import options, rpc_types, ../datatypes/phase0 proc get_v1_beacon_genesis(): RpcBeaconGenesis # TODO stateId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_states_root(stateId: string): Eth2Digest # TODO stateId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_states_fork(stateId: string): Fork # TODO stateId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_states_finality_checkpoints( stateId: string): RpcBeaconStatesFinalityCheckpoints # TODO stateId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_validators( stateId: string, validatorIds: seq[string], status: string): seq[RpcBeaconStatesValidators] # TODO stateId and validatorId are part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_validators_validatorId( stateId: string, validatorId: string): RpcBeaconStatesValidators # TODO stateId and epoch are part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_committees_epoch(stateId: string, epoch: uint64, index: uint64, slot: uint64): seq[RpcBeaconStatesCommittees] proc get_v1_beacon_headers(slot: uint64, parent_root: Eth2Digest): seq[RpcBeaconHeaders] # TODO blockId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_headers_blockId(blockId: string): tuple[canonical: bool, header: SignedBeaconBlockHeader] # TODO blockId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_blocks_blockId(blockId: string): phase0.SignedBeaconBlock # TODO blockId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_blocks_blockId_root(blockId: string): Eth2Digest # TODO blockId is part of the REST path proc get_v1_beacon_blocks_blockId_attestations(blockId: string): seq[Attestation] # TODO POST /v1/beacon/pool/attester_slashings # TODO POST /v1/beacon/pool/proposer_slashings # TODO POST /v1/beacon/pool/attestations proc get_v1_beacon_pool_attestations(slot: Option[uint64], committee_index: Option[uint64]): seq[RpcAttestation] proc post_v1_beacon_pool_attestations(attestation: Attestation): bool proc get_v1_beacon_pool_attester_slashings(): seq[AttesterSlashing] proc get_v1_beacon_pool_proposer_slashings(): seq[ProposerSlashing] proc get_v1_beacon_pool_voluntary_exits(): seq[VoluntaryExit] proc post_v1_beacon_pool_voluntary_exits(exit: SignedVoluntaryExit): bool proc get_v1_config_fork_schedule(): seq[Fork]