import deques, options, sequtils, tables, chronicles, ./spec/[beaconstate, datatypes, crypto, digest, helpers, validator], extras, ./attestation_pool, ./beacon_chain_db, ./ssz # ################################################################## # Specs # # The beacon chain fork choice rule is a hybrid that combines justification and finality with Latest Message Driven (LMD) Greediest Heaviest Observed SubTree (GHOST). At any point in time a [validator](#dfn-validator) `v` subjectively calculates the beacon chain head as follows. # # * Let `store` be the set of attestations and blocks # that the validator `v` has observed and verified # (in particular, block ancestors must be recursively verified). # Attestations not part of any chain are still included in `store`. # * Let `finalized_head` be the finalized block with the highest slot number. # (A block `B` is finalized if there is a descendant of `B` in `store` # the processing of which sets `B` as finalized.) # * Let `justified_head` be the descendant of `finalized_head` # with the highest slot number that has been justified # for at least `SLOTS_PER_EPOCH` slots. # (A block `B` is justified if there is a descendant of `B` in `store` # the processing of which sets `B` as justified.) # If no such descendant exists set `justified_head` to `finalized_head`. # * Let `get_ancestor(store, block, slot)` be the ancestor of `block` with slot number `slot`. # The `get_ancestor` function can be defined recursively # # def get_ancestor(store, block, slot): # return block if block.slot == slot # else get_ancestor(store, store.get_parent(block), slot)`. # # * Let `get_latest_attestation(store, validator)` # be the attestation with the highest slot number in `store` from `validator`. # If several such attestations exist, # use the one the validator `v` observed first. # * Let `get_latest_attestation_target(store, validator)` # be the target block in the attestation `get_latest_attestation(store, validator)`. # * The head is `lmd_ghost(store, justified_head)`. (See specs) # # Departing from specs: # - We use a simple fork choice rule without finalized and justified head # - We don't implement "get_latest_attestation(store, validator) -> Attestation" # nor get_latest_attestation_target # - We use block hashes (Eth2Digest) instead of raw blocks where possible proc get_ancestor( store: BeaconChainDB, blck: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): Eth2Digest = ## Find the ancestor with a specific slot number let blk = store.getBlock(blck).get() if blk.slot == slot: blck else: store.get_ancestor(blk.parent_root, slot) # TODO: Eliminate recursion # TODO: what if the slot was never observed/verified? func getVoteCount(aggregation_bitfield: openarray[byte]): int = ## Get the number of votes # TODO: A bitfield type that tracks that information # for validatorIdx in 0 ..< aggregation_bitfield.len * 8: result += int aggregation_bitfield.get_bitfield_bit(validatorIdx) func getAttestationVoteCount( pool: AttestationPool, current_slot: Slot): CountTable[Eth2Digest] = ## Returns all blocks more recent that the current slot ## that were attested and their vote count # This replaces: # - get_latest_attestation, # - get_latest_attestation_targets # that are used in lmd_ghost for # ``` # attestation_targets = [get_latest_attestation_target(store, validator) # for validator in active_validators] # ``` # Note that attestation_targets in the Eth2 specs can have duplicates # while the following implementation will count such blockhash multiple times instead. result = initCountTable[Eth2Digest]() # TODO iteration API that hides the startingSlot logic? for slot in current_slot - pool.startingSlot ..< pool.slots.len.uint64: for attestation in pool.slots[slot].attestations: for validation in attestation.validations: # Increase the block attestation counts by the number of validators aggregated let voteCount = validation.aggregation_bitfield.getVoteCount(), voteCount) proc lmdGhost*( store: BeaconChainDB, pool: AttestationPool, state: BeaconState, blocksChildren: Table[Eth2Digest, seq[Eth2Digest]]): BeaconBlock = # Recompute the new head of the beacon chain according to # LMD GHOST (Latest Message Driven - Greediest Heaviest Observed SubTree) # Raw vote count from all attestations let rawVoteCount = pool.getAttestationVoteCount(state.slot) # The real vote count for a block also takes into account votes for its children # TODO: a Fenwick Tree datastructure to keep track of cumulated votes # in O(log N) complexity # # Nim implementation for cumulative frequencies at # var head = state.latest_block_roots[state.slot mod LATEST_BLOCK_ROOTS_LENGTH] var childVotes = initCountTable[Eth2Digest]() while true: # TODO use a O(log N) implementation instead of O(N^2) let children = blocksChildren[head] if children.len == 0: return store.getBlock(head).get() # For now we assume that all children are direct descendant of the current head let next_slot = store.getBlock(head).get().slot + 1 for child in children: doAssert store.getBlock(child).get().slot == next_slot childVotes.clear() for target, votes in rawVoteCount.pairs: if store.getBlock(target).get().slot >= next_slot:, next_slot), votes) head = childVotes.largest().key