import std/[strutils, parseutils], stew/byteutils, ../beacon_node_common, ../validator_duties, ../block_pools/[block_pools_types, chain_dag], ../spec/[datatypes, digest, helpers] export chain_dag template withStateForStateId*(stateId: string, body: untyped): untyped = # TODO this can be optimized for the "head" case since that should be most common node.chainDag.withState(node.chainDag.tmpState, node.stateIdToBlockSlot(stateId)): body proc toBlockSlot*(blckRef: BlockRef): BlockSlot = blckRef.atSlot(blckRef.slot) proc parseRoot*(str: string): Eth2Digest = return Eth2Digest(data: hexToByteArray[32](str)) func checkEpochToSlotOverflow*(epoch: Epoch) = const maxEpoch = compute_epoch_at_slot(not 0'u64) if epoch >= maxEpoch: raise newException( ValueError, "Requesting epoch for which slot would overflow") proc doChecksAndGetCurrentHead*(node: BeaconNode, slot: Slot): BlockRef = result = node.chainDag.head if not node.isSynced(result): raise newException(CatchableError, "Cannot fulfill request until node is synced") # TODO for now we limit the requests arbitrarily by up to 2 epochs into the future if result.slot + uint64(2 * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) < slot: raise newException(CatchableError, "Requesting way ahead of the current head") proc doChecksAndGetCurrentHead*(node: BeaconNode, epoch: Epoch): BlockRef = checkEpochToSlotOverflow(epoch) node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(epoch.compute_start_slot_at_epoch) proc getBlockSlotFromString*(node: BeaconNode, slot: string): BlockSlot = if slot.len == 0: raise newException(ValueError, "Empty slot number not allowed") var parsed: BiggestUInt if parseBiggestUInt(slot, parsed) != slot.len: raise newException(ValueError, "Not a valid slot number") let head = node.doChecksAndGetCurrentHead(parsed.Slot) return head.atSlot(parsed.Slot) proc stateIdToBlockSlot*(node: BeaconNode, stateId: string): BlockSlot = result = case stateId: of "head": node.chainDag.head.toBlockSlot() of "genesis": node.chainDag.getGenesisBlockSlot() of "finalized": node.chainDag.finalizedHead of "justified": node.chainDag.head.atEpochStart( else: if stateId.startsWith("0x"): let blckRoot = parseRoot(stateId) let blckRef = node.chainDag.getRef(blckRoot) if blckRef.isNil: raise newException(CatchableError, "Block not found") blckRef.toBlockSlot() else: node.getBlockSlotFromString(stateId)