# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[os, sequtils, times], stew/[byteutils, base10], chronicles, ./spec/eth2_apis/rest_beacon_client, ./spec/signatures, ./validators/keystore_management, "."/[conf, beacon_clock, filepath] type ValidatorStorageKind* {.pure.} = enum Keystore, Identifier ValidatorStorage* = object case kind: ValidatorStorageKind of ValidatorStorageKind.Keystore: privateKey: ValidatorPrivKey of ValidatorStorageKind.Identifier: ident: ValidatorIdent proc getSignedExitMessage( config: BeaconNodeConf, storage: ValidatorStorage, validatorKeyAsStr: string, exitAtEpoch: Epoch, validatorIdx: uint64, fork: Fork, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest ): SignedVoluntaryExit = let signingKey = case storage.kind of ValidatorStorageKind.Identifier: let validatorsDir = config.validatorsDir keystoreDir = validatorsDir / validatorKeyAsStr if not dirExists(keystoreDir): echo "The validator keystores directory '" & validatorsDir & "' does not contain a keystore for the selected validator " & "with public key '" & validatorKeyAsStr & "'." quit 1 let signingItem = loadKeystore( validatorsDir, config.secretsDir, validatorKeyAsStr, config.nonInteractive, nil) if signingItem.isNone: fatal "Unable to continue without decrypted signing key" quit 1 signingItem.get().privateKey of ValidatorStorageKind.Keystore: storage.privateKey var signedExit = SignedVoluntaryExit( message: VoluntaryExit( epoch: exitAtEpoch, validator_index: validatorIdx ) ) signedExit.signature = get_voluntary_exit_signature(fork, genesis_validators_root, signedExit.message, signingKey).toValidatorSig() signedExit type ClientExitAction = enum abort = "q" confirm = "I understand the implications of submitting a voluntary exit" proc askForExitConfirmation(): ClientExitAction = template ask(prompt: string): string = try: stdout.write prompt, ": " stdin.readLine() except IOError: fatal "Failed to read user input from stdin" quit 1 echoP "PLEASE BEWARE!" echoP "Publishing a voluntary exit is an irreversible operation! " & "You won't be able to restart again with the same validator." echoP "You must keep your validator running for at least 5 epochs " & "(32 minutes) after requesting a validator exit, as you will " & "still be required to perform validator duties until your exit " & "has been processed. The number of epochs could be significantly " & "higher depending on how many other validators are queued to exit." echoP "As such, we recommend you keep track of your validator's status " & "using an Eth2 block explorer before shutting down your beacon node." var choice = "" while not(choice == $ClientExitAction.confirm or choice == $ClientExitAction.abort) : echoP "To proceed to submitting your voluntary exit, please type '" & $ClientExitAction.confirm & "' (without the quotes) in the prompt below and " & "press ENTER or type 'q' to quit." echo "" choice = ask "Your choice" if choice == $ClientExitAction.confirm: ClientExitAction.confirm else: ClientExitAction.abort proc getValidator*(decryptor: var MultipleKeystoresDecryptor, name: string): Result[ValidatorStorage, string] = let ident = ValidatorIdent.decodeString(name) if ident.isErr(): if not(isFile(name)): return err($ident.error) let key = decryptor.importKeystoreFromFile(name) if key.isErr(): return err(key.error()) ok(ValidatorStorage(kind: ValidatorStorageKind.Keystore, privateKey: key.get())) else: ok(ValidatorStorage(kind: ValidatorStorageKind.Identifier, ident: ident.get())) func getIdent*(storage: ValidatorStorage): ValidatorIdent = case storage.kind of ValidatorStorageKind.Keystore: ValidatorIdent(kind: ValidatorQueryKind.Key, key: storage.privateKey.toPubKey().toPubKey()) of ValidatorStorageKind.Identifier: storage.ident proc restValidatorExit(config: BeaconNodeConf) {.async.} = let client = RestClientRef.new(config.restUrlForExit).valueOr: raise (ref RestError)(msg: $error) stateIdHead = StateIdent(kind: StateQueryKind.Named, value: StateIdentType.Head) # Before making any REST requests, we'll make sure that the supplied # inputs are correct: var validators: seq[ValidatorStorage] if config.exitAllValidatorsFlag: var keystoreCache = KeystoreCacheRef.init() for keystore in listLoadableKeystores(config, keystoreCache): validators.add ValidatorStorage(kind: ValidatorStorageKind.Keystore, privateKey: keystore.privateKey) else: var decryptor: MultipleKeystoresDecryptor defer: dispose decryptor for pubKey in config.exitedValidators: let validatorStorage = decryptor.getValidator(pubkey).valueOr: fatal "Incorrect validator index, key or keystore path specified", value = pubKey, reason = error quit 1 validators.add validatorStorage let genesis = try: let response = await client.getGenesisPlain() if response.status == 200: let genesis = decodeBytes(GetGenesisResponse, response.data, response.contentType) if genesis.isErr(): raise newException(RestError, $genesis.error) genesis.get().data else: raiseGenericError(response) except CatchableError as exc: fatal "Failed to obtain the genesis validators root of the network", reason = exc.msg quit 1 let currentEpoch = block: let beaconClock = BeaconClock.init(genesis.genesis_time).valueOr: error "Server returned invalid genesis time", genesis quit 1 time = getTime() slot = beaconClock.toSlot(time).slot Epoch(slot.uint64 div 32) let exitAtEpoch = if config.exitAtEpoch.isSome: Epoch config.exitAtEpoch.get else: currentEpoch let fork = try: let response = await client.getStateForkPlain(stateIdHead) if response.status == 200: let fork = decodeBytes(GetStateForkResponse, response.data, response.contentType) if fork.isErr(): raise newException(RestError, $fork.error) fork.get().data else: raiseGenericError(response) except CatchableError as exc: fatal "Failed to obtain the fork id of the head state", reason = exc.msg quit 1 let signingFork = try: let response = await client.getSpecVC() if response.status == 200: let spec = response.data.data denebForkEpoch = block: let s = spec.getOrDefault("DENEB_FORK_EPOCH", $FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH) Epoch(Base10.decode(uint64, s).get(uint64(FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH))) # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#voluntary-exits # https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.0/specs/deneb/beacon-chain.md#modified-process_voluntary_exit if currentEpoch >= denebForkEpoch: let capellaForkVersion = block: var res: Version # CAPELLA_FOR_VERSION has specific format - "0x01000000", so # default empty string is invalid, so `hexToByteArrayStrict` # will raise exception on empty string. let s = spec.getOrDefault("CAPELLA_FORK_VERSION", "") hexToByteArrayStrict(s, distinctBase(res)) res Fork( current_version: capellaForkVersion, previous_version: capellaForkVersion, epoch: GENESIS_EPOCH) # irrelevant when current/previous identical else: fork else: raise newException(RestError, "Error response (" & $response.status & ")") except CatchableError as exc: fatal "Failed to obtain the config spec of the beacon node", reason = exc.msg quit 1 debug "Signing fork obtained", fork = fork if not config.printData: case askForExitConfirmation() of ClientExitAction.abort: quit 0 of ClientExitAction.confirm: discard var hadErrors = false for validator in validators: let restValidator = try: let response = await client.getStateValidatorPlain( stateIdHead, validator.getIdent) if response.status == 200: let validatorInfo = decodeBytes(GetStateValidatorResponse, response.data, response.contentType) if validatorInfo.isErr(): raise newException(RestError, $validatorInfo.error) validatorInfo.get().data else: raiseGenericError(response) except CatchableError as exc: fatal "Failed to obtain information for validator", reason = exc.msg quit 1 let validatorIdx = restValidator.index.uint64 validatorKey = restValidator.validator.pubkey let genesis_validators_root = genesis.genesis_validators_root validatorKeyAsStr = "0x" & $validatorKey signedExit = getSignedExitMessage(config, validator, validatorKeyAsStr, exitAtEpoch, validatorIdx, fork, genesis_validators_root) if config.printData: let bytes = encodeBytes(signedExit, "application/json").valueOr: error "Unable to serialize signed exit message", reason = error hadErrors = true continue echoP "You can use following command to send voluntary exit message to " & "remote beacon node host:\n" echo "curl -X 'POST' \\" echo " '" & config.restUrlForExit & "/eth/v1/beacon/pool/voluntary_exits' \\" echo " -H 'Accept: */*' \\" echo " -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\" echo " -d '" & string.fromBytes(bytes) & "'" quit 0 else: try: let validatorDesc = $validatorIdx & "(" & validatorKeyAsStr[0..9] & ")" response = await client.submitPoolVoluntaryExit(signedExit) success = response.status == 200 if success: echo "Successfully published voluntary exit for validator " & validatorDesc & "." else: hadErrors = true let responseError = try: RestJson.decode(response.data, RestErrorMessage) except CatchableError as exc: error "Failed to decode invalid error server response on " & "`submitPoolVoluntaryExit` request", reason = exc.msg continue let responseMessage = responseError.message responseStacktraces = responseError.stacktraces echo "The voluntary exit for validator " & validatorDesc & " was not submitted successfully." echo responseMessage & ":" for el in responseStacktraces.get(): echo el echoP "Please try again." except CatchableError as err: fatal "Failed to send the signed exit message", signedExit, reason = err.msg hadErrors = true if hadErrors: quit 1 proc handleValidatorExitCommand(config: BeaconNodeConf) {.async.} = await restValidatorExit(config) proc doDeposits*(config: BeaconNodeConf, rng: var HmacDrbgContext) {. raises: [CatchableError].} = case config.depositsCmd of DepositsCmd.createTestnetDeposits: if config.eth2Network.isNone: fatal "Please specify the intended testnet for the deposits" quit 1 let metadata = config.loadEth2Network() var seed: KeySeed defer: burnMem(seed) var walletPath: WalletPathPair if config.existingWalletId.isSome: let id = config.existingWalletId.get found = findWallet(config, id).valueOr: fatal "Failed to locate wallet", error = error quit 1 if found.isSome: walletPath = found.get else: fatal "Unable to find wallet with the specified name/uuid", id quit 1 var unlocked = unlockWalletInteractively(walletPath.wallet) if unlocked.isOk: swap(seed, unlocked.get) else: # The failure will be reported in `unlockWalletInteractively`. quit 1 else: var walletRes = createWalletInteractively(rng, config) if walletRes.isErr: fatal "Unable to create wallet", err = walletRes.error quit 1 else: swap(seed, walletRes.get.seed) walletPath = walletRes.get.walletPath if (let res = secureCreatePath(config.outValidatorsDir); res.isErr): fatal "Could not create directory", path = config.outValidatorsDir, err = ioErrorMsg(res.error) quit QuitFailure if (let res = secureCreatePath(config.outSecretsDir); res.isErr): fatal "Could not create directory", path = config.outSecretsDir, err = ioErrorMsg(res.error) quit QuitFailure let deposits = generateDeposits( metadata.cfg, rng, seed, walletPath.wallet.nextAccount, config.totalDeposits, config.outValidatorsDir, config.outSecretsDir, @[], 0, 0, KeystoreMode.Fast) if deposits.isErr: fatal "Failed to generate deposits", err = deposits.error quit 1 try: let depositDataPath = if config.outDepositsFile.isSome: config.outDepositsFile.get.string else: config.outValidatorsDir / "deposit_data-" & $epochTime() & ".json" let launchPadDeposits = mapIt(deposits.value, LaunchPadDeposit.init(metadata.cfg, it)) Json.saveFile(depositDataPath, launchPadDeposits) echo "Deposit data written to \"", depositDataPath, "\"" walletPath.wallet.nextAccount += deposits.value.len let status = saveWallet(walletPath) if status.isErr: fatal "Failed to update wallet file after generating deposits", wallet = walletPath.path, error = status.error quit 1 except CatchableError as err: fatal "Failed to create launchpad deposit data file", err = err.msg quit 1 #[ of DepositsCmd.status: echo "The status command is not implemented yet" quit 1 ]# of DepositsCmd.`import`: let validatorKeysDir = if config.importedDepositsDir.isSome: config.importedDepositsDir.get else: let cwd = os.getCurrentDir() if dirExists(cwd / "validator_keys"): InputDir(cwd / "validator_keys") else: echo "The default search path for validator keys is a sub-directory " & "named 'validator_keys' in the current working directory. " & " Since no such directory exists, please either provide the " & "correct path as an argument or copy the imported keys in the " & "expected location." quit 1 importKeystoresFromDir( rng, config.importMethod, validatorKeysDir.string, config.validatorsDir, config.secretsDir) of DepositsCmd.exit: waitFor handleValidatorExitCommand(config)