# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # State transition - block processing, as described in # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/master/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md#beacon-chain-state-transition-function # # The entry point is `process_block` which is at the bottom of this file. # # General notes about the code: # * Weird styling - the sections taken from the spec use python styling while # the others use NEP-1 - helps grepping identifiers in spec # * When updating the code, add TODO sections to mark where there are clear # improvements to be made - other than that, keep things similar to spec unless # motivated by security or performance considerations {.push raises: [Defect].} import std/[algorithm, intsets, options, sequtils], chronicles, ../extras, ../ssz/merkleization, metrics, ./beaconstate, ./crypto, ./datatypes, ./digest, ./helpers, ./validator, ./signatures, ./presets, ../../nbench/bench_lab # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#block-header func process_block_header*( state: var BeaconState, blck: SomeBeaconBlock, flags: UpdateFlags, stateCache: var StateCache): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = # Verify that the slots match if not (blck.slot == state.slot): return err("process_block_header: slot mismatch") # Verify that the block is newer than latest block header if not (blck.slot > state.latest_block_header.slot): return err("process_block_header: block not newer than latest block header") # Verify that proposer index is the correct index let proposer_index = get_beacon_proposer_index(state, stateCache) if proposer_index.isNone: return err("process_block_header: proposer missing") if not (blck.proposer_index.ValidatorIndex == proposer_index.get): return err("process_block_header: proposer index incorrect") # Verify that the parent matches if not (blck.parent_root == hash_tree_root(state.latest_block_header)): return err("process_block_header: previous block root mismatch") # Verify proposer is not slashed if state.validators.asSeq()[blck.proposer_index].slashed: return err("process_block_header: proposer slashed") # Cache current block as the new latest block state.latest_block_header = BeaconBlockHeader( slot: blck.slot, proposer_index: blck.proposer_index, parent_root: blck.parent_root, # state_root: zeroed, overwritten in the next `process_slot` call body_root: hash_tree_root(blck.body), ) ok() func `xor`[T: array](a, b: T): T = for i in 0.. SLOTS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD: state.eth1_data = body.eth1_data # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#is_slashable_validator func is_slashable_validator(validator: Validator, epoch: Epoch): bool = # Check if ``validator`` is slashable. (not validator.slashed) and (validator.activation_epoch <= epoch) and (epoch < validator.withdrawable_epoch) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#proposer-slashings proc check_proposer_slashing*( state: var BeaconState, proposer_slashing: SomeProposerSlashing, flags: UpdateFlags): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = let header_1 = proposer_slashing.signed_header_1.message header_2 = proposer_slashing.signed_header_2.message # Not from spec if header_1.proposer_index >= state.validators.lenu64: return err("check_proposer_slashing: invalid proposer index") # Verify header slots match if not (header_1.slot == header_2.slot): return err("check_proposer_slashing: slot mismatch") # Verify header proposer indices match if not (header_1.proposer_index == header_2.proposer_index): return err("check_proposer_slashing: proposer indices mismatch") # Verify the headers are different if not (header_1 != header_2): return err("check_proposer_slashing: headers not different") # Verify the proposer is slashable let proposer = unsafeAddr state.validators.asSeq()[header_1.proposer_index] if not is_slashable_validator(proposer[], get_current_epoch(state)): return err("check_proposer_slashing: slashed proposer") # Verify signatures if skipBlsValidation notin flags: for signed_header in [proposer_slashing.signed_header_1, proposer_slashing.signed_header_2]: if not verify_block_signature( state.fork, state.genesis_validators_root, signed_header.message.slot, signed_header.message, proposer[].pubkey, signed_header.signature): return err("check_proposer_slashing: invalid signature") ok() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#proposer-slashings proc process_proposer_slashing*( state: var BeaconState, proposer_slashing: SomeProposerSlashing, flags: UpdateFlags, cache: var StateCache): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = ? check_proposer_slashing(state, proposer_slashing, flags) slash_validator( state, proposer_slashing.signed_header_1.message.proposer_index.ValidatorIndex, cache) ok() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#is_slashable_attestation_data func is_slashable_attestation_data*( data_1: AttestationData, data_2: AttestationData): bool = ## Check if ``data_1`` and ``data_2`` are slashable according to Casper FFG ## rules. # Double vote (data_1 != data_2 and data_1.target.epoch == data_2.target.epoch) or # Surround vote (data_1.source.epoch < data_2.source.epoch and data_2.target.epoch < data_1.target.epoch) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#attester-slashings proc check_attester_slashing*( state: var BeaconState, attester_slashing: SomeAttesterSlashing, flags: UpdateFlags ): Result[seq[ValidatorIndex], cstring] {.nbench.} = let attestation_1 = attester_slashing.attestation_1 attestation_2 = attester_slashing.attestation_2 if not is_slashable_attestation_data( attestation_1.data, attestation_2.data): return err("Attester slashing: surround or double vote check failed") if not is_valid_indexed_attestation(state, attestation_1, flags).isOk(): return err("Attester slashing: invalid attestation 1") if not is_valid_indexed_attestation(state, attestation_2, flags).isOk(): return err("Attester slashing: invalid attestation 2") var slashed_indices: seq[ValidatorIndex] for index in sorted(toSeq(intersection( toIntSet(attestation_1.attesting_indices.asSeq), toIntSet(attestation_2.attesting_indices.asSeq)).items), system.cmp): if is_slashable_validator( state.validators.asSeq()[index], get_current_epoch(state)): slashed_indices.add index.ValidatorIndex if slashed_indices.len == 0: return err("Attester slashing: Trying to slash participant(s) twice") ok slashed_indices # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#attester-slashings proc process_attester_slashing*( state: var BeaconState, attester_slashing: SomeAttesterSlashing, flags: UpdateFlags, cache: var StateCache ): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = let attester_slashing_validity = check_attester_slashing(state, attester_slashing, flags) if attester_slashing_validity.isErr: return err(attester_slashing_validity.error) for index in attester_slashing_validity.value: slash_validator(state, index, cache) ok() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#voluntary-exits proc check_voluntary_exit*( state: BeaconState, signed_voluntary_exit: SomeSignedVoluntaryExit, flags: UpdateFlags): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = let voluntary_exit = signed_voluntary_exit.message # Not in spec. Check that validator_index is in range if voluntary_exit.validator_index >= state.validators.lenu64: return err("Exit: invalid validator index") let validator = unsafeAddr state.validators.asSeq()[voluntary_exit.validator_index] # Verify the validator is active if not is_active_validator(validator[], get_current_epoch(state)): return err("Exit: validator not active") # Verify exit has not been initiated if validator[].exit_epoch != FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH: return err("Exit: validator has exited") # Exits must specify an epoch when they become valid; they are not valid # before then if not (get_current_epoch(state) >= voluntary_exit.epoch): return err("Exit: exit epoch not passed") # Verify the validator has been active long enough if not (get_current_epoch(state) >= validator[].activation_epoch + SHARD_COMMITTEE_PERIOD): return err("Exit: not in validator set long enough") # Verify signature if skipBlsValidation notin flags: if not verify_voluntary_exit_signature( state.fork, state.genesis_validators_root, voluntary_exit, validator[].pubkey, signed_voluntary_exit.signature): return err("Exit: invalid signature") # Initiate exit debug "Exit: checking voluntary exit (validator_leaving)", index = voluntary_exit.validator_index, num_validators = state.validators.len, epoch = voluntary_exit.epoch, current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state), validator_slashed = validator[].slashed, validator_withdrawable_epoch = validator[].withdrawable_epoch, validator_exit_epoch = validator[].exit_epoch, validator_effective_balance = validator[].effective_balance ok() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#voluntary-exits proc process_voluntary_exit*( state: var BeaconState, signed_voluntary_exit: SomeSignedVoluntaryExit, flags: UpdateFlags, cache: var StateCache): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = ? check_voluntary_exit(state, signed_voluntary_exit, flags) initiate_validator_exit( state, signed_voluntary_exit.message.validator_index.ValidatorIndex, cache) ok() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#operations proc process_operations(preset: RuntimePreset, state: var BeaconState, body: SomeBeaconBlockBody, flags: UpdateFlags, cache: var StateCache): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.} = # Verify that outstanding deposits are processed up to the maximum number of # deposits let req_deposits = min(MAX_DEPOSITS, state.eth1_data.deposit_count - state.eth1_deposit_index) if state.eth1_data.deposit_count < state.eth1_deposit_index or body.deposits.lenu64 != req_deposits: return err("incorrect number of deposits") template for_ops(operations: auto, fn: auto) = for operation in operations: let res = fn(state, operation, flags, cache) if res.isErr: return res for_ops(body.proposer_slashings, process_proposer_slashing) for_ops(body.attester_slashings, process_attester_slashing) for_ops(body.attestations, process_attestation) for deposit in body.deposits: let res = process_deposit(preset, state, deposit, flags) if res.isErr: return res for_ops(body.voluntary_exits, process_voluntary_exit) ok() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#block-processing proc process_block*( preset: RuntimePreset, state: var BeaconState, blck: SomeBeaconBlock, flags: UpdateFlags, stateCache: var StateCache): Result[void, cstring] {.nbench.}= ## When there's a new block, we need to verify that the block is sane and ## update the state accordingly - the state is left in an unknown state when ## block application fails (!) ? process_block_header(state, blck, flags, stateCache) if not process_randao(state, blck.body, flags, stateCache): return err("Randao failure".cstring) process_eth1_data(state, blck.body) let res_ops = process_operations(preset, state, blck.body, flags, stateCache) if res_ops.isErr: return res_ops ok()