.blockPool.head finalizedHead = node.blockPool.finalizedHead info "Starting beacon node", version = fullVersionStr, timeSinceFinalization = int64(finalizedHead.slot.toBeaconTime()) - int64(node.beaconClock.now()), headSlot = shortLog(head.blck.slot), headRoot = shortLog(head.blck.root), finalizedSlot = shortLog(finalizedHead.blck.slot), finalizedRoot = shortLog(finalizedHead.blck.root), SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, SECONDS_PER_SLOT, SPEC_VERSION, dataDir = node.config.dataDir.string, cat = "init", pcs = "start_beacon_node" let bs = BlockSlot(blck: head.blck, slot: head.blck.slot) node.blockPool.withState(node.blockPool.tmpState, bs): node.addLocalValidators(state) node.run() func formatGwei(amount: uint64): string = # TODO This is implemented in a quite a silly way. # Better routines for formatting decimal numbers # should exists somewhere else. let eth = amount div 1000000000 remainder = amount mod 1000000000 result = $eth if remainder != 0: result.add '.' result.add $remainder while result[^1] == '0': result.setLen(result.len - 1) when hasPrompt: from unicode import Rune import terminal, prompt proc providePromptCompletions*(line: seq[Rune], cursorPos: int): seq[string] = # TODO # The completions should be generated with the general-purpose command-line # parsing API of Confutils result = @[] proc processPromptCommands(p: ptr Prompt) {.thread.} = while true: var cmd = p[].readLine() case cmd of "quit": quit 0 else: p[].writeLine("Unknown command: " & cmd) proc initPrompt(node: BeaconNode) = if isatty(stdout) and node.config.statusBarEnabled: enableTrueColors() # TODO: nim-prompt seems to have threading issues at the moment # which result in sporadic crashes. We should introduce a # lock that guards the access to the internal prompt line # variable. # # var p = Prompt.init("nimbus > ", providePromptCompletions) # p.useHistoryFile() proc dataResolver(expr: string): string = # TODO: # We should introduce a general API for resolving dot expressions # such as `db.latest_block.slot` or `metrics.connected_peers`. # Such an API can be shared between the RPC back-end, CLI tools # such as ncli, a potential GraphQL back-end and so on. # The status bar feature would allow the user to specify an # arbitrary expression that is resolvable through this API. case expr.toLowerAscii of "connected_peers": $(node.connectedPeersCount) of "last_finalized_epoch": var head = node.blockPool.finalizedHead # TODO: Should we display a state root instead? $(head.slot.epoch) & " (" & shortLog(head.blck.root) & ")" of "epoch": $node.beaconClock.now.slotOrZero.epoch of "epoch_slot": $(node.beaconClock.now.slotOrZero mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) of "slots_per_epoch": $SLOTS_PER_EPOCH of "slot": $node.currentSlot of "slot_trailing_digits": var slotStr = $node.beaconClock.now.slotOrZero if slotStr.len > 3: slotStr = slotStr[^3..^1] slotStr of "attached_validators_balance": var balance = uint64(0) # TODO slow linear scan! for idx, b in node.blockPool.headState.data.data.balances: if node.getAttachedValidator( node.blockPool.headState.data.data, ValidatorIndex(idx)) != nil: balance += b formatGwei(balance) else: # We ignore typos for now and just render the expression # as it was written. TODO: come up with a good way to show # an error message to the user. "$" & expr var statusBar = StatusBarView.init( node.config.statusBarContents, dataResolver) when compiles(defaultChroniclesStream.output.writer): defaultChroniclesStream.output.writer = proc (logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} = try: # p.hidePrompt erase statusBar # p.writeLine msg stdout.write msg render statusBar # p.showPrompt except Exception as e: # render raises Exception logLoggingFailure(cstring(msg), e) proc statusBarUpdatesPollingLoop() {.async.} = while true: update statusBar await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(1)) traceAsyncErrors statusBarUpdatesPollingLoop() # var t: Thread[ptr Prompt] # createThread(t, processPromptCommands, addr p) programMain: let config = makeBannerAndConfig(clientId, BeaconNodeConf) setupMainProc(config.logLevel) case config.cmd of createTestnet: var deposits: seq[Deposit] for i in config.firstValidator.int ..< config.totalValidators.int: let depositFile = config.validatorsDir / validatorFileBaseName(i) & ".deposit.json" try: deposits.add Json.loadFile(depositFile, Deposit) except SerializationError as err: stderr.write "Error while loading a deposit file:\n" stderr.write err.formatMsg(depositFile), "\n" stderr.write "Please regenerate the deposit files by running makeDeposits again\n" quit 1 let startTime = uint64(times.toUnix(times.getTime()) + config.genesisOffset) outGenesis = config.outputGenesis.string eth1Hash = if config.web3Url.len == 0: eth1BlockHash else: waitFor getLatestEth1BlockHash(config.web3Url) var initialState = initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1( eth1Hash, startTime, deposits, {skipBlsValidation, skipMerkleValidation}) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-pm/tree/6e41fcf383ebeb5125938850d8e9b4e9888389b4/interop/mocked_start#create-genesis-state initialState.genesis_time = startTime doAssert initialState.validators.len > 0 let outGenesisExt = splitFile(outGenesis).ext if cmpIgnoreCase(outGenesisExt, ".json") == 0: Json.saveFile(outGenesis, initialState, pretty = true) echo "Wrote ", outGenesis let outSszGenesis = outGenesis.changeFileExt "ssz" SSZ.saveFile(outSszGenesis, initialState[]) echo "Wrote ", outSszGenesis let bootstrapFile = config.outputBootstrapFile.string if bootstrapFile.len > 0: let networkKeys = getPersistentNetKeys(config) metadata = getPersistentNetMetadata(config) bootstrapEnr = enr.Record.init( 1, # sequence number networkKeys.seckey.asEthKey, some(config.bootstrapAddress), config.bootstrapPort, config.bootstrapPort, [toFieldPair("eth2", SSZ.encode(enrForkIdFromState initialState[])), toFieldPair("attnets", SSZ.encode(metadata.attnets))]) writeFile(bootstrapFile, bootstrapEnr.tryGet().toURI) echo "Wrote ", bootstrapFile of importValidator: template reportFailureFor(keyExpr) = error "Failed to import validator key", key = keyExpr programResult = 1 if config.keyFiles.len == 0: stderr.write "Please specify at least one keyfile to import." quit 1 for keyFile in config.keyFiles: try: saveValidatorKey(keyFile.string.extractFilename, readFile(keyFile.string), config) except: reportFailureFor keyFile.string of noCommand: debug "Launching beacon node", version = fullVersionStr, cmdParams = commandLineParams(), config createPidFile(config.dataDir.string / "beacon_node.pid") if config.dumpEnabled: createDir(config.dumpDir) createDir(config.dumpDir / "incoming") var node = waitFor BeaconNode.init(config) ctrlCHandling: status = BeaconNodeStatus.Stopping when hasPrompt: initPrompt(node) when useInsecureFeatures: if config.metricsEnabled: let metricsAddress = config.metricsAddress info "Starting metrics HTTP server", address = metricsAddress, port = config.metricsPort metrics.startHttpServer($metricsAddress, config.metricsPort) if node.nickname != "": dynamicLogScope(node = node.nickname): node.start() else: node.start() of makeDeposits: createDir(config.depositsDir) let quickstartDeposits = generateDeposits( config.totalQuickstartDeposits, config.depositsDir, false) randomDeposits = generateDeposits( config.totalRandomDeposits, config.depositsDir, true, firstIdx = config.totalQuickstartDeposits) if config.web3Url.len > 0 and config.depositContractAddress.len > 0: if config.minDelay > config.maxDelay: echo "The minimum delay should not be larger than the maximum delay" quit 1 var delayGenerator: DelayGenerator if config.maxDelay > 0.0: delayGenerator = proc (): chronos.Duration {.gcsafe.} = chronos.milliseconds (rand(config.minDelay..config.maxDelay)*1000).int info "Sending deposits", web3 = config.web3Url, depositContract = config.depositContractAddress waitFor sendDeposits( quickstartDeposits & randomDeposits, config.web3Url, config.depositContractAddress, config.depositPrivateKey, delayGenerator)