# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} {.used.} import # Utilities chronicles, unittest2, stew/results, # Beacon chain internals ../../../beacon_chain/spec/state_transition_block, ../../../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/bellatrix, # Test utilities ../../testutil, ../fixtures_utils, ../os_ops, ../../helpers/debug_state from std/sequtils import mapIt, toSeq from std/strutils import contains from ../../../beacon_chain/spec/beaconstate import get_base_reward_per_increment, get_total_active_balance, process_attestation const OpDir = SszTestsDir/const_preset/"bellatrix"/"operations" OpAttestationsDir = OpDir/"attestation" OpAttSlashingDir = OpDir/"attester_slashing" OpBlockHeaderDir = OpDir/"block_header" OpDepositsDir = OpDir/"deposit" OpExecutionPayloadDir = OpDir/"execution_payload" OpProposerSlashingDir = OpDir/"proposer_slashing" OpSyncAggregateDir = OpDir/"sync_aggregate" OpVoluntaryExitDir = OpDir/"voluntary_exit" baseDescription = "EF - Bellatrix - Operations - " doAssert toHashSet(mapIt(toSeq(walkDir(OpDir, relative = false)), it.path)) == toHashSet([OpAttestationsDir, OpAttSlashingDir, OpBlockHeaderDir, OpDepositsDir, OpExecutionPayloadDir, OpProposerSlashingDir, OpSyncAggregateDir, OpVoluntaryExitDir]) proc runTest[T, U]( testSuiteDir, suiteName, opName, applyFile: string, applyProc: U, identifier: string) = let testDir = testSuiteDir / "pyspec_tests" / identifier let prefix = if fileExists(testDir/"post.ssz_snappy"): "[Valid] " else: "[Invalid] " test prefix & baseDescription & opName & " - " & identifier: let preState = newClone( parseTest(testDir/"pre.ssz_snappy", SSZ, bellatrix.BeaconState)) let done = applyProc( preState[], parseTest(testDir/(applyFile & ".ssz_snappy"), SSZ, T)) if fileExists(testDir/"post.ssz_snappy"): let postState = newClone(parseTest( testDir/"post.ssz_snappy", SSZ, bellatrix.BeaconState)) check: done.isOk() preState[].hash_tree_root() == postState[].hash_tree_root() reportDiff(preState, postState) else: check: done.isErr() # No post state = processing should fail suite baseDescription & "Attestation " & preset(): proc applyAttestation( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, attestation: Attestation): Result[void, cstring] = var cache: StateCache let total_active_balance = get_total_active_balance(preState, cache) base_reward_per_increment = get_base_reward_per_increment(total_active_balance) # This returns the proposer reward for including the attestation, which # isn't tested here. discard ? process_attestation( preState, attestation, {}, base_reward_per_increment, cache) ok() for path in walkTests(OpAttestationsDir): runTest[Attestation, typeof applyAttestation]( OpAttestationsDir, suiteName, "Attestation", "attestation", applyAttestation, path) suite baseDescription & "Attester Slashing " & preset(): proc applyAttesterSlashing( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, attesterSlashing: AttesterSlashing): Result[void, cstring] = var cache: StateCache doAssert (? process_attester_slashing( defaultRuntimeConfig, preState, attesterSlashing, {}, cache)) > 0.Gwei ok() for path in walkTests(OpAttSlashingDir): runTest[AttesterSlashing, typeof applyAttesterSlashing]( OpAttSlashingDir, suiteName, "Attester Slashing", "attester_slashing", applyAttesterSlashing, path) suite baseDescription & "Block Header " & preset(): func applyBlockHeader( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, blck: bellatrix.BeaconBlock): Result[void, cstring] = var cache: StateCache process_block_header(preState, blck, {}, cache) for path in walkTests(OpBlockHeaderDir): runTest[bellatrix.BeaconBlock, typeof applyBlockHeader]( OpBlockHeaderDir, suiteName, "Block Header", "block", applyBlockHeader, path) from ".."/".."/".."/beacon_chain/bloomfilter import constructBloomFilter suite baseDescription & "Deposit " & preset(): proc applyDeposit( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, deposit: Deposit): Result[void, cstring] = process_deposit( defaultRuntimeConfig, preState, constructBloomFilter(preState.validators.asSeq)[], deposit, {}) for path in walkTests(OpDepositsDir): runTest[Deposit, typeof applyDeposit]( OpDepositsDir, suiteName, "Deposit", "deposit", applyDeposit, path) suite baseDescription & "Execution Payload " & preset(): proc makeApplyExecutionPayloadCb(path: string): auto = return proc( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, body: bellatrix.BeaconBlockBody): Result[void, cstring] {.raises: [IOError].} = let payloadValid = os_ops.readFile( OpExecutionPayloadDir/"pyspec_tests"/path/"execution.yaml" ).contains("execution_valid: true") func executePayload(_: bellatrix.ExecutionPayload): bool = payloadValid process_execution_payload( preState, body.execution_payload, executePayload) for path in walkTests(OpExecutionPayloadDir): let applyExecutionPayload = makeApplyExecutionPayloadCb(path) runTest[bellatrix.BeaconBlockBody, typeof applyExecutionPayload]( OpExecutionPayloadDir, suiteName, "Execution Payload", "body", applyExecutionPayload, path) suite baseDescription & "Proposer Slashing " & preset(): proc applyProposerSlashing( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, proposerSlashing: ProposerSlashing): Result[void, cstring] = var cache: StateCache doAssert (? process_proposer_slashing( defaultRuntimeConfig, preState, proposerSlashing, {}, cache)) > 0.Gwei ok() for path in walkTests(OpProposerSlashingDir): runTest[ProposerSlashing, typeof applyProposerSlashing]( OpProposerSlashingDir, suiteName, "Proposer Slashing", "proposer_slashing", applyProposerSlashing, path) suite baseDescription & "Sync Aggregate " & preset(): proc applySyncAggregate( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, syncAggregate: SyncAggregate): Result[void, cstring] = var cache: StateCache doAssert (? process_sync_aggregate( preState, syncAggregate, get_total_active_balance(preState, cache), {}, cache)) > 0.Gwei ok() for path in walkTests(OpSyncAggregateDir): runTest[SyncAggregate, typeof applySyncAggregate]( OpSyncAggregateDir, suiteName, "Sync Aggregate", "sync_aggregate", applySyncAggregate, path) suite baseDescription & "Voluntary Exit " & preset(): proc applyVoluntaryExit( preState: var bellatrix.BeaconState, voluntaryExit: SignedVoluntaryExit): Result[void, cstring] = var cache: StateCache process_voluntary_exit( defaultRuntimeConfig, preState, voluntaryExit, {}, cache) for path in walkTests(OpVoluntaryExitDir): runTest[SignedVoluntaryExit, typeof applyVoluntaryExit]( OpVoluntaryExitDir, suiteName, "Voluntary Exit", "voluntary_exit", applyVoluntaryExit, path)